

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 7dbb97048ebf07a07f14d36d61024b23 > files > 3


Fixed the getAsXpath method 
Changed the SOAP 1.2 uri in Soap.cpp to point to correct schema
Fixed the problem of interlinked schema imports in wsdl
New xpath handler code -Thanks to Daniel

Fix the problem with SOAP version selection
Fixed problem of static variables for gettign curl response(thread safety)
Support for xsd unions
Serialization doesnt work properly to include  base type members
Support for seeking element in response using an xpath like expression (Thanks to Daniel Rodriguez)
Fixed the problem with curl and multi threading
Fixed crash in XmlUtils::winPost , closed WinInet handle after post,null terminated the buffer
Memory leak patches
Moved curl handle ctx out of WsdlInvoker class
Fixed bug in validation of <any> elements

1. Support validation of derived complex types(first level)
2. Fixed exception while parsing int in parseInt
3. Fix the error while invoking types with recursive type defintions
4. Integrated libcurl into the windows build as well
5. Support for SOAP1.2 (thanks to Dmitry)(experimental)
6. Cookie support (with curl)(experimental)


1. Remove any warning message when compiling a project with -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -ansi 
2.When parsing a XSD file, taking into account the 'anyAttribute' element when it is a child of a 'complexType' element. Elsean error occurs when parsing the WS-Addressing schema file for example.
3.Handle extensibility attributes in operation's  elements
4. Bug with empty soap header element in response
5.Fixed warnings
6.Store wsdl element names for input/output/faults in messages
7.Added invoker API to set the HTTP authentication parameters
8.Added invoker to get soap fault details

Validate schemas with elements from different namespaces (in web service reponse)
Add schema tests to test import

Fix usage of namespace prefix in SOAP request message
Support RPC/literal,fix the bug with element qualified
#Fix the infinite loop in ebay operations

Fixed the bug while using a reference to an imported type in a schema
Added a new constructor to WsdlInvoker
Create unique namespace prefixes in soap message
Fixed the bug which caused multiple soap headers in input message to be ignored(in adwords wsdl)- Thanks to Charles Ahn
Include namespace in headers 

Fixed gcc compilation bugs
Fixed parsing of absolute paths in fetchUri and parseImports(Thanks to Francois Villard for his fixes)

Fixed attribute parsing "mixed" 
Fixed the appearance of <result> in the response
Parse attributeGroupRef in parseComplexContent
Fetch soap and wsdl schemas from web

Validate multiple occurence of choice elements
Fix type reference in an imported schema which is defined in same wsdl file but under another namespace (Thanks to Ruth Struck for reporting this error)
Add -p option to print port types of a wsdl
Add -g option to wsdl tool to generate soap message
Add -g option to schema tool to generate instance (experimental,may not work for complexcontent/soap array schemas)
Fixed <schema:import> bug 

Fixed the schema import bug when there is no location attribute(Thanks to Ivan Bruno)
Fixed a bug in type serialization during wsdl invocation where a type is defined in an imported schema(Thanks to Ruth Struck for pointing this out)
Print wsdl tool version

Fixed the crash in Paypal WSDL
Use the parent schema's uri to resolve the imported schemas
Fixed the crash while downloading tmp files.On *nix use /tmp.
Fixed the crash while validating simpleContent extensions where basetype is another simpleContent ComplexType
Required attributes in input data structure are also prompted for while invoking web services
Mapped xsd:unsignedLong to a C++ unsigned long long
Fixed a bug in importing schemas with same namespace and those with complete schemaLocation specified
Fixed a gcc 4.1.0 compilation bug

Fixed the bug in WsdlInvoker::reset
Added an API in OPeration to return faults based on names.
Added methods in WsdlInvoker to set proxy credentials
Fixed the seg fault when trying to set headers in wsdl inputs

1.Support multiple faults in an operation
2.Fixed the problem with imports in a schema
3.Cascade imports to other imported schemas and borrow imports from child
imports to parent schema parser
4.Added a better command line interface to prompt for parent tags
5.Added a method getServiceEndPoint() in WsdlInvoker which takes operation name
6.Fixed the to show warning on missing libcurl HTTPS support
7.WsdlInvoker can be used to examine output parameter before invoking the servie.
8.Added getService() and stored the service documentation correctly
9.Skip the subtree if there are unknown extensibility elements
10.Added a schema configuaration file to look up for imported schemas' locations
11.Better management of exports for Windows DLL build.See xmlpull/wsdlpull_exports.h
12.Fixes in error handling.Continue parsing if unresolved types are
found.Report all missing types
13.Removed the SCHEMADIR from the header files
14.Fixed the parsing bug in (huge!)ebay web service

Fixed memory leak in TypeContainer and parseConstraint
Fixed parsing errors in schema parser
Fixed the soap request with  1 dimensional SOAP arrays

Support for SOAP headers
Included a Windows VS2003/VS6 Makefile to make singlethreaded,multi threaded and DLL builds of wsdlpull.
Modified to check for curl in C mode
Put all WsdlParser classes in WsdlPull namespace
Completed  the SimpleType::getFacetValue to return all facet types
Added a response timeout to wsdl invocation.(with -t)
Added a rewind function to TypeContainer to reset the states for accessing  child containers.
made TypeContainer::getValue(std::string)  idempotent
Fixed a bug in WsdlInvoker::~WsdlInvoker which caused seg fault.
Fixed a memory leak for the schemaparser which was created by the extension handlers.
Fixed the hard coded dependancy of SCHEMADIR for windows plaforms.It can be defined at compile time now.

1.Parse SOAP Fault in response and show a  meaningful error
2.WIN32 support for dynamic invocation
3.Fixed a bug in validation of choice
4.Added -s option which suppresses printing of type names in response

1.Send the soap-env:encodingStyle attribute in the soap envelope for RPC style
2.Win32 project files updated

1.return status of 2 when user provides an incorrect operation name in the
wsdl tool.
2.When connection to server is not possible print the remote server name.
3.Correct the api WsdlParser::getNumSchemas();
4.Fixed the microsoft web service which echoed arrays.
5.Logging mechanism for extension handlers

Added fixes to make soapenc:arry work.GoogleSearch wsdl works fine
Flag an error when occurrence constraints are invalid in interactive mode
Removed the 'artificial' limit on max number of extensibility elements
Fixed a bug in xs:choice validation
Added test scripts in test/wsdl

1.Bug fix release 
2.Added documentation
3.Better error reporting when types are found missing

1.Added more utility APIs to the Invoker Interface
2.The stocks example works properly and  demonstrates how to use the API
3.WsdlInvoker class is re-entrant.Use it to call the same web service multiple 
4.HTTP Proxy auth had a bug,fixed that
5.Porting patches for FreeBSD

WSDL Invocation API.Now you can use wsdlpull to write web service clients by 
dynamically examining the web service using the invocation API
1.Fixed a bug that caused a failure while invoking RPC/Encoded web services
2.Validate all simple types in the derivation hierarchy for derived simple


1.SchemaValidator could validate occurences of only 10 at most.
Removed that limit
2.Fixed validation of complex types which have schema defined base types that
have some particles repeated
3.Validation of complex types now supports attributes which come from base
type. A step towards validating complex types which are derived.

1.Added a tool to dynamically inspect and invoke a webservice!!
So now you can do something like

>>wsdl   getQuote XYZW

Or this
1.getRate :
Choose one of the above operations [1-1] :1
country1:United States

2.examples are not compiled by default.They are compiled only when
    --enable-examples is done during configure
3.wsdlpull now has native SOAP support.There is no need of an external soap
4.Added a method to get extensibility elements/atributes in WsdlElement

Added a xml  serializer
Removed the libutils library .Added an XmlUtils namespace

Moved common code from simple and complex type to base class xsdtype
added support for parsing and validating list and union types

Added  support to invoke a web service from command line using a soap library

1. Added a content model class which better illustrates structures like groups
2. support for most missing features of xml schema 
3. Improved validation support.

Added support to fetch schemas refernced using schemaLocation in <include> and
<import> tags  of schemaparser
1.1 release

1.  Fixed a few bugs
2. "beautfied code" 
3. fixed a few memory leaks

empty <restriction> tag caused a problem ,fixed that

Fixed some bugs detected in  solaris versions ,Thanks to Kenneth(KEC)which must hopefull fix crashes observed in solaris

Added logging flag ,--with-log
A few files were missing in the install directory's include path,fixed it.
gsoap generation bug fixes ..parameters were unnamed for rpc style ,fixed it.

Cleaner API 
Used auto tools
updated with latest gsoap

Fixed the problem with forward reference of <elem ref="..">

bug fixes in schema parsing

1.4 release
Fixed a bug with gsoap namespace generation 
passed gsoap params as pointers ,to rather than full structs
Added support for multiple schemas in wsdl
Fixed a few bugs in parsing wsdl

1.3.1 release
Fixed the error that comes with  gcc 3.3 compilation
Fixed a few bugs in gsoap genration 

1.3 release
Added support for more schema types .
Fixed a few bugs in parsing schema
Added support for <annotations> tag in wsdl and xsd.
Added support for SOAP header processing
Added an example to illustrate use of schema parser

1.2 release

Added a method "wasUsed"   to WSDL Extension interface
Formalised a WSDLPull API  for parsing WSDL
added an example to illustrate usage of API,few more to come