

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > cf9f4d6fbf04396a8da4a76e5b56acc8 > files > 5


# fix_cmd_users:  Comma-separated list of users allowed to run the fix
# commands with root privileges. Members of this list can execute the fix
# commands specified in any alert. The command is executed with root
# privileges so you should be very caeful who you add to this list as you are
# granting them significant power to alter the security settings of this
# system. The wildcard '*' is NOT allowed.
fix_cmd_users = root

# client_users:  Comma-separated list of users allowed to run the client and
# connect to the local fault server and therefore see security denials. Also
# accepts '*' to allow all users to connect.
client_users = *

# use_notification: Control balloon notification. Possible values:
# always,never,browser_hidden "always" will always display the notification.
# "never" disables notification completely. "browser_hidden" displays the
# notification but only if the alert browser is not visible. Note: individual
# alerts can be flagged as silent disabling notification for a specific alert,
# this parameter does not override that.
use_notification = always

# binary_protocol_socket_path: unix domain socket used to listen for audit
# messages (binary audit protocol)
binary_protocol_socket_path = /var/run/audit_events

# retry_interval: number of seconds to wait before trying to connect to audit
# socket again in the event of socket failure
retry_interval = 60

# text_protocol_socket_path: unix domain socket used to listen for audit
# messages (textural audit protocol)
text_protocol_socket_path = /var/run/audispd_events

# path: No Description Available
path = /var/run/setroubleshoot/setroubleshoot_server

# address_list:  List of socket addresses server should listen on for client
# connections. Addresses should not contain any whitespace. Each address is of
# the form "[{family}]address[:port]" where [] indicates the value is
# optional. Valid values for family are inet or unix, if the family is absent
# it defaults to inet. If the family is unix the address is interpreted as a
# file path. If the family is inet the address is interpreted as either a host
# name or IP address. As a special case if the inet address is "hostname" the
# current hostname will be substituted. If the family is inet the address may
# optionally be followed by a colon (:) and a port number. If the port number
# is absent in the address it defaults to the port specified in this config
# section. Example, to listen on the local unix domain socket and provide
# remote connections use this "{unix}%(path)s, hostname"
address_list = {unix}%(path)s hostname

# default_port: No Description Available
default_port = 69783

# database_dir: No Description Available
database_dir = /var/lib/setroubleshoot

# max_alert_age:  Purge any alerts whose age based on it's last seen date
# exceeds this threshold. Age may be specified as a sequence of integer unit
# pairs. Units may be one of year,month,week,day,hour,minute,second and may
# optionally be plural. Example: '2 weeks 1 day' sets the threshold at 15
# days. An empty string implies no limit
max_alert_age = 

# max_alerts:  Keep no more than this many alerts in the database. Oldest
# alerts based on the alert's last seen date will be purged first. Zero
# implies no limit
max_alerts = 50

# filename: No Description Available
filename = setroubleshoot

# recipients_filepath: Path name of file with email recipients. One address
# per line, optionally followed by enable flag. Comment character is #.
recipients_filepath = /var/lib/setroubleshoot/email_alert_recipients

# smtp_port: The SMTP server port
smtp_port = 25

# smtp_host: The SMTP server address
smtp_host = localhost

# from_address: The From: email header
from_address = SELinux_Troubleshoot

# subject: The Subject: email header
subject = SELinux AVC Alert

# run_fix_cmd_enable: Permit running fix commands
run_fix_cmd_enable = False

# project_url: URL of project website
project_url =

# use_auparse: No Description Available
use_auparse = False

# pid_file: No Description Available
pid_file = /var/run/

# bug_report_url: URL used to report bugs
bug_report_url =

# help_url: URL to user help information
help_url =

# web_browser_launcher: Helper application to launch web browser on a URL
web_browser_launcher = /usr/bin/xdg-open

# path: No Description Available
path = /var/run/setroubleshoot/setroubleshoot_server

# address_list:  List of socket addresses server should listen on for client
# connections. Addresses should not contain any whitespace. Each address is of
# the form "[{family}]address[:port]" where [] indicates the value is
# optional. Valid values for family are inet or unix, if the family is absent
# it defaults to inet. If the family is unix the address is interpreted as a
# file path. If the family is inet the address is interpreted as either a host
# name or IP address. As a special case if the inet address is "hostname" the
# current hostname will be substituted. If the family is inet the address may
# optionally be followed by a colon (:) and a port number. If the port number
# is absent in the address it defaults to the port specified in this config
# section. Example, to listen on the local unix domain socket and provide
# remote connections use this "{unix}%(path)s, hostname"
address_list = {unix}%(path)s

# plugin_dir: No Description Available
plugin_dir = /usr/share/setroubleshoot/plugins

# profile: True|False, gather statistics
profile = False

# console: True|False, also log to the console
console = False

# format: No Description Available
format = %(asctime)s [%(name)s.%(levelname)s] %(message)s

# level:  Global logging level. Levels are the same as in the python logging
# module, but are case insenstive. The level may also be specified as an
# integer. The defined levels in severity order are:[CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING,
level = warning

# filename: No Description Available
filename = 

# filemode: should be "w" or "a" for write or append respectively
filemode = a

# categories:  Comma seperated list of logging categories. Each categories may
# optionally be followed by a colon(:) and a logging level, which either may
# be one of the symbolic levels or numeric, e.g. ipc:info. If no level is
# defined the default level is used. If the category name is preceded by a
# tilde (~) the category is not logged at all. The list of available
# categories is: [rpc, xml, cfg, alert, sig, plugin, avc, email, gui,
# gui_data, program, database, server, dbus, stats, communication, subprocess]
categories = 

# profile: True|False, gather statistics
profile = False

# console: True|False, also log to the console
console = False

# format: No Description Available
format = %(asctime)s [%(name)s.%(levelname)s] %(message)s

# level:  Global logging level. Levels are the same as in the python logging
# module, but are case insenstive. The level may also be specified as an
# integer. The defined levels in severity order are:[CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING,
level = warning

# filename: No Description Available
filename = /var/log/setroubleshoot/setroubleshootd.log

# filemode: should be "w" or "a" for write or append respectively
filemode = w

# categories:  Comma seperated list of logging categories. Each categories may
# optionally be followed by a colon(:) and a logging level, which either may
# be one of the symbolic levels or numeric, e.g. ipc:info. If no level is
# defined the default level is used. If the category name is preceded by a
# tilde (~) the category is not logged at all. The list of available
# categories is: [rpc, xml, cfg, alert, sig, plugin, avc, email, gui,
# gui_data, program, database, server, dbus, stats, communication, subprocess]
categories =