

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 507bc49db4d931250bab05d0619a9dd6 > files > 59


CVER_2.42_0a of 01/03/02 (Linux-elf).
Copyright (c) 1991-2002 Pragmatic C Software Corp.
  Licensed software containing confidential and proprietary
  information belonging to Pragmatic C Software Corp.
Today is Thu Jan  3 22:41:47 2002.
  Verbose mode is on.
  Invoked by: "/tmp/cver".
  SDF annotation tracing verbose mode is on.
  Design content tables will be written.
  Begin Translation:
Compiling source file "lfsr5udp.v"
  Begin pass 2:
  Approximately 396822 bytes storage allocated (excluding udps).
Highest level modules:
+++ Printing Design Statistics +++
  Verbose mode statistics:
  178 source lines read (includes -v/-y library files).
  Design contains 7 module types.
  1 instantiated udp tables of total size less than 1 million bytes.

  Design Module Table: 7 modules (1 top level):
Module            Level Cells-in Insts-in Primitives  Assigns    Nets  Insts-of
fd2xl                 0        0        0          3        0       6      5000
EN                    0        0        0          1        0       3       500
lfsr                  1        0       11          0        0      24       500
lfsr10                2        0       10          0        0      13        50
lfsr100               3        0       10          0        0      13         5
lfsr500               4        0        5          0        0       8         1
test                  5        0        1          3        0       8         1
                          ------   ------     ------   ------  ------    ------
Static Total:                  0       37          7        0      75
Flat Total:                    0     6056      15503        0   44231      6057

  Per Module Wiring Table (Task Variables Excluded):
Module           Ports(Bits)   Wires(Bits) Registers(Bits) Memory(Cells, Bits)
fd2xl                   5(5)          1(1)                                    
EN                      3(3)                                                  
lfsr                    4(4)        20(20)                                    
lfsr10                  4(4)          9(9)                                    
lfsr100                 4(4)          9(9)                                    
lfsr500                 4(4)          4(4)                                    
test                                  4(4)           4(39)                    
                ------------ ------------- --------------- -------------------
Flat total:     28724(28724)  15503(15503)           4(39)                    

  Design Usage Table:
Type                      Class  Static   Flat   Location
                                 Number  Number
fd2xl                     module     10    5000  lfsr5udp.v:12
EN                        module      1     500  lfsr5udp.v:42
lfsr                      module     10     500  lfsr5udp.v:53
lfsr10                    module     10      50  lfsr5udp.v:74
lfsr100                   module      5       5  lfsr5udp.v:93
lfsr500                   module      1       1  lfsr5udp.v:113
test                      top         0       0  lfsr5udp.v:128
xl_fd2                    udp         1    5000  lfsr5udp.v:22
and                       gate        1       1
buf                       gate        2    5001
not                       gate        2    5001
xnor                      gate        1     500

  Flattened Design: 6056 instances, 5000 udps, 10503 gates and 0 assigns.
+++ End of Design Statistics +++
  Variable storage in bytes: 88460 for scalars, 16 for vectors and 0 for reals.
  Begin load/optimize:
  Approximately 592391 bytes storage allocated (excluding udps).
  Begin simulation:
  Approximately 1610239 bytes storage allocated (excluding udps).

Results display
                3200 00000000 00111111 10001111 00000010 
                6400 00111011 00000111 00110000 01010011 
                9600 01001101 10110111 11111101 11111011 
               12800 01110111 11001101 10010111 10110101 
               16000 01111000 01010001 01001001 00111111 
               19200 11001111 10010011 00111101 01001010 
               22400 00111001 00000011 10111000 01100001 
               25600 00100101 11111101 01111010 01010101 
               28800 11000001 00001101 10100111 11011001 
               32000 10111010 11100100 10001111 11000011 
               35200 10001000 00001101 11100111 01001000 
               38400 10111100 10101001 10000110 10010011 
               41600 01111101 11011011 00111111 01001110 
               44800 10110001 00110001 11010000 00101011 
               48000 10100010 01010011 11001100 10010101 
               51200 11110001 01100001 01100101 01101100 
               54400 01111100 00011000 11001000 01011101 
               57600 01010010 00001111 01100010 11100010 
               60800 10000010 01011011 11011110 10110101 
               64000 00111000 11000000 01001111 01110010 
               67200 11000110 11000011 11001000 10011100 
               70400 11100001 00000101 10110101 11111001 
               73600 01110011 01000101 10100101 11011101 
               76800 00110010 11010110 11100111 10001001 
               80000 00001111 10100011 01010001 10001000 
               83200 10001100 11000101 01000100 00100110 
               86400 10111011 00100111 01111000 11010000 
               89600 01101011 00110011 01010101 10000001 
               92800 10011100 10100001 10010100 10110011 
               96000 10110100 01111010 00010101 01010000 
               99200 00001011 11101010 11010000 11101010 
Halted at location **lfsr5udp.v(152) time 100000 from call to $finish.
2773498 simulation events and 22838561 declarative immediate assigns processed.
4074 behavioral statements executed (1007 procedural suspends).
  Times (in sec.):  Translate 0.0, load/optimize 0.1, simulation 24.2.
  There were 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), and 63 inform(s).