

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > e0d43e73fc046755b382920d1e189f1b > files > 12


 Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Barry A Scott.  All rights reserved.

 This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE.txt,
 which you should have received as part of this distribution.

import pysvn
import time
import sys
import os
import parse_datetime
import glob
import locale

    sorted( [] )
except NameError:
    def sorted( list_in ):
        list_out = list( list_in )
        return list_out

class CommandError( Exception ):
    def __init__( self, reason ):
        Exception.__init__( self )
        self._reason = reason

    def reason( self ):
        return self._reason

    def __str__( self ):
        return self._reason

def main( args ):
    progname = os.path.basename( args[0] )
    pause = False
    if args[1:2] == ['--pause']:
        del args[1]
        pause = True

    # if the locale is not setup SVN can report errors handling non ascii file names

    svn_cmd = SvnCommand( progname )
    rc = svn_cmd.dispatch( args[1:] )
    if pause:
    return rc

def initLocale():
    # init the locale
    if sys.platform in ['win32','cygwin']:
        locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' )

        language_code, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
        if language_code is None:
            language_code = 'en_GB'

        if encoding is None:
            encoding = 'UTF-8'
        if encoding.lower() == 'utf':
            encoding = 'UTF-8'

            # setlocale fails when params it does not understand are passed
            locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '%s.%s' % (language_code, encoding) )
        except locale.Error:
            # force a locale that will work
            locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, 'en_GB.UTF-8' )

def fmtDateTime( t ):
    return time.strftime( '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime( t ) )

wc_status_kind_map = {
pysvn.wc_status_kind.added: 'A',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.conflicted: 'C',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.deleted: 'D',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.external: 'X',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.ignored: 'I',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.incomplete: '!',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.missing: '!',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.merged: 'G',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.modified: 'M',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.none: ' ',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.normal: ' ',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.obstructed: '~',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.replaced: 'R',
pysvn.wc_status_kind.unversioned: '?',

wc_notify_action_map = {
pysvn.wc_notify_action.add: 'A',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.commit_added: 'A',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.commit_deleted: 'D',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.commit_modified: 'M',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.commit_postfix_txdelta: None,
pysvn.wc_notify_action.commit_replaced: 'R',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.copy: 'c',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.delete: 'D',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.failed_revert: 'F',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.resolved: 'R',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.restore: 'R',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.revert: 'R',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.skip: 'skip',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.status_completed: None,
pysvn.wc_notify_action.status_external: 'X',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_add: 'A',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_completed: None,
pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_delete: 'D',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_external: 'X',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_update: 'U',
pysvn.wc_notify_action.annotate_revision: 'A',

# new in svn 1.4?
if hasattr( pysvn.wc_notify_action, 'locked' ):
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.locked ] = 'locked'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.unlocked ] = 'unlocked'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.failed_lock ] = 'failed_lock'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.failed_unlock ] = 'failed_unlock'

# new in svn 1.5
if hasattr( pysvn.wc_notify_action, 'exists' ):
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.exists ] = 'exists'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.changelist_set ] = 'changelist_set'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.changelist_clear ] = 'changelist_clear'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.changelist_moved ] = 'changelist_moved'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.foreign_merge_begin ] = 'foreign_merge_begin'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.merge_begin ] = 'merge_begin'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_replace ] = 'update_replace'

if hasattr( pysvn.wc_notify_action, 'property_added' ):
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.property_added ] = 'property_added'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.property_modified ] = 'property_modified'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.property_deleted ] = 'property_deleted'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.property_deleted_nonexistent ] = 'property_deleted_nonexistent'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.revprop_set ] = 'revprop_set'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.revprop_deleted ] = 'revprop_deleted'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.merge_completed ] = 'merge_completed'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.tree_conflict ] = 'tree_conflict'
    wc_notify_action_map[ pysvn.wc_notify_action.failed_external ] = 'failed_external'

class SvnCommand:
    def __init__( self, progname ):
        self.progname = progname
        self.client = None
        self.revision_update_complete = None
        self.notify_message_list = []
        self.pysvn_testing = False
        self.debug_enabled = False

    def debug( self, msg, args=() ):
        if self.debug_enabled:
            print( 'Debug: %s' % (msg % args) )

    def initClient( self, config_dir ):
        self.client = pysvn.Client( config_dir )
        self.client.exception_style = 1
        self.client.commit_info_style = 1
        self.client.callback_get_login = self.callback_getLogin
        self.client.callback_get_log_message = self.callback_getLogMessage
        self.client.callback_notify = self.callback_notify
        self.client.callback_cancel = self.callback_cancel
        if hasattr( self.client, 'callback_conflict_resolver' ):
            self.client.callback_conflict_resolver = self.callback_conflict_resolver
        self.client.callback_cancel = self.callback_cancel
        self.client.callback_ssl_client_cert_password_prompt = self.callback_ssl_client_cert_password_prompt
        self.client.callback_ssl_client_cert_prompt = self.callback_ssl_client_cert_prompt
        self.client.callback_ssl_server_prompt = self.callback_ssl_server_prompt
        self.client.callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt = self.callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt

    def callback_ssl_client_cert_password_prompt( self ):
        print( 'callback_ssl_client_cert_password_prompt' )

    def callback_ssl_client_cert_prompt( self ):
        print( 'callback_ssl_client_cert_prompt' )

    def callback_ssl_server_prompt( self ):
        print( 'callback_ssl_server_prompt' )

    def callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt( self, trust_data ):
        for key,value in trust_data.items():
            print( '%s: %s' % (key, value) )
        answer = ''
        while answer.lower() not in ['p','t','r']:
            sys.stdout.write( '(P)ermanent accept, (T)emporary accept or (R)eject: ' )
            answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
        if answer.lower() == 'p':
            return True, trust_data['failures'], True
        if answer.lower() == 't':
            return True, trust_data['failures'], False
        return False, 0, False

    def callback_cancel( self ):
        return False

    def callback_notify( self, arg_dict ):
        if arg_dict['action'] == pysvn.wc_notify_action.update_completed:
            self.revision_update_complete = arg_dict['revision']
        elif arg_dict['path'] != '' and wc_notify_action_map[ arg_dict['action'] ] is not None:
            msg = '%s %s' % (wc_notify_action_map[ arg_dict['action'] ], arg_dict['path'])
            if self.pysvn_testing != '99.99.99':
                self.notify_message_list.append( msg )
                print( msg )

    def callback_conflict_resolver( self, arg_dict ):
        print( 'callback_conflict_resolver' )
        for key in sorted( arg_dict.keys() ):
            print( '  %s: %r' % (key, arg_dict[ key ]) )

        return pysvn.wc_conflict_choice.postpone, None, False

    def callback_getLogin( self, realm, username, may_save ):
        print( 'May save: %s ' % may_save )
        print( 'Realm: %s ' % realm )
        if username:
            print( 'Username: %s' % username )
            sys.stdout.write( 'Username: ' )
            username = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
            if len(username) == 0:
                return 0, '', '', False

        sys.stdout.write( 'Password: ' )
        password = sys.stdin.readline().strip()

        save_password = 'x'
        while save_password.lower() not in ['y','ye','yes','n', 'no','']:
            sys.stdout.write( 'Save password? [y/n] ' )
            save_password = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
        return 1, username, password, save_password in ['y','ye','yes']

    def getLogMessage( self ):
        sys.stdout.write( 'Log message\n' )
        sys.stdout.write( '--- -------\n' )
        message =
        return message

    def callback_getLogMessage( self ):
        return True, self.getLogMessage()

    def dispatch( self, argv ):
            args = SvnArguments( argv )
            cmd_name = 'cmd_%s' % args.getCommandName( 'help' )

            self.initClient( args.getOptionalValue( '--config-dir', '' ) )
            self.client.set_auth_cache( args.getBooleanOption( '--no-auth-cache', False ) )
            self.pysvn_testing = args.getOptionalValue( '--pysvn-testing', '99.99.99' )
            self.debug_enabled = args.getBooleanOption( '--debug', True )

            getattr( self, cmd_name, self.cmd_help )( args )


        except pysvn.ClientError as e:
            print( e.args[0] )
            return 1

        except CommandError as e:
            print( e.reason() )
            return 1

        return 0

    def printNotifyMessages( self ):
            # different versions of SVN notify messages in different orders
            # by sorting before printing we hope to have one set of regression
            # test data for multiple versions of SVN
            for msg in self.notify_message_list:
                print( msg )
            self.notify_message_list = []

    def cmd_version( self, args ):
        print( 'PYSVN Version: %r' % (pysvn.version,) )
        print( 'SVN Version: %r' % (pysvn.svn_version,) )
        if hasattr( pysvn, 'svn_api_version' ):
            print( 'SVN API Version: %r' % (pysvn.svn_api_version,) )
        print( 'pysvn._pysvn %r' % (pysvn._pysvn,) )

    def cmd_is_url( self, args ):
        path = args.getPositionalArgs( 1 )[0]
        is_url = self.client.is_url( path )
        if is_url:
            print( 'url %s' % path )
            print( 'path %s' % path )

    def cmd_add( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', False )
        self.client.add( args.getPositionalArgs( 1 ), recurse=recurse, force=force )

    def cmd_add_to_changelist( self, args ):
        if not hasattr( self.client, add_to_changelist ):
            print( 'Error: add_to_changelist is not supported by this version of Subversion' )

        path, changelist = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 2 )
        self.client.add_to_changelist( path, changelist )

    def cmd_annotate( self, args ):
        start_revision, end_revision = args.getOptionalRevisionPair( '--revision', '0', 'head' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )
        all_lines = self.client.annotate( positional_args[0],
                    revision_end=end_revision )

        for line in all_lines:
            print( '%d| r%d | %s | %s | %s' %
                ,line['line']) )
    cmd_ann = cmd_annotate

    def cmd_cat( self, args ):
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        text = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )[0], revision=revision )
        print( text )

    def cmd_checkout( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
        if len(positional_args) == 1:
            positional_args.append( os.path.basename( positional_args[0] ) )

        self.revision_update_complete = None
        self.client.checkout( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], recurse=recurse )

        if self.revision_update_complete is not None:
            print( 'Checked out revision %s' % self.revision_update_complete.number )
            print( 'Checked out unknown revision - checkout failed?' )

    cmd_co = cmd_checkout

    def cmd_cleanup( self, args ):
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0, 1 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        self.client.cleanup( positional_args[0] )

    def cmd_checkin( self, args ):
        msg = args.getOptionalValue( '--message', '' )

        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        if msg == '':
            msg = self.getLogMessage()
        commit_info = self.client.checkin( positional_args, msg, recurse=recurse )
        rev = commit_info["revision"]

        if commit_info['post_commit_err'] is not None:
            print( commit_info['post_commit_err'] )

        if rev is None:
            print( 'Nothing to commit' )
        elif rev.number > 0:
            print( 'Revision %s' % rev.number )
            print( 'Commit failed' )

    cmd_commit = cmd_checkin
    cmd_ci = cmd_checkin

    def cmd_copy( self, args ):
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 2 )
        self.client.copy( positional_args[0], positional_args[1] )
    cmd_cp = cmd_copy

    def cmd_diff( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        revision1, revision2 = args.getOptionalRevisionPair( '--revision', 'base', 'working' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0, 1 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        if 'TEMP' in os.environ:
            tmpdir = os.environ['TEMP']
        elif 'TMPDIR' in os.environ:
            tmpdir = os.environ['TMPDIR']
        elif 'TMP' in os.environ:
            tmpdir = os.environ['TMP']
        elif os.path.exists( '/usr/tmp' ):
            tmpdir = '/usr/tmp'
        elif os.path.exists( '/tmp' ):
            tmpdir = '/tmp'
            print( 'No tmp dir!' )

        self.debug( 'cmd_diff %r, %r, %r, %r, %r' % (tmpdir, positional_args[0], recurse, revision1, revision2) )
        diff_text = self.client.diff( tmpdir, positional_args[0], recurse=recurse,
                                            revision1=revision1, revision2=revision2,
                                            diff_options=['-u'] )
        print( diff_text )

    def cmd_export( self, args ):
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', False )
        revision_url = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        revision_wc = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'working' )
        native_eol = args.getOptionalValue( '--native-eol', None )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 2 )
        if self.client.is_url( positional_args[0] ):
            revision = revision_url
            revision = revision_wc

        self.client.export( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], revision=revision, force=force, native_eol=native_eol )

    def cmd_info( self, args ):
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0, 1 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        path = positional_args[0]

        entry = path )

        print( 'Path: %s' % path )
        if and != 'svn:this_dir':
            print( 'Name: %s' % )
        if entry.url:
            print( 'Url: %s' % entry.url )
        if entry.repos and self.pysvn_testing >= '01.03.00':
            print( 'Repository: %s' % entry.repos )
        if entry.uuid:
            print( 'Repository UUID: %s' % entry.uuid )
        if entry.revision.kind == pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number:
            print( 'Revision: %s' % entry.revision.number )
        if entry.kind == pysvn.node_kind.file:
            print( 'Node kind: file' )
        elif entry.kind == pysvn.node_kind.dir:
            print( 'Node kind: directory' )
        elif entry.kind == pysvn.node_kind.none:
            print( 'Node kind: none' )
            print( 'Node kind: unknown' )

        if entry.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.normal:
            print( "Schedule: normal" )
        elif entry.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.add:
            print( "Schedule: add" )
        elif entry.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.delete:
            print( "Schedule: delete" )
        elif entry.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.replace:
            print( "Schedule: replace" )
        if entry.is_copied:
            if entry.copyfrom_url:
                print( 'Copied From URL: %s' %  entry.copyfrom_url )
            if entry.copyfrom_rev.number:
                print( 'Copied From Rev: %s' %  entry.copyfrom_rev.number )
        if entry.commit_author:
            print( 'Last Changed Author: %s' %  entry.commit_author )
        if entry.commit_revision.number:
            print( 'Last Changed Rev: %s' %  entry.commit_revision.number )
        if entry.commit_time:
            print( 'Last Changed Date: %s' %  fmtDateTime( entry.commit_time ) )
        if entry.text_time:
            print( 'Text Last Updated: %s' %  fmtDateTime( entry.text_time ) )
        if entry.properties_time and self.pysvn_testing == '99.99.99':
            print( 'Properties Last Updated: %s' %  fmtDateTime( entry.properties_time ) )
        if entry.checksum:
            print( 'Checksum: %s' %  entry.checksum )

    def cmd_info2( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision_url = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        revision_path = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'unspecified' )

        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0, 1 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        path = positional_args[0]

        if self.client.is_url( path ):
            revision = revision_url
            revision = revision_path

        all_entries = self.client.info2( path, revision=revision,  recurse=recurse )

        for path, info in all_entries:
            print( 'Path: %s' % path )

            if info.URL:
                print( 'Url: %s' % info.URL )
            if info.rev:
                print( 'Revision: %s' % info.rev.number )
            if info.repos_root_URL and self.pysvn_testing >= '01.03.00':
                print( 'Repository root URL: %s' % info.repos_root_URL )
            if info.repos_UUID:
                print( 'Repository UUID: %s' % info.repos_UUID )
            if info.last_changed_author:
                print( 'Last changed author: %s' % info.last_changed_author )
            if info.last_changed_date:
                print( 'Last Changed Date: %s' %  fmtDateTime( info.last_changed_date ) )
            if info.last_changed_rev.kind == pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number:
                print( 'Last changed revision: %s' % info.last_changed_rev.number )
            if info.kind == pysvn.node_kind.file:
                print( 'Node kind: file' )
            elif info.kind == pysvn.node_kind.dir:
                print( 'Node kind: directory' )
            elif info.kind == pysvn.node_kind.none:
                print( 'Node kind: none' )
                print( 'Node kind: unknown' )
            if info.lock:
                print( 'Lock Owner: %s' % info.lock.owner )
                print( 'Lock Creation Date: %s' % fmtDateTime( info.lock.creation_date ) )
                if info.lock.expiration_date is not None:
                    print( 'Lock Expiration Date: %s' % fmtDateTime( info.lock.expiration_date ) )
                print( 'Lock Token: %s' % info.lock.token )
                print( 'Lock Comment:' )
                if info.lock.comment not in ['', None]:
                    print( info.lock.comment )
            if info.wc_info:
                wc_info = info.wc_info
                if wc_info.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.normal:
                    print( "Schedule: normal" )
                elif wc_info.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.add:
                    print( "Schedule: add" )
                elif wc_info.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.delete:
                    print( "Schedule: delete" )
                elif wc_info.schedule == pysvn.wc_schedule.replace:
                    print( "Schedule: replace" )
                if wc_info.copyfrom_url:
                    print( 'Copied From URL: %s' %  wc_info.copyfrom_url )
                    print( 'Copied From Rev: %s' %  wc_info.copyfrom_rev.number )
                if wc_info.text_time:
                    print( 'Text Last Updated: %s' %  fmtDateTime( wc_info.text_time ) )
                if wc_info.prop_time and self.pysvn_testing == '99.99.99':
                    print( 'Properties Last Updated: %s' %  fmtDateTime( wc_info.prop_time ) )
                if wc_info.checksum:
                    print( 'Checksum: %s' %  wc_info.checksum )

    def cmd_import( self, args ):
        msg = self.getOptionalValue( '--message', '' )
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 2 )
        self.client.import_( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], recurse=recurse )

    def cmd_lock( self, args ):
        msg = args.getOptionalValue( '--message', '' )
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )
        self.client.lock( positional_args[0], msg, force );

    def cmd_log( self, args ):
        start_revision, end_revision = args.getOptionalRevisionPair( '--revision', 'head', '0' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )
        all_logs = self.client.log( positional_args[0],
                                    discover_changed_paths=verbose )

        for log in all_logs:
            print( '-'*60 )
            print( 'rev %d: %s | %s | %d lines' %
                ,fmtDateTime( )
                ,len( log.message.split('\n') )) )

            if len( log.changed_paths ) > 0:
                print( 'Changed paths:' )
                for change_info in log.changed_paths:
                    if change_info.copyfrom_path is None:
                        print( '  %s %s' % (change_info.action, change_info.path) )
                        print( '  %s %s (from %s:%d)' %
                            ,change_info.copyfrom_revision.number) )

            print( log.message )

        print( '-'*60 )

    def cmd_ls( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        for arg in positional_args:
            all_files = arg, revision=revision, recurse=recurse )
            if verbose:
                for file in all_files:
                    args = {}
                    args.update( file )
                    args['name'] = args['name']  
                    args['last_author'] = args['last_author']  
                    args['time_str'] = fmtDateTime( file.time )
                    args['created_rev_num'] = file.created_rev.number
                    print( '%(created_rev_num)7d %(last_author)-10s %(size)6d %(time_str)s %(name)s' % args )
                for file in all_files:
                    print( '%(name)s' % file )

    def cmd_list( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        for arg in positional_args:
            all_files = self.client.list( arg, revision=revision, recurse=recurse )
            if verbose:
                for file, Q in all_files:
                    args = {}
                    args.update( file )
                    args['time_str'] = fmtDateTime( file.time )
                    args['created_rev_num'] = file.created_rev.number
                    print( '%(created_rev_num)7d %(last_author)-10s %(size)6d %(time_str)s %(path)s' % args )
                for file, Q in all_files:
                    print( '%(path)s' % file )

    def cmd_merge( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        dry_run = args.getBooleanOption( '--dry-run', False )
        notice_ancestry = args.getBooleanOption( '--notice-ancestry', False )

        # need to figure out which variaty of the merge command this is
        if args.haveOption( '--revision' ):
            # its merge -r N:M SOURCE [WCPATH]
            revision1, revision2 = args.getMandatoryRevisionPair( '--revision' )
            positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
            if len(positional_args) == 1:
                positional_args.append( '.' )
            path1 = positional_args[0]
            path2 = positional_args[0]
            wcpath = positional_args[1]
            # its merge sourceURL1[@N] sourceURL2[@M] [WCPATH]
            positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 3 )
            if len(positional_args) == 2:
                positional_args.append( '.' )

            path1, rev1 = self.parsePathWithRevision( positional_args[0] )
            path2, rev2 = self.parsePathWithRevision( positional_args[1] )
            wcpath = positional_args[2]

        self.client.merge( path1, revision1, path2, revision2, wcpath,
                recurse=recurse, dry_run=dry_run, notice_ancestry=notice_ancestry )

    def cmd_mkdir( self, args ):
        msg = args.getOptionalValue( '--message', '' )
        if msg == '':
            msg = self.getLogMessage()

        self.client.mkdir( args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )[0], msg )

    def cmd_move( self, args ):
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 2 )
        self.client.move( positional_args[0], positional_args[1] )
    cmd_mv = cmd_move

    def key_props_by_path( self, a ):
        return a[0]

    def cmd_proplist( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'working' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0, 0 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        for arg in positional_args:

            if self.client.is_url( arg ):
                revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )

            all_props = self.client.proplist( arg, revision=revision, recurse=recurse )
            all_props.sort( key=self.key_props_by_path )

            for path, props in all_props:
                print( "Properties on '%s':" % path )
                prop_names = sorted( props.keys() )
                for name in prop_names:
                    if verbose:
                        print( '  %s: %s' % (name, props[name]) )
                        print( '  %s' % name )
    cmd_pl = cmd_proplist

    def cmd_propget( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'working' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
        if len(positional_args) == 1:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        if self.client.is_url( positional_args[0] ):
            revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )

        props = self.client.propget( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], revision=revision, recurse=recurse )
        prop_names = sorted( props.keys() )
        for name in prop_names:
            print( '%s: %s' % (name, props[name]) )

    cmd_pg = cmd_propget

    def cmd_propset( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'working' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 3 )
        if len(positional_args) == 2:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        if self.client.is_url( positional_args[0] ):
            revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )

        self.client.propset( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], positional_args[2], revision=revision, recurse=recurse )
    cmd_ps = cmd_propset

    def cmd_propdel( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'working' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
        if len(positional_args) == 1:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        if self.client.is_url( positional_args[0] ):
            revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )

        self.client.propdel( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], revision=revision, recurse=recurse )
    cmd_pd = cmd_propdel

    def cmd_revproplist( self, args ):
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0, 1 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        rev, prop_dict = self.client.revproplist( positional_args[0], revision=revision )
        print( 'Revision: %s' % rev.number )
        prop_keys = prop_dict.keys()
        for key in sorted( prop_keys ):
            print( '%s: %s' % (key, prop_dict[ key ]) )

    cmd_rpl = cmd_revproplist

    def cmd_revpropget( self, args ):
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
        if len(positional_args) == 1:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        rev, value = self.client.revpropget( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], revision=revision )
        print( 'Revision: %s' % rev.number )
        print( '%s: %s' % (positional_args[0], value) )

    cmd_rpg = cmd_revpropget

    def cmd_revpropset( self, args ):
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', False )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 3 )
        if len(positional_args) == 2:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        rev = self.client.revpropset( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], positional_args[2], revision=revision, force=force )
    cmd_rps = cmd_revpropset

    def cmd_revpropdel( self, args ):
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', False )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
        if len(positional_args) == 1:
            positional_args.append( '.' )

        self.client.revpropdel( positional_args[0], positional_args[1], revision=revision, force=force )
    cmd_rpd = cmd_revpropdel

    def cmd_remove( self, args ):
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 0 )
        self.client.remove( positional_args, force=force )
    cmd_rm = cmd_remove

    def cmd_remove_from_changelists( self, args ):
        if not hasattr( self.client, remove_from_changelists ):
            print( 'Error: remove_from_changelists is not supported by this version of Subversion' )

        path = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )[0]
        self.client.remove_from_changelists( path )

    def cmd_resolved( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )
        self.client.resolved( positional_args[0], recurse=recurse )

    def cmd_revert( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--recursive', True )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )
        self.client.revert( positional_args[0], recurse=recurse )

    def key_by_path( self, a ):
        return a.path

    def cmd_status( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        verbose = args.getBooleanOption( '--verbose', True )
        quiet = args.getBooleanOption( '--quiet', True )
        ignore = args.getBooleanOption( '--no-ignore', False )
        update = args.getBooleanOption( '--show-updates', True )

        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            all_files = self.client.status( '', recurse=recurse, get_all=verbose, ignore=ignore, update=update )
            self._cmd_status_print( all_files, verbose, update, ignore, quiet )
            for arg in positional_args:
                all_files = self.client.status( arg, recurse=recurse, get_all=verbose, ignore=ignore, update=update )
                self._cmd_status_print( all_files, verbose, update, ignore, quiet )

    def _cmd_status_print( self, all_files, detailed, update, ignore, quiet ):
        all_files.sort( key=self.key_by_path )
        for file in all_files:
            if file.text_status == pysvn.wc_status_kind.ignored and ignore:

            if file.text_status == pysvn.wc_status_kind.unversioned and quiet:

            state = '%s%s%s%s%s' % (wc_status_kind_map[ file.text_status ],
                    wc_status_kind_map[ file.prop_status ],
                    ' L'[ file.is_locked ],
                    ' +'[ file.is_copied ],
                    ' S'[ file.is_switched ])

            if( file.repos_text_status != pysvn.wc_status_kind.none
            or  file.repos_prop_status != pysvn.wc_status_kind.none ):
                odd_status = '%s%s' % (wc_status_kind_map[ file.repos_text_status ],
                    wc_status_kind_map[ file.repos_prop_status ])
                odd_status = '  '

            lock_state = ' '
            if file.entry is not None and hasattr( file.entry, 'lock_token' ):
                if file.entry.lock_token is not None:
                    lock_state = 'K'

            if hasattr( file, 'repos_lock' ) and file.repos_lock is not None:
                lock_state = 'O'

            if file.entry is not None and detailed:
                print( '%s%s %s %6d %6d %-14s %s' %
                    file.path) )

            elif detailed:
                print( '%s%s %s %6s %6s %-14s %s' %
                    file.path) )

            elif update:
                print( '%s%s %s %s' %
                    file.path) )

                if( file.text_status != pysvn.wc_status_kind.normal
                or file.prop_status != pysvn.wc_status_kind.normal
                or lock_state.strip() != ''):
                    print( '%s%s %s' % (state, lock_state, file.path) )

    cmd_st = cmd_status
    cmd_stat = cmd_status

    def cmd_switch( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        revision = args.getOptionalRevision( '--revision', 'head' )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 2 )
        if len(positional_args) == 1:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        self.client.switch( positional_args[0], positional_args[1],
                recurse=recurse, revision=revision )

    def cmd_relocate( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 2, 3 )
        if len(positional_args) == 2:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        self.client.relocate( positional_args[0], positional_args[1],
                positional_args[2], recurse=recurse )

    def cmd_unlock( self, args ):
        force = args.getBooleanOption( '--force', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 1, 1 )
        self.client.unlock( positional_args[0], force );

    def cmd_update( self, args ):
        recurse = args.getBooleanOption( '--non-recursive', False )
        positional_args = args.getPositionalArgs( 0 )
        if len(positional_args) == 0:
            positional_args.append( '.' )
        rev_list = self.client.update( positional_args[0], recurse=recurse )
        if type(rev_list) == type([]) and len(rev_list) != 1:
            print( 'rev_list = %r' % [rev.number for rev in rev_list] )

        if self.revision_update_complete is not None:
            print( 'Updated to revision %s' % self.revision_update_complete.number )
            print( 'Updated to unknown revision - update failed?' )

    cmd_up = cmd_update

    def cmd_help( self, args ):
        print( 'Version: pysvn %d.%d.%d-%d' % pysvn.version,'svn %d.%d.%d-%s' % pysvn.svn_version )
        valid_cmd_names = [name for name in SvnCommand.__dict__.keys() if name.find('cmd_') == 0]
        print( 'Available subcommands:' )
        index = 0
        line = ''
        for name in valid_cmd_names:
            line = line + ('   %-12s' % name[4:])
            if index % 4 == 3:
                print( line )
                line = ''
            index += 1

# key is long option name, value is 1 if need next arg as value
long_opt_info = {
    '--pause': 0,

    '--auto-props': 0,          # enable automatic properties
    '--config-dir': 1,          # read user configuration files from directory ARG
    '--diff-cmd': 1,            # use ARG as diff command
    '--diff3-cmd': 1,           # use ARG as merge command
    '--dry-run': 0,             # try operation but make no changes
    '--editor-cmd': 1,          # use ARG as external editor
    '--encoding': 1,            # treat value as being in charset encoding ARG
    '--force': 0,               # force operation to run
    '--force-log': 0,           # force validity of log message source
    '--incremental': 0,         # give output suitable for concatenation
    '--new': 1,                 # use ARG as the newer target
    '--no-auth-cache': 0,       # do not cache authentication tokens
    '--no-auto-props': 0,       # disable automatic properties
    '--no-diff-deleted': 0,     # do not print differences for deleted files
    '--no-ignore': 0,           # disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores
    '--non-interactive': 0,     # do no interactive prompting
    '--notice-ancestry': 0,     # notice ancestry when calculating differences
    '--old': 1,                 # use ARG as the older target
    '--password': 1,            # specify a password ARG
    '--relocate': 0,            # relocate via URL-rewriting
    '--revprop': 0,             # operate on a revision property (use with -r)
    '--strict': 0,              # use strict semantics
    '--targets': 1,             # pass contents of file ARG as additional args
    '--username': 1,            # specify a username ARG
    '--version': 0,             # print client version info
    '--xml': 0,                 # output in xml
    '--file': 1,                # read data from file ARG
    '--native-eol': 1,          # native eol ARG
    '--non-recursive': 0,       # operate on single directory only
    '--recursive': 0,           # descend recursively
    '--message': 1,             # specify commit message ARG
    '--quiet': 0,               # print as little as possible
    '--revision': 1,            # revision X or X:Y range.  X or Y can be one of:
    '--show-updates': 0,        # display update information
    '--verbose': 0,             # print extra information
    '--extensions': 1,          # pass ARG as bundled options to GNU diff
    '--pysvn-testing': 1,       # modify behaviour to assist testing pysvn
    '--debug': 0,               # do debug stuff

# map short name to long
short_opt_info = {
    '-F': '--file',
    '-N': '--non-recursive',
    '-R': '--recursive',
    '-m': '--message',
    '-q': '--quiet',
    '-r': '--revision',
    '-u': '--show-updates',
    '-v': '--verbose',
    '-x': '--extensions',

# Usage:
#    Construct with a commnad list
#    call getCommandName()
#    call getBooleanOption() and getOptionalValue() as needed
#    finally call getPositionalArgs()
class SvnArguments:
    def __init__( self, all_args ):
        self.positional_args = []
        self.named_options = {}
        self.used_named_options = {}

        need_next_arg = 0
        name = ''

        for arg in all_args:
            if need_next_arg:
                self.named_options[ name ] = arg
                need_next_arg = 0

            elif self._isOption( arg ):
                name, need_next_arg = self._optionInfo( arg )
                if not need_next_arg:
                    self.named_options[ name ] = None

                expanded_arg = glob.glob( arg )
                if len(expanded_arg) > 0:
                    self.positional_args.extend( expanded_arg )
                    self.positional_args.append( arg )
        if need_next_arg:
            raise CommandError( 'Missing arg to option %s' % name )

    def _isOption( self, arg ):
        return arg[0] == '-'
    def _optionInfo( self, opt ):
        # return long_name, arg_needed
        long_opt = short_opt_info.get( opt, opt )
        if long_opt in long_opt_info:
            return long_opt, long_opt_info[ long_opt ]
        raise CommandError( 'unknown option %s' % opt )

    def _checkOptionsUsed( self ):
        # check all options have been used
        for opt_name in self.named_options.keys():
            if opt_name not in self.used_named_options:
                raise CommandError( 'unused option %s' % opt_name )

    def parsePathWithRevision( self, path_rev, default_rev ):
        if '@' in path_rev:
            path = path_rev[:path_rev.find('@')]
            rev = self._parseRevisionArg( path_rev[path_rev.find('@')+1:] )
            path = path_rev
            rev = self._parseRevisionArg( default_rev )
        return path, rev

    def _parseRevisionArg( self, rev_string ):
        if rev_string.lower() == 'base':
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.base )
        if rev_string.lower() == 'head':
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.head )
        if rev_string.lower() == 'working':
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.working )
        if rev_string.lower() == 'committed':
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.committed )
        if rev_string.lower() == 'prev':
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.prev )
        if rev_string.lower() == 'unspecified':
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.unspecified )
        if rev_string[0] == '{' and rev_string[-1] == '}':
                date = parse_datetime.parse_time( rev_string[1:-2] )
                return pysvn.Revision(, date )
            except parse_datetime.DateTimeSyntaxError as e:
                raise CommandError( e.reason() )
        # either a rev number or a date
            return pysvn.Revision( pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, int(rev_string) )
        except ValueError:
        raise CommandError( 'Cannot parse %s as a revision value' % rev_string )

    def _splitRevisionString( self, rev_string ):
        # split the string at the first : that is not inside a {} pair
        if rev_string[0] == '{':
            # the : may be after the closing }
            close_paren_index = rev_string.find( '}' )
            if close_paren_index == -1:
                # error leave to others to report
                return [rev_string]

            if close_paren_index == len(rev_string ):
                # its just one revision
                return [rev_string]

            if rev_string[close_paren_index+1] == ':':
                return [rev_string[:close_paren_index+1], rev_string[close_paren_index+2:]]

            # another error case
            return [rev_string]
            return rev_string.split(':',1)

    def getCommandName( self, default_command ):
        if len(self.positional_args) > 0:
            return self.positional_args.pop( 0 )
            return default_command

    def haveOption( self, opt_name ):
        return opt_name in self.named_options

    def getBooleanOption( self, opt_name, present_value=True ):
        if opt_name in self.named_options:
            self.used_named_options[ opt_name ] = None
            return present_value
            return not present_value

    def getOptionalValue( self, opt_name, default ):
        if opt_name in self.named_options:
            self.used_named_options[ opt_name ] = None
            return self.named_options[ opt_name ]
            return default

    def getOptionalRevision( self, opt_name, start_default ):
        if opt_name in self.named_options:
            self.used_named_options[ opt_name ] = None
            rev_string = self.named_options[ opt_name ]

            return self._parseRevisionArg( rev_string )
            return self._parseRevisionArg( start_default )

    def getMandatoryRevisionPair( self, opt_name ):
        # parse a M:N or M as revision pair
        if opt_name not in self.named_options:
            raise CommandError( 'mandatory %s required' % opt_name )

        self.used_named_options[ opt_name ] = None

        rev_strings = self._splitRevisionString( self.named_options[ opt_name ] )
        if len(rev_strings) == 1:
            raise CommandError( 'mandatory %s requires a pair of revisions' % opt_name )

        return [self._parseRevisionArg( rev_strings[0] ),
            self._parseRevisionArg( rev_strings[1] )]

    def getOptionalRevisionPair( self, opt_name, start_default, end_default=None ):
        # parse a M:N or M as revision pair
        if opt_name in self.named_options:
            self.used_named_options[ opt_name ] = None
            rev_strings = self._splitRevisionString( self.named_options[ opt_name ] )
            if len(rev_strings) == 1:
                if end_default is None:
                    # M means M:M
                    rev_strings.append( rev_strings[0] )
                    # M means M:end_default
                    rev_strings.append( end_default )

            return [self._parseRevisionArg( rev_strings[0] ),
                self._parseRevisionArg( rev_strings[1] )]
            return (self._parseRevisionArg( start_default ),
                self._parseRevisionArg( end_default ))

    def getPositionalArgs( self, min_args, max_args=0 ):
        # check min and max then return the list
        if len(self.positional_args) < min_args:
            raise CommandError( 'too few arguments - need atlease %d' % min_args )
        if max_args != 0 and len(self.positional_args) > max_args:
            raise CommandError( 'too many arguments - need no more then %d' % max_args )

        # as this is the last call on the args object we check the option where all used

        return self.positional_args

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.exit( main( sys.argv ) )