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Adime - API Reference: Dialog Configuration Variables
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<h1><a name="Dialog Configuration Variables">Dialog Configuration Variables</a></h1>

<li><a href="#adime_bmp">adime_bmp</a>
<li><a href="#adime_button_font">adime_button_font</a>
<li><a href="#adime_callback">adime_callback</a>
<li><a href="#adime_clean_screen">adime_clean_screen</a>
<li><a href="#adime_font">adime_font</a>
<li><a href="#adime_title_font">adime_title_font</a>
<li><a href="#adime_window_visible">adime_window_visible</a>
<li><a href="#adime_yield">adime_yield</a>

By tweaking the variables in this section, you can change the general
appearance of Adime's dialogs.

<hr><font size="+1"><b>BITMAP *<a name="adime_bmp">adime_bmp</a>;</b></font><br>
   If you want the dialog to be displayed on a certain video bitmap other
   than <tt>`screen'</tt>, set this to point to that bitmap. This is particulary
   useful if you for some reason have scrolled away from the top left area
   of the video memory and want the dialog to be displayed on currently
   visible video memory rather than on the default location. If this is NULL
   (it is by default), `adime_dialogf()' &amp; co will scroll to the top left
   corner of screen and use that part to display the dialog on.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>,
<a href="#adime_font">adime_font</a>.</font></blockquote>
<hr><font size="+1"><b>FONT *<a name="adime_font">adime_font</a>;</b></font><br>
<font size="+1"><b>FONT *<a name="adime_title_font">adime_title_font</a>;</b></font><br>
<font size="+1"><b>FONT *<a name="adime_button_font">adime_button_font</a>;</b></font><br>
   The font used in general by Adime dialogs and objects, the font for the
   title of the dialogs and the font for the OK and Cancel buttons. If one
   of them is NULL (they all are by default), Allegro's <tt>`font'</tt> will be used.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>,
<a href="#adime_bmp">adime_bmp</a>.</font></blockquote>
<hr><font size="+1"><b>int <a name="adime_yield">adime_yield</a>;</b></font><br>
   Flag indicating whether or not Adime dialogs should call Allegro's
   function `yield_timeslice()' continuously when it has nothing better to
   do. Default is <tt>`TRUE'</tt>. This flag has no effect while the file selector is
   open: `yield_timeslice()' will always be called then.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>,
<a href="#adime_clean_screen">adime_clean_screen</a>.</font></blockquote>
<hr><font size="+1"><b>int <a name="adime_clean_screen">adime_clean_screen</a>;</b></font><br>
   Flag indicating whether or not Adime dialogs should restore the screen
   after they have been closed. Default is <tt>`TRUE'</tt>, indicating that the screen
   should be restored.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>,
<a href="#adime_yield">adime_yield</a>,
<a href="#adime_window_visible">adime_window_visible</a>.</font></blockquote>
<hr><font size="+1"><b>int <a name="adime_window_visible">adime_window_visible</a>;</b></font><br>
   Flag indicating whether the background window of Adime dialogs should be
   drawn. Default is <tt>`TRUE'</tt>, indicating it should be drawn.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>,
<a href="#adime_yield">adime_yield</a>,
<a href="#adime_clean_screen">adime_clean_screen</a>.</font></blockquote>
<hr><font size="+1"><b>void (*<a name="adime_callback">adime_callback</a>)(DIALOG *d)</b></font><br>
   If you set this to something else than <tt>`NULL'</tt>, then that function will be
   called continuously as long as a Adime dialog is open. The argument <tt>`d'</tt>
   will point to the first object of the current Adime dialog, or the first
   object of Allegro's file selector when it's open. See
   adime/examples/exanim.c for an example on how to use this to do animation
   while a dialog is open.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>.</font></blockquote>
<br><center><h2><a name="Adime Colors">Adime Colors</a></h2></center><p>
extern RGB<ul>
   These variables specify the color of different parts of the dialog shown
   by `adime_dialogf()'. You may change them if you want other colors (the
   default is similar to the windows gray semi-3d look). Each r, g, and b
   component ranges from 0 to 255 no matter which the current color depth is.
   In 8 bit modes the closest entry in the palette is found, so it is your
   responsibility to make sure that the palette contains similar colors. As
   a special case, if you set the <tt>`filler'</tt> field of the RGB struct to 1
   rather than 0, then the <tt>`r'</tt> field will be used without searching the
   palette. (This can be useful if you depend on a certain palette index to
   be used.)

   Most of the variable names should be pretty self-explanatory.
   <tt>`adime_disabled_text_rgb'</tt> is very seldom used and is the color of text on
   buttons that can't be pressed. <tt>`adime_error_text_rgb'</tt> is the color of the
   result of an expression if the expression was invalid (e.g. contained
   mismatched parentheses). Hopefully you will understand the other names,
   but if you don't, they are common enough that you should be able to find
   out with some trial and error.

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>.</font></blockquote>
<br><center><h2><a name="Adime Metrics">Adime Metrics</a></h2></center><p>
extern int<ul>
   These variables specify the size and spacing of different parts of Adime
   dialogs. <tt>`border_thickness'</tt> is the spacing from the border to the
   contents of the dialog; <tt>`title_spacing'</tt> is the spacing between the title
   and the first object; <tt>`button_spacing'</tt> is the spacing above the OK and
   Cancel buttons; <tt>`between_button_spacing'</tt> is the spacing between the
   buttons; <tt>`description_spacing'</tt> is the horizontal spacing between the
   description text and the input field; <tt>`line_spacing'</tt> is the vertical
   spacing between two objects in the dialog; <tt>`button_w'</tt> and <tt>`button_h'</tt>
   specify the size of the OK and Cancel buttons; <tt>`title_border_thickness'</tt> is
   the space between the dialog title and the edge of the dialog;
   <tt>`title_internal_border_thickness'</tt> is the space inside the title from the
   edge to the text.

   Of these variables, only the `adime_window_title_*' ones affect the file

<blockquote><font size="-1" face="helvetica,verdana"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a href="adime000.html#adime_dialogf">adime_dialogf</a>.</font></blockquote>
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