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<H2><A NAME="VS-DR"></A> <A NAME="s12">12. VS-DR</A></H2>

<P>VS-DR is based on IBM's NetDispatcher. The NetDispatcher sits in
front of a set of webservers, which appear as one webserver to
the clients. The NetDispatcher served http for the Atlanta and the Sydney
Olympic games and for the chess match between Kasparov and Deep
<P>Here's an example set of IPs for a VS-DR setup. Note that in this
example the RIPs are on the same network as the VIP. If the RIPs
were on a different network (eg to the VIP &amp;&amp;
the router (here the client) was not allowed to route to RIP
network (ie the real-servers do not receive the arp requests from
the router asking "who has VIP tell router"), then the arp
problem is solved without requiring a patch on the director's
kernel. In this example, for (my) convenience, the servers are
on the same network as the client and you have to handle the arp
problem (I used the arp -f /etc/ethers approach).
Host                         IP
client                       CIP=
director                     DIP=
virtual IP (VIP)             VIP= (arpable, IP clients connect to)
real-server1                 RIP1=, VIP= (lo:0, not arpable)
real-server2                 RIP2=, VIP= (lo:0, not arpable)
real-server3                 RIP3=, VIP= (lo:0, not arpable)
real-server-n                 192.168.1.n+1
VIP=eth0:110 lvs
DIRECTOR_INSIDEIP=eth0 directorinside
SERVICE=t telnet rr real-server1 real-server2 real-server3
#----------end lvs_dr.conf------------------------------------
                       |        |
                       | client |
             __________    |
            |          |   |    VIP= (eth0:1, arps)
            | director |---     DIP= (eth0)
            |__________|   |
          |                |                  |
          |                |                  |
   RIP1=  RIP2=   RIP3= (eth0)
   VIP= VIP= VIP= (all lo:0, non-arping)
   _____________     _____________      _____________
  |             |   |             |    |             |
  | real-server |   | real-server |    | real-server |
  |_____________|   |_____________|    |_____________|
          |                |                  |
      (router)          (router)           (router)
          |                |                  |
          ----------------------------------------------> to client 
                                                          (or router 
                                                           in front of
<P>Here's the lvs_dr.conf file

#director setup 
#service setup, one service at a time 
SERVICE=t telnet rr 

#real-server setup

#----------end lvs_dr.conf------------------------------------
<P>Direct routing setup and testing is the same as VS-Tun except
that all machines within the VS-DR LVS (ie the director and
real-servers) must be able to arp each other. This means that they
have to be on the same network without any forwarding devices
between them. This means that they are using the same piece of 
transport layer hardware ("wire"), eg RJ-45, coax, fibre. There
can be hub(s) or switch(es) in this mix. Communication
within the LVS is by link-layer, using MAC addresses rather than
IP's. All machines in the LVS have the VIP, only the VIP on the
director replies to arp requests, the VIP on the real-servers
must be on a non-arping device (eg lo:0, dummy).
<P>The restrictions for VS-DR are
<LI>The client must be able to connect to the VIP on the director
<LI>Real-servers and the director must be on the same piece of wire
(they must be able to arp each other) as packets are sent by
link-layer from the director to the real-servers.
<LI>The route from the real-servers to the client _cannot_ go
through the director, i.e. the director cannot be the default
gw for the real-servers. (Note: the client does not need to
connect to the the real-servers for the LVS to function. The
real-servers could be behind a firewall, but the real-servers
must be able to send packets to the client). The return packets,
from the real-servers to the client, go directly from the
real-servers to the client and _do_not_ go back through the
director. For high throughput, each real-server can have its own
router/connection to the client/internet and return packets need
not go through the router feeding the director. (for more info
see e-mail postings about VS-DR topologies in the section
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-3.html#topology">More on the arp problem and topologies of VS-DR and VS-Tun LVS's</A>). To allow the director to be the default gw for the
real-servers (e.g. when the director is the firewall), see
<A HREF="#martian">Julian's martian modification</A>.</LI>
<P>Note for VS-DR (and VS-Tun), the services on the real-servers
are listening to the VIP. You can have the service listening
to the RIP as well, but the LVS needs the service to be
listening to the VIP. This is not an issue with services
like telnet which listen to all local IPs (ie, but httpd is set
up to listen to only the IPs that you tell it.
<P>Normally for VS-DR, the client is on a different network to the
director/server(s), and each real-server has its own route to the
outside world. In the simple test case below, where all machines
are on the network, no routers are required, and the
return packets, instead of going out (the router(s)) at the bottom
of the diagram, would return to the client via the network device
on (presumably eth0).
<H2><A NAME="ss12.1">12.1 How VS-DR works</A>

<P>Here's part of the rc.lvs_dr script which configures the real-server
with RIP=
     #setup servers for telnet, VS-DR
     /sbin/ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
     echo "adding service 23 to real-server "
     /sbin/ipvsadm -a -t -R -g -w 1
<P>With VS-DR, the target port numbers of incoming packets cannot be
remapped (unlike VS-NAT). A request to port 23 (telnet) on the VIP 
will be forwarded to port 23 on a real-server, thus the RIP entry has 
no accompanying port.
<P>Here's the packet headers as the request is processed by the LVS.
packet                  source        dest         data
1. request from client  CIP:3456      VIP:23       -
2. ipvsadm table:
   director chooses server=RIP1, creates link-layer packet
                        MAC of DIP    MAC of RIP1  IP datagram
                                                   data= -
3. real-server recovers IP datagram
                        CIP:3456      VIP:23       -
4. real-server looks up routing table, finds VIP is local,
   processes request locally, generates reply
                        VIP:23        CIP:3456     "login:"

5. packet leaves real-server via its default gw, not via DIP.
<P>For the verbally oriented...
<P>A packet arrives from the client for the VIP (CIP:3456->VIP:23). 
The director looks up its tables and decides to send the connection 
to real-server_1. The director arps for the MAC address of RIP1 and 
sends a link-layer packet to that MAC containing an IP datagram with 
CIP:3456->VIP:23. This is the same src:dst as the incoming packet
and the tcpip layer see this as a forwarded packet. To allow this
packet to be sent to the real-server, it is not neccessary for
forwarding must be on in the
director (it is off by default in 2.2.x, 2.4.x kernels, this is handled by
the configure script).
<P>The packet arrives at real-server_1. The real-server
recovers the IP datagram, looks up its routing table, finds that
the VIP (on an otherwise unused, non-arping and nonfunctional
device) is local.
<P>I'm not sure what exactly happens next, but I believe the Linux 
tcpip stack then delivers the packet to the socket listeners, 
rather than to the device with the VIP, 
but I'm out of my depth now.
<P>The real-server now has a packet CIP:3456->VIP:23,
processes it locally, constructs a reply, VIP:23->CIP:3456. 
The real-server looks up its routing table and
sends the reply out its default gw to the internet (or client). The
reply does not go through the director.
<P>The role of VS-DR is to allow the director to deliver a packet
with dst=VIP (the only arp'ing VIP being on the
director), not to itself, but to some machine that (as far as the
director knows) doesn't have the VIP address at all. The only
difference between VS-DR and VS-Tun is that instead of putting
the IP datagram inside a link-layer packet with dst=MAC
of the RIP, for VS-Tun the IPdatagram from the client CIP->VIP 
is put inside another IPdatagram DIP->RIP.
<P>The use of the non-arping lo:0 and tunl0 to hold the VIP for 
VS-DR and VS-Tun (respectively) is to
allow the real-server's routing table to have an entry for a local
device with IP=VIP _AND_ that so that other machines can't see
this IP (ie it doesn't reply to arp requests). There is nothing
particularly loopback about the lo:0 device that is required to
make VS-DR work anymore than there is anything tunnelling about a
tunl0 device. For 2.0.x kernels, a tunnel packet is de-capsulated 
because it is marked type=IPIP, and will be decapsulated if delivered 
to an lo device just as well as if delivered to a tunl device.
The 2.2.x kernels are more particular and need a tunl device (see
"Properties of devices for VIP").
<H2><A NAME="ss12.2">12.2 Handling the arp problem for VS-DR</A>

<H3>VIP on lo:0</H3>

<P>The VIP on the real-servers must not reply to arp requests from
the client (or the router between the client and the director).
<H3>Real-servers with Linux 2.2.x kernels</H3>

<P>The loopback device does not arp by default for all OS's except
Linux 2.2.x,2.4.x kernels (even when you use -noarp with ifconfig). You
may need to do something if you are running a real-server with a
2.2.x or 2.4.x kernel (see the 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-3.html#arp_problem">arp problem</A>).
<H3>Hiding the VIP on the real-servers by putting them on a separate network (Lars' method).</H3>

<P>Lars set this up first on VS-Tun. Here it is for VS-DR. The director 
has 2 NICs and the real-servers are on a different network 
( to the VIP ( All IPs reply to arps.
The router/client cannot route to the real-server network and the
real-server IPs do not need to be internet routable. The only
change to the lvs_dr.conf file is to change the DIP
to eth1 (you also don't have to handle the arp problem).
                       |        |
                       | client |
                 VIP= (eth0, arps)
                     |          |
                     | director |
                     DIP= (eth1, arps)
          |                |                  |
          |                |                  |
   RIP1=     RIP2=     RIP3= (eth0)
   VIP= VIP= VIP= (all lo:0, can arp)
   _____________     _____________      _____________
  |             |   |             |    |             |
  | real-server |   | real-server |    | real-server |
  |_____________|   |_____________|    |_____________|
          |                |                  |
      (router)          (router)           (router)
          |                |                  |
          ----------------------------------------------> to client
<H3>Transparent Proxy (TP or Horms' method) - not having the VIP on the real-server at all.</H3>

<P>This subject has it's 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-15.html#TP">own section</A>.
<H2><A NAME="ss12.3">12.3 VS-DR scales well</A>

<P>Performance tests (75MHz pentium classics, on 100Mbps network) with VS-DR 
on the 
<A HREF="">performance page</A>
showed that the limit for VS-DR is the rate at which the director can
forward packets to the real-servers. 
LVS doesn't add any detectable latency or change
the throughput of forwarding. 
There is little load on the director operating at high throughput
in VS-DR mode. Apparently little computation is involved in forwarding.
<H2><A NAME="VS-DR_director_default_gw"></A> <A NAME="ss12.4">12.4 VS-DR director is default gw for real-servers</A>

<P>In the case where the director is the firewall for the real-server
network, the director has to be the default gw for the real-servers.
<P>If the reply packet from the real-server to the client
(VIP->CIP) goes through the director (which has a device
with IP=VIP), the director is being asked to route a packet with a
src address that is on the director. 
 >From: Horms &lt;tt/>
 >The problem is that with Direct routing the reply from the real
 >server has the vip as the source address. As this is an address
 >of one of the interfaces on the director it will drop it if you
 >try and forward it through the director. It appears from
 >experimentation with /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter
 >that at least on 2.2.14, there is no way to turn this behaviour
<P>This type of packet is called a "source martian" and is dropped by 
the director. martians can be logged with 
# echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians.
<P>There are 3 solutions to this; 2 by Julian and 1 by Horms.
<H3>Director has 1 NIC, accepts packets via transparent proxy.</H3>

<P>If the director accepts packets for the VIP via transparent proxy,
then the director doesn't have the VIP and the return packets are
processed normally. (Note: transparent proxy only works on the director
for 2.2.x kernels).
<P>Here's Julian's posting

                Router/Firewall/Director (LVS box)
        |eth0                   |eth0
        Real 1                  Real2
<P>Router: transparent proxy for VIP (or all served VIPs).
The ISP must feed your Director with packets for your subnet
VS-DR mode (Yes, VS-DR, this is not a mistake).
default gw is ISP.
<P>Real server(s): nothing special. 
VIP on hidden device or via transparent proxy.
default gateway is (the Director)
<P>This is a minimum required config. You can add internal subnets
yourself using the same physical network (one NIC) or by adding additional
NICs, etc. They are not needed for this test.
<P>Packets from the real servers with saddr=VIP will be forwarded
from the director because VIP is not configured in the Director. We expect
that this setup is faster than VS/NAT.
<H3><A NAME="martian"></A> Julian's martian modification</H3>

<P>This is a kernel patch, director has 2 NICs, VIP is on outside NIC.
It doesn't work with one NIC.
<P>The patch (below) has been tested against 2.2.15pre9 (Joe)
and 2.2.13 (Stephen Zander <CODE></CODE>).
The kernel code is not changing very fast for these files. 
If patching other 2.2 kernels produces no rejects (HUNK FAILED)
then the patch is probably OK. 
The patch for 2.4.x kernels is at 
<A HREF="">Julian's patch page</A>
and in the text below.
<P>After applying this patch, for a test, use the default
values for */rp_filter(=0). This allows real servers to send
packets with saddr=VIP and daddr=client through the Director.
<P>If this patch is applied and external_eth/rp_filter is
0 (which is the default) the real servers can receive packets
with saddr=any_director_ip and dst=any_RIP_or_VIP which is not
very good. On the external net, set rp_filter=1 for better
<P>Here's the test setup (Joe)
            |            |
            |  client    |
            |            |
            |  director  | VS-DR director has 2 NICs
                  | eth0
                  | eth0:12
      |                |
      | real-server(s) | default gw=
<P> is the normal router. For the test it was put on the
director instead (as an alias). The director has 2 NICs, with forwarding=on
(client and real-servers can ping each other).
<P>Director runs linux-0.9.8-2.2.15pre9 unpatched or with Julian's patch. 
LVS is setup using the configure script in the HOWTO,
redirecting telnet, with rr scheduling to 3 real-servers.
The real-servers were running 2.0.36 (1) or 2.2.14 (2).
The arp problem was handled for the 2.2.14 real-servers by permanently
installing in the client's arp table, 
the MAC address of the NIC on the outside of the director, 
using the command `arp -f /etc/ethers`
<P>The director was booted 4 times, into unpatched, patched, unpatched and
patched. After each reboot the lvs scripts were run on the director and
the real-servers, then the functioning of the LVS tested by telnet'ing
multiple times from the client to the VIP.
<P>For the unpatched kernel, the client connection hung and inactive connections
acccumulated for each real-server. For the patched kernel, the client
telnet'ed to the VIP connecting with each real-server in turn.
<P>The configure script will set up the modified VS-DR (it will warn you 
that you need the patch to work). 
Setup details are in 
<A HREF="">performance page</A><P>
<H3>Martian modification performance</H3>

<P>Performance has similar latency to VS-NAT but the load is low on the director
at high throughput of VS-DR (see the
<A HREF="">performance page</A>).
<H3>Martian modification patch for 2.2.x</H3>


--- linux/include/net/ip_fib.h.orig     Wed Feb 23 16:54:27 2000
+++ linux/include/net/ip_fib.h  Wed Mar 15 13:46:22 2000
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 extern int inet_rtm_getroute(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg);
 extern int inet_dump_fib(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb);
 extern int fib_validate_source(u32 src, u32 dst, u8 tos, int oif,
-                              struct device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag);
+                       struct device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag, int our);
 extern void fib_select_multipath(const struct rt_key *key, struct fib_result *res);

 /* Exported by fib_semantics.c */
--- linux/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c.orig  Wed Feb 23 16:54:27 2000
+++ linux/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c       Wed Mar 15 14:44:45 2000
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@

 int fib_validate_source(u32 src, u32 dst, u8 tos, int oif,
-                       struct device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag)
+                       struct device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag, int our)
        struct in_device *in_dev = dev->ip_ptr;
        struct rt_key key;
@@ -206,7 +206,8 @@
                return -EINVAL;
        if (fib_lookup(&amp;key, &amp;res))
                goto last_resort;
-       if (res.type != RTN_UNICAST)
+       if ((res.type != RTN_UNICAST) &amp;&amp;
+               ((res.type != RTN_LOCAL) || our))
                return -EINVAL;
        *spec_dst = FIB_RES_PREFSRC(res);
        if (itag)
@@ -216,13 +217,20 @@
        if (FIB_RES_DEV(res) == dev)
+       {
+               if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) {
+                       *itag = 0;
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
                return FIB_RES_NH(res).nh_scope >= RT_SCOPE_HOST;
+       }

        if (in_dev->ifa_list == NULL)
                goto last_resort;
        if (IN_DEV_RPFILTER(in_dev))
                return -EINVAL;
        key.oif = dev->ifindex;
+       if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) key.iif = loopback_dev.ifindex;
        if (fib_lookup(&amp;key, &amp;res) == 0 &amp;&amp; res.type == RTN_UNICAST) {
                *spec_dst = FIB_RES_PREFSRC(res);
                return FIB_RES_NH(res).nh_scope >= RT_SCOPE_HOST;
--- linux/net/ipv4/route.c.orig Wed Feb 23 17:00:07 2000
+++ linux/net/ipv4/route.c      Wed Mar 15 13:07:28 2000
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@
                if (!LOCAL_MCAST(daddr))
                        return -EINVAL;
                spec_dst = inet_select_addr(dev, 0, RT_SCOPE_LINK);
-       } else if (fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag) &lt; 0)
+       } else if (fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, our) &lt; 0)
                return -EINVAL;

        rth = dst_alloc(sizeof(struct rtable), &amp;ipv4_dst_ops);
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@
        if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) {
                int result;
                result = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos, loopback_dev.ifindex,
-                                            dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag);
+                                            dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, 1);
                if (result &lt; 0)
                        goto martian_source;
                if (result)
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
                return -EINVAL;

-       err = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos, FIB_RES_OIF(res), dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag);
+       err = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos, FIB_RES_OIF(res), dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, 0);
        if (err &lt; 0)
                goto martian_source;

@@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@
        if (ZERONET(saddr)) {
                spec_dst = inet_select_addr(dev, 0, RT_SCOPE_LINK);
        } else {
-               err = fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag);
+               err = fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, 1);
                if (err &lt; 0)
                        goto martian_source;
                if (err)
<H3>Martian modification patch for 2.4.0</H3>

--- linux-2.4.0/include/net/ip_fib.h~   Sat Jan 20 13:16:50 2001
+++ linux/include/net/ip_fib.h  Sun Mar 11 11:07:22 2001
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 extern int inet_rtm_getroute(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg);
 extern int inet_dump_fib(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb);
 extern int fib_validate_source(u32 src, u32 dst, u8 tos, int oif,
-                              struct net_device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag);
+                              struct net_device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag, int our);
 extern void fib_select_multipath(const struct rt_key *key, struct fib_result *res);
 /* Exported by fib_semantics.c */
--- linux-2.4.0/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c~        Fri Jun  2 07:25:21 2000
+++ linux/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c       Sun Mar 11 11:07:22 2001
@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@
 int fib_validate_source(u32 src, u32 dst, u8 tos, int oif,
-                       struct net_device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag)
+                       struct net_device *dev, u32 *spec_dst, u32 *itag,
+                       int our)
        struct in_device *in_dev;
        struct rt_key key;
@@ -233,7 +234,8 @@
        if (fib_lookup(&amp;key, &amp;res))
                goto last_resort;
-       if (res.type != RTN_UNICAST)
+       if ((res.type != RTN_UNICAST) &amp;&amp;
+               ((res.type != RTN_LOCAL) || our))
                goto e_inval_res;
        *spec_dst = FIB_RES_PREFSRC(res);
        if (itag)
@@ -244,6 +246,10 @@
        if (FIB_RES_DEV(res) == dev)
+               if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) {
+                       *itag = 0;
+                       goto e_inval_res;
+               }
                ret = FIB_RES_NH(res).nh_scope >= RT_SCOPE_HOST;
                return ret;
@@ -254,6 +260,7 @@
        if (rpf)
                goto e_inval;
        key.oif = dev->ifindex;
+       if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) key.iif = loopback_dev.ifindex;
        ret = 0;
        if (fib_lookup(&amp;key, &amp;res) == 0) {
--- linux-2.4.0/net/ipv4/route.c~       Sun Nov  5 23:10:48 2000
+++ linux/net/ipv4/route.c      Sun Mar 11 11:07:22 2001
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
                if (!LOCAL_MCAST(daddr))
                        goto e_inval;
                spec_dst = inet_select_addr(dev, 0, RT_SCOPE_LINK);
-       } else if (fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag) &lt; 0)
+       } else if (fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, our) &lt; 0)
                goto e_inval;
        rth = dst_alloc(&amp;ipv4_dst_ops);
@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@
        if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) {
                int result;
                result = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos, loopback_dev.ifindex,
-                                            dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag);
+                                            dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, 1);
                if (result &lt; 0)
                        goto martian_source;
                if (result)
@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@
                goto e_inval;
-       err = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos, FIB_RES_OIF(res), dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag);
+       err = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos, FIB_RES_OIF(res), dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, 0);
        if (err &lt; 0)
                goto martian_source;
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@
        if (ZERONET(saddr)) {
                spec_dst = inet_select_addr(dev, 0, RT_SCOPE_LINK);
        } else {
-               err = fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag);
+               err = fib_validate_source(saddr, 0, tos, 0, dev, &amp;spec_dst, &amp;itag, 1);
                if (err &lt; 0)
                        goto martian_source;
                if (err)
<H3>Performance of Martian Modification</H3>

<P>See Performance page on website.
<H3>Accepting packets on VS-DR director by fwmarks</H3>

<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-8.html#fwmark">fwmarks</A> allows the director 
to accept packets by fwmark. 
There is no VIP required on the director.
<H2><A NAME="Pearthree"></A> <A NAME="ss12.5">12.5 default gw(s) and routing with VS-DR/VS-Tun</A>

<P>The material here came from listening to a talk by Herbie Pearthree
of IBM (posting 2000-10-10) and from a posting by TC Lewis (lost it).
<P>In normal IP communication between two hosts, the setup is symmetrical:
each end of the link has an ethernet devices with an IPs and
a route to the other machine. Packets are transmitted in pairs 
(an outgoing packet and a reply, often just an ACK).
<P>In VS-DR or VS-Tun the roles of the two machines are split
between 3 machines. Here is a two network test setup, with 
the client in the position normally occupied by the router. 
In production, the client will have a public IP and connect
via a router. (This is my test setup. A big trap is that
services which make calls from the RIP, 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-16.html#authd">identd</A> and 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-10.html#rshd">rshd</A>
will work in my setup, but fail in a production setup
as the RIP will not be a routable IP).
       |            | (eth0)
       |  client    |----------------------
       |____________|          &lt;-         |
     CIP= (eth1)             |
|             |                           |
V             |                           |
     VIP= (eth0)             |
        ____________                      | 
       |            |                     |
       |  director  |                     |
       |____________|                     |
     DIP= (eth1, arps)         |
|             |                           |
V             |----------------------------
              |                 ->              
     RIP= (eth0)
     VIP= (lo:0, no_arp)
       |             |
       | real-server |
<H3>Director's default gw</H3>

<P>The client sends a packet to the VIP on the director.
The director's response is a packet to the MAC address of the RIP.
Normally the director would send a packet to the client (on the
internet). In an LVS the director doesn't need a default gw as it never 
sends packets back to the client (outside world), it only sends packets
to the real-servers. A default gw for the director
is not needed for the functioning of the LVS. Having
a default gw would only allow the director to reply
to packets from the internet, such as port scans, creating
a security hazard. The director shouldn't have a default gw.
<H3>Real-server's default gw, route to real-server from router</H3>

<P>The real-server doesn't reply to the director, instead it sends
its reply to the client. The real-server requires a default gw (here, but the client/router never replies to the real-server,
the client/router sends its replies to the director. So the client/router
doesn't need a route to the real-server network. To have one would
be a security hazard. The real-server now can't ping its default gw
(since there's no route for the reply packet), but the LVS still works.
<P>The flow of packets around the VS-DR LVS is shown by the ascii arrows.
<P>When an attacker tries to access the nodes on the LVS, it can only
connect to the LVS services on the director. It can't
connect to the real-server network, as there is no routing to the
real-servers (even if they get access to the router).
Presumably the real-servers are not accessable from the outside
as they'll be on private networks anyhow.
<P>Note that for Julian's 
<A HREF="#martian">martian modification</A>, 
the director will need a default gw.
<H2><A NAME="route_on_non_ip_interface"></A> <A NAME="ss12.6">12.6 routing to real-server from director</A>

<P>If you are only using the link between the director and real-server for
VS-DR packets (<EM>i.e.</EM> you aren't telnet or ssh'ing from the real-server
to the director for your admin, and you aren't copying logs from one machine to
another), then you don't need an IP on the interface on the director
which connects to the real-server(s).
<P>tc lewis <CODE></CODE> 12 Jul 2000 (paraphrased)
I would like to send packets from the VS-DR director to the real-servers
by a separate interface (eth2), but not assign an IP to this interface.
Normally I put a 192.168.100.x ip on eth2, but without it, route add -net netmask dev eth2 just gives me an error about
eth2 not existing. I just want to save an extra IP.
<P>What i'm asking is: does the director's eth2 need an ip on, or can i just somehow add that route to that interface
to tell the machine to send packets that way? With lvs, the
real servers are never going to care about the director's interface ip,
since there's no direct tcp/ip connections or anything there, but
it looks like it still needs an ip anyway.
<P>If all that that interface is doing is forwarding outgoing 
packets from the director via the dr method, then i don't see why it
needs an ip address. 
<P>Ted Pavlic <CODE></CODE>
<P>You basically want to do device routing. There's nothing special about
this -- many routers do it... NT even does it. So does Linux.
Your original route command should work
route add -net netmask dev eth2
<P>as long as you've brought up eth2. Now tricking Linux into bringing up eth2
without an address might be the hard part.  Try this:
ifconfig eth2 up


ifconfig eth2 0 up
<P>tc lewis <CODE></CODE>
ifconfig eth0 up 
<P>then the route did work.  I tried that before with a netmask but it didn't work. 
<P>Ted Pavlic <CODE></CODE>
<P>Remember that IP=0 actually is IP=, which is another name for the
default route.
<P>The reason why IP=0 is ... Remember that each IP address is simply a
4-byte unsigned integer, right? Well... the easiest way to envision this is
to imagine that an IP is just like a base-256 number. For example:
<PRE> (my mail server) would be:

12 +
192 * 256 +
69  * 256 * 256 +
216 * 256 * 256 * 256
<P>Which is equal to 3628449804. So...
<P>telnet 25
<P>is the same as:
<P>telnet 3628449804 25
<P> is just a special system address which is the same as the default
route. Making a route from to some gateway will set your default
route equal to that gateway. That's all "route add default gw ..." does.
Don't believe me? Do a route -n.
<P>So when I told TC to put 0 on his IP-less NIC, I was just choosing a system
IP that I knew would not ever need to be transmitted on. Linux wanted an IP
to create the interface... so I gave it one -- the IP of the default
gateway. Packets would never need to leave the system going to, and
Linux has to listen to this address ANYWAY, so you might as well explicitly
put it on an interface.
<P>What would have also worked (and might have been a better idea) would be to
put on that interface. That is another system address that Linux
will listen to anyway if loopback has been turned on... and it should never
transmit anything away from itself with that as the destination address, so
it's safe to put it on more than one interface.
<P>The only reason I chose 0 over is because 0 is easy... It's
small... It's quick. Whenever I want to telnet to my localhost's port blah I
just do a:
<P>telnet 0 blah
<P>because I'm lazy.. (Linux sees 0, interprets, sees an address it
listens to, and basically treats 0 like a loopback)
<P>Also you'll notice that if you give an interface as an IP address
and do an ifconfig to get stats on that interface, it will still retain no
IP address. Another perquesite of using in TC's particular situation.
It may actually cause less confusion in the end.
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