

distrib > CentOS > 5 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 7ca84d00a753576dfaee15bac39038f0 > files > 135



# ipchainacc version 1.1.0
# Author: John Lange,
# Date: September 12, 2000
# This script was written to provide output for MRTG
#  (multi router traffic grapher) via ipchains.
## Changelog
# Sept 12, 2000
# v1.1.0 added flag for selection of graphing either packets, or bytes.
#        The default is packets (which is pretty useless), but since
#        the previous releases were graphing packets I kept the default
#        the same.
#        I always meant for this to be bytes but I only recently noticed
#        this bug so I added a config flag for bytes.
#        Also changed the uptime slightly, but its still broken. When
#        goes past 99 days, it will hack the last digit off (used to happen
#        after 9 days)
# June 22, 2000
# v1.0.1 added -x to ipchains to expand byte counters
# v1.0.0 Inital Release
#   This command must return 4 lines of output:
#     Line 1 : current state of the 'incoming bytes counter'
#     Line 2 : current state of the 'outgoing bytes counter'
#     Line 3 : string, telling the uptime of the target.
#     Line 4 : string, telling the name of the target.  

# This script relies on you having setup your ipchains rules beforehand

#--- sample ipchains rules that will work with this script
## Add some empty rules for accounting purposes only
#/sbin/ipchains -F acctin 
#/sbin/ipchains -F acctout 
## add the new rules
#/sbin/ipchains -N acctin
#/sbin/ipchains -N acctout 
## empty rules on the chains
#/sbin/ipchains -A acctin 
#/sbin/ipchains -A acctout
#/sbin/ipchains -I input -j acctin
#/sbin/ipchains -I output -j acctout
#----------- end ---------------

## edit for your system

$ipchains='/sbin/ipchains';   # path to ipchains
$host=`/bin/hostname --fqdn`;  # local hostname (for information only)

# if you use the ipchains rules above, you don't have to change these
$inrule='acctin';  # name of input accounting rule
$outrule='acctout'; # name of output accounting rule

# What should we graph? packet counters = 0, bytes = 1
# If you used this script before and you want to keep counting
# packets, then set this to 0. If you would rather do the
# sensible thing and count bytes, then set this to 1. If you change
# from one to the other, then you should delete all the previous
# history since it will be meaningless.

## -- don't edit below here ----

# fetch the status from ipchains
$_=`$ipchains -L $inrule -v -n -x |grep -v -i Chain |grep -v -i pkts`;
@in_bytes = split;
printf "$in_line";   # just for debugging

$_=`$ipchains -L $outrule -v -n -x |grep -v -i Chain |grep -v -i pkts`;
@out_bytes = split;
printf "$out_line";    # just for debugging

#foreach $value (@in_bytes) {
#  printf "$c: $value\n";
#  $c++;

# uptime of the machine
open(UPTIME,"uptime |cut -b 13-27|");
chop $upTime;

# 4 lines of output only.
printf "$in_bytes[$bytec]\n$out_bytes[$bytec]\n$upTime\n$host";