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<title>Ruby FAQ: 
Classes and modules
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<h2><a name="s6">6. 
Classes and modules

<h2><a name="ss6.1">6.1 
Can a class definition be repeated?

A class can be defined repeatedly and the definition is added to
the former definition.  If a method is redefined, the former one
is overridden and lost.

<h2><a name="ss6.2">6.2 
Is there a class variable?

Ruby does not have a class variable.  But container classes
(<code>Array</code>, <code>Hash</code>, etc) assigned to a class constant 
can be used as a class variable.

class Foo
  F = [0]
  def foo
    F[0] += 1
    print F[0], &quot;\n&quot;
<h2><a name="ss6.3">6.3 
What is a class instance variable?

class Foo
  @a = 123 # (1)
  def foo
    p @a  # (2) ... nil not 123

(1) is a class instance variable, and (2) is an ordinary instance
variable.  (2) belongs to an instance of the class <code>Foo</code>, and
(1) belongs to the class object <code>Foo</code>, which is an instance of
<code>Class</code> class.
There is no way to access the class instance variable from the instance
(2) is an uninitialized instance variable with the value <code>nil</code>.

<a name="singleton_method"></a><h2><a name="ss6.4">6.4 
What is a singleton method?

A singleton method is the proper method of a specified object.
It is used like this.

foo =
def foo.hello
  print &quot;Hello\n&quot;

It is useful when you want to add a method to an object but hesitate
to define a new subclass.
Those who are familiar with Java may think it similar to an anonymous
inner class.

<h2><a name="ss6.5">6.5 
Is there a class method?

A singleton method of a class is called a class method.  A singleton
method is described as a proper method of an object, but there is a
characteristic in Ruby which is a metaclass, and every class has a
metaclass of the same name which is an instance of Class class.
A class method is defined in the metaclass.
Formally, a class method is a method whose receiver is a class.
Let's look at a singleton method of <code>Foo</code> which is an instance of

class Foo
  def Foo.test
    print &quot;this is foo\n&quot;

It is invoked this way.


This is a class method.  Methods which are defined in <code>Class</code> can
be used as class methods for every class.

<h2><a name="ss6.6">6.6 
What is a singleton class?

A singleton class is a mechanism that enables various class operations
to an object. 

class Foo
  def hello
    print &quot;hello.\n&quot;

foo =

# -&gt; hello.

class &lt;&lt; foo
  attr :name, TRUE
  def hello
    print &quot;hello. I'm &quot;, @name, &quot;.\n&quot;
end = &quot;Tom&quot;

# -&gt; hello. I'm Tom.

Wow, we can add anything to an object.
Here is a quiz for you.
<b>Q.</b> How can you make a class method private without using 
The answer is as follows.

class Foo

class &lt;&lt; Foo
  def class_method
    print &quot;class method\n&quot;
  private :class_method
Foo.class_method &quot; # -&gt; Error

There are two ways in defining a singleton method, one is to define
in a singleton class, and the other is to define directly using the
form def obj.method.
In a module, you can define a singleton method (at the same time
a private method) by making a method a module function.

<h2><a name="ss6.7">6.7 
What is a module function?

A method in a module which is defined as a singleton method as well as
a private method is called a module function.  For example:


Or can be used with <code>include</code>.

include Math

To make a method a module function, you invoke module_function method.

module_function :method_name
<h2><a name="ss6.8">6.8 
What is the difference between a class and a module?

A module cannot generate an instance.  A class cannot be included.

<h2><a name="ss6.9">6.9 
Does a module generate a subclass?

A module is included in a class/module to mimic multiple inheritance
(Mix-in).  This does not generate a subclass which is a direct
inheritance, but the class has is_a? relation with the module.

<h2><a name="ss6.10">6.10 

What is the difference between defining a class method in the class definition and directly at the toplevel?


In the class definition you can directly access a constant.  At the
toplevel a constant is accessed using the class name dereference.

<h2><a name="ss6.11">6.11 
What is the difference between <code>load</code> and <code>require</code>?

Only a Ruby script (<code>*.rb</code>) is loaded and executed in <code>load</code>.
When <code>require</code>d, <code>*.o</code> file is also looked for.  An already
<code>require</code>d file is never loaded again.
The loading path is different.

<h2><a name="ss6.12">6.12 
What is the difference between <code>include</code> and <code>extend</code>?


<code>include</code> is used to include a module to a class/module, and methods
in the module are called in function-style.  <code>extend</code> is used to
include a module to an object(instance), and methods in the module
become singleton methods of the object.

<h2><a name="ss6.13">6.13 
What does <code>self</code> mean?

<code>self</code> means the object itself to which a method is applied.
A function form method call implies <code>self</code> as the receiver.

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