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<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO.html#toc10">Contents</A>
<H2><A NAME="s10">10. Services</A></H2>

<P>In principle setting up a service on an LVS is simple - you run the service
on the real-server and forward the packets from the director. The simplest
service to LVS is telnet: the client types a string of characters and the
server returns a string of characters. 
In practice some services interact more with their environment.
Ftp needs another port. With http, the server needs to know
its name (it will have the IP of real-server, but will need to proclaim
to the client that it has the VIP). https is not listening to an
IP, but to requests to a nodename. 
This section shows the steps needed to get the common services working.
<P>When trying something new on an LVS, always have the service telnet LVS'ed.
If something is not working with your service, check how telnet is doing.
Telnet has the advantages
<LI>telnetd listens on on the real-server (at least under inetd)</LI>
<LI>the exchange between the client and server is simple, well documented,</LI>
<LI>the connection is non-persistence 
(new sessions initiated from a client will make a new connection with the LVS)
unencrypted and in ascii (you can follow it with tcpdump)</LI>
<LI>the telnet client is available on most OS's</LI>
<H2><A NAME="ss10.1">10.1 setting up a new service</A>

<P>When setting up an LVS on a new service, the client-server semantics 
are maintained
<LI>the client thinks it is connecting directly to a server</LI>
<LI>the real-server thinks it is being contacted directly by the client</LI>
<P>Example: nfs over LVS, real-server exports its disk, client mounts disk from LVS
(taken from
<A HREF="">performance data for single real-server LVS</A>), 
<P>real-server:/etc/exportfs (real-server exports disk to client, here a host called client2)
/       client2(rw,insecure,link_absolute,no_root_squash) 
<P>The client mounts the disk from the VIP. Here's client2:/etc/fstab 
(client mounts disk from machine with an /etc/hosts entry of VIP=lvs).
lvs:/   /mnt            nfs     rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0 0
<P>The client makes requests to VIP:nfs. 
The director must forward these packets to the real-servers.
Here's the conf file for the director.
#lvs_dr.conf for nfs on realserver1
VIP=eth1:110 lvs
DIRECTOR_INSIDEIP=eth0 director-inside 
SERVICE=t telnet rr realserver1 realserver2     #for sanity check on LVS
#to call NFS the name "nfs" put the following in /etc/services
#nfs             2049/udp
#note the 'u' for service type in the next line
SERVICE=u nfs rr realserver1                    #the service of interest
#----------end lvs_dr.conf------------------------------------
<H2><A NAME="ss10.2">10.2 services must be setup for forwarding type</A>

<P>The services must be setup to listen on the correct IP.
With telnet, this is easy (telnetd listens on under inetd),
but most other services need to be configured to listen to an IP.
<P>For VS-NAT, the packets will arrive with dst_addr=RIP, i.e.
the service will be listening to the IP of the real-server. 
When the real-server replies, then name of the machine returned
will be the real-server, but the src_addr will be rewritten to
be the VIP.
<P>With VS-DR and VS-NAT the packets will arrive with dst_addr=VIP, 
i.e. the service will be listening to an IP which is <EM>NOT</EM>
the IP of the real-server. 
Configuring the httpd to listen to the RIP rather than the VIP
is a common cause of problems for people setting up http/https.
<P>In both cases, in production, you will need to make the name of the
machine given by the real-server to be the name associated with the VIP.
<P>Note: if the real-server is Linux 2.4 and is 
accepting packets by transparent proxy, then see the
section on 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-15.html#TP">TP</A> for the IP the service
should listen on.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.3">10.3 ftp general</A>

<P>ftp is a 2 port service in both active and passive modes. 
In general multiport services or
services which need to run together on the one real-server (eg http/https),
can be handled by persistance or by Ted Pavlic's adaption of fwmark 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-8.html#fwmark_passive_ftp">fwmark for passive ftp</A>). 
<P>ftp comes in 2 flavors active/passive
<H2><A NAME="ss10.4">10.4 ftp (active) - the classic command line ftp</A>

<P>This is a 2 port service. 
<LI>port 20 - data (the files you want) </LI>
<LI>port 21 - commands (eg ls)</LI>
<H3>ip_vs_ftp/ip_masq_ftp module helpers</H3>

<P>As part of the ip_vs build, the modules ip_masq_ftp (2.2.x) and
ip_vs_ftp (2.4.x) are produced. 
The ip_masq_ftp module is a patched version of the file which
allowed ftp through a NAT box. This patch stopped its original
function (at least in early kernels, don't know whether it
still does or not). 
<P>The 2.2.x ftp module is only available as a module 
(<EM>i.e.</EM> it can't be built into the kernel).
<P>Juri Haberland <CODE></CODE> 30 Apr 2001
AFAIK the IP_MASQ_* parts can only be built as modules.
They are automagically selected if you select CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE.
<P>Julian Anastasov May 01, 2001
Starting from 2.2.19 the following module parameter is required:
modprobe ip_masq_ftp in_ports=21

I don't see it in /usr/src/linux/Documentation, ipvs-1.0.7-2.2.19/Changelog,
google or dejanews. Is this an ip_vs feature or is it a new kernel feature?
<P>I see info only in the source. This is a new 2.2.19 feature.
It's /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/ip_masq_ftp.c:
 * Multiple Port Support
 *      The helper can be made to handle up to MAX_MASQ_APP_PORTS (normally 12)
 *      with the port numbers being defined at module load time.  The module
 *      uses the symbol "ports" to define a list of monitored ports, which can
 *      be specified on the insmod command line as
 *              ports=x1,x2,x3...
 *      where x[n] are integer port numbers.  This option can be put into
 *      /etc/conf.modules (or /etc/modules.conf depending on your config)
 *      where modload will pick it up should you use modload to load your
 *      modules.
 * Additional portfw Port Support
 *      Module parameter "in_ports" specifies the list of forwarded ports
 *      at firewall (portfw and friends) that must be hooked to allow
 *      PASV connections to inside servers.
 *      Same as before:
 *              in_ports=fw1,fw2,...
 *      Eg:
 *              ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L a.b.c.d 2021 -R 21
 *              ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L a.b.c.d 8021 -R 21
 *              modprobe ip_masq_ftp in_ports=2021,8021

And it is a new kernel feature, not LVS feature.
<P>what are these modules for: from ipvsadm(8) (ipvs 0.2.11)
If  a virtual service is to handle FTP connections then persistence
must be set for the virtual service if Direct  Routing  or  Tunnelling  is
used  as  the forwarding mechanism. If Masquerading is used in conjunction
with an FTP service than persistence is not necessary, but  the  ip_vs_ftp
kernel module must be used.  This module may be manually inserted into the
kernel using insmod(8)
<P>From Julian 3 May 2001, the modules are required for
<LI>recommended for active ftp and mandatory for passive ftp, 
if persistence tricks are not used when setting up the LVS.</LI>
<P>The modules are <EM>NOT</EM> used for VS-DR or VS-Tun:
in these cases persistence is used (or fwmarks version of persistence).
<H3>VS-NAT, 2.2.x director</H3>

<P>I found that ftp worked just
fine without the module for 2.2.x (1.0.3-2.2.18 kernel).  
<H3>VS-NAT, 2.4.x director</H3>

<P>For 2.4.x you can connect with ftp without any extra modules, 
but you can't &quot;ls&quot; the contents of the ftp directory.
For that you need to load the ip_vs_ftp module.
Without this module, your client's screen won't lock up,
it just does nothing. If you then load the module,
you can list the contents of the directory.
<H3>VS-DR, VS-Tun</H3>

<P>For VS-DR, VS-Tun active ftp needs persistence. 
Otherwise it does not work, with or
without ip_masq_ftp loaded. You can login, but
attempting to do a `ls` will lockup the client
screen. Checking the real-server, shows connections on
ports 20,21 to paired ports on the client. 
<H2><A NAME="passive_ftp"></A> <A NAME="ss10.5">10.5 ftp (passive)</A>

<P>Passive ftp is used by netscape to get files from an ftp url like . Here's an explanation of passive ftp
If you can't open connections from Netscape Navigator through a firewall
to ftp servers outside your site, then try configuring the firewall to
allow outgoing connections on high-numbered ports.
<P>Usually, ftp'ing involves opening a connection to an ftp server and then
accepting a connection from the ftp server back to your computer on a
randomly-chosen high-numbered telnet port. the connection from your
computer is called the "control" connection, and the one from the ftp
server is known as the "data" connection. All commands you send and the
ftp server's responses to those commands will go over the control
connection, but any data sent back (such as "ls" directory lists or
actual file data in either direction) will go over the data connection.
<P>However, this approach usually doesn't work through a firewall, which
typically doesn't let any connections come in at all; In this case you
might see your ftp connection appear to work, but then as soon as you do
an "ls" or a "dir" or a "get", the connection will appear to hang.
<P>Netscape Navigator uses a different method, known as "PASV" ("passive
ftp"), to retrieve files from an ftp site. This means it opens a control
connection to the ftp server, tells the ftp server to expect a
control connection to the ftp server, tells the ftp server to expect a
second connection, then opens the data connection to the ftp server
itself on a randomly-chosen high-numbered port. This works with most
firewalls, unless your firewall retricts outgoing connections on
high-numbered ports too, in which case you're out of luck (and you
should tell your sysadmins about this).
<P>"Passive FTP" is described as part of the ftp protocol specification in
RFC 959 ("").
<P>If you are setting up an LVS ftp farm, it is likely that users will retrieve
files with a browser and you will need to setup the LVS to handle passive ftp. 
You will either need 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-7.html#persistent_connection">persistence</A> (also
see on the LVS website under documentation; persistence handling in LVS)
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-8.html#fwmark_passive_ftp">fwmark persistent connection for ftp</A>.
<P>For passive ftp, the ftpd sets up a listener
on a high port for the data transfer.
This problem for LVS is that the IP for the listener is the RIP and not
the VIP.
<P>Wenzhuo Zhang 1 May 2001
I've been using 2.2.19 on my dialup masquerading box for quite some
time. It doesn't seem to me that the option is required, whether in
PASV or PORT mode.
<P>We can actually get ftp to work in NAT mode without using the
ip_masq_ftp module. The trick is to tell the real ftp servers to use
the VIP as the passive address for connections from outside; e.g. in
wu-ftpd, add the following lines to the /etc/ftpaccess:
passive address RIP &lt;localnet>
passive address
passive address VIP
<P>Of course, the ftp virtual service has to be persistent port 0.
<P>On Thu, 3 May 2001, Alois Treindl wrote:
I found (with kernel 2.2.19) that I needed the command
modprobe ip_masq_ftp in_ports=21
so that (passive mode) ftp from Netscape would work.
<P>Julian Anastasov <CODE></CODE> 03 May 2001
Yes, it seems this option is not useful for the active FTP
transfers because if the data connection is not created while the
client's PORT command is detected in the command stream then it is
created later when the internal real server creates normal in->out
connection to the client. So, it is not a fatal problem for active
FTP to avoid this option. The only problem is that these two connections
are independent and the command connection can die before the data
connection, for long transfers. With the in_ports option used this
can not happen.
<P>The fatal problems come for the passive transfers
when the data connection from the client must hit the LVS service.
For this, the ip_masq_ftp module must detect the 227 response from
the real server in the in->out packets and to open a hole for the
client's data connection. And the "good" news is that this works only
with in_ports/in_mark options used.
<P>without the in_ports=21 it did not work.
<P>I am using proftpd as ftp server, which does not seem to have
on option so that I could configure on the server that it
gives the VIP to clients making a PASV request; it always gives
the realserver IP address in replies to such requests.
Bad ftpd :) It seems the follwing rules are valid:
- active ftp always works through stupid balancers (for external clients)
that have minimum support for masquerading, with some drops in the
command connection
<P>- passive ftp always works through stupid masq boxes (for internal clients)
<P>The passive ftp setup is useful because the data connection can 
be mairked as a slave to the command connection and in this way 
avoid connection reconnects.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.6">10.6 ftp is difficult to secure</A>

<P>Roberto Nibali <CODE></CODE> 06 May 2001
<P>We have multiple
choices if we want to narrow down the input ipchains rules on the front 
interface of director
<LI>Use ftp via LVS. (this is not a solution actually, we still need special
input rules on the EXT_IF for 1024:65535)</LI>
<LI>Use ftp without LVS but with SNAT. (difficult to setup)</LI>
<LI>Use SuSE ftp proxy suite.</LI>
<LI>Use 2.4 kernel and ip_conntrack_ftp (don't know much about this, ask Rusty)</LI>
<LI>Don't use ftp at all (this is what we want)</LI>
<P>The biggest problem is with the ip_masq_ftp module.
It should create an ip_fw entry in the masq_table for the PORT port. 
It doesn't do this and we have to open the whole port range. 
For PASV we have to DNAT the range. 
ipchains -A forward -i $EXT_IF -s $INTERNAL_NET $UNPRIV_PORTS -d $DEP -j MASQ
<P>FTP is made up of two connections, the Control- and the Data- Connection.
<LI>ftp Control Connection
<P>The Client contacts the Servers port 21 from an
UNPRIV Port. No trouble, standard, plain, vanilla
TCP-Connection, we all love it. Over this connection the client
sends commands to the server. We will see examples later.
<LI>FTP Data Connection
<P>"Data" can be either the content of a file (sent as e.g. the result of
a "get" or "put" command) or the content of a directory-listing (i.e.
the result of a "ls" or "dir" command).
<P>The data connection is where the trouble starts. To transfert
data, a second connection is opened.
<P>Usually the client opens this second connection to the server. 
But for active ftp, the server opens this second connection, 
using the well-known port 20 (called ftp-data) as sourceport. 
But which port on the client should he connect to? 
The client announces the port via a "port"-command over the control connection. 
This is nasty: Ports are negotiated on application-level where
L4 switches like LVS can see what's going on.
<P>For passive ftp, the server announces the port the client should connect to
in its reply to the client's "pasv"-command (this command starts passive FTP, 
active is the default). 
The client then opens the data-connection to the server. 
The port that the server listens on is an unprivileged port (rather
than a privileged port as is normal for internet services).
A passive ftp transfer then requires that connections be allowed between all
63000 unprivileged ports on both the client and real-servers rather than just one. 
A passive ftp server is difficult to secure with packet filter rules.
<P>If we have to protect a client, we would like to only allow passive ftp, 
because then we do not have to allow incoming connections. 
If we have to protect a server, we would like to only allow active ftp, 
because then we only have to allow the incoming control-connection. 
This is a deadlock.
<A NAME="netcat"></A> 
Example ftp sessions with 
<A HREF="">netcat</A>.
<P>We need 2 xterms (x1, x2), netcat and an ftp-server (here &quot;zar&quot;
<P>First passive mode (because it is conceptionally easier) 
#x1: Open the control-connection to the server, 
#and sent the command "pasv" to the server. 
$ netcat zar 21
220 FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.16) ready.
user ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
pass ftp
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,23,2,30,169,29)
<P>The server replied with 6 numbers: 
<LI> 172,23,2,30 is the IP I have to connect to</LI>
<LI> (169*256+29=43293) is the Port</LI>
<P>In x2 I open a second connection with a second netcat
$ netcat 43293
# x2 will now display output from this connection
<P>Now in x1 (the control-connection) 
$ list
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
226 Transfer complete.
<P>and in x2 the listing appears.
<P>Active ftp 
<P>I use the same control-connection in x1 as above, 
but I want the server to open a connection. 
Therefore I first need a listener. 
I do it with netcat in x2:
$ netcat -l -p 2560
<P>Now I tell the server on the control connection to connect (2560=10*256+0)
port 172,23,2,8,10,0
200 PORT command successful.


Now you see, why I used port 2560. is, of course, my own IP-address. 
And now, using x1, I ask for a directory-listing 
with the list command, and it appears in x2. 
For completeness sake, here is the the full in/output. 

First the xterm 1:

netcat zar 21
220 FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.16) ready.
user ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
pass ftp
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,23,2,30,169,29)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
226 Transfer complete.
port 172,23,2,8,10,0
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
226 Transfer complete.
221 Goodbye.
<P>xterm 2:
netcat 43293
total 7
dr-x--x--x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 dev
dr-x--x--x   2 root     root         1024 Aug 20  2000 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 lib
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 msgs
dr-xr-xr-x  11 root     root         1024 Mar 15 14:26 pub
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root         1024 Mar 11  2000 usr
netcat -l -p 2560
total 7
dr-x--x--x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 dev
dr-x--x--x   2 root     root         1024 Aug 20  2000 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 lib
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         1024 Jul 26  2000 msgs
dr-xr-xr-x  11 root     root         1024 Mar 15 14:26 pub
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root         1024 Mar 11  2000 usr
<H2><A NAME="ss10.7">10.7 evaluation of SuSE ftp proxy</A>

<P>Roberto Nibali <CODE></CODE> 08 May 2001
<P>There has been some talks about ftp, security and LVS recently and different
opinions appeared. I wasn't aware of the fact the people still heavily use 
the ftp protocol through a firewall, rather then putting a completely secluded
box in a corner. Back here at terreActive we have been fighting with the ftp
problem since 4 years already and we have not yet the ultimate solution. As
such we also evaluated 
<A HREF="">the SuSE FTP proxy</A><P>What follows is an evaluation mostly done by one of our coworkers Martin 
Trampler and me (ratz). We're not yet finished with testing everything and
all possible setups (NAT, non-NAT, client behind a firewall, etc.) but the
result looks rather good in terms of improving security. A better paper will
probably follow, but we're too busy right now and ftp is anyway not allowed
in our company policy unless the customer has a special SLA.
<H3>Motivated by</H3>

<LI>the general problems related to allowing FTP-traffic through a non-stateful packetfilter</LI>
<LI>the special problems we encountered with the Firewall-1 software
on one of our packetfilter which in the end forced us to deinstall FW1</LI>
<LI>the broken Linux FTP-masquerading module</LI>
<P>I started in March/01 with a search for a FTP Proxy-software, which
could be used as a drop-in on pab1/2-machines to increase the security
of the machines (clients and servers) behind the packetfilters. Since
it was a requirement that this Software should be able to
transparently proxy external clients (i.e. the clients don't realize
that there is a proxy inbetween), there was only one package which
deserved a closer look: The FTP-Proxy from the SuSE Proxy Suite (which
actually consists of nothing but this FTP-Proxy). This Proxy now
includes support for transparent proxying mode.
<H3>Mode of operation</H3>

<P>The Proxy consists of a single binary (ftp-proxy, stripped about 50k).
All configuration-options can be set in a single configuration-file
which by default is named ftp-proxy.conf and searched for in whatever
directory was given with the configure-option --sysconfdir=. If this
option was not given it is searched for in
/usr/local/proxy-suite/etc/, which shows SuSEs BSD-heritage.
Best way is, to give the config-file at runtime with the -f
<P>It is very useful to compile debugging-support into the binary during
evaluation and to run it with the cmdline-option -v 4 for maximum
debugging. Debugging output is then appended to /tmp/ftp-proxy.debug.
It can be run from (x)inetd or in standalone-mode as daemon. I only
evaluated the daemon.
<P>It reads the config-file (which must exist) and binds to some local
port (e.g. 3129, which is IANA-unassigned and squid+1). The
Packetfilter has to be configured to redirect all packets which come
in on port 21 to this port (more later). As soon as it gets a request
it handles it by first replying to the client only. After the initial
USER &lt;username&gt; command it connects to the server (or, more exactly,
to port 21 of the host whose IP was the destination of the redirected
<P>The configfile may contain user-specific sections which direct special
users to special servers. This feature may be very useful but was not
evaluated either. It then continues as an agent between client and
server; checking either side's communication for correct syntax, as a
good application-proxy should.
<P>As soon as the client prepares a data connection (either by sending a
PASV or a PORT command, it acknowledges it and, in case of a requested
passive connection, establishes a listener which binds to the server's
IP (!!). This came rather as a surprise to me. It actually works and
means, that the data connection is transparent as well for the client.
The range of port on which it listens is configureable as well as the
range of ports it uses for outgoing connection (to either the server
or to the client in the active-ftp case).
<P>As soon as the client actually wants to retrieve data, the connection
to the server is established and the data is shuffeled around. Since
the connection to the server is completely seperate from the client
connection, its mode doesn't have to be the one the client requests
(also by default it is). The data-connection to the server may also be
configured to always be active or passive. Here it is clearly
desireable to always use passive mode to avoid opening another
listener on the packetfilter.

<P>After initially having some minor problems to compile the proxy (it
has to be configured --with-regex) and to get it running (by default
it thinks it is started by inetd, i.e. standalone-mode is not the
default) it ran without problems and also wrote informative messages
into the debugging file. Almost everything can be configured in the
configuration file (also not everything is documented unambigously)
but in general the quality of the documentation, the logging and the
debugging messages seems quite high.
<P>The proxy is, as already mentioned, completely transparent for the
client and of course intransparent for the server (i.e. the server
sees the connections coming from the client).
<P>First more extensive stress-testing and code-review performed on
04/Apr/01 showed the following irregularities:
<LI>Using active ftp, the data-connection on the server-side often
failed. This problem could be circumvented by forcing the Proxy to
always use passive mode on the server side (which should be used
anyways, see below)</LI>
<LI>The control-connection on the server side often could not be
<LI>When running with debugging-output enabled, we found strange
characters in the debugging as well as in the logging-output.</LI>
<P>The failed connections result from portnumbers being reused where they
should be increased. I think, this problem would also be found on the
client-side of the connection if the stress-test would issue more than
1 data-retrieving command. It may help to undefine the
Destination[Min|Max]Port configuration directive to get a port
assigned by the system.
<P>The - attack-behaviour vanished after disabling debugging
output but may nevertheless being an issue. We found a questionable
use of a static char* in a formatting routine.
<H3>Integration into a firewall suite</H3>


<P>First the Packetfilterport on which the proxy listens must be closed.
It is well possible to bind the proxy to e.g. localhost, but the
ipchains ... -j REDIRECT (see below) only allows the specification of
a port, not of port+IP. If the proxy is bound to an IP it doesn't get
the packets. It has to be universally bound and therefore its port
must be closed.
<P>In the following I use:
<LI>PASV_PORTS: Configuration-directives "PassiveMin|Max]DataPort"; Ports
on which Listeners for passive connections (to Clients) may be
<LI>   SC&thinsp;PORTS: Configuration-directives "Destination[Min|Max]Port"; Ports
which are used for connecting to the server (control-conn., data-conn.
if server in passive mode) or on which the proxy listens for the
server's data (if server in active mode, not documented). 
<P>For client-connections it is necessary that:
<LI>In the input-chain (for the IF on which client packets arrive)
there must be a redirect for packets from the client to the
server, port 21 to the port on which the proxy listens.
<LI>In the input-Chain (for the IF on which client packets arrive)
connections from the client to the server on port (UNPRIV->21) and
(UNPRIV->PASV_PORTS) are accepted (as well as the reply-packets in
the output-chain). The redirect-rule already acts as accepting
rule for the incoming packets for port 21.
Furthermore in the output-chain connections from the proxy (but
with IP-adress of the server!), port 20, to the client (UNPRIV)
must be allowed (as well as the corresponging reply-packets in the
<P>For server-connections it is necessary that:
<LI>In the output-chain of the server-side IF connections from the
proxy (SC_PORTS) to port 21 of the server are allowed (and the
reply packets in the input-chain)</LI>
<LI>In the output-chain of the server-side IF connections from the
proxy (SC_PORTS) to the server (UNPRIV) are allowed (and the reply
packets in the input-chain)</LI>
<P>The latter pair of rules covers the case that all data connections
from the proxy to the server are passive.
Note, that no rules for the forward-chain are necessary at all.
<P>This diagram shows the

                        |      |     Proxy      |  |
                        |      |3129____________|  |
  +--------+   tcp/21   |-----   ^         |  -----|  tcp/21   +--------+
  | Client |----------->|eth0|   |         +->|eth1|---------->| Server |
  +--------+ to server  |--------+redirect    -----|           +--------+
                        |Packetfilter              |
<P>The obvious problem is, to formulate a fw-ftp-proxy script which
accepts 2 NEs (external client, internal server) as input and does not
generate redundant rules. Because the server-side connection is
completely independent from the client, its rules must only be added
once for each server while the client-side rules (including the
redirect) are dependent of both server and client. Probably the best
way would be to add a script which only handles the client-side and to
add each ftp-server seperately with a "tcp@fw"-rule. Since tcp@fw does
not allow specification of source-ports, this rule would then be wider
as necessary.
<P>In the client-side script, the portrange used in the proxy-configfile
would then have to be hardwired. It would be necessary to verify, that
for every server used as target in a client-side script there is at
least (or even better exactly one) tcp@fw as described above.
<H3>Security considerations</H3>

<P>We had a swift look at the code and it looks rather clean and well
documented to me. Unfortunately some features are incorrectly
documented or not documented at all while some features are already
documented but not yet implemented.
<P>As already mentioned, the port on which the proxy listens has to be
closed. The servers should only be driven in passive mode, which
should be possible for any server. The PASV_PORTS should be restricted
to a dozen or so (depending on the load).
<P>For the maintainers of the servers, the major drawback is the proxy's
<H3>Features not yet evaluated</H3>

<LI>User-specific configurations</LI>
<LI>Use with LDAP and the TCP-Wrapper library (configure-options
--with-ldap and --with-libwrap</LI>
<LI>Limiting the set of allowed commands</LI>
<LI>Proc-Filesystem Interface (module)</LI>
<LI>chroot of forked processes</LI>

<H3>General Aspects</H3>

<P>Given the current situation, where we shoot huge holes in the firewall
to fully enable (passive) ftp connections to servers located inside,
the use of this proxy would greatly increase the security of these
<P>Prior to deployment I think the code should be reviewed more closely
(remember that the proxy opens listeners on the PF!) and some more
efforts should be undertaken to find a configuration which is as tight
as possible by providing the required functionality (cf. the section

<P>It should, in general, be possible to have a second proxy running for
inside clients. There we still have the problem, that we have to open
the whole UNPRIV-Range for connections coming from sourceport 20.
Basically I think, that this problem should be handled differently:
Providing the functionality is the business of the server (hence the
name) . The FTP-Protocol provides passive mode exactly for this case
(firewalled client). So we should in general not allow clients behind
our Firewalls/Packetfilters to make active FTP connections.
<P>We found out that it should not be too difficult to enable
"bidirectional transparency".
<H2><A NAME="ss10.8">10.8 telnet</A>

<P>Simple one port service.
Use this (or 
<A HREF="#netcat">netcat</A>) for initial testing of your LVS.
It is a simpler client/service than http (is not persistent)
and a connection shows up as an ActConn in the ipvsadm output.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.9">10.9 ssh</A>

<P>surprisingly (considering that it negotiates
a secure connection) nothing special either.
You do not need persistent port/client
connection for this.
<P>some stuff from Wensong about ssh (also see above for persistance)
<P><CODE></CODE> wrote:
 > I'm using ipvs
 > to balance ssh connections but for some reason ipvs is only using one real
 > server and persists to use that server until I delete its arp entry from
 > the ipvs machine and remove the virtual loopback on the real server.
 > Also, I noticed that connections do not register which this behavior.
do you use the persistent port for your VIP:22? If so, the
default timeout of persistent port is 360 seconds, once the ssh
session finishes, it takes 360 seconds to expire the persistent
session. (In ipvs-0.9.1, you can flexibly set the timeout for the
persistent port.) There is no need to use persistent
port for ssh service, because the RSA keys are exchanged in each
ssh session, and each session is not related.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.10">10.10 dns</A>

<P>This is from Ted Pavlic. Two (independant) connections, 
tcp and udp to port 53 are needed.
<P>(from the IPCHAINS-HOWO)
DNS doesn't always use UDP; if the reply from the server exceeds 512
bytes, the client uses a TCP connection to port number 53, to get 
the data. Usually this is for a zone transfer.
<P>Here is part of an lvs.conf file which has dns on two real-servers.
        #dns, note: need both udp and tcp
        #A real-server must be able to determine its own name.
        #(log onto machine from console and use nslookup
        # to see if it knows who it is)
        # and to do DNS on the VIP and name associated with the VIP
        #To test a running LVS, on client machine, run nslookup and set server = VIP.
        SERVICE=t dns wlc
        SERVICE=u dns wlc
<P>If the LVS is run without mon, then any setup that allows the
real-servers to resolve names is fine (ie if you can sit at the
console of each real-server and run nslookup, you're OK).
<P>If the LVS is run with mon (eg for production), then dns
needs to be setup in a way that dns.monitor can tell if the
LVS'ed form of dns is working. When dns.monitor tests a
real-server for valid dns service, it first asks for the zone
serial number from the authoritative (SOA) nameserver of the
virtualserver's domain. This is compared with the serialnumber
for the zone returned from the real-server. If these match then
dns.monitor declares that the real-server's dns is working.
<P>The simplest way of setting up an LVS dns server is for the
real-servers to be secondaries (writing their secondary zone info
to local files, so that you can look at the date and contents of
the files) and some other machine (eg the director) to be the
authoritative nameserver. Any changes to the authoritative 
nameserver (say the director) will have to be propagated to the 
secondaries (here the real-servers) (delete the secondary's zone files 
and HUP named on the real-servers). After the HUP, new files will be 
created on the secondary nameservers (the real-servers) with the time of 
the HUP and with the new serial numbers. If the files on the 
secondary nameservers are not deleted before the HUP, then they 
will not be updated till the refresh/expire time in the zonefile 
and the secondary nameservers will appear to dns.monitor to not 
be working.
<P>There is no reason to create an LVS to do DNS. DNS has its own
cacheing and hierachial method of loadbalancing. However if you
have an LVS  already running serving http, ftp...  then it's
simple to throw in dns as well (Ted).
<H2><A NAME="ss10.11">10.11 sendmail/smtp/pop3/qmail</A>

<P>For mail which is being passed through, LVS is a good solution.
<P>If the mail is being delivered to the real-server, 
then the mail will arrive randomly at any one of
the real-servers and write to the different filesystems. 
Since you probably want your mail to arrive at one place only,
the only way of handling this right now is to have the
/home directory nfs mounted on all the real-servers from a
backend fileserver which is not part of the LVS. (an nfs.monitor is in
the works.) Each real-server will have to be configured to accept
mail for the virtual server DNS name (say 
<P>It should be possible to use Coda ( to 
keep /home directories synchronised, or inter-mezzo or gfs all 
of which look nice, but we haven't tested.
<P>To maintain user passwds on the real-servers -
<P>(Gabriel Neagoe <CODE></CODE>) for syncing the passwords
- IF THE ENVIRONMENT IS SAFE- you could use NIS or rdist
<H3>identd (auth) problems</H3>

<P>You will not be explicitely configuring identd in an LVS. 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-16.html#authd">identd</A> is used by sendmail 
and tcpwrappers and will cause problems.
Sendmail can't use identd when running on an LVS 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-16.html#identd_and_sendmail">identd and sendmail</A>).
Running identd as an LVS service doesn't fix this.
for sendmail:
in file set the value
<P>(see - Why do 
connections to the smtp port take such a long time?) 
<A HREF="">qmail</A>:
<P>From: Martin Lichtin <CODE></CODE>
<P>If invoked with tcp-env in inetd.conf -
use the -R option
<P>if spawned using svc and DJ's daemontools packages -
 > /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -u 1002 -g 1001 -c 500 -v 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
<P>tcpserver is the recommended method of running qmail, 
where you use the -R option for tcpserver 
<P>-R: Do not attempt to obtain $TCPREMOTEINFO from the remote host. 
To avoid loops, you must use this option for servers on TCP ports 53 and 113.
<P>To test an LVS'ed smtp server (connect to lvs:smtp from the client)
client:~# telnet
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.1a/8.9.0; Sat 6 Nov 1999 13:16:30 GMT
250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
221 closing connection
<P>check that you can access each real-server in turn (here was accessed).
<P>pop3 - as for smtp. The mail agents must see the same
/home file system, so /home should be mounted on
all real-servers from a single file server. 
<H3>Thoughts about sendmail/pop</H3>

<P>(another variation on the many
reader/many writer problem)
<P>From: Rob Thomas <CODE></CODE>
<P><CODE></CODE> wrote:
> I need this to convince my boss that LVS  is THE SOLUTION for very
> Scalable and High Available Mail/POP server. 
<P>This is about the hardest clustering thing you'll ever do.
Because of the constant read/write access's you -will- have
problems with locking, and file corruption.. The 'best' way to do
this is (IMHO):
<LI>NetCache Filer as the NFS disk server.</LI>
<LI>Several SMTP clients using NFS v3 to the NFS server.</LI>
<LI>Several POP/IMAP clients using NFS v3 to the NFS server.</LI>
<LI>At least one dedicated machine for sending mail out (smarthost)</LI>
<LI> LinuxDirector box in front of 2 and 3 firing requests off</LI>
<P>Now, items 1 2 -and- 3 can be replaced by Linux boxes, but, NFS
v3 is still in Alpha on linux.  I -believe- that NetBSD (FreeBSD?
One of them) has a fully functional NFS v3 implementation, so you
can use that.
<P>The reason why I emphasize NFSv3 is that it -finally- has 'real'
locking support.  You -must- have atomic locks to the file
server, otherwise you -will- get corruption. And it's not
something that'll happen occasionally.  Picture this:

  [client]  --  [ l.d ] -- [external host]
     [smtp server]-+-[pop3 server]
<P>Whilst [client] is reading mail (via [pop3 server]), [external
host] sends an email to his mailbox.  the pop3 client has a file
handle on the mail spool, and suddenly data is appended to this.
Now the problem is, the pop3 client has a copy of (what it
thinks) is the mail spool in memory, and when the user deletes a
file, the mail that's just been received will be deleted, because
the pop3 client doesn't know about it.
<P>This is actually rather a simplification, as just about every
pop3 client understands this, and will let go of the file
handle.. But, the same thing will happen if a message comes in
-whilst the pop3d is deleting mail-.

                           POP Client    SMTP Client
  I want to lock this file &lt;--
  I want to lock this file               &lt;--
  You can lock the file    -->
  You can lock the file                  -->
  Consider it locked       &lt;--
  File is locked           -->
  Consider it locked                     &lt;--
  Ooh, I can't lock it                   -->
<P>The issue with NFS v1 and v2 is that whilst it has locking support, it's
not atomic. NFS v3 can do this:
                           POP Client    SMTP Client
  I want to lock this file &lt;--
  I want to lock this file               &lt;--
  File is locked           -->
  Ooh, I can't lock it                   -->
<P>That's why you want NFSv3. Plus, it's faster, and it works over
TCP, rather than UDP 8-)
<P>From: Stefan Stefanov <CODE></CODE>
<P>> This is about the hardest clustering thing you'll ever do.  Because of
<P>I think this might be not-so-hardly achieved with CODA and Qmail.
<P>Coda ( allows "clustering" of file
system space. Qmail's ( default mailbox
format is Maildir, which is very lock safe format (even on NFS
without lockd).
<P>(I haven't implemented this, it's just a suggestion.)
<H3>mail farms</H3>

<P>Peter Mueller <CODE></CODE> 10 May 2001 
what open source mail programs have you guys used for SMTP mail farm with
LVS?  I'm thinking about Qmail or Sendmail?
<P>Michael Brown <CODE></CODE>, Joe
Greg Cope <CODE></CODE> 10 May 2001
You can do load balancing against multiple mail servers without LVS. 
Use multiple MX records to load balance,
and mailing list management software (Mailman, maybe?). 
DNS responds with all MX records for a request. 
The MTA should then choose one at random from the same piority.
(A cache DNS will also return all MX records.)
You don't get persistent use of one MX record.
If the chosen MX record points to a machine that's down,
the MTA will choose another MX record.
<P>Note this applies to mail which is being sent on by the MTA.
The final target machine has the single-writer, many-reader problem
as before.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.12">10.12 authd/identd (port 113) and tcpwrappers (tcpd)</A>

<P>You do not explicitely set authd (==identd) as an LVS service. 
It is used with some services (eg sendmail, services running inside tcpwrappers). 
authd initiates calls from the real-servers to the client.
LVS is designed for services which receive connect requests from clients.
LVS does not allow authd to work anymore and this must be taken into
account when running services that cooperate with authd. The inability
of authd to work with LVS is important enough that there is a
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-16.html#authd">section on authd</A>.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.13">10.13 http name and IP-based (with VS-DR or VS-Tun)</A>

<P>http with name- and ip-based http
is a simple one port service. Your httpd must be listening to the VIP
which will be on lo:0 or tunl0:0. The httpd can be listening on the
RIP too (on eth0) for mon, but for the LVS you need the httpd listening
to the VIP as well. 
<P>Thanks to Doug Bagley <CODE></CODE> for getting this info on 
ip and name based http into the HOWTO. 
<P>Both ip-based and name-based webserving in an LVS
are simple. 
In ip-based (HTTP/1.0) webserving, the client sends a request to a hostname 
which resolves to an IP (the VIP on the director). The director
sends the request to the httpd on a real-server. The httpd
looks up its httpd.conf to determine how to handle the request (e.g. 
<P>In named-based (HTTP/1.1) webserving, the client passes the HOST: header 
to the httpd. The httpd looks up the httpd.conf file and directs the
request to the appropriate DOCUMENTROOT. In this case all URL's on
the webserver can have the same IP. 
<P>The difference between ip- and name-based web support is handled by 
the httpd running on the real-servers.  LVS operates at the IP level 
and has no knowledge of ip- or name-based httpd and has no need to 
know how the URLs are being handled.
<P>For the definitive word on ip-based and name-based web support see
<P>Here are some excerpts.
<P>The original (HTTP/1.0) form of http was IP-based, ie the httpd
accepted a call to an IP:port pair, eg In the
single server case, the machine name ( resolves to
this IP and the httpd listens to calls to this IP. Here's the
lines from httpd.conf
        DocumentRoot /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs
        ErrorLog logs/error_log
        TransferLog logs/access_log
<P>To make an LVS with IP-based httpds, this IP is used as
the VIP for the LVS and if you are using VS-DR/VS-Tun,
then you set up multiple real-servers, each with the httpd
listening to the VIP (ie its own VIP). If you are running an LVS
for 2 urls (,, then you have
2 VIPs on the LVS and the httpd on each real-server
listens to 2 IPs.
<P>The problem with ip-based virtual hosts is that an IP
is needed for each url and ISPs charge for IPs.
<P>(Doug Bagley <CODE></CODE>)
<P>With HTTP/1.1, a client
Name based virtual hosting uses the HTTP/1.1 "Host:" header,
which HTTP/1.1 clients send.  This allows the server to know what
host/domain, the client thinks it is connecting to.  A normal
HTTP request line only has the request path in it, no hostname,
hence the new header.  IP-based virtual hosting works for older
browsers that use HTTP/1.0 and don't send the "Host:" header, and
requires the server to use a separate IP for each virtual domain.
<P>The httpd.conf file then has

DocumentRoot /

DocumentRoot /
<P>DNS for both hostnames resolves to and the httpd
determines the hostname to accept the connection from the
"Host:" header. Old (HTTP/1.0) browsers will be served the
webpages from the first VirtualHost in the httpd.conf.
<P>For LVS again nothing special has to be done. All the hostnames
resolve to the VIP and on the real-servers, VirtualHost directives
are setup as if the machine was a standalone.
<P>From Ted Pavlic <CODE></CODE>. Note that in 2000,
<A HREF="http:/">ARIN</A>
(look for &quot;name based web hosting&quot; 
announcements, the link changes occasionally)
announced that IP based webserving would be phased out
in favor of name based webserving for ISPs who have more that 
256 hosts. This will only require one IP for
each webserver. (There are exceptions, ftp, ssl, frontpage...)
<H2><A NAME="ss10.14">10.14 http with VS-NAT</A>

<P>Summary: make sure the httpd on the real-server is listening on the RIP
not the VIP (this is the opposite of what was needed for VS-DR or VS-Tun).
(Remember, there is no VIP on the real-server with VS-NAT).
<P>tc lewis had an (ip-based) non-working http VS-NAT setup. The VIP
was a routable IP, while the real-servers were virtual hosts on the
non-routable network.
<P>>From: Michael Sparks <CODE></CODE>
<P>What's happening is a consequence of using NAT. Your LVS is accepting
packets for the VIP, and re-writing them to either or The packets therefore arrive at those two servers marked
for address or, not the VIP.
<P>As a result when apache sees this:
&lt;VirtualHost w1.bungalow.intra>
<P>It notices that the packets are arriving on either or and not w1.bungalow.intra, hence your problem.
<LI>If this is the only website being serviced by these two servers, change
the config so the default doc root is the one you want.
<LI>If they're servicing many websites, map a realworld IP to an aliases on the
real-servers and use that to do the work. IMO this is messy, and could
cause you major headaches.
<LI>Use VS-DR or VS-Tun - that way the above config could be used without
problems since the VS address is a local address as well. This'd be my
<P>Joe 10 May 2001 
<P>It just occured to me that a real-server in a VS-NAT LVS
is listening on the RIP. The client is sending to the VIP.
In an HTTP 1.1 or name based httpd, doesn't the server
get a request with the URL (which will have the VIP) 
in the payload of the packet (where an L4 switch doesn't see it)?
Won't the server be unhappy about this? This has come up
before with name based service like 
<A HREF="#https">https</A> and for 
<A HREF="#indexing">indexing of webpages</A>.
Does anyone know how to force an HTTP 1.1 connection
(or to check whether the connection was HTTP 1.0 or 1.1)
so we can check this?
<P>Paul Baker <CODE></CODE> 10 May 2001
The HTTP 1.1 request (and also 1.0 requests from any modern browser) 
contain a Host: header which specifies the hostname of the server. As 
long as the webservers on the real-servers are aware that they are 
serving this hostname. There should be no issue with 1.1 vs 1.0 http 
<P>so both virtualHost and servername should be the reverse dns of the VIP?
Yes. Your Servername should be the reverse dns of the VIP and you need 
to have a Virtualhost entry for it as well. In the event that you are 
serving more than one domain on that VIP, then you need to have a 
VirtualHost entry for each domain as well.
<P>what if instead of the name of the VIP, I surf to the actual IP?
There is no device with the VIP on the VS-NAT real-server. Does
there need to be one? Will an entry in /etc/hosts that maps the VIP
to the public name do?
<P>Ilker Gokhan <CODE></CODE>
If you write URL with IP address such as,
the Host: header is filled with this IP address, not hostname. 
You can see it using any network monitor program (tcpdump).
<H2><A NAME="ss10.15">10.15 httpd normally closes connections</A>

<P>If you look with ipvsadm to see the activity on an LVS serving
httpd, you won't see much. 
A non-persistent httpd on the real-server closes the connection
after sending the packets.
<P>Here's the output from ipvsadm, immediately after retrieving
a gif filled webpage from a 2 real-server LVS.
director:# ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 0.2.5 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port          Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
  ->       Masq    1      2          12        
  ->         Masq    1      1          11        
<P>The InActConn are showing the connections that transferred
hits that have been closed and are in the FIN state waiting to timeout.
You may see &quot;0&quot; in the InActConn column, leading
you to think that you are not getting the packets via the LVS.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.16">10.16 Persistence with http; browser opens many connections to httpd</A>

<P>With the first version of the http protocol, HTTP/1.0, 
a client would request a hit/page from the httpd.
After the transfer, the connection was dropped. 
It is expensive to setup a tcp connection just to transfer
a small number of packets, when it is likely that the 
client will be making several more requests immediately
afterwards (<EM>e.g.</EM> if the client downloads a page with
references to gif images in it, then after parsing the html
page, it will issue requests to fetch the gifs). 
With HTTP/1.1 persistent connection was possible.
The client/server pair negotiate to see 
if persistent connection is available. 
The httpd will keep the connection open for a period (KeepAliveTimeout, 15sec usually)
after a transfer in case further transfers are requested. 
The client can drop the connection any time it wants to 
(<EM>i.e.</EM> when it has got all the hits on a page).
<P>Alois Treindl <CODE></CODE> 30 Apr 2001
when I reload a page on the client, the browser makes several http 
hits on the server for the graphics in the page.
These hits are load balanced between the real servers.
I presume this is normal for HTTP/1.0 protocol, though I would
have expected Netscape 4.77 to use HTTP/1.1 with one connection for
all parts of a page.
<P>Here's the output of ipvsadm after downloading a test page consisting
of 80 different gifs (80 lines of &lt;img src="foo.gif"&gt;.
director:/etc/lvs# ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.7 (size=4096)                    
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags                         
  -> RemoteAddress:Port             Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
  ->         Route   1      2          0         
  ->           Route   1      2          0         
<P>It would appear that the browser has made 4 connections which are left open.
The client shows (netstat -an) 4 connections which are ESTABLISHED, while the real-servers
show 2 connections each in FIN_WAIT2. Presumably each connection was used to transfer
an average of 20 requests.
<P>If the client-server pair were using persistent connection, I would expect
only one connection to have been used.
<P>Andreas J. Koenig <CODE></CODE> 02 May 2001
Netscape just doesn't use a single connection, and not only Netscape.
All major browsers fire mercilessly a whole lot of connections at the
server. They just don't form a single line, they try to queue up on
several ports simultaneously...
<P>...and that is why you should never set KeepAliveTimeout to 15 unless
you want to burn your money. You keep several gates open for a single
user who doesn't use them most of the time while you lock others out.
Hm, I think the browsers fetch the objects by creating 3-4
connections (not sure how many exactly). If there is a KeepAlive option
in the httpd.conf you can expect small number of inactive connections
after the page download is completed. Without this option the client is
forced to create new connections after each object is downloaded and
the HTTP connections are not reused.
<P>The browsers reuse the connection but there are more than one
<P>KeepAlive Off can be useful for banner serving but a short
KeepAlive period has its advantages in some cases with long rtt where
the connection setups costs time and because the modern browsers are
limited to the number of connections they open. 
Of course, the default
period can be reduced but its value depends on the served content,
whether the client is expected to open many connections for short
period or just one.
<P>Peter Mueller <CODE></CODE> 01 May 2001
I was searching around on the web and found the following relevant links..
<PRE> -- not that useful -- old but interesting
<P>Andreas J. Koenig <CODE></CODE> 02 May 2001
If you have 5 servers with 15 secs KeepAliveTimeout, then
you can serve
<P>60*60*24*5/15 = 28800 requests per day
don't you actually have MaxClients=150 servers available and this
can be increased to several thousand presumably?
<P>Peter Mueller
I think a factor of 64'000 is forgotten here (number of possible reply
ports), plus the fact that most http connections do seem to terminate
immediately, despite the KeepAlive.
<P>Sure, and people do this and buy lots of RAM for them. But many of
them servers are just in 'K' state, waiting for more data on these
KeepAlive connections. Moreover, they do not compile the status module
into their servers and never notice.
<P>Let's rewrite the above formula:
<P>MaxClients / KeepAliveTimeout
<P>denotes the number of requests that can be satisfied if all clients
*send* a keepalive header (I think that's "Connection: keepalive") but
*do not actually use* the kept-alive line. If they actually use the
kept-alive line, you can serve more, of course.
<P>Try this: start apache with the -X
flag, so it will not fork children and set the keepalivetimeout to 60.
Then load a page from it with Netscape that contains many images. You
will notice that many pictures arive quickly and a few pictures arive
after a long, long, long, looooong time.
<P>When the browser parses the incoming HTML stream and sees the first
IMG tag it will fire off the first IMG request. It will do likewise
for the next IMG tag. At some point it will reach an IMG tag and be
able to re-use an open keepalive connection. This is good and does
save time. But if a whole second has passed after a keepalive request
it becomes very unlikely that this connection will be re-used ever, so
15 seconds is braindead. One or two seconds is OK.
<P>In the above experiment my Netscape loaded 14 images immediately after
the HTML page was loaded, but it took about a minute for each of the
remaining 4 images which happened to be the first in the HTML stream.
<P>Here's the output of ipvsadm after downloading the same 80 gif page
with the -X option on apache (only one httpd is seen with ps, rather
than the 5 I usually have).
director:/etc/lvs# ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 0.2.11 (size=16384)                  
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags                         
  -> RemoteAddress:Port             Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
  ->         Route   1      1          1         
  ->           Route   1      0          2         
<P>The page shows a lot of loading at the status line, then stops showing 100% of 30k.
However the downloaded page is blank. A few seconds later the gifs are displayed.
The client shows 4 connections in CLOSE_WAIT and the real-servers
each show 2 connections in FIN_WAIT2.
<P>Paul J. Baker <CODE></CODE> 02 May 2001
The KeepAliveTimeout value is NOT the connection time out. 
It says how long Apache will keep an active connection open waiting for a 
new request to come on the SAME connection after it has fulfilled a 
request. Setting this to 15 seconds does not mean apache cuts all 
connections after 15 seconds.
<P>I write server load-testing software so I have do quiet a bit of 
research in the behaviour of each browser. If Netscape hits a page with 
a lot of images on it, it will usually open about 8 connections. It will 
use these 8 connections to download things as quickly as it can. If the 
server cuts each connection after 1 request is fullfilled, then Netscape 
browser has to keep reconnecting. This costs a lot of time. KeepAlive is 
a GOOD THING. Netscape does close the connections when it is done with 
them which will be well before the 15 seconds since the last request expire.
<P>Think of KeepAliveTimeout as being like an Idle Timeout in FTP. Imagine 
it being set to 15 seconds. 
<H2><A NAME="ss10.17">10.17 Dynamically generated images on web pages</A>

<P>Solutions are to generate the image on a shared directory
or to use fwmark to setup the LVS. 
Both methods are described in the section using fwmark for 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-8.html#dynamic">dynamically generated images</A>. 
<H2><A NAME="ss10.18">10.18 other considerations with http: logs, shutting down httpd, cookies, mod_proxy, indexing programs</A>


>From: Emmanuel Anne &lt;tt/

>.. the problem about the logs. Apparently the best is to have
>each web server process its log file on a local disk, and then
>to make stats on both all files for the same period...
>It can become quite complex to handle, is there not a way to
>have only one log file for all the servers
(hasn't been tested): log to a common nfs mounted disk?
I don't know whether you can have httpds running on separate
machines writing to the same file. I notice (using truss on
Solaris) that apache does write locking on files while
it is running. Possibly it write-locks the log files. Normally
multiple forked httpds are running. Presumably each of them
writes to the log files and presumably each of them locks the
log files for writing.
<H3>Shutting down http</H3>

<P>You need to shut down httpd gracefully, by bringing the weight
to 0 and letting connections drop, or you will not be able to 
bind to port 80 when you restart httpd.
If you want to do on the fly modifications to your httpd, and keep 
all real-servers in the same state, you may have problems. 
<P>Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 08:12:05 -0800
From: Thornton Prime <CODE></CODE>
> I have been having some problems restarting apache on servers that are
> using LVS-NAT and was hoping someone had some insight or a workaround.
> Basically, when I make a configuration change to my webservers and I try
> to restart them (either with a complete shutdown or even just a graceful
> restart), Apache tries to close all the current connections and re-bind
> to the port. The problem is that invariably it takes several minutes for
> all the current connections to clear even if I kill apache, and the
> server won't start as long as any socket is open on port 80, even if it
> is in a 'CLOSING' state.

> > Michael E Brown wrote:
> > 
> > Catch-22. I think the proper way to do something like this is to take the
> > affected server out of the LVS table _before_ making any configuration
> > changes to the machine. Wait until all connections are closed, then make
> > your change and restart apache. You should run into less problems this
> > way. After the server has restarted, then add it back into the pool.
> I thought of that, but unfortunately I need to make sure that the
> servers in the cluster remain in a near identical state, so the
> reconfiguration time should be minimal.
<P>Julian wrote
<P>Hm, I don't have such problems with Apache. I use the default
configuration-time settings, may be with higher process limit only.
Are you sure you use the latest 2.2 kernels in the real servers?
> I'm guessing that my problem is that I am using LVS persistent
> connections, and combined with apache's lingering close this makes it
> difficult for apache to know the difference between a slow connection
> and a dead connection when it tries to close down, so the time it takes
> to clear some of the sockets approaches my LVS persistence time.
> I haven't tried turning off persistence, and I haven't tried
> re-compiling apache without lingering-close. This is a production
> cluster with rather heavy traffic and I don't have a test cluster to
> play with. In the end rebooting the machine has been faster than waiting
> for the ports to clear so I can restart apache, but this seems really
> dumb, and doesn't work well because then my cluster machines have
> different configuration states.
<P>One reason your servers to block can be a very low value for
the client number. You can build apache in this way:
<P>CFLAGS=-DHARD_SERVER_LIMIT=2048 ./configure ...
<P>and then to increase MaxClients (up to the above limit). Try with
different values. And don't play too much with the MinSpareServers and
MaxSpareServers. Values near the default are preferred. Is your kernel
compiled with higher value for the number of processes:
> Is there any way anyone knows of to kill the sockets on the webserver
> other than simply wait for them to clear out or rebooting the machine?
> (I tried also taking the interface down and bringing it up again ...
> that didn't work either.)
> Is there any way to 'reset' the MASQ table on the LVS machine to force a
> reset?
<P>No way! The masq follows the TCP protocol and it is transparent
to the both ends. The expiration timeouts in the LVS/MASQ box are high
enough to allow the connection termination to complete. Do you remove
the real servers from the LVS configuration before stopping the apaches?
This can block the traffic and can delay the shutdown. It seems the
fastest way to restart the apache is apachectl graceful, of course,
if you don't change anything in apachectl (in the httpd args).

<A HREF="#cookie">cookie</A><P>
<H3>URL parsing</H3>

Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:45:46 -0500 (EST)
From: John Cronin &lt;tt/

> Is there any way to do URL parsing for http requests (ie send cgi-bin
> requests to one server group, static to another group?)
<P>Probably the best way to do this is to do it in the html code itself;
make all the cgis 
hrefs to cgi.&lt;your-domain-here>.com
.  Similarly,
you can make images hrefs to 
.  You then
set these up as additional virtual servers, in addition to your www
virtual server.  That is going to be a lot easier than parsing URLs;
this is how they have done it at some of the places I have done
consulting for; some of those places were using Extreme Networks load
balancers, or Resonate, or something like that, using dozens of Sun
and Linux servers, in multiple hosting facilities.
<P>from Horms
<P>What you are after is a layer-7 switch, that is something that can
inspect HTTP packets and make decisions bassed on that information. 
You can use squid to do this, there are other options. A post was made
to this list about doing this a while back. Try hunting through the
<P>LVS on the other hand is a layer-4 switch, the only information that it has
available to it is IP address and port and protocol (TCP/IP or UDP/IP). It
cannot inspect the data segment and see even understand that the request is
an HTTP request, let alone that the URL requested is /cgi-bin or whatever. 
<P>There has been talk of doing this, but to be honest it is a different
problem to that which LVS solves and arguably should live in user space
rather than kernel space as a _lot_ more proccessing is required.

From: Atif Ghaffar &lt;tt/
> Michael E Brown wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Dec 2000, Sean wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I need to forward request using the Direct Routing method to a server.
> > However I determine which server to send the request to depending on the
> > file it has requested in the HTTP GET not based on it's load. 

> Use LVS to balance the load among several servers set up to reverse-proxy
> your real-servers, set up the proxy servers to load-balance to
> real-servers based upon content.
> --
<P>On the LVS servers you can run apache with mod_proxy compiled in, then
redirect traffic with it.

        ProxyPass /files/downloads/ http://internaldownloadserver/ftp/
        ProxyPass /images/ http://internalimagesserver/images/

more on Proxy pass:

or you can use mod_rewrite, in that case, your REAL servers should be
reachable from the net.

there is also a transparent proxy module for apache
<H3><A NAME="indexing"></A> Running indexing programs (eg htdig) on the LVS</H3>

<P>(From Ted I think)
<P>Setup - 
<P>real-servers are,, director has (all
real-servers appear as to users).
<P>Problem - 
<P>if you run the indexing program on one of the (identical)
real-servers, the urls of the indexed files will be
<P>These urls will be unuseable by clients out in internetland since
the real-servers are not individually accessable by clients.
<P>If instead you run the indexing program from outside the LVS (as
a user), you will get the correct urls for the files, but you
will have to move/copy your index back to the real-servers.
<P>Solution (from Ted Pavlic, edited by Joe).
<P>On the indexing node, if you are using VS-NAT add a non-arping
device (eg lo:0, tunl0, ppp0, slip0 or dummy) with IP=VIP as if
you were setting up VS-DR (or VS-Tun). With VS-DR/VS-Tun this
device with the VIP is already setup. The VIP is associated in
dns with the name To index, on the indexing node,
start indexing from and the real-server will
index itself giving the URLs appropriate for the user in the
<P>Alternately (for VS-NAT), on the indexing node, add the
following line to /etc/hosts
<P>       localhost
<P>make sure your resolver looks to /etc/hosts before it looks to
dns and then run your indexing program. This is a less general
solution, since if the name of was changed to, or if is changed to be a CNAME,
then you would have to edit all your hosts files. The solution
with the VIP on every machine would be handled by dns.
<P>There is no need to fool with anything unless you are running
<H2><A NAME="https"></A> <A NAME="ss10.19">10.19 https</A>

<P>http is an IP based protocol, while https is a name based protol.
<P>http: you can test an httpd from the console by
configuring it to listen on the RIP of the real-server. 
Then when you bring up the LVS you can re-configure it to
listen on the VIP.
<P>https: requires a certificate with the official (DNS) name of the server as
the client sees it (the DNS name of the LVS cluster which is
associated with  the VIP). 
The https on the real-server
then must be setup as if it had the name of the LVS cluster.  
To do this, activate the VIP on a device on the real-server (it can
be non-arping or arping - make sure there are no other machines
with the VIP on the network or disconnect your real-server),
make sure that the real-server can resolve the DNS
name of the LVS to the VIP (by dns or /etc/hosts), setup the
certificate and conf file for https and startup the httpd. Check
that a netscape client running on the real-server (so that it
connects to the real-server's VIP and not to the arping VIP on 
the director) can connect to
<P>Do this for all the real-servers, then use ipvsadm on the
director to forward https requests to each of the RIPs.
<P>The scheduling method for https must be persistent for keys to
remain valid.
<H2><A NAME="databases"></A> <A NAME="ss10.20">10.20 Databases</A>

<P>Normal databaseds (eg mysqld, i.e. anything but
Oracle's parallel database server for several 100k$)
running under LVS suffer the same restrictions of single
writer/many readers as does any other service (eg smtp) where the user
can write to files on the real-server. 
<P>Databases running independantly on several real-servers
have to be kept synchronised for content, just as do
webservers. If the database files are read-only as far
as the LVS clients are concerned, and the LVS administrator 
can update each copy of the database on the real-servers 
at regular intervals (eg a script running at 
3am) then you can run a copy of the databased on each
real-server, reading the files which you are  
keeping synchronised.  
<P>Online transaction processing requires that LVS clients 
be able to write to the database. 
<P>If you try to do this by setting up an LVS where each real-server
has a databased and its own database files, then writes 
from a particular user will go to only one of the real-servers. 
The database files on the other real-servers will not 
be updated and subsequent LVS users will be presented
with inconsistent copies of the database files. 
<P>The Linux Scalable Database project is working on code to
serialise client writes so that they can be written to all 
real-servers by an intermediate agent. Their code is experimental
at the moment, but is a good prospect in the long term for 
setting up multiple databased and file systems on separate
<P>Currently most databased are deployed in a multi-tier setup.
The clients are out in internet land; they connect to a 
web-server which has clients for the database;
the web-server database client connects to a single databased. 
In this arrangement the LVS should balance the webservers/database
clients and not balance the database directly.
<P>Production LVS databases, eg the service implemented by 
Ryan Hulsker <CODE></CODE> (sample load
data at have the LVS users 
connect to database clients (perl scripts running under a webpage) 
on each real-server. These database clients connect to a 
single databased running on a backend machine that the LVS
user can't access. The databased isn't being LVS'ed - 
instead the user connects to LVS'ed database clients on the 
real-server(s) which handle intermediate dataprocessing, 
increasing your throughput. 
<P>The approach of having databaseds on each real-server
accessing a common filesystem on a back-end server, fails.
Tests with mysqld running on each of two real-servers working off
the same database files mounted from a backend machine, showed that
reads were OK, but writes from any real-server either weren't seen
by the other mysqld or corrupted the database files. Presumably 
each mysqld thinks it owns the database files and keeps copies
of locks and pointers. If another mysqld is updating the filesystem
at the same time then these first set of locks and pointers are invalid.
Presumably any setup in which multiple databaseds were writing
to one file system (whether NFS'ed, GFS'ed, coda, intermezzo...)
would fail for the same reason.
<P>In an early attempt to setup this sort of LVS 
jake buchholz <CODE></CODE> setup an LVS'ed mysql 
database with a webinterface. LVS was to serve http 
and each real-server to connect to the mysqld running 
on itself. Jake wanted the mysql service to be lvs'ed as
well and for each real-server to be a mysql client. The solution
was to have 2 VIPs on the director, one for http and the other
for mysqld. Each http real-server makes a mysql request to the
myqslVIP. In this case no real-server is allowed to have both
a mysqld and an httpd. A single copy of the database is nfs'ed from a
fileserver. This works for reads. 
<A HREF="">MySQL</A>
(and most other databases) supports replication of databases.
<P>Ted Pavlic <CODE></CODE>
on Fri, 23 Mar 2001
<P>When used with LVS, a replicated database is still a single database.
The MySQL service is not load balanced. HOWEVER, it is possible to put some of
your databases on one server and others on another. Replicate each SET of
databases to the OTHER server and only access them from the other server
when needed (at an application or at some fail-over level).
<P>Doug Sisk <CODE></CODE> 9 May 2001
<A HREF="">article on mysql's built in replication facility</A><P>
<H2><A NAME="cookie"></A> <A NAME="ss10.21">10.21 Cookies</A>

<P>Cookies are not a service. 
Cookies are a mechanism for maintaining state for a client when using
the stateless http/https protocols. Other methods for maintaining
state involve passing information to the client in the URL. 
(This can be done with <EM>e.g.</EM> 
<A HREF="">php</A>.)
Cookies are passed between servers and
clients which have http, https and/or database services and need to
be considered when setting up an LVS.
<P>For the cookie specification see 
<A HREF="">netscape site</A>.
<P>Being a layer 4 switch, LVS doesn't inspect the content of packets and
doesn't know what's in them. A cookie is contained in a packet and
the packet looks just like any other packet to an LVS.
Eric Brown wrote:
> Can LVS in any of its modes be configured to support cookie based persistent
> sessions?

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 19:40:58 -0800
From: Horms &lt;tt/


This would require inspection of the TCP data secion, and infact an
understanding of HTTP. LVS has access only to the TCP headers.
<P>Roberto Nibali <CODE></CODE> 19 Apr 2001
<P>LVS is a Layer4 load balancer and can't do content based (L7) load balancing.
<P>You shouldn't try to solve this problem by changing the TCP Layer to provide a 
solution which should be handled by the Application Layer. You should never
touch/tweak TCP settings out of the boundaries given in the various RFC's and
their implementations.
<P>If your application passes a cookie to the client, these are
the general approaches:
<LI>buy an L7 load balancer (and don't use LVS).
<LI>Set a very high persistency timeout and hope it is higher than the period
a client will wait to come back after he found his credit card, or look
at other sites, or have a cup of coffee. 
<P>This is not a good solution.
<LI>Increased persistency timeout increases the number of 
concurrent connections possible, which increases the amount of memory
required to hold the connection table. 
A persistency timeout of 30min, with clients connecting at 500 connections/s 
you would need a memory pool of at least: 30*60*128*500/(1024*1024) = 109 MBytes.
With the standard timeout of 300 seconds, you'd only need 109/6 = 18 Mbytes.</LI>
<LI>Long persistency times are incompatible with the DoS defense strategies
employeed by 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-18.html#DoS">secure_tcp</A>.</LI>
<LI> Have a 2-tier architecture where you have the application directly on
the webserver itself and maybe helped by a database. The problem of the cookies
storage is not solved however. You have to deal with the replication
problem. Imagine following setup:
                       ---->  Web1/App -->
                     /                    \
  Clients  ----> director ->  Web2/App ---> DB Server
                     \                    /
                       ---->  Web3/App -->

Cookies are generated and stored locally on each WebX server. But if you have
a persistency timeout of 300s (default LVS setting) and the client had his cup
of coffee while entering his visa numbers, he would get to a new server. This
new server whould then ask the client to reauthenticate.
There are solutions to this <EM>e.g</EM>
<LI>NFS export a dedicated cookie directory over the back-interfaces. 
Cookies are quickly distributed among the servers.</LI>
<LI>the application is written to handle cookie replication 
and propagation between the WebX servers (you have at least 299 seconds time to 
replicate the cookie on all web servers. This should be enough even
for distributing over serial line and do a crosscheck :)
<P>This does not work (well) for geographically distributed webserver.

<LI>3-Tier architecture 


                       -->  Web1 --
                     /              \
  Clients  ----> LVS ---->  Web2 ----> Application Server &lt;---> DB Server
                     \              /
                       -->  Web3 -->

The cookies are generated by the application server and either stored there or
on the database server. If a request comes in, the LVS assigns the request f.e
to Web1 and sets the persistency timeout. Web1 does a short message exchange
with the application server which generates the sessionID as a cookie and 
stores it. The webserver sends the cookie back and now we are safe. Again this
whole procedure has t_pers_timeout (300 seconds normally) amout of time. Let's
assume the client times out (has gone for a cup of coffee).
When he comes back normally on a Layer4 load balancer he will be
forwarded to a new server, (say Web2). The CGI script on Web2
does the same as happened originally on Web1: 
it generates a cookie as sessionID. 
But the application server will tell the script that there is already a 
cookie for this client and will pass it to Web2. 
In this way we have unlimited persistency based on cookies but limited 
persistency for TCP.

<LI>set your own persistency timeout values</LI>
<LI>TCP state timeout values are not changed.</LI>
<LI>table lookup is faster </LI>
<LI>it's cheaper than buying an L7 load balancer</LI>

<LI>more complex setup, more hardware</LI>
<LI>you have to write some software</LI>

<LI>If a separate database is running on each webserver, use
replication to copy the cookie between servers. (You have 300 secs
to do this). This was also mentioned by Ted Pavlic in connection
<A HREF="#databases">databases</A>.</LI>
<H2><A NAME="rshd"></A> <A NAME="ss10.22">10.22 r commands; rsh, rcp, and their ssh replacements</A>

<P>An example of using rsh to copy files is in
<A HREF="">performance data for single real-server LVS</A> Sect 5.2,  
<P>Caution: The matter of rsh came up in a private e-mail exchange. The
person had found that rshd, operating as an LVS'ed service, 
initiated a call (rsh client request) to the rshd running on the LVS client. 
(See Stevens &quot;Unix Network Programming&quot; Chapter 14, which explains rsh.) 
This call will come from the RIP rather than the VIP. 
This will require rsh to be run under VS-NAT or else 
the real-servers must be able to contact the client directly.
Similar requests from the 
<A HREF="LVS-HOWTO-16.html#authd">identd</A> client 
<A HREF="#passive_ftp">passive ftp</A> on real-servers 
cause problems for LVS.
<H2><A NAME="ss10.23">10.23 nfs</A>

<P>It is possible with LVS to export directories from real-servers
to a client, making an nfs fileserver 
<A HREF="">performance data for single real-server LVS</A>), 
near the end).
This is all fine and dandy except
that there is no easy way to fail-out the nfs service.
<P>Joseph Mack wrote:
One of the problems with running NFS as an LVS'ed service (ie to
make an LVS fileserver), that has come up on this mailing list is that a
filehandle is generated from disk geometry and file location data. In
general then the identical copies of the same file that are on different
real-servers will have different file handles. When a real-server is
failed out (e.g. for maintenance)  and the client is swapped over to a new
machine (which he is not supposed to be able to detect), he will now have
an invalid file handle.
<P>Is our understanding of the matter correct?
<P>Dave Higgen <CODE></CODE> 14 Nov 2000 
<P>In principle.  The file handle actually contains a 'dev', indicating the
filesystem, the inode number of the file, and a generation number used
to avoid confusion if the file is deleted and the inode reused for
another file.  You could arrange things so that the secondary server has
the same FS dev... but there is no guarantee that equivalent files will
have the same inode number; (depends on order of file creation etc.) 
And finally the kicker is that the generation number on any given system
will almost certainly be different on equivalent files, since it's
created from a random seed.
If so is it possible to generate a filehandle only on the
path/name of the file say?
<P>Well, as I explained, the file handle doesn't contain anything
explicitly related to the pathname.  (File handles aren't big enough for
that; only 32 bytes in NFS2, up to 64 in NFS3.)
<P>Trying to change the way file handles are generated would be a MASSIVE
redesign project in the NFS code, I'm afraid... In fact, you would
really need some kind of "universal invariant file ID" which would have
to be supported by the underlying local filesystem, so it would ramify
heavily into other parts of the system too...
<P>NFS just doesn't lend itself to replication of 'live' filesystems in
this manner.  It was never a design consideration when it was being
developed (over 15 years ago, now!)
<P>There HAVE been a number of heroic (and doomed!) efforts to do this kind
of thing; for example, Auspex had a project called 'serverguard' a few
years ago into which they poured millions in resources... and never got
it working properly...  :-(
<P>Sorry.  Not the answer you were hoping for, I guess...
<H2><A NAME="ss10.24">10.24 RealNetworks streaming protocols</A>

<P>Jerry Glomph Black <CODE></CODE> August 25, 2000
<P>RealNetworks' streaming protocols are
<LI> PNM (TCP on port 7070, UDP from server -&gt; player on ports 6970-7170).
PNM was the original protocol in version 1 through 5. It's now mostly legacy.</LI>
<LI> RTSP (TCP on port 554, similar UDP as above, but often on multiple ports)
With the G2 release, we adopted the RTSP delivery standard. The current
version, RealPlayer 8 came out about two weeks ago. A free one is
available to run on just about any platform in common use today. The Linux
versions are great.</LI>
<LI> There's also a HTTP/TCP-only fallback mode which is (usually) on port 8080.</LI>
<P>The server configuration can be altered to run on any port, but the above
numbers are the customary, and almost universally-used ones.
<P>Mark Winter, a network/system engineer in my group wrote up the following
detailed recipe on how we do it with LVS:
<P>add IP binding in the G2 server config file
&lt;List Name="IPBindings"&gt;
     &lt;Var Address_1="&lt;real ip address&gt;"/&gt;
     &lt;Var Address_2=""/&gt;
     &lt;Var Address_3="&lt;virtual ip address&gt;"/&gt;

On the LVS side
./ipvsadm -A -u &lt;VIP&gt;:0  -p
./ipvsadm -A -t &lt;VIP&gt;:554  -p
./ipvsadm -A -t &lt;VIP&gt;:7070  -p
./ipvsadm -A -t &lt;VIP&gt;:8080  -p

./ipvsadm -a -u &lt;VIP&gt;:0 -r &lt;REAL IP ADDRESS&gt;
./ipvsadm -a -t &lt;VIP&gt;:554 -r &lt;REAL IP ADDRESS&gt;
./ipvsadm -a -t &lt;VIP&gt;:7070 -r &lt;REAL IP ADDRESS&gt;
./ipvsadm -a -t &lt;VIP&gt;:8080 -r &lt;REAL IP ADDRESS&gt;
<P>I just wanted to add that if you use FWMARK, you might be able to make it a
little simpler and not have to worry about forwarding EVERY UDP port.
# Mark packets with FWMARK1
ipchains -A input -d &lt;VIP&gt;/32 7070 -p tcp -m 1
ipchains -A input -d &lt;VIP&gt;/32 554 -p tcp -m 1
ipchains -A input -d &lt;VIP&gt;/32 8080 -p tcp -m 1
ipchains -A input -d &lt;VIP&gt;/32 6970:7170 -p udp -m 1

# Setup the LVS to listen to FWMARK1
ipvsadm -A -f 1 -p

# Setup the real server
ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r &lt;RIP&gt;
<P>Not only is this only six lines rather than eight, but now you've setup a
persistent port grouping. You do not have to forward EVERY UDP port, and
you're still free to setup non-persistent services (or other persistent
services that are persistent based on other ports).
<P>When you want to remove a real server, you now do not have to remove FOUR
real servers, you just remove one. Same thing with adding. Plus, if you want
to change what's forwarded to each real server, you can do so with ipchains
and not bother with taking up and down the LVS. ALSO... if you have an
entire network of VIPs, you can setup IPCHAINS rules which will forward the
entire network automatically rather than each VIP one by one.
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