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 <TITLE>LVS-HOWTO: The arp Problem</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="arp_problem"></A> <A NAME="s3">3. The arp Problem</A></H2>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.1">3.1 The problem</A>

<P>If you follow the instructions and setup the examples 
in the LVS-mini-HOWTO, then you don't need to know about the arp problem.
Although this section comes early in the HOWTO, it has lots of pitfalls.
You shouldn't be reading this unless you've at least setup a working
VS-NAT (and maybe VS-DR) LVS using the canned instructions in the mini-HOWTO.
<P>If you're going to setup grander LVS's, then you'll need to understand 
the arp problem. 
<P>I've tried to arrange this section so that the more general information
comes first and specific problems drawing on this information come later.
<P>The LVS allows several machines to function as one machine. 
For VS-DR and VS-Tun some trickery
was needed to split the various handshakes etc involved in establishing
and maintaining a tcpip connection so that some parts of it came from one
machine and other parts from another machine. 
Most of these problems are handled,
and some problems only occur for certain services 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-16.html#authd">identd</A>) and we've learned to live with them.
The worst problem, which ironically 
happens with real-servers running Linux 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels, 
is the "arp problem" (it's just as well we have the source code). 
<P>With VS-DR and VS-Tun, all the machines (director, real-servers)
in the LVS have an extra IP, the VIP. Here's a VS-DR in a test setup where
all machines and IPs are on the same network. 

                       |        |
                       | client |
                           |       __________
                           |  DIP |          |
                           |------| director |
                           |  VIP |__________|
         |                 |                |
         |                 |                |
     RIP1, VIP         RIP2, VIP        RIP3, VIP
   ______________    ______________    ______________
  |              |  |              |  |              |
  | real-server1 |  | real-server2 |  | real-server3 |
  |______________|  |______________|  |______________|

<P>When the client requests a connection to the VIP, it must connect
to the VIP on the director and not to the VIP on the real-servers.
<P>The director box acts as an IP router, accepting packets destined
for the VIP and then sending them on to a real-server (where the real
work is done and a reply is generated). 
When the client (or router) puts out the arp request
"who has VIP, tell client", the client/router must receive the MAC address
of the director for the LVS to work. After receiving the arp reply,
the client will send the connect request to the director.
(The director will then forward the connect request packet 
to the appropriate real-server and update its internal tables 
to keep track of connections). 
If the client instead gets the MAC address of one of the real-servers, then
the packets will be sent directly to that real-server, bypassing the LVS
action of the director. 
If nothing is done to direct arp requests for the VIP specifically to the director, 
then in some setups, 
one particular real-server's MAC address will be in the client/router's 
arp table for the VIP and the client will only see one real-server. 
(In my setup, the machine with the fastest CPU is
in the client's arp table, suggesting that it's the first machine to reply
that gets in. Horms and Steven WIlliams have written that they think 
it's the last machine to reply whose entry in in the client's arp table.)
In other setups where the real-servers are identical, 
the client will connect to different real-servers each time the
arp cache times out (see comment by Steven WIlliams elsewhere). 
There the client's connection will hang as the new real-server
will be presented with packets from an established connection that it knows
nothing about. 
If the director always gets its MAC address in the router arp table, 
then the LVS will work without any changes to the real-servers
(as happened in my case), although this may not be a reliable
solution for production.
<P>Getting the MAC address of the director (instead of the real-servers) to the
client when the client/router does an arp request is the key to solving the
"arp problem".
<P>The arp problem is handled in 2.0.x kernels 
as serveral devices which don't reply to arp requests (eg dummy0, tunl0, lo:0)
were available for the the VIP. 
For other OS's, the NOARP flag for ifconfig would stop the VIP 
on the real-servers from replying to arp requests.
<P>However with 2.2.x (and now 2.4.x) kernels, the devices which didn't reply
to arp requests in 2.0.x, now reply to arp requests.
There is a "-arp" (NOARP) option for ifconfig which (according
to the man pages) turns off replies to arp requests for that
device, and an "arp" option which turns them back on again.
Linux does not always honour this flag (you couldn't turn on replies
to arp requests for the dummy0 devices in 2.0.36 kernels and
you can't turn it off for tunl0 in 2.2.x kernels. eth0 behaves
properly in 2.0.36 but in 2.2.x kernels it arps even when you
tell it not to arp). This behaviour of not honouring the NOARP
flag in the Linux 2.2.x kernels is not regarded as a "problem"
by those writing the Linux TCPIP code and is not going to be "fixed".
<P>Another wrinkle is that in 2.0.36 kernels, aliased devices
(eg eth0:1) could be setup independantly of the options on
the primary (eth0) device. Thus eth0:1 behaved as if it were
on a separate NIC and it's arp'ing behaviour could be set
independantly of the primary interface. The settings of
an aliased device belonged to the IP. With the 2.2.x
kernels, the aliased devices are now just alternate names for each
other: you change an option (eg -arp) or up/down of one
alias (or primary) the other aliases follow. With 2.2.x
kernels, the settings of the aliased device belong to the
primary device (there is only one device with several
<P>When LVS was running on 2.0.36 machines, the VIP was usually
configured as an alias (eg lo:0, tunl0) on the main ethernet
device (eth0), allowing the nodes in an LVS to have only one
<P>With 2.2.x kernels care is needed when only one NIC is used
on the real-server (the usual case). 
On a real-server with eth0 carrying the RIP,
and the real-server having only one NIC, eth0 must reply to
arp requests (to receive packets), then eth0:1 carrying the
VIP will reply to arp requests too, even if you ifconfig it
with -noarp. Thus if a real-server is running a 2.2.x kernel
and has the VIP on an ip_alias, then the VIP on the real-server
will reply to arp requests received from the router.
<H2><A NAME="ss3.2">3.2 The cure(s)</A>

<P>Several cures have been produced in an
attempt to solve the arp problem. They involve either
<LI>stopping the real-servers from replying to arp requests for
the VIP.
<LI>hiding the VIP on the real-servers so that they don't see
the arp requests.
<LI>priming the client/router in front of the director with the
correct MAC address for the VIP.
<LI>allowing the real-server to accept a packet with dst=VIP even
though the real-server does not have a device with this IP.
stopping arp requests for the VIP getting to the real-servers.
<P>Pick one - 
<P>Note: Some of these cures involve applying a patch to the kernel on the
Linux 2.2.x or 2.4.x real-server. 
This patch is different to the ipvs patch which you apply to the director. 
<H3><A NAME="2.2_arp"></A> 2.2.x kernels</H3>

<P>The &quot;hidden&quot; patches for kernel &gt;=2.2.14 
are now in the standard linux distribution 
(ie you can use the &quot;hidden&quot; feature with a standard kernel and
don't have to patch the kernel on the real-server anymore). 
The arp patches allow you to hide a device from arp requests, 
returning to the no_arp behaviour of the 2.0.x kernels. 
<P>To hide devices from arp calls
<A NAME="hidden"></A> , on the real-servers do
       #to activate the hidden feature
       echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/hidden
       #to make lo:0 -arp, put lo here
       echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/&lt;interface_name>/hidden
<P>To test that the network device (here lo:0) is hidden from arp requests -
<LI>before you hide the lo:0, ping the VIP 
from another machine, then run arp -a and see that the MAC address
for the VIP matches that for eth0 on the real-server</LI>
<LI>Clear the entry for the VIP with "arp -d VIP", 
and show that the arp entry is gone for the VIP (with arp -a)</LI>
<LI>ping the VIP and look for the reappearance of the arp entry for the VIP. </LI>
<LI>Then hide the lo interface and ping the VIP again from the outside machine. 
The VIP will most likely reply to the ping since the entry for the VIP is
still in the arp table of the outside machine. </LI>
<LI>Clear the arp entry (arp -d VIP) and ping the VIP again - this time you'll get no reply.</LI>
<P>There is a possible race condition in hiding the VIP - 
<P>On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Kyle Sparger wrote:
I've found an interesting, but not totally unexpected race condition
under DR in 2.2.x that I've managed to create when installing VIP's on a
machine in DR mode.
<P>Basically, the cause is this:
ifconfig dummy0
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/dummy0/hidden
You'll notice that there's going to be a small gap between the two which
allows an ARP request to come in, and for the server to reply.  And yes,
it is big enough to be bitten by -- I've been bitten twice by it so far :)
<P>On boot:
        echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/hidden

        # For each hidden interface:
        modprobe dummy0
        ifconfig dummy0 up
        echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/dummy0/hidden

        # Now set any other IP address 
<P>Kyle's suggestion
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/hidden
ifconfig dummy0
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/hidden
The echo 0 command is incase I want to configure other 
interfaces later that I _do_ want responding to ARP requests.  
Technically, it's not necessary, I just find it useful in my particular setup.
<P>For older kernels, 
you apply the arp patches to the kernel code of the 2.2.x real-servers.
These patches are separate from the ipvs patch applied to the kernel on
the director.
<P>For kernels &lt;2.2.12, Julian's patch is on the lvs website.
<P>The patch by Stephen WillIams is at
<P>This patch is against a 2.2.5 kernel but can be applied to later kernels
(tested to 2.2.13). The file appears to have DOS carriage control.
Depending what you get on your disk, you may have to convert the file
to unix carriage control (with `tr -d '\015'`) (the unix line extension
of '\' doesn't work in combination with DOS carriage control).
<P>The whitespace may not match your file so do

$ cd /usr/src/linux
$ patch -p1 -l &lt; sdw_fullarpfix.patch
<P>If you are running one of these old kernels, you could upgrade to your kernel.
<H3><A NAME="2.4_arp"></A> 2.4.x kernels</H3>

<P>Julian's hidden patch to the standard 2.2.x kernel is not being included in
the 2.4.x kernels.
<P>For early 2.4.x kernels (eg x=0), the patch is available at 
(This patches a part of the kernel that isn't being actively fiddled with,
so hopefully the patch will work against later 2.4.x kernels too.)
<P>The 2.4.x &quot;hidden&quot; patch in now being actively maintained and is 
included in ipvs-x.x.x/contrib/patches/hidden-x.x.x.diff
<P>Assuming you are patching 2.4.2 with the ipvs-0.2.5 files
cd /usr/src/linux
patch -p1 &lt;../ipvs-0.2.5/contrib/patches/hidden-2.4.2-1.diff
<P>Then build the kernel (can use same options as for the 2.4 director kernel build).
<P>You activate the hidden feature as for 2.2 (see 
<A HREF="#hidden">hidden</A>).
<P>As to why the hidden patch is in the 2.2 kernels but not the 2.4 kernels see
<A HREF=";m=98032243112274&amp;w=2">the mailing list archives</A> or for 
<A HREF=";w=2&amp;r=1">the thread</A><P>
<H3>Put an extra NIC on the real-server to carry the VIP (on eth1)</H3>

<P>Possible cards would be a discarded ISA card (WD80x3), or a cheap 100Mbit PCI
card (eg Netgear FA310TX, $16 in USA in Nov 99) There is no traffic going
through this NIC and it doesn't matter that it's an old slow card. The extra
card is only required so that the real-server can have the VIP on the machine.
With 2.2.x kernels you can't stop this device (eth1) from replying to arp
requests, but if you don't connect the cable to it or don't put a route to
it in the real-server's routing table, then the client won't be able to send
it an arp request.
<P>To set this up with the configure script, enter eth1 as the device for the
VIP on the real-server.
<H3>Put the real-servers on a different network to the VIP, and setup routing tables so that the client cannot route to this network (Lars' method)</H3>

<P>This method
requires 2 NICS on the director and for the director to be a firewall 
(see VS-DR, VS-Tun for details).
<H3>On the client(router), set the routing to the VIP to go only to the director</H3>

<P>You can hardwire the MAC address of the director
as the MAC address of the VIP. You can do this with
#arp -s 00:80:C8:CA:A7:E4


arp -f /etc/ethers.
<P>Here is my /etc/ethers file (on the client)
<PRE> 00:80:C8:CA:A7:E4
<P>This requires no extra NICs or patching of real-servers. However in a production
environment, redundant directors with heartbeat/failover may be required and
some method (eg running send-arp) will be needed to change the static arp entry
as the failover occurs. If multiple NICs are involved, it is possible that 
the above instruction will result in a route through the wrong NIC. In this
case bring up the NIC of interest first and then run the above command.
<P>Alternately if the router has serveral NICs, use one for the director and
another for the real-servers. Route the VIP to the director.
<H3>Use transparent proxy allow the incoming packet to be accepted locally - Horms' method.</H3>

<P>see VS-DR and VS-Tun for details. 
The configure script will set this up for you.
<H2><A NAME="ss3.3">3.3 The ARP problem, the first inklings</A>

<P>History: ARP behaviour changed with 2.2.x kernels. Here's the
original posting by Wensong
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999
From: Wensong Zhang &lt;tt/
Subject: The problem of Linux 2.2.3 tunnel device
<P>Today I upgraded the kernel to 2.2.3 with tunneling support on
one of a real server, and found a problem that the Linux 2.2.3
tunnel device answers ARP requests.  Even if I used the NOARP
options as follows:
<P>ifconfig tunl0 -arp netmask broadcast
<P>It still answers the ARP requests. This will greatly affect the
virtual server via tunneling work properly.  In fact, the tunnel
device shouldn't answer the ARP requests from the ethernet. I
think it is a bug of linux/net/ipv4/ipip.c, which is now a clone
of ip_gre.c not the original tunneling code.
<P>If you are interested, you can test yourself on kernel 2.2.3,
choose a free IP address of your ethernet and configure it on the
tunl0 device, then telnet to that IP address from other host, I
guess you can. Finally, have a look at the ipip.c, maybe you can
debug it. :-) --
<P>A reply to Wensong about the change in arp characteristics
in 2.2 kernels, from Kuznet (2.2 tcpip author)
To: Wensong Zhang &lt;tt/
Subject: Re: A little patch for linux/net/ipv4/arp.c for 2.2.5


> But, what is the IFF_NOARP flag of the tunnel device for?

IFF_NOARP means that ARP is not used by THIS device.
On normal IPIP tunnels it does not make much of sense, but may be
used f.e. to turn on/off endpoint reachability detection.

I do not see any reasons to disable answering ARP in such
curcumstances. Isolation of VPNs on adjucent segments is impossible
at routing/arp level, it is just not well-defined behaviour.

If the isolation is made with firewall policy rules, then
it is clear that arp policy must be handled at this level too.

> In kernel 2.0.x, the tunnel device doesn't answer ARP requests.


> Yeah, we can have link-local addresses that doesn't answer ARP requests in
> kernel 2.2.x. For example, we can configure all the hosts in a network
> with the following command:
>   ifconfig lo:0 up
> There will no collision. The lookback alias interfaces don't answer ARP
> requests.

Are you sure? I am not. Please, test.

BTW you risk adding non-loopback addresses on loopback device.
They have the HIGHEST preference to be used as router identifier.
so that VPN addresses cannot be added to loopback at all.

> No, it doesn't fail. I tested it with kernel 2.0.36, it worked.

It does not work under 2.2. To be honest, I am about to stop to understand
you. You talk about 2.2, but all your tests are made for 2.0. 8)


<H2><A NAME="ss3.4">3.4 A posting to the mailinglist by Peter Kese</A>
<CODE></CODE> explaining the "arp problem"</H2>

<P>(saved for posterity by Ted Pavlic, minor editing by Joe)
<P>Before we start, let's assume we have following network
configuration for an LVS running VS-DR.


director    IP for admin (director IP)
         VIP (responds to arp requests)

real server    IP to which each service is listening (real-server IP)
         VIP (DOES NOT respond to arp requests)
<P>The virtualserver is the combination of the director and
the real-server running LVS.
<P>Or goal is:
<LI>Virtual server should respond to arp requests for both
the VIP and the director IP.
<LI> The real-server should respond to arp requests for the
real-server IP but NOT the VIP.
<LI> Gateway sends packets for the VIP to the director IP
load balancer no matter what.</LI>
<P>Problem 1: Interface aliases
<P>Real-server and director need to have an interface with the VIP in
order to respond to packets for virtual server. A real interface
is not needed, an IP alias will do just fine and this interface
alias could be either eth0:0 or lo:0.
<P>On the 2.0 kernels, the ARP responding ability of an interface
alias (eg eth0:0) could either be enabled or disabled
independantly of the main (eth0) interface.  If you wanted eth0:0
not to respond to ARP requests, you could simply say:
<P>ifconfig eth0:0 -arp up
<P>Thus in the 2.0 kernels it is possible, on a real-server, to have
the real-server IP (on eth0) respond to arp requests and for the
VIP (on eth0:0) to not respond.
<P>In the 2.2 kernels this doesn't work any more. Whether the an
interface alias responds to ARP requests or not, depends only on
the way the real interface is configured.  So if eth0 responds to
ARP requests (which it normally will), eth0:0 carrying the VIP
will also respond to ARP requests no matter what.
<P>This means an ethernet alias (eth0:0) is not permitted on real
servers, because real servers should not respond ARP requests.
<P>On the other hand, loopback aliases never respond ARP requests,
which means that the loopback alias (lo:0) must not be used on
the director for the VIP.
<P>Problem 2: Loopback aliases
<P>I haven't done much checking on loopback interface problem, but
it seems that if an alias is used on a loopback interface (as is
required for VS-DR) on a real server running kernel 2.2.x, the
whole ARP gets screwed.
<P>It appears that loopback interfaces get special ARP treatment in
the kernel, so I suggest avoiding the loopback aliases as whole.
<P>The question now is: What kind of an interface can I use on real
<P>As I already noted, eth0:0 alias can not be used, because such
aliases respond to ARP requests. lo:0 aliases can not be used,
because they make ARP problems too.
<P>In case of tunneling VS configuration, the answer is trivial:
tunl0. But to be honest, tunl0 interface can also be used for
direct routing.
<P>(from Joe, the dummy device is OK too)
<P>With direct routing, the only thing we need an interface for is
to let kernel know we posses an additional IP address. This
means, we can set up any kind of an interface, as long as it
doesn't respond ARP requests. Instead of tunl0, you could also
set up a ppp0, slip0, eth1 or whatever. I suggest setting up a
<P>ifconfig tunl0 -arp up
<P>Problem 3: Real server ARP requests.
<P>Suppose we have set up a virtual server as described at the
beginning. All computers are running, but no requests have been
<P>Then the client sends a request to the VIP.
<P>When the packet arrives to gateway, the gateway makes an ARP
query for the VIP and the director responds. Gateway remembers
the director's MAC address and sends the packet to the director.
Director receives the packet, looks up its ipvsadm/LVS tables and
chooses the real server and forwards the packet to the real
server by direct routing or tunneling method.
<P>Real server receives the packet and generates a response packet
with destination=client, source=VIP.
<P>(until now everything works correctly)
<P>When real server wants to send the response packet to the
gateway, it finds out, that it does not know the gateway's MAC
<P>It sends an ARP request to the local network and asks for the
gateway MAC address. This should look like:
<P>ARP, who has (gw), tell (real-server IP)
<P>But in reality, real server asks something like:
<P>ARP, who has (gw), tell (VIP),
<P>because it takes the source address from the packet it wants to
<P>Here the problems come in.
<P>Gateway receives the packet and responds to it, which is correct.
But at the same time, gatweay does a little optimization. It
finds out, that the real-server's MAC address is not listed in its
ARP tables and adds the entry into the table, just in case it
might need that address in the near future.
<P>The ARP request contained the VIP address and the real-server's
MAC address, so from now on, the gateway will send all packets
destined for the VIP to the real server instead (due to MAC
address). This means all packets that follow will avoid the
virtual server as whole and get responded by the real-server.
<P>If the real server's ARP request would be:
<P>ARP, who has (gw), tell (real-server IP)
<P>all this would not have happened. Therefore I have patched the
2.2 VS kernel in such a way, that it composes ARP requests based
on the address of the interface selected by the routing tables
instead of the address taken from the packet itself.
<P>In order for virtual server to work correctly, the real servers
should have patched kernels as well, or at least copy the patched
/usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/arp.c file to the real servers before
compiling the kernels.
<P>Those were my experience with ARP problems, and the 2.2 kernel
virtual server.
<P>I think it would be wise to add this letter to the web site and
notify the network developers about our findings at some point in
<P>Here are some golden rules I stick to, when I do virtual server
Rule 1:
        Do not use lo:0 alias on the director.
        Use eth0:0 alias instead.

Rule 2:
        Avoid using lo:0 alias, not even on real-servers.
        Use tunl0 or some other simulated interface
        on real servers instead. (Joe: use dummy0)

Rule 3:
        Apply the VS patch to kernels on real servers.
<H2><A NAME="ss3.5">3.5 random mailings on the arp problem</A>

<P>(from Stephen Williams <CODE></CODE>, Stephen wrote one of
the patches that stop devices in 2.2.x kernels from replying
to arp requests)
<P>symptoms of real-servers arp'ing:
<P>If you don't use the patch you'll find that the 'active' box will
bounce from machine to machine as each one sends an ARP reply
that is heard last. Additionally you will get TCP Reset's as
connections that were on one box suddenly start going to others.
Very nasty and unusable.
I have thought about how the ARP problem can occur at all with
direct routing, because I never noticed it. Then it occured to me
that your virtual IP comes from the same subnet as the real IP of
the LVS and also all the real servers share this media.
<P>To avoid the "ARP problem" in this case without adding a kernel
patch or anything else, you can just add a direct route for the
VIP using the real IP of the LVS as a gateway address on the
router in front of the LVS. ("ip route VIP
real_ip" on a Cisco, or "route add -host VIP gw RIP" on Linux)
<P>Since I just used 2 ethernet cards and had the LVS act as
gateway/firewall anyway, I never noticed the ARP problem. (We
have 2 LVS in a standby configuration to eliminate the SPOF)
<P>and a reply from Wensong (just to show this subject isn't
<P>For the clients who reach the virtual server through the router,
there is no problem if a static route for VIP is added.
<P>However, fot the clients who are in the network of virtual
server, the "ARP problem" will arise. There is fight in ARP
response, and the clients don't know send the packets to the load
balancer or the real server.
<P>In my point of view, the VIP address is shared by the load
balancer and real servers in VS-Tun or VS-DR, only the load
balancer does ARP response for VIP to accept request packets, and
the real servers has the VIP but don't, so that they can process
packets destined for VIP.
<H2><A NAME="ss3.6">3.6 Is the arp behaviour of 2.2.x kernel a bug?</A>

<P>(Julian Anastasov replying to correct an
error in a previous version of the HOWTO
where I state that the dummy0 device in
2.2.x kernels does not arp. Julian wrote
one of the real-server patches which
fix the "arp problem").
>         In fact, the documentation is incorrect. There is no difference,
> all devices are reported in the ARP replies: lo, tunl and dummy. So, only
> the ARP patch can solve the problem. This can be tested using this
> configuration with any device (before the patch applied):
> Host A:
>         eth:x
> Host B:
>         eth:x
>         lo, dummy, tunl:
> On host A try: ping
>         Host B replies for through device
>         So, the ARP problem means: "All local interfaces are reported"
> until the ARP patch is used. In fact, all ARP patches which use IFF_NOARP
> to hide the interface are incorrect. I don't expect them in the kernel.
<P>(Stephen WIlliams, who wrote another of the patches to
fix the arp problem).
>>  Of course the ARP code in the kernel needs to be fixed so my filter code isn't
>>  needed.  Still, I'm confused by this statement.  The IFF_NOARP flag determines
>>  whether a device arp replies or not.  What's wrong with honoring that?
>>  If you mean that arp replies should never be sent on another interface, that is
>>  what I currently believe to be correct.

> (Julian)
>         My understanding is that 2.2.x ARP code is not buggy and
> there is no need to be "fixed". I must say that your patch is
> working for the LVS folks but not for all linux users.
>         IFF_NOARP means "Don't talk ARP on this device",
> from the 'man ifconfig':
> [-]arp  Enable or disable the use of the ARP protocol on
> this interface.
>         So, where is the bug ? The ARP code never talks through
> lo, dummy and tunl devices when they are set NOARP. It uses
> eth (ARP) device.
>         If You hide all NOARP interfaces from the ARP protocol
> this is a bug. One example:
> +--------+ppp0                          +------+
> | Host A |------------ppp link----------|ROUTER|------ The World
> +--------+A.B.C.1 (      +------+
>   |eth0
>   |A.B.C.2
>   |
>   |A.B.C.3
> +--------+
> | Host B |
> +--------+
> Is it possible after your patch Host B to access ?
> How ? Host A doesn't send replies for A.B.C.1 through eth0 after
> your patch. OK, may be this is not fatal. Tell it to all kernel
> users. You hide all their NOARP interfaces. May be there are other
> examples where this is a problem too. Or may be there is something
> wrong in this configuration?
>         I want to say that this patch hurts all users if present
> in the kernel. On Nov 6 I posted one patch proposal to the
> linux-kernel list which adds the ability to hide interfaces
> from the ARP queries and replies. But the difference is that
> only specified interfaces are not replied, not all NOARP
> interfaces. Its arp_invisible sysctl can be used by LVS
> folks to hide lo, tunl or dummy interfaces but this feature
> doesn't hurt all kernel users. I think, this patch is more
> acceptable and can be included in the 2.2 kernel, may be after
> some tunning. And I'm still expecting comments from the net
> folks and from all LVS users.
<H2><A NAME="ss3.7">3.7 How to tell if an interface is replying to arp requests</A>

<P>on the machine with that IP (usually the VIP)
<P>$ ping VIP
<P>look in /proc/net/arp for MAC address
<P>on a machine on a network (eg to see which
addresses are replying to arp requests
<P>$ ping
<P>then before the arp tables expire (15secs - 2mins depending
on the OS)
<P>$ arp -a
<H2><A NAME="ss3.8">3.8 Arp caching defeats Heartbeat switchover</A>

<P>From: Claudio Di-Martino <CODE></CODE>
<P>I've set up a VS using direct routing composed of two linux-2.2.9
boxes with the 0.4 patch applied. The load balancer acts as a
local node too. I configured mon to monitor the state of the
services and update the redirect table accordingly. I also
configured heartbeat so that when the load balancer fails the
second machine takes over the virtual ip, sets up the redirect
table and starts mon. When the load balancer restarts, the backup
reconfigures itself as a real server, drops the interface alias
that carries the virtual ip, stops mon, clears the redirect
table.  Although the configuration of the two machines is set up
correctly it fails to restore the load balancer due to arp
caching problems.
<P>It seems that the local gateway keeps routing requests for the
virtual ip to the load balancer backup. Sending gratuitous arp
packets from the load balancer doesn't have effect since the
interface of the backup is still alive and responding.
<P>Has anyone encountered a similar problem and is there a hack or a
proper solution to take back control of the virtual ip?
<P>From: "Antony Lee" <CODE></CODE>
<P>I am new to LVS and I have a problem in setting up two LVSes
for failover issue. The problem is related to the ARP caching
of the primary LVS' MAC address in the real servers and the
router connected to the Internet. The problem leads all the
Internet connections stalled until all ARP caching in Web
Servers and router to be expired. Can anyone help to solve
the problem by making some changes in the Linux LVS ?
( It is because I am not able to change the router ARP cache
time. The router is not owned by the Web hosting company not by me.)
<P>In each LVS, there are two network card installed. The eth0 is connected to
a router which is connected to the Internet. The eth1 is connected to a
private network which is the same segment as the two NT IIS4.
The eth0 of the primary LVS is assigned an IP address
The eth0 of the backup LVS is assigned an IP address
The eth1 of the primary LVS is assigned an IP address
The eth1 of the primary LVS is assigned an IP address

In addition, both primary and backup LVS have enabled the IPV4 FORWARD and
IPV4 DEFRAG. In the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local the following command was also
ipchains -A -j MASQ -d
<P>I use the piranha to configure the LVS so that the two LVS have a common
IP address in the eth0 as eth0:1. And have a IP address in the eth1 as eth1:1
<P>The pulse daemon is also automatically be run when the two LVSes were
<P>In my configuration, the Internet clients can still access to our
Web server with one of the NT was disconnected from the LVS. The backup
LVS --CAN AUTOMATICALLY-- take up the role of the primary LVS when
the primary LVS is shut down or disconnected from the backup LVS.
However, I found that all the NT Web Servers cannot reach the backup
LVS through the common IP address, and all the Internet clients
stalled to connect to our web servers.
<P>Later, I found that the problem may due to the ARP caching in the Web
Servers and router. I tried to limit the ARP cache time to 5 seconds
in the NT servers and half of the problem has solved ,i.e. the NT
Web servers can reach the backup LVS through the common IP
address when the primary LVS was down. However, it
is still cannot be connected through the Internet clients
when the LVS failover occur.
I just tried two LVS boxes with piranha 0.3.15. When the primary LVS stops
or fails, the backup will take over and send out 5 Gratuitous Arp
packets for the VIP and the NAT router IP respectively, which should clean
the ARP caching in both the web servers and the external router.
<P>After the LVS failover occurs, the established connections from the
clients will be lost in the current version, and the clients need to
re-connection the LVS.
.. 5 ARP packets for each IP address, and 10 for both the VIP and
the NAT router IP. I saw the log file as follows:

Mar  3 11:12:14 PDL-Linux2 pulse[4910]: running command "/sbin/ifconfig" "eth0:5" "" "up"
Mar  3 11:12:14 PDL-Linux2 pulse[4908]: running command "/usr/sbin/send_arp" "-i" "eth0" "" "00105A839CBE" "" "ffffffffffff"
Mar  3 11:12:14 PDL-Linux2 pulse[4913]: running command  "/sbin/ifconfig" "eth0:1" "" "up"
Mar  3 11:12:14 PDL-Linux2 kernel: send_arp uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET)
Mar  3 11:12:14 PDL-Linux2 pulse[4909]: running command "/usr/sbin/send_arp" "-i" "eth0" "" "00105A839CBE" "" "ffffffffffff"
Mar  3 11:12:17 PDL-Linux2 nanny[4911]: making available
<P>I don't know if the target addresses of the 2 send_arp commands are set
correctly. I am not sure if it is different when broadcast or source IP is
used as target address, or any target address is OK.
Are there just 5 ARPs or 5 to start this and then more gratuitous
ARPs at regular intervals. If the gratuitous ARPs only occur at
fail-over then once the ARP caches on hosts expire there is
a chance that a failed host - whose kernel is still functional -
could reply to an ARP request.
<P>From: <CODE></CODE>
When we put this together, I talked to Alan Cox about this.  His
opinion was that send 5 ARPs out at 2 seconds apart.  If there is
something out there listening and cares, then it will pick it up.
<P>THe way piranha works, as long as the kernel is alive, the backup (or
failed node) will not maintain any interfaces that are Piranha managed.
In other words, it removes any of those IPs/interfaces from its routing
table upon failure recovery.
<H2><A NAME="arp"></A> <A NAME="ss3.9">3.9 More on the arp problem</A>

<P>ARP requests/replies are thought of as coming from a device
and people make statements like
<P>"the dummy device in 2.0.x kernels does not reply to arp
requests while the same device in 2.2.x kernels does reply".
<P>It is the kernel that handles arp requests according to a
set of rules and not the device. The code for the dummy
device is the same in 2.0.x and 2.2.x kernels and is
not responsible for the change in arp behaviour.
<P>The RPC for ARP is at
(also see rfc826 and rfc1122). The model system used there is 2
machines on a single ethernet. It doesn't shed any light on the
implementation of ARP on multi-interface systems like LVS.
<H2><A NAME="ss3.10">3.10 Properties of devices for the VIP</A>

<P>In a previous version of the HOWTO I stated that the dummy0
device did not arp in 2.2.x kernels and therefore could be
used as the device for the VIP on an unpatched 2.2.13 real-server.
Julian Anastasov replied that they did arp (see below
for his posting and the ensuing discussions).
<P>I hadn't actually tested whether the dummy0 device arp'ed
but had concluded that it wasn't arp'ing because I had a
working LVS using the dummy0 interface for the VIP on
unpatched 2.2.x real-servers and because as everyone
knows ;-) an LVS needs to have a non-arp'ing device on
the VIP of the real-servers.
<P>I had a VS-DR LVS which worked with dummy0, lo:0 and tunl0
as the VIP device and which on further testing, I found
also worked with eth0:1 or eth1 as the VIP device on
2.2.13 real-servers. Whatever the arp'ing status of dummy0,
lo:0 or tunl0, clearly eth1 replies to arp requests,
so despite the conventional wisdom, it is possible 
to build an LVS with arp'ing VIP's on the real-servers.
<P>On investigating why this LVS worked, I found that the
MAC address for the VIP in the client's arp cache (# arp -a)
was always the director. I assume this was
because the director is 3-4x the speed of the other
machines in the LVS and it replies to arp requests first
for the VIP (another posting from Stephen WIlliams
says that the address which replies last is stored in the
arp cache - we'll figure out what's really going on here
eventually). On another LVS where the real-servers were all
identical hardware with 2.2.13 unpatched kernels, one
particular real-server always was the machine in the client's
arp cache for the VIP (to check, delete entry for VIP
with arp -d, then ping again, then look in arp cache).
<P>I found that I could get a working LVS using almost
anything to hold the VIP on the real-servers, including eth0:1
and eth1 (another NIC in the real-server). These devices carrying
the VIP were pingable from the client and I could get the
corresponding MAC addresses in the arp table of the client
if the director was not setup with a VIP. When I setup a
working LVS this way, I found each time that the MAC
address for the VIP in the client's arp cache was the
director's MAC address. For some reason, that I don't know,
whenever the client does an arp request for the VIP, it gets
the director's MAC address.
<P>Possible reasons for the MAC address of the director always
being associated with the VIP in my LVS -
<P>1. I configure the director first (I can't imagine the client
asking for the MAC address of the VIP until it makes a request
- this doesn't happen till after I've configured the
<P>2. The director is 3 times faster (CPU speed) than the next
machine in the LVS and it always replies to arp request first.
<P>3. I was lucky.
<P>Since you can make a working VS-DR LVS with the real-server VIP
on an arp'ing eth0:1 device I decided that the relevent piece
of information about arp'ing was
<P>- an LVS will work if the client always gets the MAC address
of the director when it asks for the MAC address of the VIP
<P>This is easy - you tell the client (or the router) the
MAC address of the VIP with arp -s or arp -f .
<P>here's my /etc/ethers
<P> 00:A0:CC:55:7D:47
<P>After installing the MAC address of the DIP (director) as
the MAC address of the VIP (lvs) in the arp table
($arp -f /etc/ethers) I get
client:/usr/src/temp/lvs# arp -a ( at 00:90:27:66:CE:EB [ether] on eth0 ( at 00:A0:CC:55:7D:47 [ether] PERM on eth0 ( at 00:A0:CC:55:7D:47 [ether] on eth0
<P>notice the "PERM" in the VIP entry on the client.
<P>removing the permanent entry
client:/usr/src/temp/lvs# arp -d
client:/usr/src/temp/lvs# arp -a ( at 00:90:27:66:CE:EB [ether] on eth0 ( at &lt;incomplete> on eth0 ( at 00:A0:CC:55:7D:47 [ether] on eth0
<P>If I edited /etc/ethers changing the MAC address of lvs to
anything else, the LVS did not work anymore. So the arp
information is coming from /etc/ethers rather than some
uncontrolled variable I'm not aware of.
<P>I had thought that in an LVS with the VIP on real-servers
on an arping device that the VIP would hop from one machine
to another (see the postings in the MISC section). Since
naturally occuring LVS's with arping VIP's on real-servers
existed and worked well (mine), I set up an LVS
by making a permanent entry for the VIP of the director
in the arp cache of the client (router). This can be done by
$ arp -f /etc/ethers
$ arp -s MAC_ADDRESS
<P>There are 2 results of this
<P>1. the real-servers can have the VIP on an
an arp'ing device (eg eth0:1, eth1) 
- you don't need lo or dummy0, tunl0
for real-servers with 2.0.36 and 2.2.x kernels.
<P>2. If two (or more) directors are setup in failover mode, the
mechanism by for changing the VIP from one to another is
broken by making a permanent entry for VIP on the director
in the arp cache of the router. This is not a problem for a test
setup to demonstrate an LVS but may be a problem in a high
availability environment (a solution may be found n the meantime
<P>The normal method for changing drectors (eg with heartbeat) includes
a gratuitous arp. To force a gratuitous arp
You can use Yuri Volobuev's send_arp.c from the 'fake' package or
Alexey Kuznetsov's arping from its iputils package:
 fake -
 iputils -
 (iputils is also used for IPAT, IP address takeover))
<P>Here's some tests I did
LVS equipment: 2.2.13 client, and 0.9.4/2.2.13 director.
2 real-servers
a) 2.0.36 kernel, libc5, gcc-, net-tools 1.42.
b) 2.2.13 kernel, glibc, gcc-2.95,    net-tools 1.52
<P>Experiment 1: Result - arp'ing is independant of [-]arp
<P>Summary: the -arp/+arp option for ifconfig had no effect
on any devices back to 2.0.36 kernels with net-tools 1.42.
If it normally arps then -arp had no effect, if it normally
doesn't arp, than "arp" doesn't turn it on (data below).
IP= with VIP= The VIP was on
dummy0. The test was to see if the VIP was pingable from
another (external) machine on the network
or pingable from the machine itself (ie internally from
the console). (I assume I had a route add -host for the
VIP although I didn't record this). The test was done with
ifconfig using arp or -arp (the output of ifconfig -a
didn't change)
                 -----2.0.36------- -----2.2.13------
ping from        internal  external internal external
VIP device
dummy   ARP        +         -        +        +
        NOARP      +         -        +        +
        down       -         -        -        - (control)
<P>Experiment2: Can the VIP be on a separate NIC?
<P>Summary: yes, as long as the NIC doesn't have a cable
plugged into it.
same as above except VIP on eth1 (another NIC).
ping from        internal  external
VIP device
eth1 has cable connected to network
eth1    ARP        +         +
        NOARP      +         +

eth1 cable to network removed
eth1    ARP        +         -
        NOARP      +         -
        works as real-server in LVS - yes
<P>One of the reasons an no-arp interface is used on the
real-server is that it is not visible to the rest of the
network. Does the LVS work if the eth1 VIP on the real-server
is not visible to the rest of the network?
<P>Conclusion: for 2.0.36 dummy0 doesn't arp, and eth1 does arp.
the arp/-arp option to ifconfig has no effect on arp behaviour.
LVS works with both dummy0 and eth1, I assume since VIP need
only be resolved as local on the real-server and does not
need to be visible to the network.
<P>Experiment 3: What devices and netmasks are neccessary for
a working LVS?
<P>Using the /etc/ethers approach for setting the MAC address of the
VIP I then set up an LVS with pair of real-servers serving telnet.
All IPs are 192.168.1.x, all machines have a route to
via eth0. There is no default route.
1. 2.0.36, libc5, gcc, net-tools 1.42
2. 2.2.13, glibc-2.1.2, gcc-2.95, net-tools 1.52
<P>with the following devices holding the VIP, tunl0, eth0:1, lo:0, dummy0,
eth1. In each case there was no route entry for the VIP device and
there was no cable connected to eth1 when it was used for the VIP. 
The table below shows whether the LVS worked. The VIP is installed with
<P>ifconfig $DEVICE netmask $NETMASK broadcast $BROADCAST
or   $NETMASK=""   $BROADCAST=""
<P>the result belong to 1 of 3 groups
+ works fine
- doesn't work (at $ prompt on client get
  "unable to connect to remote host.  Protocol not available"
  then client returns to regular unix $ prompt)
hang - client hangs, real-server cannot access network anymore,
  have to run rc.inet1 from console prompt on real-server to
  start network again.
<P>netmask of VIP= (normal LVS setup)
LVS type  -----VS-Tun------     ----VS-DR------
kernel    2.0.36     2.2.13     2.0.36   2.2.13

VIP on
tunl0      +           +         +         +
eth0:1     +           -         +         +
lo:0       +           -         +         +
dummy0     +           -         +         +
eth1       +           -         +         +
<P>netmask of VIP= (not normally used for LVS)
VIP on
tunl0      +           +         +         +
eth0:1     +           -         +         +
lo:0       +           hangs     +         hangs
dummy0     +           -         +         +
eth1       +           -         +         +
<P>It would seem that any device and any netmask can be used
for the VIP on a 2.0.36 real-server for both VS-Tun and VS-DR.
<P>For 2.2.13 real-server,
VS-Tun, VIP on a tunl0 device only, any netmask
(ie you need tunl0 on VS-Tun with 2.2.x kernels)
VS-DR,  lo:0 device netmask /32 only
       all other devices any netmask
<P>For VS-DR then on solaris/DEC/HP/NT...
LVS can probably use a regular eth0 device rather than
an lo:0 device (more work for Ratz to do :-).
<P>Does anyone know why the lo:0 device has to be /32
for VS-DR on kernel 2.2.13 while the other devices
can be /24? 
<P>Jean-Francois Nadeau <CODE></CODE> 6 Dec 99
<P>In kernel 2.2.1x with a virtual interface on lo:0 
and netmask of that the interface no longer
<P>Does anyone know why only the tunl0 device works for
VS-Tun on 2.2.x kernels?
<P>Experiment 4: Effect of route entry for VIP and connection to
VIP The VIP normally has an entry in the routing table eg
<P>route add -host $DEVICE
<P>I found in Experiment 2 that a route entry was not neccessary
for the LVS to work when the real-server had the VIP on eth0:1.
Since I had always used a route entry for the VIP I wanted to
find out when it was needed. The same LVS was used as for
Experiment 3. The variables were
1) a route entry/no route entry for VIP/32
2) for eth1 whether the NIC was connected to the network by a cable.

kernel            ------2.0.36-------     -------2.2.13-------
VIP               eth1 eth1_nc eth0:1     eth1  eth1_nc eth0:1

no route
   LVS             +     +      +          +      +       +
   ping internal   -     -      -          +      +       +
   ping external   +     -      +          +      +       +

   LVS             +     +      +          +      +       +
   ping internal   +     +      +          +      +       +
   ping external   +     -      +          +      +       +
<P>Conclusion 1: LVS works when for both cases of route/no_route
for the VIP for eth0:1 and eth1 (ie you don't need a route entry
for the VIP on the real-servers).
<P>Conclusion 2:  having a network cable/no network cable
does not affect whether the LVS works.
<P>Conclusion 3: for 2.0.36 kernels you can choose to have
the VIP pingable from the outside world but not pingable
by the local host by having it on eth1 with a cable
connection (this seems wierd and I can't think
of any use for it just yet) or the reverse - pingable
from the localhost but not by the external world
by not have a cable connection.
<P>(Note: using a hosts routable IP as the target - the IP on eth0
say - you can make a host unpingable from the console if you down
the lo. The host is still pingable from elsewhere on the net.)
<H2><A NAME="topology"></A> <A NAME="ss3.11">3.11 Topologies for VS-DR and VS-Tun LVS's</A>


<P>The conventional VS-DR/VS-Tun topology which allows maximum
scalability has each real-server with its own default
gateway (to a router). (In a routerless test setup, the
client would be the default gateway for the real-servers.
In a disk- or compute-bound situation, only one router
may be needed. The changes in topology/routing are made
by changing the IP of the default gw for the real-servers)
<P>Some method of handling the arp problem is needed here.
<P>The packets sent to the real-servers from the director,
generate replies which go directly to the client. 
Failure messages (eg if a real-servers is not available) 
do not get returned to the director, who cannot
tell if a real-server has failed 
(see discussion of 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-19.html#agent">monitoring agents</A>).

                       |                         |       |       |
                    (router)                  (router)(router)(router)
                       |                         |       |       |
          _________    |                         |       |       |
        |          |   |    VIP                  |       |       |
        | director |---     DIP                  |       |       |
        |__________|   |                         |       |       |
                       |                         |       |       |
                       |                         |       |       |
        ---------------------------------        |       |       |
        |              |                |        |       |       |
        |              |                |        |       |       |
       RIP1           RIP2             RIP3      |       |       |
       VIP            VIP              VIP       |       |       |
 _____________   _____________   _____________   |       |       |
|             | |             | |             |  |       |       |
| real-server | | real-server | | real-server |  |       |       |
|_____________| |_____________| |_____________|  |       |       |
        |              |                |        |       |       |
        |              |                ----------       |       |
        |              -----------------------------------       |
<H3>Director sees replies</H3>

<P>(from Julian Anastasov)
<P>This discussion led to Julian's 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-12.html#martian">martian modification</A>.
<P>If the default gw for each real-server is changed to the DIP
(see the Martian modification section) then
<P>1. The director has to handle the reply packets as well
as in the incoming packets, doubling the network load.
<P>2. The director sees all the reply packets. Connection failure
can be detected (in principle).

             __________    |
            |          |   |    VIP
            | director |---     DIP
            |__________|   |
          |                |                 |
          |                |                 |
         RIP1             RIP2              RIP3
         VIP              VIP               VIP
   _____________     _____________     _____________
  |             |   |             |   |             |
  | real-server |   | real-server |   | real-server |
  |_____________|   |_____________|   |_____________|
>From: Horms &lt;tt/
>Hi, I have been setting up a test network to benchmark IPVS,
>the topology is as follows.
>       node-1      node-6     node-7
>       (client)   (client)   (client)
>           |         |          |        client-net
>  ---------+---------+----------+------
>                     |
>                   node-3 (router)
>                     |                   server-net
>      ------+--------+----------+---
>            |        |          |
>         node-2    node-4     node-5
>         (IPVS)   (server)   (server)
>The question that I have is that the network I would really like
>to be testing is;
>      node-1       node-6     node-7
>       (client)   (client)   (client)
>           |         |          |        client-net
>  ---------+---------+----------+------
>                     |
>                   node-2 (IPVS)
>                     |                   server-net
>      ---------+-----+----+---------
>               |          |
>             node-4     node-5
>            (server)   (server)

> other than using NAT, which has
> performance problems, is this possible? I tried this topology
> with direct routing and packets from the clients were multiplexed
> to the servers fine, but return packets from the servers to the
> client were not routed by the IPVS box.
Yes. The LVS box silently drops the return packets, since they have a src ip
which is also bound as a local interface on the LVS. This is meant to be a
simple anti-spoofing protection.
<P>(Note from Joe - the return packet from the real-server has src=VIP,
dest=CIP. If this packet is routed via the director, which also has
the VIP, the director will be receiving a packet from another machine
with the the src being an one of its own IPs and the director will
drop the packet).
<P>You can enable logging these packets via
<P>echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians
<P>The only way around this with current Linux kernels is to disable the check in
the kernel source or to use a separate box as the outward gateway. (Which is
how DR is meant to be used for full performance)
> This is not a problem as such as it probably makes a lot of sense
> on not to use an IPVS box as your gateway router,
<P>Actually it makes a lot of sense to do just that IMHO. Less points of failure,
less hard- &amp; software to duplicate in a failover configuration.
<P>from: Lars Marowsky-Bree <CODE></CODE>
To: Ray Bellis <CODE></CODE>
> It needs to be made more explicit in the documentation that LVS-DR will
> *only* work if you have a different return path.

... or if you have a suitably patched kernel.

> We spent several man days trying to get this to work before figuring out why
> the packets were being dropped, at which point we had no alternative but to
> use LVS-NAT instead.
<P>I agree. We still assume too much knowledge on the network admin side.
> FYI, we have our LVS system working now, with LVS redundancy achieved by
> running OSPF routing (gated) on the LVS-NAT servers and having the VIP
> within the same IP subnet as the RIPs so that IGP routing policies
> automatically determine which LVS router the packets arrive on.
<P>Yes, thats one option. Even better than heartbeat and IPAT, if all your
systems support running a routing protocol.
<P>(IPAT = IP address takeover, part of heartbeat)
<P>(In essence, heartbeat &amp; IPAT is nothing but reinventing a subset of the
functionality of a hardened routing protocol like OSPF/RIPv2/EIGRP)
<H3><A NAME="promote"></A> On other schemes for director/real-servers to exchange roles</H3>

<P>Julian Anastasov <CODE></CODE> has pointed out
on the mailing list that the prototype LVS can be redrawn as
                       |        |
                       | client |
         |                 |                |
         |                 |                |
      DIP, VIP         RIP1, VIP        RIP2, VIP
    ____________    ______________    ______________
   |            |  |              |  |              |
   |  director  |  | real-server1 |  | real-server2 |
   |____________|  |______________|  |______________|
<P>and that any real-server is in a position to replace a failed
director.  No-one has bothered to write the code for this.
It seems it's easier do have extra boxes in the director role 
(ready for failover) and others in real-server role. 
It's easier to wheel in another box for a spare director 
than to configure real-servers to do two jobs reliably.
<P>To: Wensong Zhang <CODE></CODE>
> The director and the backup are in a shared
> network for incoming traffic, the backup sniff packets and change its
> connection state the same as the director (because the director is just on
> half client-to-server connection in LVS/TUN and LVS/DR), then drop
> packets.

> It needs some investigation and probably lots of additional code too. ;-)
<P>I don't even think so - the main trick is getting the kernel to sniff the
packets, which is probably quite easy with a little messing around. Not
sending the packets out again (which would confuse the real-servers) is easy
with a ipchains output rule which silently drops them.
<P>This doesn't work with a switch though, you need a shared network like a
<P>However, I have been talking with rusty about this. The problem is more
general - HA shared-state firewalls are asked for all the time, so we want to
do a generic thing for everything which builds upon Netfilter's state machine.
This would not only cover LVS, but also masquerading and packet filtering in
general. We intend to discuss this in greater detail at the Ottawa Linux
Symposium latest.
> You can see,the connections depend on the initalize status and realsevers
> realtime status. So another method is that when Director is down, backup-sever
> setup the ipvs with the connections,but it seems too late. How do you think
> about this?
<P>TCP/IP should be able to cope with a few seconds delay and lost packets. You
want to heartbeat once per second and take over after 3-4s though - this
usually means takeover is complete in &lt;10s, which TCP/IP should swallow.
<H3>Geographically distributed LVS</H3>

<P>From: Michael Sparks <CODE></CODE>
> I'm curious about the physical architecture of a cluster of servers
> where "the real-servers have their own route to the client."  (Like in
> LVS-DR and LVS-Tun) How have people achived this in real life?  Does
> each real server actually have it's own dedicated router and Internet
> connection?  Do you set up groups of real servers where each group
> shares one line?
<P>It could do or it can share things. We've got 3 LVS based clusters, based
around VS-Tun. The reason for this is because one of the clusters is at a
different location (about 200 miles from where I'm sitting) , and this
allows us to configure all the real-servers in the same way thus:
   tunl0:1 - IP of LVS balanced cluster1
   tunl0:2 - IP of LVS balanced cluster2
   tunl0:3 - IP of LVS balanced cluster3 (remote)
<P>The only machines that ends up getting configured differently then are
just the directors.
<P>So whilst machines are nominally in one of the three clusters, if (say)
the remote cluster is overloaded, it can take advantage of the extra
machines in the other two clusters, which then reply directly back to the
client - and vice versa.
<P>In that situation a client in (say) Edinburgh, could request an object via
the director at Manchester, and if the machines are overloaded there, have
the request forwarded to London, which then requests the object via a
network completely separate from the director's and returns teh object to
the client.
<P>That UK Nat cache likely to be introducing another node at another
location in the country at some point in the near future which will be
very useful. (The key advantage is that at each location we gain X more
Mbit/s of bandwidth to utilise making service better for users.)
<H2><A NAME="ss3.12">3.12 A discussion about the arp problem</A>

<P>(Joe and Julian)
 >(Julian Anastasov &lt;tt/
 >There is no difference between devices in 2.2.x, all devices
 >are reported in the ARP replies: lo, tunl and dummy.
 >This can be tested using this configuration with any device:
 >Host A:
 >        eth:x
 >Host B:
 >        eth:x
 >        lo, dummy, tunl:
 >On host A try: ping
 >        Host B replies for through device

 >The ARP problem means: "All local interfaces are reported"
 >until the ARP patch is used. In fact, all ARP patches which use IFF_NOARP
 >to hide the interface are incorrect. I don't expect them in the kernel.
<P>ARP problem, some rules:
<P>ARP responses
<LI> all local IP addresses are replied: lo, eth,
tunl*, dummy* but with some exceptions (see the next rules)
<LI> and are
not replied
<LI> there is one exception for the "lo" interface: 
it is possible the kernel to ignore the ARP request if the
source IP is from the same net as the net used to
configure "lo" alias. The specified network is treated
as local.</LI>
<P>For example:
<P>real-server# ifconfig lo:0 netmask
broadcast up
<P>"real" treats all packets with source addr from which come from the other devices (eth0)
as invalid, i.e. source address validation works in
this case and the ARP request are not replied. The kernel
thinks: "The incoming packet arrived with
saddr=local_IP1 and daddr=local_IP2(VIP), so it is invalid".
By this way the host from the LAN can't talk to the
real server if its lo alias is configured with
netmask !=
        ifconfig dummy0 netmask
<P>registers only as local ip but:
        ifconfig lo:0 netmask         
<P>all 256 IPs are local. All IFF_LOOPBACK devices treat
all IPs as local according to the used netmask.
<P>> (I assume IFF_LOOPBACK devices are lo, lo:0..n?)
<P>Yes, currently only lo is marked as loopback. It is used to mark
whole subnets as local.
<P>> lo:0 is not marked as loopback?
<P>lo:0 is just attached IP address to the same device "lo".
You can try "ifconfig lo:0 netmask" and
display the interfaces using "ifconfig". There is LOOPBACK flag for
lo:0 which is inherited from the device "lo". In Linux 2.2 all aliases
inherit the device flags. Only the IFF_UP flag is used to add/delete
the aliases.
> Assume VS-DR with VIP, RIPs all on the same /24 network on eth0 devices,
> real-servers all have lo:0 with VIP/24 and have the standard 2.2.x kernel
> (no patches to hide interfaces). Router says "who has VIP", the arp
> request arrives at the real-servers via eth0. Device lo:0 finds arp request
> which arrived on eth0 from router is on the same subnet as lo:0 and does
> not reply to the arp request.
<P>Before checking if to answer the ARP the routing tables are
checked, i.e. the source validation of the packet is performed. If asks "who-has tell" the real servers
assumes that this is invalid packet, i.e. from one local IP to another
local IP (from me to me => drop).
> I notice that with the 2.2.x kernel, that lo:0 has to have
> netmask= to work, whereas with the 2.0.x kernels (where
> lo:0 doesn't reply to arp requests), that lo:0 can have the VIP on a
> netmask and still work.
<P>The rule is to use netmask and to hide lo. The ARP
works in different way in 2.2. It looks the "local" table to validate the
source of the ARP request and after that it lookups the same table to
check if daddr of the ARP request is local ip.
<P>ARP requests:
<P>- all local addresses can be used by the kernel to
announce them as the source for the ARP request.
> is it OK to say
> the kernel can (does?) use all local addresses as the source
> of ARP requests
<P>It can and does. The real server thinks that it can use any local
ip address as saddr in the ARP request and the answer will be returned
back if this ip is uniq in the LAN.
> (do you mean "the real-server will receive a reply if the s_addr is
> unique in the LAN"?)
<P>The real server will receive answer if it uses RIP as saddr in the
ARP request because the VIP(HIP) is hidden or when using transparent proxy
because it is not local (the VIP). Real server must know how to ask (using
uniq IP) or the trafic for the asked IP (ROUTER) will be blocked.
<P>But the hidden addresses are not used
because they are not uniq (2.2.14) and the answer will be returned to the
<P>> (do you mean "the non-hidden VIP on the director"?)
<P>Yes, when the real server ask "who-has ROUTER tell VIP" the ARP
reply is received in the Director and the transmission in the real servers
is stopped. The ROUTER sends everything destined to VIP to the Director.
This is true for all clients on the LAN too if they are not in this
cluster (if they don't handle packets for VIP).
> (I would have thought that the main device on each NIC, eg eth0, eth1
> would have been used as the source address).
<P>No, it is extracted from the outgoing datagram and if saddr is
local ip it is used. But if this is not local ip, i.e. when using
transparent proxy or the address is marked as hidden the main device ip
is used.
>(how is arping part of transparent proxy?)
<P>It is not. When VIP is not local IP address in the real server
this IP is not used from the ARP code. It is not in the "local" table. But
TCP, UDP and ICMP use it via transparent proxy support.
<P>They are extracted from the outgoing packet.
> what is "They"? the source addresses? When you say "extracted", do you
> mean "removed from packet" or "looked at/detected"
<P>The saddr from the data packet is used to build the ARP request.
>     We tell the kernel
>     that these addresses are not uniq by setting
>     &lt;interface&gt;/hidden=1 (starting with kernel 2.2.14).
>     By this way the kernel select the devices primary IP 
>     as the source of the ARP request.

> (the kernel can use any local address as s_addr but the
> code for hiding IPs from arp requests prevents the
> kernel from using hidden addresses as
> s_addr in an arp request?)
<P>Yes, the code to hide the addresses is already part of
the source address autoselection (saddr in the ARP request in
our case). We never autoselect hidden addresses, i.e. if the
source address is not specified from the higher level. The code
to hide interface:
- ignores ARP replies for hidden local addresses
- doesn't select hidden local addresses as source of the ARP request
- doesn't autoselect hidden local addresses for the IP level

> > > We expect it is uniq in the LAN.
> (do you mean -
> we expect you've set up your network properly and that
> you don't have the same RIP on 2 real-servers? :-)
> )
<P>The LVS administrator must ensure that the RIPs are
uniq, only the VIP is shared.
<P>>     We expect it is uniq in the LAN.
<P>We tell the kernel that these addresses are not uniq by setting
/hidden=1 (2.2.14). By this way the kernel
select the devices primary IP as the source of the ARP
request. We expect it is uniq in the LAN.
<P>So, the recommendation for using the "lo" interface in the real
servers is:
<P>- use netmask when configuring lo alias. By this
way source validation doesn't drop the incoming packets to
this IP. LVS users usually define the net route through the eth
interface, so we can talk to other hosts from this network,
for example to send the packets to the client through the
default gateway. It is not needed to configure the alias with
mask !=
<P>So, the interfaces which can be used in the real servers to
listen for VIP are:
- lo aliases with netmask
- tunl*
- dummy*
<P>All these devices must be marked as hidden to solve the ARP
problem when using Linux 2.2.
<P>In the Director: there is no problem to configure the VIP
even on lo alias or dummy interface. If the interface is
not marked as hidden this VIP is visible for all hosts on
the LAN.
<H2><A NAME="ATM"></A> <A NAME="ss3.13">3.13 ATM/ethernet and router problems</A>

<P>LVS has only been tested on ethernet. One person had
an ATM setup which didn't work with VS-DR as the ATM router
expects packets from the VIP to have the same MAC address
(in VS-DR packets coming from the VIP could have the MAC
address of any of the real-servers).
Apparently this is not easily fixable in the ATM world.
It should be possible to use one of Julian's 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-12.html#martian">martian modifications</A>
to make VS-DR work on ATM, but the person with the ATM setup
disappeared off the mailing list without us convincing him
of the joy in having the first ATM LVS.
<P>Other people have found similar problems with ethernet -
<P>From: Kyle Sparger <CODE></CODE>
<P>I don't know if someone has gone over this, but here's a consideration
I've come across when setting up LVS in DR mode:
<P>When the real servers reply, cisco routers (ours do, at least) will
pick up on the fact that it's replying from a different MAC address, and
will start arping soon thereafter.  This is sub-optimal, as it causes a
constant flood of arp requests on the network.  Our solution has been to
hardcode the MAC address into the router, but this can cause other issues,
for example during failover.  That can be worked around, as you can set
the MAC address on most cards, but that in itself may cause other issues.
<P>Has anyone else experienced this?  Has anyone else come up with a better
solution than hardcoding it into the router?
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