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<img src="samba2_xs.gif" border="0" alt=" " height="100" width="76"
hspace="10" align="left" />

<h1 class="head0">Chapter 11. Additional Samba Information</h1>

<p>This chapter wraps up our coverage of the
<em class="filename">smb.conf</em> configuration file with some
miscellaneous options that can perform a variety of tasks. We talk
briefly about options for time synchronization, internationalization,
messages, and common Windows bugs. For the most part, you will use
these options only in isolated circumstances.</p>

<div class="sect1"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1"/>

<h2 class="head1">Time Synchronization</h2>

<p>In a network of computers, the systems on the network must agree on
the current time and also on what time files have been modified. One
example of the importance of synchronization is the
<a name="INDEX-1"/>roaming profiles we covered in
<a href="ch04.html">Chapter 4</a>. It is vital for all clients accessing a
roaming profile to agree on what time it is and which client last
modified the user's profile.</p>

<p><a name="INDEX-2"/>Time synchronization can also be
very important to programmers. A useful group of settings consists of
the following options:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    time server = yes
    dos filetimes = yes
    fake directory create times = yes
    dos filetime resolution = yes
    delete readonly = yes</pre></blockquote>

<p>If you set these options, Samba shares will provide compatibility of
file-modification times that Visual C++, <em class="emphasis">nmake</em>,
and other Microsoft programming tools require. Otherwise, PC
<em class="emphasis">make</em> programs might think that all the files in
a directory need to be recompiled every time. Obviously, this is not
the behavior you want.</p>

<p>In <a href="ch04.html">Chapter 4</a>, we showed you how to create a logon
script that used the <em class="emphasis">net
time</em><a name="INDEX-3"/> command to synchronize
clients' clocks automatically when they log on to
the domain. If your network is configured as a workgroup rather than
a domain, you can still make use of <em class="emphasis">net time</em> by
placing the command:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">net time \\<em class="replaceable">sambaserver</em> /set /yes</pre></blockquote>

<p>in a startup script on each client that is run when the system boots.
Samba always provides time service&mdash;regardless of whether it is
running as a primary domain controller&mdash;or the
<tt class="literal">time</tt> <tt class="literal">service</tt> configuration file
parameter is set.</p>

<p>Assuming that domain users log on to the domain at least once per day
and workgroup clients reboot frequently, the <em class="emphasis">net
time</em> command can keep client systems'
clocks fairly well synchronized. However, sometimes domain users stay
logged on for longer periods, and workgroup clients can run for days
between reboots. In the meantime, the systems'
hardware clocks can wander enough to become a problem. It might be
possible to work around this, depending on the version of Windows the
client system is running. On Windows 98/Me, you can use the Task
Scheduler to run the <em class="emphasis">net time</em> command at regular
intervals. Likewise, on Windows 2000/XP you can use the MS-DOS
<em class="emphasis">at</em> command. However, a better way to deal with
this issue is to use Network Time Protocol, which we will discuss

<p>Proper time synchronization is also important when operating in an
Active Directory domain because Active Directory uses
<a name="INDEX-4"/>Kerberos authentication.
When a Kerberos domain controller creates an authentication ticket
for a client, the time is encoded into the challenge-and-response
exchanges between the client and domain controller. If the
client's clock disagrees with the
server's clock, authentication can fail.</p>

<p>To provide proper time synchronization in <a name="INDEX-5"/>Active Directory domains, Microsoft has
adopted <a name="INDEX-6"/>Network Time Protocol (NTP), using the
name Windows Time Service for its implementation. For further
information, the Microsoft white paper entitled <em class="citetitle">The
Windows Time Service</em> can be downloaded from <a href=""></a>.</p>

<p>The nice thing about this is that NTP is the standard method for
synchronizing Unix hosts on a network, so you can synchronize all
your Unix systems (including the Samba server) and Windows systems
with the following method:</p>

<p>Run NTP on the Unix systems in your network. For more information on
using NTP, refer to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>Use one of the Unix systems (such as the Samba host system) as an NTP
server to serve Windows 2000/XP clients.</p>
<p>For other Windows clients, you might have to download an update from
Microsoft to add <a name="INDEX-7"/><a name="INDEX-8"/>Windows Time Service client support or
use a third-party application such as the free
<a name="INDEX-9"/>analogX Atomic TimeSync (<a href=""></a>). Or you can use the
<em class="emphasis">net time</em> command to update the
client's clock periodically, as discussed

<div class="sect2"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1.1"/>

<h3 class="head2">Time-Synchronization Options</h3>

<p>To support roaming profiles, programmers accessing your Samba server,
and other time-sensitive functions on your network,
you'll want to be aware of the options listed in
<a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-1">Table 11-1</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-1"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-1. Time-synchronization options</h4><table border="1">


<p><tt class="literal">time server</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, announces <em class="emphasis">nmbd</em> as an
SMB time service to Windows clients</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">time offset</tt></p>
<p>Adds a specified number of minutes to the reported time</p>
<p><tt class="literal">0</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">dos filetimes</tt></p>
<p>Allows non-owners of a file to change its time if they can write to it</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">dos filetime</tt></p>

<p><tt class="literal">resolution</tt></p>
<p>Causes file times to be rounded to the next even second</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">fake directory</tt> <tt class="literal">create times</tt></p>
<p>Sets directory times to avoid an MS <em class="emphasis">nmake</em> bug</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1.1.1"/>

<a name="INDEX-12"/><h3 class="head3">time server</h3>

<p>Samba always operates as an SMB time server, matching the behavior of
Windows systems. However, Samba's default is not to
advertise itself as a time server to the network. When this option is
set to <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, Samba advertises itself as an SMB time

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    time service = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1.1.2"/>

<a name="INDEX-13"/><h3 class="head3">time offset</h3>

<p>To deal with clients that don't properly process
daylight savings time, Samba provides the <tt class="literal">time</tt>
<tt class="literal">offset</tt> option. If set, it adds the specified
number of minutes to the current time. This is handy if
you're in Newfoundland and Windows
doesn't know about the 30-minute time difference

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    time offset = 30</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1.1.3"/>

<a name="INDEX-14"/><h3 class="head3">dos filetimes</h3>

<p>Traditionally, only the root user and the owner of a file can change
its last-modified date on a Unix system. The share-level
<tt class="literal">dos</tt> <tt class="literal">filetimes</tt> option allows the
Samba server to mimic the characteristics of a DOS or Windows system:
any user can change the last-modified date on a file in that share if
she has write permission to it. To do this, Samba uses its root
privileges to modify the timestamp on the file.</p>

<p>By default, this option is disabled. Setting this option to
<tt class="literal">yes</tt> is often necessary to allow PC
<em class="emphasis">make</em> programs to work properly. Without it, they
cannot change the last-modified date themselves. This often results
in the program thinking <em class="emphasis">all</em> files need
recompiling when they really don't.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1.1.4"/>

<h3 class="head3">dos filetime resolution</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">dos</tt><a name="INDEX-15"/>
<tt class="literal">filetime</tt> <tt class="literal">resolution</tt> parameter
is a share-level option. If set to <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, Samba
rounds file times to the closest 2-second boundary. This option
exists primarily to satisfy a quirk in Windows that prevents Visual
C++ from correctly recognizing that a file has not changed. You can
enable it as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[data]
    dos filetime resolution = yes</pre></blockquote>

<p>We recommend using this option only if you are using Microsoft Visual
C++ on a Samba share that supports opportunistic locking.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-1.1.5"/>

<h3 class="head3">fake directory create times</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">fake</tt><a name="INDEX-16"/>
<tt class="literal">directory</tt> <tt class="literal">create</tt>
<tt class="literal">times</tt> option exists to keep PC
<em class="emphasis">make</em> programs sane. VFAT and NTFS filesystems
record the creation date of a specific directory, while Unix does
not. Without this option, Samba takes the earliest recorded date it
has for the directory (often the last-modified date of a file) and
returns it to the client. If this is not sufficient, set the
following option under a share definition:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[data]
    fake directory create times = yes</pre></blockquote>

<p>If set, Samba will adjust the directory create time it reports to the
hardcoded value January 1, 1980. This is primarily used to convince
the Visual C++ <em class="emphasis">nmake</em> program that any object
files in its build directories are indeed younger than the creation
date of the directory itself and need to be recompiled. <a name="INDEX-17"/> <a name="INDEX-18"/><a name="INDEX-19"/></p>




<div class="sect1"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-2"/>

<h2 class="head1">Magic Scripts</h2>

<p><em class="firstterm">Magic scripts</em> are a method of running programs
on Unix and redirecting the output back to the SMB client. These are
essentially an experimental hack. However, some users and their
programs still rely on these two options for their programs to
function correctly. Magic scripts are not widely trusted, and their
use is highly discouraged by the Samba Team.</p>

<div class="sect2"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-2.1"/>

<h3 class="head2">Magic Script Options</h3>

<p><a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-2">Table 11-2</a> lists the options that deal with
<a name="INDEX-20"/>magic scripts
on the Samba server.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-2"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-2. Magic script options</h4><table border="1">


<p><tt class="literal">magic</tt> <tt class="literal">script</tt></p>
<p>string (filename)</p>
<p>File to be executed by Samba, as the logged-on user, when closed</p>
<p><tt class="literal">magic</tt> <tt class="literal">output</tt></p>
<p>string (filename)</p>
<p>File to log output from the magic file</p>
<p><em class="emphasis">scriptname.out</em></p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-2.1.1"/>

<h3 class="head3">magic script</h3>

<p>If the <tt class="literal">magic</tt><a name="INDEX-21"/>
<tt class="literal">script</tt> option is set to a filename and the client
creates a file by that name in that share, Samba will run the file as
soon as the user has opened and closed it. For example,
let's assume that the following option was created
in the share <tt class="literal">[accounting]</tt>:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[accounting]
    magic script =</pre></blockquote>

<p>Samba continually monitors the files in that share. If one by the
name of <em class="emphasis"></em> is closed (after being opened)
by a user, Samba will execute the contents of that file locally. The
file will be passed to the shell to execute; it must therefore be a
legal Unix shell script. This means that it must have newline
characters as line endings instead of Windows CRLFs. In addition, you
need to use the <tt class="literal">#!</tt> directive at the beginning of
the file to indicate under which shell or interpreter the script
should run, unless the script is for the default shell on your


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-2.1.2"/>

<a name="INDEX-22"/><h3 class="head3">magic output</h3>

<p>This option specifies an output file to which the script specified by
the <tt class="literal">magic</tt> <tt class="literal">script</tt> option will
send output. You must specify a filename in a writable directory:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[accounting]
    magic script =
    magic output = /var/log/magicoutput</pre></blockquote>

<p>If this option is omitted, the default output file is the name of the
script (as stated in the <tt class="literal">magic</tt>
<tt class="literal">script</tt> option) with the extension
<em class="emphasis">.out</em> appended onto it.</p>




<div class="sect1"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3"/>

<h2 class="head1">Internationalization</h2>

<p><a name="INDEX-23"/><a name="INDEX-24"/>Starting
with Samba 3.0, Samba supports Unicode &quot;on the
wire,&quot; requiring no additional effort on your part
to support filenames and other text containing characters in
international character sets.</p>

<div class="sect2"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3.1"/>

<h3 class="head2">Internationalization Options</h3>

<p>Samba 2.2.x has a limited ability to speak foreign tongues: if you
need to support filenames containing characters that
aren't in standard ASCII, some options that can help
you are shown in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-3">Table 11-3</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-3"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-3. Internationalization options</h4><table border="1">


<p><tt class="literal">client code</tt> <tt class="literal">page</tt></p>
<p>Described in this section</p>
<p>Sets a code page to expect from clients</p>
<p><tt class="literal">character set</tt></p>
<p>Described in this section</p>
<p>Translates code pages into alternate Unix character sets</p>
<p><tt class="literal">coding system</tt></p>
<p>Described in this section</p>
<p>Translates code page 932 into an Asian character set</p>
<p><tt class="literal">valid chars</tt></p>
<p>string (set of characters)</p>
<p>Adds individual characters to a code page</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3.1.1"/>

<h3 class="head3">client code page</h3>

<p>The character sets on Windows platforms hark back to the original
concept of a <em class="emphasis">code page</em><a name="INDEX-25"/>. These code pages are used by DOS and
Windows clients to determine rules for mapping lowercase letters to
uppercase letters. Samba can be instructed to use a variety of code
pages through the use of the global
<tt class="literal">client</tt><a name="INDEX-26"/> <tt class="literal">code</tt>
<tt class="literal">page</tt> option to match the corresponding code page
in use on the client. This option loads a code page definition file
and can take the values specified in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-4">Table 11-4</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-4"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-4. Valid code pages with Samba 2.0</h4><table border="1">

<p>Code page</p>

<p><tt class="literal">437</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Latin (United States)</p>
<p><tt class="literal">737</tt></p>
<p>Windows 95 Greek</p>
<p><tt class="literal">850</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Latin 1 (Western European)</p>
<p><tt class="literal">852</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Latin 2 (Eastern European)</p>
<p><tt class="literal">861</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Icelandic</p>
<p><tt class="literal">866</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Cyrillic (Russian)</p>
<p><tt class="literal">932</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Japanese Shift-JIS</p>
<p><tt class="literal">936</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Simplified Chinese</p>
<p><tt class="literal">949</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Korean Hangul</p>
<p><tt class="literal">950</tt></p>
<p>MS-DOS Traditional Chinese</p>


<p>You can set the client code page as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    client code page = 852</pre></blockquote>

<p>The default value of this option is 850, for MS-DOS Latin 1. You can
use the <em class="emphasis">make_smbcodepage</em> tool that comes with
Samba (by default in <em class="filename">/usr/local/samba/bin</em> ) to
create your own SMB code pages, in the event that those listed
earlier are not sufficient.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3.1.2"/>

<h3 class="head3">character set</h3>

<p>The global <tt class="literal">character</tt><a name="INDEX-27"/>
<tt class="literal">set</tt> option can be used to convert filenames
offered through a DOS code page (see the previous section, <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3.1.1">Section</a>) to equivalents that can be
represented by Unix character sets other than those in the United
States. For example, if you want to convert the Western European
MS-DOS character set on the client to a Western European Unix
character set on the server, you can use the following in your
configuration file:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    client code page = 850
    character set = ISO8859-1</pre></blockquote>

<p>Note that you must include a <tt class="literal">client</tt>
<tt class="literal">code</tt> <tt class="literal">page</tt> option to specify the
character set from which you are converting. The valid character sets
(and their matching code pages) that Samba accepts are listed in
<a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-5">Table 11-5</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-5"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-5. Valid character sets</h4><table border="1">

<p>Character set</p>
<p>Matching code page</p>

<p><tt class="literal">ISO8859-1</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">850</tt></p>
<p>Western European Unix</p>
<p><tt class="literal">ISO8859-2</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">852</tt></p>
<p>Eastern European Unix</p>
<p><tt class="literal">ISO8859-5</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">866</tt></p>
<p>Russian Cyrillic Unix</p>
<p><tt class="literal">ISO8859-7</tt></p>
<p>Greek Unix</p>
<p><tt class="literal">KOI8-R</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">866</tt></p>
<p>Alternate Russian Cyrillic Unix</p>


<p>Normally, the <tt class="literal">character</tt> <tt class="literal">set</tt>
option is disabled completely.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3.1.3"/>

<h3 class="head3">coding system</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">coding</tt><a name="INDEX-28"/> <tt class="literal">system</tt>
option is similar to the <tt class="literal">character</tt>
<tt class="literal">set</tt> option. However, its purpose is to determine
how to convert a Japanese Shift JIS code page into an appropriate
Unix character set. To use this option, the <tt class="literal">client</tt>
<tt class="literal">code</tt> <tt class="literal">page</tt> option described
previously must be set to page <tt class="literal">932</tt>. The valid
coding systems that Samba accepts are listed in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-6">Table 11-6</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-6"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-6. Valid coding-system parameters</h4><table border="1">

<p>Character set</p>

<p><tt class="literal">SJIS</tt></p>
<p>Standard Shift JIS</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JIS8</tt></p>
<p>Eight-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J8BB</tt></p>
<p>Eight-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J8BH</tt></p>
<p>Eight-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J8@B</tt></p>
<p>Eight-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J8@J</tt></p>
<p>Eight-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J8@H</tt></p>
<p>Eight-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JIS7</tt></p>
<p>Seven-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J7BB</tt></p>
<p>Seven-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J7BH</tt></p>
<p>Seven-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J7@B</tt></p>
<p>Seven-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J7@J</tt></p>
<p>Seven-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">J7@H</tt></p>
<p>Seven-bit JIS codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JUNET</tt></p>
<p>JUNET codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JUBB</tt></p>
<p>JUNET codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JUBH</tt></p>
<p>JUNET codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JU@B</tt></p>
<p>JUNET codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JU@J</tt></p>
<p>JUNET codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">JU@H</tt></p>
<p>JUNET codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">EUC</tt></p>
<p>EUC codes</p>
<p><tt class="literal">HEX</tt></p>
<p>Three-byte hexadecimal code</p>
<p><tt class="literal">CAP</tt></p>
<p>Three-byte hexadecimal code (Columbia AppleTalk Program)</p>



<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-3.1.4"/>

<h3 class="head3">valid chars</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">valid</tt><a name="INDEX-29"/> <tt class="literal">chars</tt> option
can be used to add individual characters to a code page. You can use
this option as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">valid chars = &Icirc;
valid chars = 0450:0420 0x0A20:0x0A00
valid chars = A:a</pre></blockquote>

<p>Each character in the list specified should be separated by spaces.
If there is a colon between two characters or a numerical equivalent,
the data to the left of the colon is considered an uppercase
character, while the data to the right is considered the lowercase
character. You can represent characters both by literals (if you can
type them) and by octal, hexadecimal, or decimal Unicode equivalents.</p>

<p>If you use this option, it must be listed after the
<tt class="literal">client</tt> <tt class="literal">code</tt>
<tt class="literal">page</tt> to which you wish to add the character.
<a name="INDEX-30"/><a name="INDEX-31"/></p>




<div class="sect1"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-4"/>

<h2 class="head1">Windows Messenger Service</h2>

<p>One of the odd features of SMB protocol is its ability to send text
messages between computers. Although both the name and functionality
are similar to that of Windows Messenger, the two are not the same.
<a name="INDEX-32"/><a name="INDEX-33"/><a name="INDEX-34"/>Windows Messenger (also called MSN
Messenger) is an Internet-oriented instant messenging service, while
Windows Messenger Service is an older and simpler LAN-oriented
service. Using the Windows Messenger Service, messages can be
addressed to users, individual computers, or entire workgroups on the

<p>The <a name="INDEX-35"/>WinPopup
tool (<em class="filename">Winpopup.exe</em>), shown in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-FIG-1">Figure 11-1</a>, can be used on Windows 95/98/Me to send or
receive messages. WinPopup is a handy tool for sending messages.
However, to receive messages, it must already be running when the
message is sent from the remote system.</p>

<div class="figure"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-FIG-1"/><img src="figs/sam2_1101.gif"/></div><h4 class="head4">Figure 11-1. Sending a message from a Windows 95/98/Me system (left); receiving a message (right)</h4>

<p>On Windows NT/2000/XP, the messenger service lets you receive
messages without having an application already running; messages will
automatically appear in a small dialog box on the screen when
received, as shown in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-FIG-2">Figure 11-2</a>.</p>

<div class="figure"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-FIG-2"/><img src="figs/sam2_1102.gif"/></div><h4 class="head4">Figure 11-2. Receiving a message on a Windows 2000 system</h4>

<p>To send messages, it is necessary to use the <em class="emphasis">net
send</em> command from a command-prompt window, like this:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">C:\&gt; <tt class="userinput"><b>net send maya &quot;Who's There?&quot;</b></tt>
The message was successfully sent to MAYA.</pre></blockquote>

<div class="sect2"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-4.1"/>

<h3 class="head2">Windows Messenger Service Configuration Option</h3>

<p>Samba has a single option to handle Windows Messenger Service,
<tt class="literal">message</tt> <tt class="literal">command</tt>, as shown in
<a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-7">Table 11-7</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-7"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-7. Windows Messenger Service configuration option</h4><table border="1">


<p><tt class="literal">message</tt> <tt class="literal">command</tt></p>
<p>string (shell command)</p>
<p>Sets a command to run on Unix when a WinPopup message is received</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-4.1.1"/>

<h3 class="head3">message command</h3>

<tt class="literal">message</tt><a name="INDEX-36"/> <tt class="literal">command</tt>
option defines the command that will run on the server when a Windows
Messenger Service message arrives. The command will be executed as
the <tt class="literal">guest</tt> <tt class="literal">account</tt> user. What to
do with messages is questionable because most Samba hosts run as
unattended servers. One solution is to mail the messages to root like

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    message command = /bin/mail -s &quot;SMB Message From %f on %m&quot; root &lt;%s; rm %s</pre></blockquote>

<p>Note the use of variables here. The <tt class="literal">%s</tt> variable
will be replaced by the name of the file in which the message
resides. This file should be deleted when the command is finished
with it; otherwise, a buildup of message files will collect on the
Samba server. In addition, the command must either exit quickly or
fork its own process (using an <tt class="literal">&amp;</tt> after the
command); otherwise, the client might suspend and wait for
notification that the command was sent successfully before

<p>In addition to the standard variables, <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-8">Table 11-8</a>
shows the three unique variables that you can use in a
<tt class="literal">message</tt> <tt class="literal">command</tt>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-8"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-8. message command variables</h4><table border="1">


<p><tt class="literal">%s</tt></p>
<p>The name of the file in which the message resides</p>
<p><tt class="literal">%f</tt></p>
<p>The name of the system that sent the message</p>
<p><tt class="literal">%t</tt></p>
<p>The name of the system that is the destination of the message
<a name="INDEX-37"/><a name="INDEX-38"/><a name="INDEX-39"/></p>





<div class="sect1"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5"/>

<h2 class="head1">Miscellaneous Options</h2>

<p>Many Samba options are available to deal with operating system issues
on either Unix or Windows. In particular, some of these options are
used for setting limits for clients' use of
resources on the Unix server. The options shown in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-9">Table 11-9</a> deal with some of these issues.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-9"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-9. Miscellaneous options</h4><table border="1">


<p><tt class="literal">deadtime</tt></p>
<p>numeric (minutes)</p>
<p>Number of minutes of inactivity before a connection should be
<p><tt class="literal">0</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">dfree command</tt></p>
<p>string (command)</p>
<p>Used to specify a command that returns free disk space in a format
recognized by Samba.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">fstype</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">NTFS</tt>, <tt class="literal">FAT</tt>, or
<tt class="literal">Samba</tt></p>
<p>Filesystem type reported by the server to the client.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">NTFS</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">keepalive</tt></p>
<p>numeric (seconds)</p>
<p>Number of seconds between checks for an inoperative client.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">300</tt> (none)</p>
<p><tt class="literal">max disk size</tt></p>
<p>numeric (MB)</p>
<p>Largest disk size to return to a client, some of which have limits.
Does not affect actual operations on the disk.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">0</tt> (infinity)</p>
<p><tt class="literal">max mux</tt></p>
<p>Maximum number of simultaneous SMB operations that clients can make.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">50</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">max open files</tt></p>
<p>Limits number of open files to be below Unix limits.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">10000</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">max xmit</tt></p>
<p>Specifies the maximum packet size that Samba will send.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">65535</tt> or <tt class="literal">16644</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">nt pipe support</tt></p>
<p>Turns off an NT/2000/XP support feature; for benchmarking or in case
of an error.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">yes</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">nt smb support</tt></p>
<p>Turns off an NT/2000/XP support feature; for benchmarking or in case
of an error.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">yes</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">ole locking</tt> <tt class="literal">compatibility</tt></p>
<p>Remaps out-of-range lock requests used on Windows to fit in allowable
range on Unix. Turning it off causes Unix lock errors.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">yes</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">panic action</tt></p>
<p>Command to run if Samba server fails; for debugging.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">set directory</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, allows VMS clients to issue
<tt class="literal">set</tt> <tt class="literal">dir</tt> commands.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">status</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, allows Samba to monitor status for
<tt class="literal">smbstatus</tt> command.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">yes</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">strict sync</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">no</tt>, ignores Windows application requests to
perform a sync-to-disk.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">sync always</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, forces all client writes to be committed
to disk before returning from the call.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">strip dot</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, strips trailing dots from Unix filenames.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">no</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">change notify timeout</tt></p>
<p>numeric (seconds)</p>
<p>Interval between checks when a client asks to wait for a change in a
specified directory.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">60</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">stat cache</tt></p>
<p>If <tt class="literal">yes</tt>, Samba will cache recent name mappings.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">yes</tt></p>
<p><tt class="literal">stat cache size</tt></p>
<p>Number of entries in the stat cache.</p>
<p><tt class="literal">50</tt></p>


<div class="sect2"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1"/>

<a name="INDEX-40"/><h3 class="head2">deadtime</h3>

<p>This global option sets the number of minutes that Samba will wait
for an inactive client before closing its session with the Samba
server. A client is considered inactive when it has no open files and
no data is being sent from it. The default value for this option is
0, which means that Samba never closes any connection, regardless of
how long they have been inactive. This can lead to unnecessary
consumption of the server's resources by inactive
clients. We recommend that you override the default as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    deadtime = 10</pre></blockquote>

<p>This tells Samba to terminate any inactive client sessions after 10
minutes. For most networks, setting this option as such will not
inconvenience users because reconnections from the client are
generally performed transparently to the user. See also the
<tt class="literal">keepalive</tt> parameter.</p>

<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.1"/>

<a name="INDEX-41"/><h3 class="head3">dfree command</h3>

<p>This global option is used on systems that incorrectly determine the
free space left on the disk. So far, the only confirmed system that
needs this option set is Ultrix. There is no default value for this
option, which means that Samba already knows how to compute the free
disk space on its own and the results are considered reliable. You
can override it as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    dfree command = /usr/local/bin/dfree</pre></blockquote>

<p>This option should point to a script that returns the total disk
space in a block and the number of available blocks. The Samba
documentation recommends the following as a usable script:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">#!/bin/sh
df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2&quot; &quot;$4}'</pre></blockquote>

<p>On System V machines, the following will work:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3&quot; &quot;$5}'</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.2"/>

<a name="INDEX-42"/><h3 class="head3">fstype</h3>

<p>This share-level option sets the type of filesystem that Samba
reports when queried by the client. Three strings can be used as a
value to this configuration option, as listed in <a href="ch11.html#samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-10">Table 11-10</a>.</p>

<a name="samba2-CHP-11-TABLE-10"/><h4 class="head4">Table 11-10. Filesystem types</h4><table border="1">


<p>Microsoft Windows NT filesystem</p>
<p>DOS FAT filesystem</p>
<p>Samba filesystem</p>


<p>The default value for this option is <tt class="literal">NTFS</tt>, which
represents a Windows NT filesystem. There probably
isn't a need to specify any other type of
filesystem. However, if you need to, you can override the default
value per share as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[data]
    fstype = FAT</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.3"/>

<a name="INDEX-43"/><h3 class="head3">keepalive</h3>

<p>This global option specifies the number of seconds that Samba waits
between sending NetBIOS <em class="emphasis">keepalive packets</em>. These
packets are used to ping a client to detect whether it is still alive
and on the network. The default value for this option is
<tt class="literal">300</tt> (5 minutes), which you can override as

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    keepalive = 600</pre></blockquote>

<p>The value of <tt class="literal">600</tt> (10 minutes) is good for networks
populated by reliable clients. If your network contains relatively
unreliable clients, you might prefer to set
<tt class="literal">keepalive</tt> to a lower value, such as
<tt class="literal">30</tt>. If <tt class="literal">keepalive</tt> is set to 0,
no NetBIOS keepalive packets will be sent. See also the
<tt class="literal">deadtime</tt> parameter.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.4"/>

<a name="INDEX-44"/><h3 class="head3">max disk size</h3>

<p>This global option specifies an illusory limit, in megabytes, for
each share that Samba is offering. It only affects how much disk
space Samba reports the share as having and does not prevent more
disk space from actually being available for use. You would typically
set this option to prevent clients with older operating
systems&mdash;or running buggy applications&mdash;from being confused
by large disk spaces. For example, some older Windows applications
become confused when they encounter a share larger than 1 gigabyte.
To work around this problem, <tt class="literal">max</tt>
<tt class="literal">disk</tt> <tt class="literal">size</tt> can be set as

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    max disk size = 1000</pre></blockquote>

<p>The default value for this option is <tt class="literal">0</tt>, which
means there is no upper limit.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.5"/>

<a name="INDEX-45"/><h3 class="head3">max mux</h3>

<p>This global option specifies the maximum number of concurrent SMB
operations Samba allows. The default value for this option is
<tt class="literal">50</tt>. You can override it as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    max mux = 100</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.6"/>

<a name="INDEX-46"/><h3 class="head3">max open files</h3>

<p>This global option specifies the maximum number of open files that
Samba should allow at any given time for all processes. This value
must be equal to or less than the amount allowed by the operating
system, which varies from system to system. The default value for
this option is <tt class="literal">10000</tt>. You can override it as

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    max open files = 8000</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.7"/>

<a name="INDEX-47"/><h3 class="head3">max xmit</h3>

<p>This global option sets the maximum size of packets that Samba
exchanges with a client. In rare cases, setting a smaller maximum
packet size can increase performance, especially with Windows for
Workgroups. In Samba versions up to 2.2.5, the default value for this
option is <tt class="literal">65535</tt>. In 2.2.7 and later versions, the
default was changed to <tt class="literal">16644</tt> to match the behavior
of Windows 2000 and improve support for Windows NT 4.0. You can
override the default as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    max xmit = 4096</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.8"/>

<a name="INDEX-48"/><h3 class="head3">nt pipe support</h3>

<p>This global option is used by developers to allow or disallow Windows
NT/2000/XP clients the ability to make connections to
<a name="INDEX-49"/>NT-specific SMB IPC$ pipes. As a user, you
should never need to override the default:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    nt pipe support = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.9"/>

<a name="INDEX-50"/><h3 class="head3">nt smb support</h3>

<p>This global option is used by developers to negotiate NT-specific SMB
options with Windows NT/2000/XP clients. The Samba Team has
discovered that slightly better performance comes from setting this
value to <tt class="literal">no</tt>. However, as a user, you should
probably not override the default:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    nt smb support = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.10"/>

<a name="INDEX-51"/><h3 class="head3">ole locking compatibility</h3>

<p>This global option turns off Samba's internal
byte-range locking manipulation in files, which gives compatibility
with Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) applications that use high
byte-range locks as a method of interprocess communication. The
default value for this option is <tt class="literal">yes</tt>. If you trust
your Unix locking mechanisms, you can override it as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    ole locking compatibility = no</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.11"/>

<a name="INDEX-52"/><h3 class="head3">panic action</h3>

<p>This global option specifies a command to execute in the event that
Samba encounters a fatal error when loading or running. There is no
default value for this option. You can specify an action as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    panic action = /bin/csh -c
          'xedit &lt;&lt;: &quot;Samba has shutdown unexpectedly&quot;;:'</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.12"/>

<a name="INDEX-53"/><h3 class="head3">set directory</h3>

<p>This Boolean share-level option allows <a name="INDEX-54"/>Digital Pathworks clients to
use the <em class="emphasis">setdir</em> command to change directories on
the server. If you are not using the Digital Pathworks client, you
should not need to alter this option. The default value for this
option is <tt class="literal">no</tt>. You can override it per share as

<blockquote><pre class="code">[data]
    set directory = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.13"/>

<a name="INDEX-55"/><h3 class="head3">status</h3>

<p>This global option indicates whether Samba should log all active
connections to a status file. This file is used only by the
<em class="emphasis">smbstatus</em> command. If you have no intentions of
using this command, you can set this option to <tt class="literal">no</tt>,
which can result in a small increase of speed on the server. The
default value for this option is <tt class="literal">yes</tt>. You can
override it as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    status = no</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.14"/>

<a name="INDEX-56"/><h3 class="head3">strict sync</h3>

<p>This share-level option determines whether Samba honors all requests
to perform a disk sync when requested to do so by a client. Many
Windows clients request a disk sync when they are really just trying
to flush data to their own open files. In this case, a disk sync is
generally unnecessary on Unix due to its high reliability, and it
mostly has the effect of substantially reducing the performance of
the Samba host system. The default value for this option is
<tt class="literal">no</tt>, which allows the superfluous disk sync
requests to be ignored. You can override the default as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[data]
    strict sync = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.15"/>

<a name="INDEX-57"/><h3 class="head3">sync always</h3>

<p>This share-level option decides whether every write to disk should be
followed by a disk synchronization before the write call returns
control to the client. Even if the value of this option is
<tt class="literal">no</tt>, clients can request a disk synchronization;
see the earlier <tt class="literal">strict</tt> <tt class="literal">sync</tt>
option. The default value for this option is <tt class="literal">no</tt>.
You can override it per share as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[data]
    sync always = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.16"/>

<a name="INDEX-58"/><h3 class="head3">strip dot</h3>

<p>This global option determines whether to remove the trailing dot from
Unix filenames that are formatted with a dot at the end. The default
value for this option is <tt class="literal">no</tt>. You can override it
per share as follows:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    strip dot = yes</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.17"/>

<h3 class="head3">change notify timeout</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">change</tt><a name="INDEX-59"/>
<tt class="literal">notify</tt> <tt class="literal">timeout</tt> global option
emulates a Windows NT/2000 SMB feature called <em class="firstterm">change
notification</em><a name="INDEX-60"/>. This allows a client to request
that a Windows NT/2000 server periodically monitor a specific
directory on a share for any changes. If changes occur, the server
will notify the client.</p>

<p>Samba performs this function for its clients at an interval that
defaults to 1 minute (60 seconds). Performing these checks too often
can slow down the server considerably; however, you can use this
option to specify an alternate time that Samba should wait between
performing checks:</p>

<blockquote><pre class="code">[global]
    change notify timeout = 30</pre></blockquote>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.18"/>

<h3 class="head3">stat cache</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">stat</tt><a name="INDEX-61"/> <tt class="literal">cache</tt> global
option turns on caching of recent case-insensitive name mappings. The
default is <tt class="literal">yes</tt>. The Samba Team recommends that you
never change this parameter.</p>


<div class="sect3"><a name="samba2-CHP-11-SECT-5.1.19"/>

<h3 class="head3">stat cache size</h3>

<p>The <tt class="literal">stat</tt><a name="INDEX-62"/> <tt class="literal">cache</tt>
<tt class="literal">size</tt> global option sets the number of cache
entries to be used for the <tt class="literal">stat</tt>
<tt class="literal">cache</tt> option. The default here is
<tt class="literal">50</tt>. Again, the Samba Team recommends that you
never change this parameter.</p>




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