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<H2><A NAME="authd"></A> <A NAME="s16">16. Authd/Identd </A></H2>

<P>If initial connection to your service (telnet, ftp, sendmail...) is delayed
by 10secs..5mins, but after you connect everything is fine, then you have
problems with identd.
<P>Since problems with identd affect many aspects of an LVS, there are
references to identd in several places in this document. 
I haven't worked out a way of collecting them all together yet,
so best search with your editor for authd/identd.
<P>There are two parts to identd on your servers
<LI>Identd runs on your real-servers. 
You don't care about this. 
Identd is for clients on your real-servers 
connecting to services on remote machines.
You aren't using this when setting up an LVS.
(However if you telnet from your real-servers for some other reason,
you'll need to think about what identd is doing.)</LI>
<LI>your LVS'ed services <EM>may</EM> ask the identd client on your
server to connect to the identd on the client machine 
and ask for the identity of the person
connecting to the service on the real-server. 
You don't want this. 
In general there is no way for the reply to return to the real-server
in an LVS.</LI>
<P>The problem is in the second part, <EM>i.e.</EM> if the LVS'ed service
on the real-server asks for the ident client to connect to the identd
on the client. (This may be a little confusing, machines can be clients
and servers at the same time.)
<P>Here's a example telnet connection through a director to a real-server where 
telnetd is running inside tcpwrappers. 
tcpwrappers uses the ident client on the remote host (the
one with the telnetd) to connect to 
the identd on the local (telnet client) host.
client:/director/usr/src/arch# telnet lvs2
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Welcome to Linux 2.2.19.

bashfull login: 
(successful login)
<H2><A NAME="ss16.1">16.1 What is authd/identd?</A>

<P>identd is a demon run under inetd. 
Other services running on the server can use identd to ask the client
machine for the identity of the user making the request.
When a request arrives at a server for such a service (e.g. telnet, sendmail),
the auth client will connect from a high port to client:auth asking
"who is the owner of the process requesting this service".
If the client's authd replies with a <CODE>username@nodename</CODE>, the reply
will be optionally logged on the server (eg to syslog) and the
connection request will be handed back to telnetd (or whichever service). 
If the reply is "<CODE>root@nodename</CODE>", or some null reply, or there is
no authd on the client, then the server's authd will wait till
a timeout before allowing connection. The delay is about 10secs for
Slackware and 2mins for RedHat7.0. There is no checking of the
validity of the reply and since the reply is under control of
the client machine, the reply <CODE>username@nodename</CODE> could be bogus.
<P>The authd is a security feature. However it doesn't get the
server very much (you don't know who has made the connect request,
only what they told you), while clients that fail are delayed. This
may only be a nuisance for people telnet'ing in (provided they understand
what's happening), but will bring mail delivery to a crawl.
<P>If you setup an LVS with real-servers that have services running inside
identd, you will have to deal with identd.
Any service in inetd running under tcpwrappers 
(probably just about every service, if tcpwrappers is installed) 
and sendmail (see section on sendmail) use it.  
<H2><A NAME="ss16.2">16.2 FAQ on identd</A>

Daniel Swan 
v0.1 - Last updated:  April 20, 2000
<P>4.5)  What is Identd?  Can I disable it?
<P>Identd identifies the username of a process owning a specific TCP/IP connection.
It is usually run via inetd and listens on port 113.
Identd should not be used as a method of authentication - 
anyone with root access can alter their identd response.
Indeed, on many systems (such as FreeBSD and Windows) 
even a non-privledged user can specify whatever identd response they want.
The protocol is most useful on multiuser systems as a method of tracking down problem users.
If one of your users is causing problems on another system, 
that system's admin can inform you of the username of 
the specific user causing problems, saving you a lot of legwork.
Should you run identd? That's really a judgement call.
On systems with many users, the benefits could be great, 
but it doesn't serve any particular purpose on a single user box.
Not running identd may limit your ability to connect to certain servers - 
many IRC and some FTP servers don't allow, or severly restrict, 
non-identd'd connections, for example.
However, running it means leaving a service open to the outside world, 
with all the security risks that entails.
Another thing to consider is that identd can allow 
attackers to find out valuable information about your system, 
such as whether a certain service is running as root, 
the operating system you are running, 
and the usernames of your users.
Consider running identd with the -n flag, 
which sends userid numbers instead of usernames.
See the identd manpage and /etc/identd.conf for more 
information about the available options.
You can block access to identd by shutting it off entirely 
(usually done via inetd, see section on disabling services), 
or by using tcpwrappers and/or firewalling software to disable/restrict access.
If you need identd enabled in order to connect to a certain server, 
you might want to consider allowing access to it only from that server.
If you do choose to firewall the identd port, 
strongly consider using a reject policy rather than deny.
Using deny may greatly increase the time it takes 
you to connect to servers that utilize identd, 
as they will wait for a response of some type before allowing you to connect.
<H2><A NAME="ss16.3">16.3 Why identd is a problem for LVS</A>

<P>The problem is that the identd/authd client makes a callback from the
VIP (for VS-DR, VS-Tun) or the RIP (for VS-NAT) and the LVS doesn't know
about it. For the simple case where clients call from the RIP see the section on
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-20.html#clients_on_real-servers">running clients on real-servers</A>.
There the client is independant of the LVS. 
There you will see solutions when there are easy solutions.
<P>The case of clients on the real-servers making call backs 
triggered by an LVS client's requests to an LVS'ed service is
more difficult as the result has to get back to the LVS'ed service. 
<P>Normally in an LVS, the director in an LVS responds to connect requests by handing
them to an arbitrary real-server. 
The corrollary of this is that replies to a client request initiated on a real-server, 
to the outside world, 
will not return to the real-server unless something is done to handle it. 
(The only solutions we have are those in the section on
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-20.html#clients_on_real-servers">running clients on real-servers</A>.)
<LI>replies from the LVS client machine,
arriving at the director are not connect requests, 
and will not belong to an established connection.
They will be dropped.</LI>
<LI>even if the director could forward these replies to a real-server, 
they could go to any real-server, and not neccessarily to the real-server
which originated the request.</LI>
<P>The result is that the client request will hang or timeout.
<H2><A NAME="ss16.4">16.4 tcpdumps of connections delayed by identd</A>

<P>Here's the tcpdump of the client telnet'ing to a VS-DR LVS. 
Telnet on the real-server is running inside tcpwrappers, 
client and real-servers cannot connect directly i.e. they have no routing to each other. 
<P>seen from client:
telnet connect request 
12:56:05.427252 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: S 1170880662:1170880662(0) win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 6539901[|tcp]> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:05.427949 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: . ack 416490630 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6539901 161874539> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:05.431752 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: P 0:27(27) ack 1 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6539902 161874539> (DF) [tos 0x10]

client replying to real-server's auth request

12:56:05.465152 client2.auth > lvs.1377: S 1159930752:1159930752(0) ack 417813448 win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 6539905[|tcp]> (DF)
12:56:05.465405 lvs.1377 > client2.auth: R 417813448:417813448(0) win 0
12:56:08.464671 client2.auth > lvs.1377: S 1162930275:1162930275(0) ack 417813448 win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 6540205[|tcp]> (DF)
12:56:08.464901 lvs.1377 > client2.auth: R 417813448:417813448(0) win 0

6 second delay then trying again 

12:56:14.466048 client2.auth > lvs.1377: S 1168931649:1168931649(0) ack 417813448 win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 6540805[|tcp]> (DF)
12:56:14.466275 lvs.1377 > client2.auth: R 417813448:417813448(0) win 0

client login to LVS  

12:56:15.501272 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: . ack 13 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6540908 161875546> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:15.503946 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: P 27:125(98) ack 52 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6540909 161875546> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:15.509024 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: P 125:128(3) ack 55 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6540909 161875547> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:15.538816 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: P 128:131(3) ack 88 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6540912 161875550> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:15.551836 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: . ack 90 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6540914 161875550> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:56:15.571837 client2.1038 > lvs.telnet: . ack 106 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6540916 161875551> (DF) [tos 0x10]
<P>Here's what it looks like on the real-server 
(this is a different connection from the above sample, so the times are not the same).
real-server receives telnet request on VIP
12:50:58.049909 client2.1040 > lvs.telnet: S 1605709966:1605709966(0) win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 6580274[|tcp]> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:50:58.051263 lvs.telnet > client2.1040: S 862075007:862075007(0) ack 1605709967 win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 161914907[|tcp]> (DF)
12:50:58.051661 client2.1040 > lvs.telnet: . ack 1 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6580274 161914907> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:50:58.052819 client2.1040 > lvs.telnet: P 1:28(27) ack 1 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6580274 161914907> (DF) [tos 0x10]
12:50:58.053036 lvs.telnet > client2.1040: . ack 28 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 161914907 6580274> (DF)

real-server initiates auth request from VIP to client:auth

12:50:58.088510 lvs.1379 > client2.auth: S 852509908:852509908(0) win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 161914911[|tcp]> (DF)
12:51:01.083659 lvs.1379 > client2.auth: S 852509908:852509908(0) win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 161915211[|tcp]> (DF)

real-server waits for timeout (about 8secs), sends final request to client:auth

12:51:07.083164 lvs.1379 > client2.auth: S 852509908:852509908(0) win 32120 &lt;mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 161915811[|tcp]> (DF)

telnet replies from real-server continue, login occurs

12:51:08.117727 lvs.telnet > client2.1040: P 1:13(12) ack 28 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 161915914 6580274> (DF)
12:51:08.118142 client2.1040 > lvs.telnet: . ack 13 win 32120 &lt;nop,nop,timestamp 6581281 161915914> (DF) [tos 0x10]
<H2><A NAME="ss16.5">16.5 There are solutions to identd problem in some cases</A>

<H3>Director is VS-NAT</H3>

<P>In an LVS, authd on the real-server will be able to connect to the client if -
<P>VS-NAT, the real-servers are on public IPs (not likely, since you usually
hide the real-servers from public view and they'll be on 192.168.x.x or
10.x.x.x networks)
<P>VS-NAT, and high ports are nat'ed out with a command like
director:/etc/lvs# ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -s -d
<P>You usually don't want to blanket masquerade all ports. You really
only want to masquerade ports that are being LVS'ed (so you can still
get to the other services) in which case, for each service being 
LVS'ed, you to use ipchains rules like
director:# ipchains -A forward -p tcp -j MASQ -s realserver1 telnet -d
<P>Since the auth client (on your telnet server) is connecting from a high port
on the server, a better ipchains rule which will allow auth to work when the
real-servers are on private IPs.
director:# ipchains -A forward -p tcp -j MASQ -s realserver1 1024:65535 -d
<H3>VS-DR, VS-Tun, 2.2.x kernel directors</H3>

<P>There is no solution for VS-DR for 2.2.x directors. 
The auth client on the real-server initiates the connection from the VIP. 
There is no way for a packet from VIP:high port to get a
reply through the LVS because 
<LI>the incoming packet from the client on the internet is destined for a non-LVS'ed high port 
<LI>the incoming packet is not a connect request. 
<LI>the incoming packet is not associated with an established connection.</LI>
<P>The reply from the LVS client will be dropped. 
<H3>VS-DR, VS-Tun, 2.4.x kernel directors</H3>

<P>Transparent proxy in 2.4 is different to 2.2 
(see section on 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-15.html#identd_with_2.4_TP">identd with 2.4 TP</A>).
You should be able to 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-15.html#identd_with_TP_real-servers">masquerade the identd client's request on the real-server</A>.
<H2><A NAME="ss16.6">16.6 Turn off tcpwrappers</A>

<P>inetd.conf will have a line like
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd
<P>change this to 
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.telnetd in.telnetd
<P>and re-HUP inetd.
<H2><A NAME="identd_and_sendmail"></A> <A NAME="ss16.7">16.7 Identd and smtp/pop/qmail</A>

<P>(This is older stuff from the mailing list when the problem first
came up)
<P>Problem: In the case of identd, the smtpd on a real-server says to
identd "give me the name of the owner of the process on IP:port
that is asking me to accept mail". If identd thinks it is running
on the RIP rather than the VIP and, as is most likely, RIP is not
routable from the outside world, mail on the real-server will
hang. If identd is running on the VIP, then replies will probably
return to another real-server and mail will still hang.
<P>The converse case, of sending mail from the LVS, has the smtp
server out in internetland asking the LVS for the name of the
owner of the process running on the VIP sending him mail.  If
identd is clustered, then the request will in all probability go
to another real-server. This seems equally intractable at the
<P>Originally the problem was raised by
From: Chris Kennedy &lt;tt/
Subject: SMTP, POP3 using Qmail and Ident, also using Solaris as real servers
<P>I have setup a virtual server using the Linux 2.2 patch and 3
Sun Ultras as the actual servers. It has crashed twice, though
possibly from running bind on the Virtual Server, since it was
right when I started it up (bind) that the virtual server would
<P>The major problem I am having is a timeout for Ident requests
on POP3 and SMTP ports which seem to be confused. When looking at
the problem with tcpdump on the virtual server and the real
servers the vserver seems to do the following:
13:41:48.635985 > . ack 2764990963 win 8760
13:41:48.636030 > . ack 1 win 8760
13:41:48.658875 > R 0:0(0) ack 2765099549
win 0  &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
13:41:52.143790 > R 0:0(0) ack 1 win 0
13:41:58.144210 > R 0:0(0) ack 1 win 0
<P>The Ident, or auth port on the client machine trying to connect
back to the vserver is where it will pause for about 10-15
seconds then connect just fine. I believe this may be qmail
specific since a server funning sendmail will not have this
problem and ident seems to be used by qmail more than it or
<P>No-one answered, then months later...
>     I currently have HTTP loadbalanced just fine with the LinuxDirector.
> I've setup SMTP in the same fashion, and I don't have as much luck.
Check if your system (tcpwrapper or sendmail) is doing a NS
lookup before accepting the connection or trying to connect to
From: Chris Kennedy &lt;tt/
Subject: Re: SMTP -- very slow connection
<P>I had the same problem with the Direct Routing and SMTP and POP3.
It looked like a problem with the Ident lookup to the server by
the client, it was what always was occurring during that time out
period.  I saw this while doing tcpdumps on the virtual server
where the client would just keep asking for Ident lookups to the
Virtual IP address which are from the client port 113 to a random
port above 1023 on the virtual server.  I can see how this is
tricky with the direct routing method since this traffic should
be sent on to the real server but is not.  I sort of gave up on
Direct Routing for now since this looks pretty hard to fix if it
really is Ident and the client requirements getting in the way.

> I'm connecting directly to the IP. But just to be sure, I'll add an entry to
> the nameserver for that particular IP -- in both forward and reverse
> lookups...........done.....
> And it still does the same thing. :(
> Understand that the thirty seconds are *AFTER* the connection... Telnet
> connects, gives me the escape character, and sits. If it was a nameservice
> thing, I'd imagine it'd sit before it connected.
> &lt;?> I'd actually be happier if it wasn't connecting. :) Then I'd know there
> was definitely something I needed to fix between me and the real machine.
> But when it connects and THEN has trouble... I'm lost. :(
<P>From: Michael Baird <CODE></CODE>
> Sound's like an issue with ident lookup's, you probably aren't
> clustering IDENT, you can 1) cluster identd, or edit your
> file and set the value
> 0 Timeout.ident=0
Great idea. That was it. I turned off ident in sendmail and
things worked fine.
<P>However, I don't want to turn of ident in sendmail, and I figure
other things might want ident too... so I want to cluster ident.
<P>Clustering ident didn't help. I clustered tcp port 113 to both
servers. (I even tried "loadbalancing" 25 and 113 just to ONE
server -- that way it'd always hit the same server)... And that
didn't work. I got the same results -- telnet to port 25...
connect... thirty seconds... and then sendmail would enter
command mode.
<P>Any ideas? Do I have to loadbalance anything else besides tcp 113
for identd to work?
<P>Would like to add more info here...
<P>Why is identd run with smtp (any other reason other than
wanting to know who is sending me the mail?)
<P>do you have to turn identd off in smtp to get LVS smtp to work?
<P>has anyone LVS'ed identd? (I'd imagine you wouldnt
neccessarily get the ident from the same machine running the process for
which you want the ident)
<P>anything else?
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