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<title>mod_authz_ldap - reference</title>
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<td><font bgcolor=""><a href="ldap.html"><img src="ldap.jpg"
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<br />
<h1><a name="reference">Reference Configuration Directives</a></h1>
Find a short description of the configuration directives in mod_authz_ldap
below. For details about the configuration, please refer to the
<a href="configuration.html">configuration</a> manual.

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMethod">AuthzLDAPMethod</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMapMethod">AuthzLDAPMapMethod</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPServer">AuthzLDAPServer</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPBindDN">AuthzLDAPBindDN</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPBindPassword">AuthzLDAPBindPassword</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPProtocolVersion">AuthzLDAPProtocolVersion</a>

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPUserBase">AuthzLDAPUserBase</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPUserKey">AuthzLDAPUserKey</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPUserScope">AuthzLDAPUserScope</a>

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPGroupBase">AuthzLDAPGroupBase</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPGroupKey">AuthzLDAPGroupKey</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPGroupScope">AuthzLDAPGroupScope</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMemberKey">AuthzLDAPMemberKey</a>

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMapBase">AuthzLDAPMapBase</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMapScope">AuthzLDAPMapScope</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMapWithAD">AuthzLDAPMapWithAD</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPSetAuthorization">AuthzLDAPSetAuthorization</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPSetGroupAuth">AuthzLDAPSetGroupAuth</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr">AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr</a>

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPModifyKey">AuthzLDAPModifyKey</a>

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPAuthoritative">AuthzLDAPAuthoritative</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPProxyAuthentication">AuthzLDAPProxyAuthentication</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPLogLevel">AuthzLDAPLogLevel</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPAllowPassword">AuthzLDAPAllowPassword</a>

<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPCacheConnection">AuthzLDAPCacheConnection</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPCacheSize">AuthzLDAPCacheSize</a>
<li><a href="#AuthzLDAPCacheTimeout">AuthzLDAPCacheTimeout</a>

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPMethod"></a>AuthzLDAPMethod <i>{ ldap | ldapmapped | certificate | both }</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none <br />
Defines how the module should authenticate. By default, it does not do
anything. If <i>ldap</i> is selected, only basic authentication against
the directory is performed. With <i>certificate</i> an X.509 certificate
is verified against the LDAP directory. <i>both</i> asks to first verify
the certificate in the LDAP directory and then perform basic authentication
against the LDAP directory, but the distinguished name for the basic
authentication login and for the certificate must match. The <i>ldapmapped</i>
is mainly for use with Active Directory, which has got the bind syntax
completely wrong. The active directory seems to expect that you bind with
our username as the bind DN, not with your DN!

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPMapMethod"></a>AuthzLDAPMapMethod
<i>{ certificate | issuerserial | issuersubject | ad }</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none <br />
Defines how the module should map the certificate to an LDAP directory node.
The <i>certificate</i> method performs a subtree search from the user base
node for a user with a <i>userCertificate</i> attribute that matches the
certificate seen on the connection. This requires that the directory
allows equality matching for the <i>userCertificate</i> attribute, which
is not what the standards say. The <i>issuerserial</i> method uses the
map to look for a node based on issuer name and serial number, and
uses the owner attribute of such a node to find the user. Analogously,
<i>issuersubject</i> uses issuer name and subject name to find the map node.

The <i>ad</i> method was contributed, but I'm currently unable to test it.
Here is the original descritpion:
Certificates will be searched for in a way that is thought
to be similar to that used with Active Directory.  First, the
subject alternative names of the certificate are parsed and, if one
of type othername is found and its associated object identifier is
"" (User Principal Name), its value is used to
search for an entry having such value for the userPrincipalName attribute.
If no such subject alternative name is found, then the issuer and subject
distinguished names of the certificate are combined to form a search
filter for the altSecurityIdentities attribute.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPServer"></a>AuthzLDAPServer <i>host</i>[:<i>port</i>]<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> as set in the LDAP client configuration file, usually
something like <code>/etc/ldap.conf</code><br />
Defines the <a href="configuration.html#ldapserver">LDAP server</a> to connect to. If the port is not set, the 
standard LDAP port 389 is used.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPBindDN"></a>AuthzLDAPBindDN <i>dn</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Some <a href="configuration.html#ldapserver">servers</a> require an LDAP bind, this directive sets the distinguished
name for the bind operation.
<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPBindPassword"></a>AuthzLDAPBindPassword <i>pw</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Some <a href="configuration.html#ldapserver">servers</a> require an LDAP bind, this directive sets the password
name for the bind operation.
<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPProtocolVersion"></a>AuthzLDAPProtocolVersion <i>{1|2|3}</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Set the protocol version to use to connect to the directory. Required
with OpenLDAP 2.1.5 libraries.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPUserBase"></a>AuthzLDAPUserBase <i>dn</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
The user must be searched for in the directory, this directive
sets the <a href="configuration.html#ldapauth">search base</a>.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPUserKey"></a>AuthzLDAPUserKey <i>attributename</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
The value of this directive defines the search filter used to <a href="configuration.html#ldapauth">search
for the user</a>.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPUserScope"></a>AuthzLDAPUserScope {base|onlevel|subtree}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> base<br />
If the namespace for users in the directory is flat, a onlevel
search will be the most efficient way to find the user, but some
organisations will have hierarchical name spaces. If the namespace
ist flat and the user distinguished name can be computed from userid
and search base, a base search is also possible. In this case,
the userid is <a href="configuration.html#ldapauth">constructed</a> as described above.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPGroupBase"></a>AuthzLDAPGroupBase <i>dn</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Set the base for <a href="configuration.html#group">group membership</a> requirement searches.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPGroupKey"></a>AuthzLDAPGroupKey <i>attributename</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Set the name of the attribute identifying <a href="configuration.html#group">group</a>s underneath the group search
base set by the <a href="#AuthzLDAPGroupBase">AuthzLDAPGroupBase</a> directive.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPGroupScope"></a>AuthzLDAPGroupScope {base|onlevel|subtree}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> base<br />
Scope to search for matching <a href="configuration.html#group">group</a>s.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPMemberKey"></a>AuthzLDAPMemberKey <i>attributename</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> member<br />
Set the name of the attribute containing group member distinguished

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPMapBase"></a>AuthzLDAPMapBase <i>dn</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Base for <a href="configuration.html#certificates">certificate mapping</a> entries.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPMapScope"></a>AuthzLDAPMapScope {base|onlevel|subtree}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> onlevel<br />
Scope for <a href="configuration.html#certificates">certificate mapping</a> entries.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPSetAuthorization"></a>AuthzLDAPSetAuthorization <i> { user | ldapdn | subject | map }{+password} </i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
This directive gives precise control over the way how the authorization
header is overwritten by <code>mod_authz_ldap</code>.
By default, the modules leaves the headers alone. This allows the
user authenticated by a certificate to use basic authentication
unimpeeded. The argument indicates the source from where the user name
will be taken: <i>user</i> means the original basic authentication header,
<i>ldapdn</i> means the LDAP distinguished name found to be associated with
this user, <i>subject</i> means this users certificate subject DN, and
<i>map</i> means the value of the mapped attribute when the
<a href="#AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr">AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr</a> is in use.
If the string <i>+password</i> is appended, the module takes the password
specified in the original basic authentication header, otherwise it uses
the constant string <tt>password</tt>.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPSetGroupAuth"></a>AuthzLDAPSetGroupAuth <i> { user | ldapdn | map } </i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
This directive gives control over how the membership checking
should be done. With the <code>user</code> value, the user name
is used for membership verification. With <code>ldapdn</code>, it is
the LDAP distinguished name found upon certificate or user lookup.
With <code>map</code>, the user is first mapped according to the
settings of AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr and the result used for membership
checking. The following configuration example illustrates this:
	# map users to the uid uid for membership checking
	AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr      uid
	AuthzLDAPSetGroupAuth       map
	# this means that the memberUid attribute must match the uid
	# (which is the result of the map operation)
	AuthzLDAPMemberKey          memberUid
	# checks membership in a specific group. a user is accepted
	# precisely if his uid is the value of one of the memberUid
	# attributes of the group specified below
	require group cn=ceres10,ou=intranet,ou=groups,o=company

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr"></a>AuthzLDAPMapUserToAttr <i>attributename</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
If set, the value (if present) of the indicated attribute in the
mapped entry is used to replace the user identity instead of the
distinguished name of the mapped entry.  This is only supported when
either AuthzLDAPDirect or AuthzLDAPMapWithAD are set.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPRoleAttributeName"></a>AuthzLDAPRoleAttributeName <i>attributename</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Used to specify a attribute name to check for special values as given by
<code>require role</code> directives.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPModifyKey"></a>AuthzLDAPModifyKey <i>attributename</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> none<br />
Then checking a directory entry for last password modification, an
attribute containing the time of last modification must be specified.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPAuthoritative"></a>AuthzLDAPAuthoritative {on|off}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> on<br />
Usually the authentication and authorization decisions of
<code>mod_authz_ldap</code> are final. Sometimes however it is desired to
have other modules do checks if <code>mod_authz_ldap</code> would 
deny a request. In these cases, <a href="#AuthzLDAPAuthoritative">this</a>
option must be set to <code>off</code>.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPProxyAuthentication"></a>AuthzLDAPProxyAuthentication {on|off}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> automatically determined<br />
In <a href="configuration.html#transpauth">some cases</a> the kind of authentication performed must be explicitly
specified to the module. E.g. a <a href="configuration.html#reverse">reverse proxy</a>
will let the module believe that proxy authentication is the thing
to do, but to the client the proxy appears as the server, so it
should really do normal authentication. 
Setting <a href="#AuthzLDAPProxyAuthentication">this</a> option
to <code>off</code> forces normal authentication, <code>on</code>
forces proxy authentication.
If a reverse proxy performs basic authentication using this module,
and the backend server expects to see the basic authentication header also,
you must turn this option off. This causes the module to believe it is
doing basic authentication, although it is working as a proxy. If
<a href="#AuthzLDAPSetAuthorization">AuthzLDAPSetAuthorization</a>
is set so as to set the basic authorization header, <code>mod_proxy</code>
will send the Authorization header to the backend system. Note that
<code>mod_proxy</code> will never forward the Proxy-Authorization
header, as it sees this as a security problem.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPLogLevel"></a>AuthzLDAPLogLevel {emerg|alert|crit|error|warn|notice|info|debug}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> debug<br />
Reduce the volume of <a href="configuration.html#logging">log messages</a> from this module.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPAllowPassword"></a>AuthzLDAPAllowPassword {on|off}<br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> off<br />
If a user does not present a certificate, still accept him if she can
prove her identity via userid/password. Note that this weakens security
quite a bit, and should probably used only in settings where certificates
are a convenience rather than a requirement. For this to work it is
necessary to set the mod_ssl configuration directive
SSLVerifyClient to optional.

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPCacheConnection"></a>AuthzLDAPCacheConnection <i>{ on | off }</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> off<br />
Set to <i>on</i> if the module should cache LDAP connections between
requests. This may speed up LDAP operations, but also ties up resources
inside the apache process and on the LDAP server.
You must not set this to on if you are invoking mod_authz_ldap from
within an .htaccess file (because every invokation of the module creates
a new LDAP connection, which will be cached indefinitely).

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPCacheSize"></a>AuthzLDAPCacheSize <i>size</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> 0<br />
Set the size of the cache the LDAP library is allowed to build. 
Setting the cache size to 0 disables caching. The module will not allow
a cache to be created that is larger than the maximum set during 
configuration (128k being the default if option was given to

<hr noshade size="1" />
<strong>Syntax:</strong> <a name="AuthzLDAPCacheTimeout"></a>AuthzLDAPCacheTimeout <i>timeout</i><br />
<strong>Context:</strong> virtual host, directory<br />
<strong>Default:</strong> 600<br />
Timeout in seconds for entries in the LDAP cache. As a timeout longer
than one day seldom makes sense, the default timeout of 600 seconds
is used whenever a timeout longer than a day or a negative timeout
is specified. The default can be configured at configure time for the

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&copy; <a href="">Dr. Andreas M&uuml;ller</a>,
<a href="">Beratung und Entwicklung</a>.
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