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 <TITLE>LVS-HOWTO: Choose LVS Forwarding Type</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="forwarding"></A> <A NAME="s5">5. Choose LVS Forwarding Type</A></H2>

<H2><A NAME="ss5.1">5.1 Comparison of VS-NAT, VS-DR and VS-Tun</A>

<P>The instructions in the following sections show how to set
up LVS in VS-NAT, VS-Tun and VS-DR modes for the service telnet.
<P>If you just want to demonstrate to yourself that you can setup an
LVS, then VS-NAT has the advantage that any OS can be used on the
real-servers, and that no modifications are needed for the kernel
on the real-server(s).
<P>If you have a linux machine with a 2.0.x kernel, then it can be
used as a real-server for an LVS operating in any mode without any
<P>Because VS-NAT was the first mode of LVS developed, it was the
type first used by people setting an LVS. For production work
VS-DR scales to much higher throughput and is the most common
setup for production. However for a simple test, VS-NAT only
requires patching 1 machine (the director) and an unmodified
machine of any OS for a real-servers. After a simple test, unless
you need the features of VS-NAT (ability to use real-servers that
provide services not found on Linux machines, port remapping,
real-servers with primitive tcpip stacks - e.g./printers, services
that initiate connect requests such as identd),
then it would be best to move to VS-DR.
<P>Here are the constraints for choosing the various flavors of
LVS: VS-NAT (network address translation), VS-Tun (tunnelling)
and VS-DR (direct routing).
                     VS-NAT          VS-Tun            VS-DR

server OS            any           must tunnel         most
server mods          none          tunl must not arp   lo must not arp
port remapping       yes           no                  no
server network       private       on internet         local
                     (remote    or      local)          -
server number        low           high                high
client connnects to  VIP           VIP                 VIP
server default gw    director      own router          own router
<H2><A NAME="performance"></A> <A NAME="ss5.2">5.2 Expected LVS performance</A>

<P>If you are just setting up an LVS to see if you can set one up,
then you don't care what your performance is. When you want to
put one on-line for other people to use, you'll want to know
the expected performance.
<P>On the assumption that you have tuned/tweeked your farm of real-servers 
and you know that they are capable of
delivering data to clients at a total rate of bits/sec or packets/sec,
you need to design a director capable of routing this number of 
requests and replies for the clients.
<P>Before you can do this, 
some background information on networking hardware is required. 
At least for Linux (the OS I've measured, see 
<A HREF="">performance data for single real-server LVS</A>), 
a network rated at 100Mbps is not 100Mbps all the time. 
It's only 100Mbps when continuously carrying packets of mtu size (1500bytes).
A packet with 1 bit of data takes as long to transmit as a full mtu sized packet.
If your packets are &lt;ack&gt;s, or 1 character packets from
your telnet editing session or requests for http pages and images, 
you'll barely reach 1Mbps on the same network. 
On the 
<A HREF="">performance page</A>, you'll notice that you can get higher hit rates on
a website as the size of the hit targets (in bytes) gets smaller. 
Hit rate is not neccessarily a good indicator of network throughput.
<P>Tcpip can't use the full 100Mbps of 100Mbps network hardware, 
as most packets are paired (data, ack; request, ack).
A link carrying full mtu data packets and their corresponding &lt;ack&gt;s, will
presumably be only carrying 50Mbps.
A better measure of network capacity is the packet throughput.
An estimate of the packet throughput comes from the network capacity 
(100Mbps)/mtu size(1500bytes) = 8333 packets/sec.
(Thanks to Pat O'Rourke for the correct number here. 
In previous versions of this document, I've stated &quot;800&quot; here.
This was because my calculator didn't accept the last &quot;0&quot; when
I entered 10^9).
<P>Thinking of a network as 100Mbps rather than <EM>ca.</EM>8000packets/sec 
is a triumph of marketing. 
When offered the choice, everyone will buy network hardware rated at 
100Mbps even though this capacity can't be used with your protocols, 
over another network which will run continuously at 8000packets/sec for all protocols.
Only for applications like ftp will near full network capacity be reached
(then you'll be only running at 50% of the rated capacity as
half the packets are &lt;ack&gt;s).
<P>A netpipe test shows that some packets must be "small". 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-18.html#show_traffic">show_traffic script</A>
shows that for small packets (&lt;128bytes), the throughput is constant
at 1200packets/sec. As packets get bigger (upto mtu size), the packet
throughput decreases to 700packets/sec, and then increasing to 2600packets/sec
for large packets. 
(My real-servers are 75MHz pentiums and can't saturate the 100Mbps network.)
<P>The constant througput in packets/sec is a first order 
approximation of of tcpip network throughput and is the
best information we have to predict director performance.
<P>In the case where a client is in an exchange of small packets (&lt;mtu size)
with a real-server in a VS-DR LVS, each of the links 
(client-director, director-realserver, realserver-client) would be saturated
with packets, although the bps rate would be low. This is the typical
case for non-persistent http when 7 packets are required for the setup
and termination of the connection, 2 packets are required for data passing
(eg the request GET /index.html and the reply) and an &lt;ack&gt; for each of these. 
Thus only 1 out of 11 packets is likely to be near mtu size, and throughput will
be 10% of the rated bps throughput even though the network is saturated.
<P>The first thing to determine then is the rate at which the real-servers
are generating/receiving packets. 
If the real-servers are network limited, 
i.e. the real-servers are returning data in memory cache
(eg a disk-less squid) and have 100Mpbs connections,
then each real-server will saturate a 100Mbps link.
If the service on the real-server requires disk or CPU access, 
then each real-server will be using proportionately less of the network. 
If the real-server is generating images on demand (and hence is
compute bound) then it may be using very little of the network
and the director can be handling packets for another real-server.
<P>The forwarding method affects packet throughput.
With VS-NAT all packets go through the director in both directions. 
As well the VS-NAT director has to rewrite incoming and reply packets for each 
This is a compute intensive process.
In a VS-DR or VS-Tun LVS, the incoming packets are just forwarded
(requiring little intervention by the director's CPU) and 
replies from the real-servers return to the client directly 
by a separate path
(via the real-server's default gw) and aren't seen by the director.
<P>In a network limited LVS, for the same hardware, 
because there are separate paths for incoming
and returning packets with VS-DR and VS-Tun, 
the maximum (packet) throughput is twice that of VS-NAT. 
Because of the rewriting of packets in VS-NAT,
the load average on a VS-NAT director will be higher than for a 
VS-DR or VS-Tun director managing twice the number of packets. 
<P>In a network bound situation, a single real-server will saturate
a director of similar hardware.
This is a relatively unusual case for the LVS's deployed so far.
However it's the situation where replies are from data in the 
memory cache on the real-servers (eg squids). 
<P>With a VS-DR LVS, the real-servers have their own connection to the internet, 
the rate limiting step is the NIC on the director 
which accepts packets (mostly &lt;ack&gt;s) from the clients.
The incoming network is saturated for packets but is only carrying low bps traffic, 
while the real-servers are sending full mtu sized 
packets out their default gw (presumably the full 100Mbps). 
<P>The information needed to design your director then is simply
the number of packets/sec your real-server farm is delivering.
The director doesn't know what's in the packets (being an 
L4 switch) and doesn't care how big they are 
(1 byte of payload or full mtu size).
<P>If the real-servers are network limited, then the director
will need the same CPU and network capacity as the total
of your real-servers. If the real-servers are not network
limited, then the director will need correspondingly less capacity.
<P>If you have 7 network limited real-servers with 100Mbps NICs, then
they'll be generating an average of 7x8000 = 50k packets/sec. 
Assuming the packets arrive randomly the standard deviation for
1 seconds worth of packets is +/- sqrt(50000)=200 (ie it's small
compared to the rate of arrival of packets). 
You should be able to connect these real-servers to a 1Gbps NIC
via a switch, without saturating your outward link.
<P>If you are connected to the outside world by a slow connection (eg T1 line), 
then no matter how many 8000packet/sec real-servers you have, 
you are only going to get 1.5Mbps throughput 
(or half that, since half the packets are &lt;ack&gt;s).
<P>Note: The carrying capacity of 100Mbps network of 8000packets/sec
may only apply to tcpip exchanges. 
My 100Mbps network will carry 10,000 SYN packets/sec when tested
with Julian's testlvs program.
<P>Wayne <CODE></CODE> 03 Apr 2001 
The performance page calculate the ack as 50% or so the
total packets.  I think that might not accurate.  Since in the
twist-pair and full duplex mode, ack and request are travelling
on two different pairs.  Even in the half duplex mode, the packets
for two directions are transmit over two pairs, one for send, one
for receive, only the card and driver can handle them in full
duplex or half duplex mode.  So the packets would be 8000
packets/sec all the times for the full duplex cards.
<P>Unfortunately we only can approximately predict the performance of
an LVS director. Still the best estimates come from comparing with
a similar machine. 
<A HREF="">performance page</A> shows that a 133MHz pentium director can 
handle 50Mbps throughput. 
With VS-NAT the load average on the director is unusably high, 
but with VS-DR, the director has a low load average.
<P>Statements on the website indicate that a 300MHz pentium
VS-DR director running a 2.2.x kernel can handle 
the traffic generated by a 100Mbps link to the clients. 
<P>Other statements indicate that single CPU high end (800MHz) directors 
cannot handle 1Gbps networks. 
Presumably multiple directors or SMP directors will be needed for Gbps networks. 
<P>From: Jeffrey A Schoolcraft <CODE></CODE> 7 Feb 2001
I'm curious if there are any known DR LVS bottlenecks?  My company had the
opportunity to put LVS to the test the day following the superbowl when we
delivered 12TB of data in 1 day, and peaked at about 750Mbps.
<P>In doing this we had a couple of problems with LVS (I think they were with
LVS).  I was using the latest lvs for 2.2.18, and ldiretord to keep the
machines in and out of LVS.  The LVS servers were running redhat with an
EEPro100.  I had two clusters, web and video.  The web cluster was a couple of
1U's with an acenic gig card, running 2.4.0, thttpd, with a somewhat
performance tuned system (parts of the C10K).  At peak our LVS got slammed
with 40K active connections (so said ipvsadmin).  When we reached this number,
or sometime before, LVS became in-accessible.  I could however pull content
directly from a server, just not through the LVS.  LVS was running on a single
proc p3, and load never went much above 3% the entire time, I could execute
tasks on the LVS but http requests weren't getting passed along.
<P>A similar thing occurred with our video LVS.  While our real servers aren't
quite capable of handling the C10K, we did about 1500 a piece and maxed out at
about 150Mbps per machine. I think this is primarily modem users fault.  I
think we would have pushed more bandwidth to a smaller number of high
bandwidth users (of course).
<P>I know this volume of traffic choked LVS.  What I'm wondering is, if there is
anything I could do to prevent this.  Until we got hit with too many
connections (mostly modems I imagine) LVS performed superbly.  I wonder if we
could have better performance with a gig card, or some other algorithm (I
started with wlc, but quickly changed to wrr because all the rr calculations
should be done initially and never need to be done again unless we change
weights, I thought this would save us).
<P>Another problem I had was with ldirectord and the test (negotiate, connect).
It seemed like I needed some type of test to put the servers in initially,
then too many connections happened so I wanted no test (off), but the servers
would still drop out from ldirectord.  That's a snowball type problem for my
amount of traffic, one server gets bumped because it's got too many
connections, and then the other servers get over-loaded, they'll get dropped
to, then I'll have an LVS directing to localhost.
<P>So, if anyone has pushed DR LVS to the limits and has ideas to share on how to
maximize it's potential for given hardware, please let me know.
<H2><A NAME="ss5.3">5.3 Initial setup steps</A>

<P>Here's some rules of thumb until you know enough to make informed
<H3>Choose forwarding type</H3>

<P>choose in this order
<LI>VS-DR default, has high throughput, can be setup on most OS's.</LI>
<LI>VS-NAT, lower throughput, higher latency. 
Real-server only needs tcpip stack 
(ie any OS, even a network printer). 
Works for multiple instances of services 
(ie multiple copies of demon running on several different ports).</LI>
<LI>VS-Tun, Linux only real-servers. Same throughput as VS-DR. 
Needed if real-server on different network to director 
(eg in another location).</LI>
<H3>Choose number of networks</H3>

<P>The real-servers are normally run on a private network (eg 
They are not contacted by clients directly. Sometimes the real-servers
are machines (on the local network) also being used for other things, in
which case leave them on this network.
<P>The director is contacted by client(s) on the VIP. 
If the VIP must be publically
available, then it will be on a different network to the real-servers,
in which case you will have a two network LVS. The VIP then will
be in the network that connects the director to the router
(or test client). If the client(s) are on the same network as
the real-servers, then you'll only have a one network LVS.
<H3>Choose number of NICs on director</H3>

<P>If the director is in a 2 network LVS, then having 2 NICs on the 
director (one for each network) will increase throughput (as
long as something else doesn't become rate limiting, eg the CPU
speed or the PCI bus). 
<P>You can have 1 NIC on the director with
a 2 network LVS. This is easy to do for VS-NAT (for which 
there is an example conf file). Doing the same this for
VS-DR or VS-Tun requires more though and is left as
an exercise for the reader.  
<P>The configure script will handle 2 NICs
on the director. 
To increase throughput further, the director 
could have a NIC for each real-server. The configure
script doesn't handle this (yet - let me know if you'd like it).
<H3>Pick a configure script</H3>

<P>If you're using the 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-9.html#configure">configure script</A>
to setup your LVS, pick the appropriate 
lvs*.conf.* file and edit to suit you.
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