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FAQ for - A Log Summarizer/Analyzer for the Postfix MTA


    I wouldn't have believed it.  What started out mostly as a light-
    hearted exercise in improving my facility with Perl--with the hope
    that something useful would come out of it as well--has turned out to
    be a somewhat popular utility.  And as more Admins find out about
    postfix, and more end up trying,  many of the questions,
    suggestions, and enhancement requests are becoming "frequently
    asked".  So odd as it seems (to me, at any rate), it looks like it's
    time for a FAQ.

Index of Frequently Asked Questions (in no particular order)

     1. Project Status
     2. "Could You Make" or "Here's A Patch To Make" Pflogsumm Do ...
     3. Requires Date:Calc Module
     4. Built-In Support for Compressed Logs
     5. Processing Multiple Log Files
     6. Time-Based Reporting and Statistics
     7. By-domain Listings
     8. Reject, Deferred and Bounced Detail Info
     9. "Orphaned" (no size) Messages
    10. Pflogsumm misses/mis-diagnoses/mis-reports, etc. <whatever>
    11. Pflogsumm is generating lots of "uninitialized value" warnings
    12. Pflogsumm just doesn't work or doesn't report anything
    13. Postfix Rejects Pflogsumm Reports Because Of Body Checks
    14. Pflogsumm Reports Double Traffic When Anti-Virus Scanner Used
    15. Pflogsumm's numbers don't add up
    16. Hourly stats for reports run without "-d" option are halved
    17. How Do I Get Pflogsumm To Email Reports To Me Daily/Weekly/etc.?
    18. How Can I View Pflogsumm's Reports In My Web Browser?
    19. New Red Hat install - Pflogsumm no longer works!
    20. How can I best format my custom reject messages for display in
        Pflogsumm's output?
    21. Pflogsumm doesn't understand my log file format
    22. Why Isn't There Any Mention Of "Monkey Butler" In The FAQ?
    23. Sending Logfile Samples

1. Project Status

    New work on Pflogsumm is sporadic.  It pretty much does everything I
    need it to do and, so far as I can tell, pretty much what most other
    people need it to do.  And my time is limited.

    I'll still take bug reports.  I'll still fix bugs.  (But I promise no
    time-line.)  I'll still answer questions (as time allows).  And I
    *may* add the occasional enhancement or whatever--as the mood
    strikes--but Pflogsumm is pretty much a "finished work" as far as I'm

2. "Could You Make" or "Here's A Patch To Make" Pflogsumm Do ...

    Unless it's a *bug* fix, please see: "1. Project Status"

    To the argument "But it's a patch, all you have to do is...," the
    answer is: "Not quite."  Every time I make a change to Pflogsumm I
    have to run it through a series of regression checks to make sure the
    change didn't break something.  Then there's the commit,
    documentation, web page update, etc. cycle.

    I'm particularly unlikely to add code to Pflogsumm to account for
    non-standard Postfix log entries.  "Non-standard" being defined as
    "other than what Wietse's code does."  Or additional stats gathering
    that nobody else has requested and strikes *me* as of limited interest
    or use.  In addition to the development cycle, there's the issue of
    "code bloat."  Pflogsumm already takes enough (too much?) time and
    memory on busy machines with large logs.  I'm not prone to make this
    worse for the sake of these things.

    See Also: 21. Pflogsumm doesn't understand my log file format

3. Requires Date::Calc Module

    Pflogsumm now requires the Date::Calc module.  You can download and
    install the Date::Calc module from CPAN.  It can be found at:

    Or you can remove the code that's dependent on the Date::Calc module.
    For the convenience of folks that would prefer to take this approach,
    I've "fenced" all such code like this:

	<bunch of code>

    However, if you do this you will lose support for --smtpd_stats.

    Later versions of the Pflogsumm distribution include a script to
    semi-automate removing smtpd stats support, if you so-desire.

4. Built-In Support for Compressed Logs

    I took a look at this.  There is a Perl module (which I downloaded,
    built, and installed here) to interface to libz, but after considering
    the changes that would be necessary--and the fact that those changes
    would require that potential users have to download/build/install libz
    (and of the correct version) and the additional Perl module, I decided
    to forego this enhancement.

    I could just open a pipe within Pflogsumm and use zcat/gunzip/gzip.
    That would depend upon a) them being there [probably a safe bet--
    considering the logs somehow got into that format :-), but...] and b)
    one of these either being in the path or having an environment
    variable or a script variable or...

    The thing is, in the latter case there's really no "savings" over
    simply piping into Pflogsumm in the first place.  Multiple processes
    get spawned, pipes opened, etc. either way.  It would add a little
    convenience, is all.

    So I could do it.  And there are a couple of ways I could do it.  And
    my mind is certainly still open on the issue.  I'm just not convinced
    there's a good reason to do it, is all.  And I'd like to avoid
    "creeping over-feature-itis" if I can.  My position is *not* set in
    stone on this issue.  In the mean-time:

	zcat /var/log/maillog.0.gz | <args...>


	gunzip </var/log/maillog.0.gz | <args...>

    should do the trick quite nicely for you.

    If you've a complex situation, for example: your logs aren't rotated
    exactly at midnight, you might try something like:

	(zcat /var/log/maillog.0.gz; cat /var/log/maillog) \
	    | -d yesterday

    See Also:  5. Processing Multiple Log Files
              17. How Do I Get Pflogsumm To Email Reports To Me

5. Processing Multiple Log Files

    When processing multiple log files (say: an entire weeks worth of logs
    that are rotated daily), it is important that Pflogsumm be fed them in
    chronological order.  For performance and memory conservation reasons,
    Pflogsumm relies on log messages "arriving" in the order in which they
    were created.

    If you do something like this:

	pflogsumm /var/log/maillog*

    you might not get what you expect!  Instead, try something like:

	pflogsumm `ls -rt /var/log/maillog*`

    A more complex example, where compressed logs are involved:

	(zcat `ls -rt /var/log/maillog.*.gz`; cat /var/log/maillog) \

    Obviously, this depends on the file modification times for your logs
    being reflective of their chronological order.  If that can't be
    trusted, you're gonna have to get ugly.  Like in enumerating each
    file, or as in:

	(for each in 3 2 1 0; do
	     zcat "/var/log/maillog.$each.gz"
	 cat /var/log/maillog) |

    or (somewhat more efficiently--by running zcat only once):

	(zcat `for ea in 3 2 1 0; do echo "/var/log/maillog.$ea.gz";
	 done`; cat /var/log/maillog) |

    [Note: I didn't actually run these.  So you would be well-advised
     to double-check them.]

    See Also:  4. Built-In Support for Compressed Logs
              17. How Do I Get Pflogsumm To Email Reports To Me

6. Time-Based Reporting and Statistics

    There has been a small assortment of requests for different time
    statistics reporting.  And adding this would be relatively straight-
    forward.  (Just have to reach a consensus on exactly *what* should be
    reported, and how.  This could easily get out of hand!)

    There's only one *small* problem.  Ironically, it's time.

    I've experimented with Pflogsumm grokking the log timestamps.  As a
    matter-of-fact: the enhancement added in the 19990110-05 version
    required that I do some of this.  My first pass was to use the Perl
    timelocal() function to convert those sub-strings to an integer for
    subsequent comparison operations.  Imagine my surprise when
    performance of the resulting code was a factor of five (5) times
    slower than that of its predecessor.  After a "remove the statements
    until it got fast again" exercise, I found that the culprit was

    As of version 19990321-01, Pflogsumm does by-domain stats reporting of
    average and maximum delivery time by host/domain.  And an even earlier
    version added by-hour and by-day message count reporting.  Anything
    much beyond these is going to get "expensive."

    If/when any additional time-based stats reporting is added: I think
    they are definitely going to be optional.

    One way you can make up for Pflogsumm's deficiency in this respect is
    to use good ol' Unix tools like "grep" to pre-process your log files
    before feeding them to Pflogsumm.  E.g.:

	grep "Feb  9" /var/log/maillog |pflogsumm what_ever_args

    Note that single-digit days-of-the-month have an additional leading
    space in the logfiles, where the digit for two-digit dates would be.

7. By-domain Listings

    I figured on the desire for this one from the start.  There are many

	1) A single report, split by domain
	2) An option to limit reporting to a particular domain

    This issue is kind of tricky.  The popularity of Unix amongst
    SysAdmins is testimony to the beauty of being able to wire- together
    small, simple tools so that one can generate output to ones taste.
    Anything I do is likely to make some Admins happy and others wishing
    I'd done it "the other way".

    One thought that occurred is to perhaps provide a couple of options
    that would allow one to limit a particular report to

	sender=regular_expression and/or recipient=regular_expression

    The problem with this solution is that an Admin desiring to emit
    custom reports for multiple domains would have to re-process the same
    log multiple times--once for each desired domain.

    So I'm still thinking about this one.

8. Reject, Deferred and Bounced Detail Info

    I've actually only received one query about this so far, but there are
    bound to be more.  So...

    The "detailed" information in the "Reject", "Deferred" and "Bounced"
    reports is a compromise.  Just take a stroll through your postfix logs
    some day and observe the variation in how the "reason" for a
    particular reject, defer, or bounce is reported.  Without putting a
    lot of static comparisons for each-and-every case into the analyzer, I
    have absolutely no hope is doing this very well.

    Emitting the entire "reason" is not good, either.  The entire "reason"
    string can be very long.  Depending on what somebody is using to
    display Pflogsumm's output, the lines may well wrap-- producing output
    that is no more readable than just grepping the logs.

    And anything more I do to this end may soon be rendered moot.  After
    Wietse gets most of the more important functional stuff out of the
    way, Postfix logging is going to be completely re-written.  (Oh boy,
    won't that be fun!)  I'm hoping I'll be able to get some input into
    the process so the formatting is more amenable to automated
    processing.  Wietse has indicated that such would be the case.

    Also, please note my primary objective behind Pflogsumm (besides the
    entertainment value): "just enough detail to give the administrator a
    ``heads up'' for potential trouble spots."  It's not *supposed* to do
    away with manual inspection entirely.

    For those that really want all that extra detail in the log summary
    reports, specify the "--verbose_msg_detail" switch.

    See Also: 23. Sending Logfile Samples

9. "Orphaned" (no size) Messages

    The Problem:

	Message size is reported only by the queue manager.  The message
	may be delivered long-enough after the (last) qmgr log entry that
	the information is not in the log(s) processed by a particular run

    The Result:

	"Orphaned" messages.  These are reported by Pflogsumm as "Messages
	with no size data."

	This, of course, throws off "Recipients by message size" and the
	total for "bytes delivered."  ("bytes in messages" in earlier

    The Solution:

	"Memorize" message sizes by queue i.d.  Easy in theory.  Difficult
	in practice.  At least at the moment.

	You see, if Pflogsumm's going to "memorize" message sizes, it has
	to have some definitive way to know when to delete a no-
	longer-needed reference.  Otherwise the memory file will just grow

    As with the "Reject, Deferred and Bounced Detail Info" issue above,
    I'm hoping the get some input into future changes in logging issues.
    In any event: maybe whatever comes out of the logging redesign will
    provide a solution.

    As of Pflogsumm version 1.0.12, the "Messages with no size data" report
    can be turned off.

10. Pflogsumm misses/mis-diagnoses/mis-reports, etc. <whatever>

    Are you using a real old version of VMailer?  As of
    version 19990220-06, versions of VMailer prior to 19981023 are no
    longer supported.  Sorry. will be made
    permanently available from now on for those with out-of-date versions
    of VMailer prior to 19981023.

    Are you processing your log files in chronological order?  See item
    "5: "Processing Multiple Log Files". is being developed by me on my rather small-scale server
    at home.  There are only two users on the system.  And I do no
    mail-forwarding.  So the log samples I have to work with are
    commensurately limited.

    If there's something that Pflogsumm is not doing, or not doing right,
    let me know what it is, what you think it ought to do, and send me a
    representative sample of *real* log entries with which to work.

    See Also: 5. Processing Multiple Log Files
	      12. Pflogsumm just doesn't work or doesn't report anything
	      15. Pflogsumm's numbers don't add up
              19. New Red Hat install - Pflogsumm no longer works!
	      21. Pflogsumm doesn't understand my log file format
              23. Sending Logfile Samples

11. Pflogsumm is generating lots of "uninitialized value" warnings

    Are you using a version of Perl lower than 5.004_04?  Perhaps with a
    "beta" version of  If so, try turning off the "-w"
    switch.  Pflogsumm as of 19990413-02beta appeared to work correctly
    with Perl 5.003 in spite of the warnings.  (Those warnings didn't
    appear with Perl 5.004.)

    I don't guarantee that I'll remember to test future versions of against 5.003, but I'll try to :-).

    You really should consider upgrading your Perl to 5.004 or later.

12. Pflogsumm just doesn't work or doesn't report anything

    Did you *download* Pflogsumm as opposed to grabbing it by
    "copy-and-paste" from a browser?  Copy-and-paste can result in lines
    being unintentionally wrapped and hard-tabs being converted to
    spaces.  This will break Pflogsumm.

    Also, I've received a couple of reports by people downloading
    Pflogsumm with Lynx that the download has long lines wrapped.
    Naturally, this breaks Pflogsumm.

    See Also: 10. Pflogsumm misses/mis-diagnoses/mis-reports, etc.
              19. New Red Hat install - Pflogsumm no longer works!
	      21. Pflogsumm doesn't understand my log file format

13. Postfix Rejects Pflogsumm Reports Because Of Body Checks

    You configure Postfix to do body checks, Postfix does its thing,
    Pflogsumm reports it and Postfix catches the the same string in the
    Pflogsumm report.  There are several solutions to this.

    Wolfgang Zeikat contributed this:

	use MIME::Lite;

	### Create a new message:
	$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
	    From     => '',
	    To       => 'your@recipie.nt',
	    # Cc     => ',',
	    Subject  => 'pflogsumm',
	    Date     => `date`,
	    Type     => 'text/plain',
	    Encoding => 'base64',
	    Path     =>'/tmp/pflogg',


    Where "/tmp/pflogg" is the output of Pflogsumm.  This puts Pflogsumm's
    output in a base64 MIME attachment.

    In a follow-up to a thread in the postfix-users mailing list, Ralf
    Hildebrandt noted:

	"mpack does the same thing."

    The solution I came up with is to modify the body_checks statements to
    ignore the strings when they're in a Pflogsumm report, as follows:

    Bounce anything with 6 or more "$"s in a row...

	/\${6,}/    REJECT

    Which, of course, catches the line in the Pflogsumm report too.

	/^(?!\s+[0-9]+\s+).*?\${6,}/    REJECT

    which reads "anything with 6 or more '$'s in a row that is not a line
    beginning with one or more whitespace characters, followed by one or
    more digits, followed by one or more whitespace characters."

    (This is using PCRE's, btw.)

    Note that my solution will be more computationally expensive, by a
    *long* way, than encoding Pflogsumm's output into a format that
    body_checks won't catch.

    Robert L Mathews suggested the following solution

	/^ {6,11}[[:digit:]]{1,6}[ km] /    OK

    Placed at the beginning of a body_checks file, this will "pre-approve"
    lines in Pflogsumm's output that might otherwise get caught.  That's
    a POSIX regexp version.  A PCRE version of the same thing would be:

	/^ {6,11}\d{1,6}[ km] /    OK

14. Pflogsumm Reports Double Traffic When Anti-Virus Scanner Used

    Sadly, there's absolutely nothing I can do about this :-(.

    The problem arises because of the way in which anti-virus scanning is
    handled by Postfix.  Basically, Postfix "delivers" each email to the
    anti-virus scanner and the anti-virus scanner re-sends it through
    Postfix.  So each email really is received twice and sent/delivered

    And yes, I tried.  I really, really tried.  If I recall correctly, I
    spent come two days mucking-about with this problem.  Actually thought
    I had it once or twice.  But the results inevitably failed regression
    testing.  At the end of this, and with some more careful thought, I
    realized it just wasn't possible.  If you think you can prove me
    wrong, please do so.  I'd be quite pleased to be proven wrong on this

15. Pflogsumm's numbers don't add up

    Pflogsumm reports more "rejected" than "received"

    Why doesn't delivered + deferred + bounce + rejected = received?

	Some rejects (header and body checks, for example) happen in
	"cleanup," after alias lists are expanded.  Thus a single received
	message will be rejected multiple times: once for each recipient.

    The "size=" fields, multiplied by their "nrcpt=" fields, when added-up
    yields a total higher than Pflogsumm's "bytes delivered" total.

	Pflogsumm doesn't count something delivered until it actually *is*
	delivered.  Nrcpt only suggests the number of intended recipients,
	not how many are actually deliverable.  Only if there were no
	bounces, rejects, defers or other undeliverables for everything
	that was received would a calculation such as that above yield the
	proper value.

    Pflogsumm's "% rejected" doesn't add up

	The "percent rejected" and "percent discarded" figures are only
	approximations.  They are calculated as follows (example is for
	"percent rejected"):

	    percent rejected =

		(rejected / (delivered + rejected + discarded)) * 100

	Given the issues discussed above, this is really the best that can
	be hoped-for, IMO.

    See Also: 10. Pflogsumm misses/mis-diagnoses/mis-reports, etc.

16. Hourly stats for reports run without "-d" option are halved

    Scenario: On day #1 of a fresh logfile, you run Pflogsumm with "-d
    today" and the next day you run it with no "-d" option.  The "Per-Hour
    Traffic" statistics are approximately halved.  How can this be?

    Note that when you run Pflogsumm on a logfile that contains multi-day
    logfile entries, Pflogsumm automatically changes the per-hour stats to
    daily traffic averages.  If there's even *one* logfile entry from
    another day, all of the per-hour stats will be divided by two.  Unless
    you rotate logfiles *precisely* at midnight--and it's unlikely you can
    guarantee that happening--there's no way to prevent this.

17. How Do I Get Pflogsumm To Email Reports To Me Daily/Weekly/etc.?

    Excuse me?  You're running a mailserver and you don't know how to use
    cron to run things on a scheduled basis and pipe the output to
    something that'll email it to you?

    Oh. My. Lord.


    Here's my crontab entries:

    10 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/pflogsumm -d yesterday /var/log/syslog \
	2>&1 |/usr/bin/mailx -s "`uname -n` daily mail stats" postmaster

    10 4 * * 0   /usr/local/sbin/pflogsumm /var/log/syslog.0 \
	2>&1 |/usr/bin/mailx -s "`uname -n` weekly mail stats" postmaster

    (Those are actually each a single line.  I line-broke them [and
    signified that with the "\"s] for readability.)

    The first generates stats for the previous day and is run *after*
    midnight.  The second is run against the previous week's entire log.
    (I rotate my logs weekly.)

    If you rotate your logs on a different schedule, want monthly reports,
    etc., I leave it as an exercise to you, the reader, to figure out how
    to concatenate several logs to stdout and feed that to Pflogsumm.

    See Also: 4. Built-In Support for Compressed Logs
	      5. Processing Multiple Log Files
	      The Unix manual pages for "cron," "crontab," "cat,"
	      "zcat," "gzip," "gunzip," "mail," "mailx," etc.

18. How Can I View Pflogsumm's Reports In My Web Browser?

    Just direct Pflogsumm's output to a file, call it "something.txt" or
    whatever, and look at it with your browser :).  If you want to get
    fancy, create a post-processing shell script that'll create a
    date-tagged file, like "mailstats-20030216.txt".  It's easy.

    See Also: Pflogsumm Through A Browser, on Pflogsumm's home page.

19. New Red Hat install - Pflogsumm no longer works!

    From some email exchanges with a couple of people that reported

	"It appears the Pflogsumm is broken with RedHat9.  I can take
	 the same log file and run it under Solaris9/RedHat 7.3 (perl 5.8
	 on both) without a problem, but it breaks on RH9."

	"Oops.  Sorry about the false alarm.  This is an issue with
	 some of the other Perl scripts that are out there due to Red Hat
	 8/9 using LANG=en_US.UTF-8

	 Changing the locale to "POSIX" fixes this...

	 Note that Pflogsumm works fine when run through cron.daily, as
	 cron has different environment settings."

	"Ah, the good old RH8/9 UTF-8 strikes again.  I should have
	 known. Setting  LANG to either en_US or C fixes the problem."

    What the above means is that you have to change the "LANG" environment
    variable from "en_US.UTF-8" to "en_US" or "C".  E.g.:

	export LANG

    in your shell.  Or you could add these commands to your login
    profile.  (I.e.: $HOME/.bash_profile, if you're using bash.)  Or set
    the system-wide default in /etc/sysconfig/i18n.  My RH boxes have LANG
    set to "en_US" there, and everything seems to work fine.  (If you set
    it in your profile or the system-wide default, you'll need a fresh
    login for it to take effect, obviously.)

    See Also: 10. Pflogsumm misses/mis-diagnoses/mis-reports, etc.
              12. Pflogsumm just doesn't work or doesn't report anything
	      21. Pflogsumm doesn't understand my log file format

20. How can I best format my custom reject messages for display in
    Pflogsumm's output?

    Reject reason strings found in the mail log will be truncated at the
    first comma (","), colon (":") or semi-colon (";").  If you want a
    "clause" in your reject message to appear in Pflogsumm's output,
    without having to specify --verbose_msg_detail, use a punctuation mark
    other than one of those three, such as a dash ("-").

21. Pflogsumm doesn't understand my log file format

    I've received several requests to modify Pflogsumm's log file format
    regular expression matching to accommodate "non-standard" log file
    formats.  I'm not inclined to honour such requests.  The regexp that
    identifies Postfix' log file entries is nearly incomprehensible as it
    is.  If your log file format has extra fields (e.g.: FreeBSD syslogd
    with "-v -v" specified), or, as in one case (metalog), is lacking
    fields, and you insist on doing things that way, I recommend you
    code-up a little pre-filter to mung the format into a standard one.

    See Also: 10. Pflogsumm misses/mis-diagnoses/mis-reports, etc.
              12. Pflogsumm just doesn't work or doesn't report anything
              19. New Red Hat install - Pflogsumm no longer works!

22. Why Isn't There Any Mention Of "Monkey Butler" In The FAQ?

    A friend of mine asked me if I'd put the phrase "monkey butler" in
    the FAQ.  The answer is no.  Pflogsumm is used by some rather large
    corporations.  There are credibility issues.  Sorry. :)

22. Sending Logfile Samples

    Here's the deal with whatever you may send me in the way of log

	. Obfuscate them if you want.  But take care not alter them
	  in such a manner that they're not accurate wrt the "realism" of
	  the data, make sure the field formatting is not altered, and
	  that the order of the log entries is not altered.

	. The world is an unsafe place for your data, no matter where
	  it might reside.  But I'll do my level best to ensure that your
	  data does not fall into the hands of others.

	. If you want, I'll PGP-encrypt the data when it's not in

	. You can PGP-encrypt it when you send it to me if you're
	  concerned.  My PGP public key can be found on my Web site and at
	  the PGP public key servers.

	. If you want, I'll delete the sample data when the work is
	  done.  But I would *like* to keep it around for future
	  regression-testing.  It's your call.  Let me know.

Created: 15 Feb., 1999 / Last updated: 14 September, 2003