

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > updates-src > by-pkgid > e28c23db4b6e762c14e50e7b195f7b1f > files > 6


# You should first initialize your pubcookie keys by setting 'keymgt_uri' in
# your /etc/pubcookie/config file for keyclient, and then running:
#  'keyclient; keyclient -G /var/lib/pubcookie/pubcookie_granting.crt'
# Then, select appropriate values for the relevant directives below
# (e.g. PubcookieLogin, PubcookieDomain, PubcookieCryptKeyfile, etc.),
# and uncomment the following line:

#LoadModule pubcookie_module	modules/

<IfModule mod_pubcookie.c>

#   AuthType directive
#      Syntax: AuthType type
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      This directive selects the type of user authentication applied to a
#      resource. It must be accompanied by a require directive when used with
#      an authentication type handled by mod_pubcookie.
#      The type is case-insensitive and can be any name defined by
#      PubcookieAuthTypeNames or supported as an existing core AuthType (e.g.
#      Basic).

#   PubcookieInactiveExpire directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieInactiveExpire expire-time-in-seconds
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The duration of inactivity allowed between a user and an application
#      before the session expires. Expiration due to inactivity causes a loop
#      thru the login server to obtain a new granting cookie.
#      The default value is 30 minutes which is defined as
#      PBC_DEFAULT_INACT_EXPIRE in pbc_config.h. Minimium inactivity timeout
#      is five minutes.
#      A value of -1 turns off the check for inactivity.

#   PubcookieHardExpire directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieHardExpire expire-time-in-seconds
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The maximum duration of an application session, regardless of user
#      activity. Expiration due to reaching the hard timeout causes a loop
#      thru the login server to obtain a new granting cookie.
#      The default value is eight hours which is defined as
#      PBC_DEFAULT_HARD_EXPIRE in pbc_config.h. The minimium is one hour; the
#      maximium is twelve hours.

#   PubcookieAppID directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieAppID application-name
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The name of the application. The default is the directory path.
#      Use of this directive may require that you set AllowOverride All in
#      httpd.conf.

#   PubcookieDirDepthforAppID directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieDirDepthforAppID depth
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      Allows you to limit the length of default AppIDs to a specific number
#      of directories.
#      The depth is the number of directories that the AppID will be
#      truncated to. e.g.:
#   /           0
#   /blah/      1
#   /blah/asdf/ 2
#      This directive has no effect if PubcookieAppID is specified.

#   PubcookieAppSrvID directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieAppSrvID AppServerID
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      Allows you to specify an AppSrvID string, instead of using the default
#      based on your ServerName.

#   PubcookieLogin directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieLogin url-of-login-server
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The location of the login cgi on the pubcookie login server.

#   PubcookieLoginMethod directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieLoginMethod GET | POST
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.2.0 and higher and Apache
#      1.2 and later.
#      This directive specifies how authentication requests and responses are
#      communicated between the module and the login server.
#      The default method, GET, is Pubcookie's classic cookie-based messaging
#      method. It communicates the request and response using meta-refresh
#      redirects and cookies scoped to the enterprise domain (see
#      PubcookieDomain).
#      The newer method, POST, is closer to the industry standard SAML
#      Browser/POST profile. It communicates the request and response using
#      HTTP POST message bodies and uses, but does not require, Javascript to
#      facilitate the process. It requires an additional PubcookiePostURL
#      endpoint to consume the initial response sent by the login server.
#      All versions of the module prior to 3.2.0 can only use the GET method.
#      Versions 3.2.0 and higher support either method.

#   PubcookiePostURL directive
#      Syntax: PubcookiePostURL post-reply-url
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.2.0 and higher and Apache
#      1.2 and later.
#      This directive specifies the URL endpoint used to consume
#      authentication responses sent from the login server when using the
#      POST PubcookieLoginMethod.
#      The default location is /PubCookie.reply.

#   PubcookieDomain directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieDomain domain
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.0.0 and higher and Apache
#      1.2 and later.
#      The DNS domain used to scope the cookies that carry the messages in
#      Pubcookie's classic cookie-based messaging method. It must be at least
#      a second level domain.
#      Note: Sites can use the POST-based messaging method to avoid DNS
#      domain issues entirely. Sites in country code top-level domains (e.g.
# must do so, since browsers don't allow cookies to be set
#      to second level domains within country code top-level domains. See
#      PubcookieLoginMethod.

#   PubcookieGrantingCertfile directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieGrantingCertfile filename
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The name of the file containing the login server's certificate used to
#      verify granting cookies.
#      The default is /usr/local/pubcookie/pubcookie_granting.cert which is
#      defined as PBC_G_CERTFILE in pbc_config.h.
PubcookieGrantingCertfile /var/lib/pubcookie/pubcookie_granting.crt

#   PubcookieSessionKeyfile directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieSessionKeyfile filename
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The name of the file containing the private key for session cookies.
#      The default is /usr/local/pubcookie/pubcookie_session.key which is
#      defined as PBC_S_KEYFILE in pbc_config.h.
# we use the same key (and cert) used for HTTPS (see ./ssl.conf):
PubcookieSessionKeyfile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key

#   PubcookieSessionCertfile directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieSessionCertfile filename
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      The name of the file containing the certificate for session cookies.
#      The default is /usr/local/pubcookie/pubcookie_session.cert which is
#      defined as PBC_S_CERTFILE in pbc_config.h.
# we use the same cert (and key) used for HTTPS (see ./ssl.conf):
PubcookieSessionCertfile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt

#   PubcookieCryptKeyfile directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieCryptKeyfile filename
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later
#      The name of the file containing the symmetric encryption key obtained
#      from your keyserver for encrypting/decrypting private data.
#      The default is /usr/local/pubcookie/c_key which is defined as
#      PBC_CRYPT_KEYFILE in pbc_config.h.
# obtained via 'keyclient', named after our server name
PubcookieCryptKeyfile /var/lib/pubcookie/

#   PubcookieKeyDir directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieCryptKeyfile filename
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later
#      The location of shared keys for encrypting/decrypting cookies.

#   PubcookieEndSession directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieEndSession redirect | clearLogin | on | off
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 1.69 and later and Apache 1.3
#      and later.
#      This directive is used to end an application session. It should be
#      placed in a child directory or explicitly have the same PubcookieAppID
#      as the application it is going to affect. (E.g., if /webapp/ defines
#      the AuthType directive, then /webapp/logout/ would typically be used
#      to define PubcookieEndSession.)
#      With arguments on, redirect, and clearLogin the session cookie is
#      cleared. Re-requesting the resource will require a trip to the login
#      server to retrieve a new granting cookie. Note: session cookies of
#      other applications are not cleared by the PubcookieEndSession
#      directive, only the session cookie applicable to the scope of the
#      current application.
#      After clearing the session cookie, the redirect and clearLogin
#      arguments redirect the browser back to the login server which
#      generates a response page. The clearLogin argument also causes the
#      login server to clear the user's login cookie.
#      The off argument turns off all PubcookieEndSession functionality.

#   PubcookieEncryption directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieEncryption AES | DES | AES+DOMAIN
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.3.0 and higher and Apache
#      1.2 and later.
#      This directive defines the encryption algorithm used by the module to
#      encrypt and decrypt private cookie data, including pre-session and
#      session cookies as well as the type of encryption it asks for and
#      expects from the login server for granting cookies and messages.
#      In version 3.3.0 and higher, AES encryption is the default (unless the
#      module has been built with the --enable-default-des option). The only
#      encryption method supported in earlier versions is DES. Therefore, you
#      must set this directive to use DES encryption to interoperate with
#      login servers earlier than version 3.3.0.
#      The AES+DOMAIN setting enables the module's wildcard subdomain
#      capability.

#   PubcookieSessionCauseReAuth directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieSessionCauseReAuth on | off | grace-time-in-seconds
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: All versions of mod_pubcookie and Apache 1.2 and later.
#      mod_pubcookie version 3.1 and above required for grace time.
#      When set to on, the PubcookieSessionCauseReAuth directive causes the
#      user to be reauthenticated, thus overriding single sign-on. Users must
#      re-enter valid credentials to establish an application session.
#      Use a grace-time-in-seconds to indicate a grace time wherein no
#      reauthentication is necessary (e.g., 1800 for 30 minutes of grace
#      time). This feature allows an application to establish an acceptable
#      balance between convenience and risk.

#   PubcookieAuthTypeNames directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieAuthTypeNames name1 [name2 ...]
#      Context: server config, virtual host, directory
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 1.77 and higher and Apache
#      1.3 and later.
#      This directive names the new authentication types added by
#      mod_pubcookie to the AuthType directive. For example,
#      PubcookieAuthTypeNames WebISO allows you to use AuthType WebISO.
#      The ordered list of the names maps each new authentication type
#      directly to an intrinsic Pubcookie credential type: name1 is
#      credential type "1", name2 is credential type "2", and so on. This is
#      how Pubcookie ties each AuthType to a different "login flavor" handled
#      by the login server. Of course, most sites have only one login flavor,
#      the basic flavor, and therefore only need to specify one name. Note:
#      if necessary, a value of null can be used to define an unused position
#      in the ordered list of PubcookieAuthTypeNames.
#      PubcookieAuthTypeNames is required in mod_pubcookie 1.77 and higher.
#      All users upgrading to mod_pubcookie 1.77 or higher must add this
#      directive to their server configuration.
PubcookieAuthTypeNames WebISO

#   PubcookieNoPrompt directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieNoPrompt on | off
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Override: AuthConfig
#      Compatibility: mod_pubcookie 3.1 and later; it also requires a 3.1 or
#      later login server
#      This directive prevents the login server from displaying the login
#      page, while still allowing single sign-on to the resource if the user
#      has already logged in.
#      If the user already has a valid login cookie they will be logged in
#      normally: i.e., returned to the application and given a standard
#      session cookie. If, on the other hand, they do not have a valid login
#      cookie they will be silently returned to the application (i.e., they
#      won't be prompted to log in) and given a session cookie with a blank
#      id.
#      The AUTH_TYPE and REMOTE_USER environment variables will be set only
#      if the user has a valid login cookie, thus taking advantage of the
#      no-prompt option and single sign-on. These environment variables will
#      not be set (just like any other unauthenticated request) if the user
#      has no valid login cookie.
#      Notes: Users may find sites behave inconsistently when the no-prompt
#      option is in use, not realzing that the behavior depends on whether
#      they've already logged in. Also, because a session cookie with the
#      blank id is established when the user hasn't already logged in, the
#      session will remain anonymous for the duration of the session, even if
#      the user subsequently logs in elsewhere.

#   PubcookieOnDemand directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieOnDemand key directive1 directive2...
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Override: AuthConfig
#      Compatibility: mod_pubcookie 3.1 and later; it also requires a 3.1 or
#      later login server
#      This directive controls the module's on-demand functionality.
#      Directives used on demand are normally quiescent and have no effect.
#      Only the presence of the activation cookie, OnDemandKey, with a value
#      matching the key, activates the associated on-demand directives
#      (directive1, directive2...) and sets the environment variable
#      ON_DEMAND_KEY to the active on-demand key. The activation cookie must
#      accompany each request for resource to be protected on demand.
#      The following directives can be used on demand (i.e. can be tied to,
#      and activated by, an on-demand key):
#        * AuthType
#        * Require
#        * PubcookieInactiveExpire
#        * PubcookieHardExpire
#        * PubcookieAppID
#        * PubcookieEndSession
#        * PubcookieSessionCauseReAuth
#        * PubcookieAddlRequest
#        * PubcookieNoPrompt
#      Activated PubcookieOnDemand directives will overrule any equivalent
#      directives specified elsewhere.
#      Notes: The activation cookie, OnDemandKey, and its key value are plain
#      text. Applications must query the ON_DEMAND_KEY environment variable
#      to make sure the remote user is authenticated and authorized according
#      to the desired on-demand key. Therefore, applications must also allow
#      for, and adjust to, missing or null REMOTE_USER and ON_DEMAND_KEY
#      environment variables.

#   PubcookieAddlRequest directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieAddlRequest opt1=val1 [opt2=val2...]
#      Context: directory, .htaccess
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.0 and higher and Apache 1.3
#      and later.
#      This directive allows the application to give arbitrary requests to
#      the login server. The directive causes the following options to be
#      sent to the login server along with authentication requests.
#      Currently, it is site-defined what options cause what sort of
#      responses from the login server and how these responses are returned.
#      Eventually, there will be a standardized mechanism for returning
#      answers. Likely they will be returned in extensions to the granting
#      response and set as environment variables.

#   PubcookieNoObscureCookies directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieNoObscureCookies on | off
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.2.1 and higher and Apache
#      1.3 and later.
#      By default, session cookies are obscured by the module before being
#      exposed to other handlers. To hand session cookies to other handlers
#      (such as CGI programs) set this directive.

#   PubcookieNoBlank directive
#      Syntax: PubCookieNoBlank on | off
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.0 and higher and Apache 1.3
#      and later.
#      This directive is deprecated in versions 3.2.1 and higher. Use the
#      PubcookieNoObscureCookies directive instead.

#   PubcookieEgdDevice directive
#      Syntax: PubcookieEgdDevice location
#      Context: server config, virtual host
#      Compatibility: Versions of mod_pubcookie 3.0 and higher and Apache 1.3
#      and later.
#      Location of EGD socket (e.g. /dev/egd-pool) if your system lacks
#      entropy.

# and here is an example on how to configure directories to use PubCookie:
#<Directory "/var/www/html">
#    <Limit GET POST>
#       Require valid-user
#    </Limit>
#    AuthType WebISO
#    PubCookieAppID "DemoPubCookieAuth"
#    PubCookieInactiveExpire 400
#    PubCookieHardExpire 3700
