

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0abf02bb2abda94c2db99ef2a28c8a2c > files > 792


"""The workbench window for the permissions framework example."""

# Enthought library imports.
from enthought.pyface.action.api import Action, Group, MenuManager
from enthought.pyface.workbench.api import EditorManager, WorkbenchWindow
from enthought.pyface.workbench.api import Perspective, PerspectiveItem
from enthought.pyface.workbench.action.api import MenuBarManager
from enthought.pyface.workbench.action.api import ToolBarManager
from enthought.pyface.workbench.action.api import ViewMenuManager
from enthought.permissions.api import SecureProxy
from enthought.permissions.action.api import UserMenuManager
from enthought.traits.api import Callable, HasTraits, List, Instance

# Local imports.
from permissions import NewPersonPerm
from person import Person
from toolkit_editor import ToolkitEditor

class ExampleEditorManager(EditorManager):
    """An editor manager that supports the editor memento protocol."""
    # 'IEditorManager' interface.

    def create_editor(self, window, obj, kind):
        """Reimplemented to create an editor appropriate to the object being

        if isinstance(obj, HasTraits):
            # The superclass handles Traits objects.
            editor = super(ExampleEditorManager, self).create_editor(window, obj, kind)
            # Assume it is handled by a toolkit specific editor.
            editor = ToolkitEditor(window=window, obj=obj)

        return editor

class ExampleWorkbenchWindow(WorkbenchWindow):
    """A simple example of using the workbench window."""

    #### 'WorkbenchWindow' interface ##########################################

    # The available perspectives.
    perspectives = [
            name     = 'Foo',
            contents = [
                PerspectiveItem(id='Black', position='bottom'),
                PerspectiveItem(id='Debug', position='left')
            name     = 'Bar',
            contents = [
                PerspectiveItem(id='Debug', position='left')

    #### Private interface ####################################################

    # The Exit action.
    _exit_action = Instance(Action)

    # The New Person action.
    _new_person_action = Instance(Action)

    # 'ApplicationWindow' interface.

    def _editor_manager_default(self):
        """ Trait initializer.

        Here we return the replacement editor manager.

        return ExampleEditorManager()
    def _menu_bar_manager_default(self):
        """Trait initializer."""

        file_menu = MenuManager(self._new_person_action, self._exit_action,
                name='&File', id='FileMenu')
        view_menu = ViewMenuManager(name='&View', id='ViewMenu', window=self)
        user_menu = UserMenuManager(id='UserMenu', window=self)

        return MenuBarManager(file_menu, view_menu, user_menu, window=self)

    def _tool_bar_manager_default(self):
        """Trait initializer."""

        return ToolBarManager(self._exit_action, show_tool_names=False)

    # 'WorkbenchWindow' interface.

    def _views_default(self):
        """Trait initializer."""

        from secured_debug_view import SecuredDebugView

        return [SecuredDebugView(window=self)]

    # Private interface.

    def __exit_action_default(self):
        """Trait initializer."""

        return Action(name='E&xit', on_perform=self.workbench.exit)

    def __new_person_action_default(self):
        """Trait initializer."""
        # Create the action and secure it with the appropriate permission.
        act = Action(name='New Person', on_perform=self._new_person)
        act = SecureProxy(act, permissions=[NewPersonPerm])

        return act

    def _new_person(self):
        """Create a new person."""

        self.workbench.edit(Person(name='New', age=100))

#### EOF ######################################################################