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    <title>Using HSQLDB for Zaurus</title>

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<table border=0 cellspacing=10 cellpadding=0 >
	  <td valign=CENTER> <img src="images/hsqldb.gif"></td>
	  <td><h2><font face="Arial">Using HSQL Database Manager for Sharp </font></h2></td>
	  <td align=CENTER><img src="images/zaurus.jpeg"></td>
<p>The main functions of the HSQL DatabaseManager for Zaurus are</p>
        <li><a href=#starting>Starting HSQLDB.</a>
	<li><a href=#connecting>Connecting to a database.</a>
	<li><a href=#executing>Executing scripts.</a>

<p>There are four different panels which may be chosen from the 
'View' menu or with one of the four buttons under the menu:</p>
      <li><a href=#tree><img src=images/treeBut.png alt=Tree panel border=0></a>
      <li><a href=#command><img src=images/commandBut.png alt=Command panel border=0></a>
      <li><a href=#result><img src=images/resultBut.png alt=Result panel border=0></a>
      <li><a href=#editor><img src=images/editorBut.png alt=Editor panel border=0></a>



    <h3><a name=starting><font face=Arial>Starting HSQLDB.</font></a>
    <a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a>

<p>HSQLDB for Zaurus is started with the appropriate icon ,
usally located under the Jeode tab. By default, a database called
'test' is opened and the tables in this database are displayed in the <a
href=#tree>tree panel.</a></p>

<p>To get an impression of the functionalty, insert some test data by
selecting the appropriate point in the 'Options' menu.</p>

    <h3><a name=connecting><font face=Arial>Connecting to a database</font></a>
    <a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a>

<p>To open a different database, select 'Connect' from the 
'File' menu. Select 'HSQL Standalone' as type, and replace the
database name 'test' in the URL with a different name.</p>

<p>If you want to use a different database system (usually on your
desktop) you need the appropriate JDBC driver for that system.</p>

    <h3><a name=executing><font face=Arial>Executing scripts</font></a>
    <a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a>

<p>You may save and open scripts with the appropriate functions in the
 'File' menu. A script consists of one or more valid SQL
statements. For example, you may save often-used SQL queries on your
tables. If a script is opened, it is shown in the <a href=#command>command
panel</a> and can be executed from there.</p>

    <h3><a name=tree><font face=Arial>Tree panel</font></a>
    <a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a>

<p>The tree panel shows all the tables in the connected database. Use the
plus signs to expand the tree. For each table there is a list of the columns
with their data type.</p>

    <h3><a name=command><font face="Arial">Command panel</font></a>
	<a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a></h3>

<p>The command panel is used to edit any SQL statement. Use 'Save
Script' in the 'File' menu to save the SQL statement.</p>

<p>The SQL command is executed by clicking on the 'Execute' button at
the bottom of the command panel, or by pressing Shift+Enter or
Ctrl+Enter. The result is shown in the result panel.</p>

<p>Any executed SQL statement may be re-loaded to the command panel by selecting from
the 'Recent' menu.</p>

    <h3><a name=result><font face="Arial">Result panel</font></a>
	<a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a></h3>

<p>The result of an executed SQL statement is shown in the result
panel. In the 'View' menu, you can choose between a text view or a
grid view of the result rows.</p>

<p>If you select an SQL statement from the  'SQL' menu, the keyword is
pasted into the command panel and the syntax of that SQL statement is
shown in the result panel.</p>

    <h3><a name=editor><font face="Arial">Editor panel</font></a>
	<a href=#top><img src=images/red_up.gif border=0></a></h3>

<p>The editor shows different forms:</p>
	  <li>a search form
	  <li>an entry form for every table in the database

<h4>Search form</h4>

<p>The editor comes up with a search form where you can select</p>

	<li>the table that should be searched through,
	<li>one or more words (or numbers) that should be searched for,
	<li>whether the rows that are searched  contain all or just one search word,
	<li>whether the case of the search word should be respected,

	<li>whether the search words can be a part of a column
	or should match the whole column.

<p>When clicking on the  'Search Rows' button, all rows of the chosen
table that meet the search criteria are identified and the first row
is shown in a table form.</p>

<p>When clicking on the  'Insert New Row' button, an empty table form
is shown and one may type a new row for the selected table.</p>

<h4>Table form</h4>

<p>For each table <b>that has a primary key</b> in the database there
is a specific table form which shows the column names to the left and
entry fields to the right.</p>

<p>For each reference to another table, a choice field is generated
which holds the values of all the rows of the referenced table.</p>

<p>The entry fields for columns that belong to the primary key of the
table are not editable. If you want to update a part of the
primary key, you have to delete the row and insert a new row.</p>

    <address><a href="">Ulrich Vollert</a></address>
<!-- Created: Mon Oct  7 11:31:16 CEST 2002 -->