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<h2><a name='NAME'>Name</a></h2>
lpadmin - configure cups printers and classes
<h2><a name='SYNOPSIS'>Synopsis</a></h2>
</b>[ -E ] [-U
</i>] [ -h
</i>] -d
</b>[ -E ] [-U
</i>] [ -h
</i>] -p
<i>printer option(s)
</b>[ -E ] [-U
</i>] [ -h
</i>] -x
</i><h2><a name='DESCRIPTION'>Description</a></h2>
<i>lpadmin</i> configures printer and class queues provided by
CUPS. It can also be used to set the server default printer or
<p>When specified before the <i>-d</i>, <i>-p</i>, or <i>-x</i>
options, the <i>-E</i> option forces encryption when connecting to
the server.
<p>The first form of the command (<i>-d</i>) sets the default printer
or class to <i>destination</i>.  Subsequent print jobs submitted
via the <a href='man-lp.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lp(1)</a> or <a href='man-lpr.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lpr(1)</a> commands will use this
destination unless the user specifies otherwise with the
<a href='man-lpoptions.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lpoptions(1)</a> command.
<p>The second form of the command (<i>-p</i>) configures the named
printer.  The additional options are described below.
<p>The third form of the command (<i>-x</i>) deletes the printer or
class <i>destination</i>. Any jobs that are pending for the
destination will be removed and any job that is currently printed
will be aborted.
<h2><a name='CONFIGURATION_OPTIONS'>Configuration Options</a></h2>
The following options are recognized when configuring a printer
<dt>-c class
<dd>Adds the named <i>printer</i> to <i>class</i>.  If <i>class</i> does
not exist it is created automatically.
<dt>-i interface
<dd>Sets a System V style interface script for the printer. This
option cannot be specified with the <i>-P</i> option (PPD file)
and is intended for providing support for legacy printer drivers.
<dt>-m model
<dd>Sets a standard System V interface script or PPD file from the
<i>model</i> directory.
<dt>-o job-k-limit=value
<dd>Sets the kilobyte limit for per-user quotas. The value is an
integer number of kilobytes; one kilobyte is 1024 bytes.
<dt>-o job-page-limit=value
<dd>Sets the page limit for per-user quotas. The value is the integer
number of pages that can be printed; double-sided pages are
counted as two pages.
<dt>-o job-quota-period=value
<dd>Sets the accounting period for per-user quotas. The value is an
integer number of seconds; 86,400 seconds are in one day.
<dt>-o job-sheets-default=banner
<dt>-o job-sheets-default=banner,banner
<dd>Sets the default banner page(s) to use for print jobs.
<dt>-o name=value
<dd>Sets a PPD option for the printer. PPD options can be
listed using the <i>-l</i> option with the <a href='man-lpoptions.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lpoptions(1)</a>
<dt>-o name-default=value
<dd>Sets a default server-side option for the printer. Any print-time
option can be defaulted, e.g. "-o cpi-default=17" to set the default
"cpi" option value to 17.
<dt>-o port-monitor=name
<dd>Sets the binary communications program to use when printing,
"none", "bcp", or "tbcp". The default program is "none". The
specified port monitor must be listed in the printer's PPD file.
<dt>-o printer-error-policy=name
<dd>Sets the error policy to be used when the printer backend is 
unable to send the job to the printer. The name must be one of 
"abort-job", "retry-job" or "stop-printer". The default error 
policy is "stop-printer".
<dt>-o printer-is-shared=true/false
<dd>Sets the printer to shared/published or unshared/unpublished.
Shared/published printers are publically announced by the server
on the LAN based on the browsing configuration in
<b>cupsd.conf</b>, while unshared/unpublished printers are not
announced. The default value is "true".
<dt>-o printer-op-policy=name
<dd>Sets the IPP operation policy associated with the printer. The
name must be defined in the <b>cupsd.conf</b> in a Policy section.
The default operation policy is "default".
<dt>-r class
<dd>Removes the named <i>printer</i> from <i>class</i>.  If the
resulting class becomes empty it is removed.
<dt>-u allow:user,user,@group
<dt>-u deny:user,user,@group
<dt>-u allow:all
<dt>-u deny:none
<dd>Sets user-level access control on a printer. Names starting with
"@" are interpreted as UNIX groups. The latter two forms turn
user-level access control off.
<dt>-v "device-uri"
<dd>Sets the <i>device-uri</i> attribute of the printer queue.  If
<i>device-uri</i> is a filename it is automatically converted to
the form <i>file:///file/name</i>. Use the <a href='man-lpinfo.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lpinfo(8)</a> command
to get a list of supported device URIs and schemes.
<dt>-D "info"
<dd>Provides a textual description of the printer.
<dd>Enables the printer and accepts jobs; this is the same as running the
<a href='man-accept.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>accept(8)</a> and <a href='man-cupsenable.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>cupsenable(8)</a> programs on the printer.
<dt>-L "location"
<dd>Provides a textual location of the printer.
<dt>-P ppd-file
<dd>Specifies a PostScript Printer Description file to use with the
printer. If specified, this option overrides the <i>-i</i> option
(interface script).
<h2><a name='COMPATIBILITY'>Compatibility</a></h2>
Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to
contain any printable character except SPACE, TAB, "/", or "#".
Also, printer and class names are <i>not</i> case-sensitive.
Finally, the CUPS version of <i>lpadmin</i> may ask the user for
an access password depending on the printing system
configuration. This differs from the System V version which
requires the root user to execute this command.
<h2><a name='LIMITATIONS'>Limitations</a></h2>
The CUPS version of <i>lpadmin</i> does not support all of the
System V or Solaris printing system configuration options.
<h2><a name='SEE_ALSO'>See Also</a></h2>
<a href='man-accept.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>accept(8)</a>, <a href='man-cupsenable.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>cupsenable(8)</a>, <a href='man-lpinfo.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lpinfo(8)</a>,
<a href='man-lpoptions.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>lpoptions(1)</a>,
<a href='http://localhost:631/help'>http://localhost:631/help</a>
<h2><a name='COPYRIGHT'>Copyright</a></h2>
Copyright 2007-2008 by Apple Inc.
