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<TITLE>Ruby Functions</TITLE>
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<H1>Built-in functions</H1>
<li> <A HREF="#backquote"><code>`</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#Array"><code>Array</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#Float"><code>Float</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#Integer"><code>Integer</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#String"><code>String</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#at_exit"><code>at_exit</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#autoload"><code>autoload</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#binding"><code>binding</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#caller"><code>caller</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#catch"><code>catch</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#chop"><code>chop</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#chop_bang"><code>chop!</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#chomp"><code>chomp</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#chomp_bang"><code>chomp!</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#eval"><code>eval</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#exec"><code>exec</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#exit"><code>exit</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#exit_bang"><code>exit!</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#fail"><code>fail</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#fork"><code>fork</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#format"><code>format</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#gets"><code>gets</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#global_variables"><code>global_variables</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#gsub"><code>gsub</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#gsub_bang"><code>gsub!</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#iterator_p"><code>iterator?</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#lambda"><code>lambda</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#load"><code>load</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#local_variables"><code>local_variables</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#loop"><code>loop</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#open"><code>open</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#p"><code>p</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#print"><code>print</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#printf"><code>printf</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#proc"><code>proc</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#putc"><code>putc</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#puts"><code>puts</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#raise"><code>raise</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#rand"><code>rand</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#readline"><code>readline</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#readlines"><code>readlines</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#require"><code>require</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#select"><code>select</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#sleep"><code>sleep</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#split"><code>split</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#sprintf"><code>sprintf</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#srand"><code>srand</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#sub"><code>sub</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#sub_bang"><code>sub!</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#syscall"><code>syscall</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#system"><code>system</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#test"><code>test</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#trace_var"><code>trace_var</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#trap"><code>trap</code></A>
<li> <A HREF="#untrace_var"><code>untrace_var</code></A>
<h2>pre-defined functions</h2>
Some methods defined in the <code><a href="Kernel.html">Kernel</a></code>
module can be called from everywhere, and are to be called like functions.
You'd better think twice before redefining these methods.


<DT><A NAME="backquote"><CODE>` <VAR>str</VAR></CODE></A>
Performs <VAR>str</VAR> by a subshell.  The standard output
from the commands are taken as the value.  This method is
called by a syntax sugar form like <CODE>`str`</CODE>.

<dt> <a name="Array"><code>Array(<var>arg</var>)</code></a>
Converts the argument to the array using <code>to_a</code>.

<dt> <a name="Float"><code>Float(<var>arg</var>)</code></a>
Converts the argument to the float value.

<dt> <a name="Integer"><code>Integer(<var>arg</var>)</code></a>
Converts the argument to the integer value.  If the argument is
string, and happen to start with 0x, 0b, 0, interprets it as hex,
binary, octal string respectively.

<dt> <a name="String">
Converts the argument to the string using
<a href="Kernel.html#to_s"><code>Kernel#to_s</code></a>.

<dt> <a name="at_exit"><code>at_exit</code></a>
Register the block for clean-up to execute at the interpreter

<DT><A NAME="autoload"><CODE>autoload(<VAR>module</VAR>, <VAR>file</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Specifies <var>file </var> to be loaded using the method <CODE><a
href="#require">require</a></CODE>, when <VAR>module</VAR> accessed for
the first time. <VAR>module</VAR> must be a string or a symbol.

<DT><A NAME="binding">
Returns the data structure of the variable/method binding,
which can be used for the second argument of the <code>eval</code>.

<DT><A NAME="caller"><CODE>caller([<VAR>level</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Returns the context information (the backtrace) of current call in the
form used for the variable <CODE>$@</CODE>.  When <VAR>level</VAR>
specified, <code>caller</code> goes up to calling frames
<var>level</var> times and returns the context information.
<code>caller</code> returns an empty array at toplevel.

The lines below prints stack frame:
for c in caller(0)
  print c, "\n"

<DT><A NAME="catch"><CODE>catch(<var>tag</var>){...}</CODE></A>
Executes the block, and if an non-local exit named <var>tag</var>
submitted by the <a href="#throw"><var>throw</var></a>, it returns
with the value given by the <code>throw</code>.
For example, the code below returns the value 25, not 10, and the
<var>some_process</var> never be called.

def throw_exit
  throw :exit, 25

catch(:exit) {

<DT><A NAME="chop"><CODE>chop</CODE></A>
<a name="chop_bang"><CODE>chop!</CODE></a>
Removes off the last character of the value of the variable
<code>$_</code> (2 characters if the last characters are "\r\n").
<code>chop!</code> modifies the string itself.  <code>chop</code>
makes a copy to modify.

<DT><A NAME="chomp"><CODE>chomp([<var>rs</var>])</CODE></A>
<a name="chomp_bang"><CODE>chomp!([<var>rs</var>])</CODE></a>
Removes off the line ending from the value of the variable
<code>$_</code>.  See <a href="String.html#chomp">String#chomp</a>.

<DT><A NAME="eval"><CODE>eval(<VAR>expr</VAR>[, <var>binding</var>])</CODE></A>
Evaluate <VAR>expr</VAR> as a Ruby program.  If the
<code>Proc</code> object or the binding data from
<code>binding</code> is given to the optional 
second argument, the string is compiled and evaluated under
its binding environment.

<DT><A NAME="exec"><CODE>exec(<VAR>command</VAR>...)</CODE></A>
Executes <VAR>command</VAR> as a subprocess, and <strong>never returns</strong>.
If multiple arguments are given, <code>exec</code> invokes command
directly, so that whitespaces and shell's meta-characters are not
processed by the shell.
If the first argument is an array that has two elements, the first
element is the real path for the command, and the second element is
for the argv[0] to <code>execl(2)</code>.

<DT><A NAME="exit"><CODE>exit([<VAR>status</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Exits immediately with <code>status</code>.  if <var>status</var> is
omitted, exits with 0 status.

<code>exit</code> raises <code>SystemExit</code> to terminate the
program, which can be handled by the <code>rescue</code> clause of
the <code>begin</code> statement.

<DT><A NAME="exit_bang"><CODE>exit!([<VAR>status</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Exits with status.  Unlike <code>exit</code>, it ignores any kind of
exception handling (including <code>ensure</code>).  Used to terminate 
sub-process after calling <a href="#fork">fork</a>.

<DT><A NAME="fork"><CODE>fork</CODE></A>
Does a <SAMP>fork(2)</SAMP> system call.  Returns the child pid to the
parent process and <code>nil</code> to the child process.  When called
with the block, it creates the child process and execute the block in
the child process.

<DT><A NAME="gets"><CODE>gets([<var>rs</var>])</CODE></A>
<CODE><A NAME="readline">readline([<var>rs</var>])</CODE></A>
Reads a string from the virtual concatenation of each file listed on
the command line or standard input (in case no files specified).  If
the end of file is reached, <code>nil</code> will be the result.  The
line read is also set to the variable <code>$_</code>.  The line
terminator is specified by the optional argument <var>rs</var>, which
default value is defined by the variable <code>$/</code>.
<code>readline</code> functions just like <code>gets</code>, except
it raises an <code>EOFError</code> exception at the end of file.

<A NAME="global_variables"><CODE>global_variables</CODE></A>
Returns the list of the global variable names defined in the program.

<A NAME="gsub"><CODE>gsub(<VAR>pattern</VAR>[, <VAR>replace</VAR>])</CODE></A>
<DT><A NAME="gsub_bang"><CODE>gsub!(<VAR>pattern</VAR>[, <VAR>replace</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Searches a string held in the variable <code>$_</code> for a
<var>pattern</var>, and if found, replaces all the occurrence of the
pattern with the <var>replace</var> and returns the replaced string.
<code>gsub!</code> modifies the original string in place,
<code>gsub</code> makes copy, and keeps the original unchanged.
See also <a href="String.html#gsub">String#gsub</a>.

<DT><A NAME="iterator_p"><CODE>iterator?</CODE></A>
Returns true, if called from within the methods called with the block
(the iterators), otherwise false.

<DT><A NAME="load"><CODE>load(<VAR>file</VAR>[, <var>priv</var>])</CODE></A>
Loads and evaluates the Ruby program in the <var>file</var>.  If
<var>file</var> is not an absolute path, it searches file to be load
from the search path in the variable <code>$:</code>.  The tilde
(`<code>~</code>') at begenning of the path will be expanded into the
user's home directory like some shells.
If the optional argument <var>priv</var> is true, loading and evaluating
is done under the unnamed module, to avoid global name space pollution.

<A NAME="local_variables"><CODE>local_variables</CODE></A>
Returns the list of the local variable names defined in the current scope.

<DT><A NAME="loop"><CODE>loop</CODE></A>
Loops forever (until terminated explicitly).

<DT><A NAME="open"><CODE>open(<VAR>file</VAR>[, <VAR>mode</VAR>])</CODE></A>
<DT><CODE>open(<VAR>file</VAR>[, <VAR>mode</VAR>]){...}</CODE>
Opens the <var>file</var>, and returns a <a href="File.html">File</a>
object associated with the file.  The <var>mode</var> argument
specifies the mode for the opened file, which is either
<code>"r"</code>, <code>"r+"</code>, <code>"w"</code>,
<code>"w+"</code>, <code>"a"</code>, <code>"a+"</code>.  See
<samp>fopen(3)</samp>.  If <var>mode</var> omitted, the default is

If the <var>file</var> begins with <code>"|"</code>, Ruby performs
following string as a sub-process, and associates pipes to the
standard input/output of the sub-process.
<strong>Note for the converts from Perl</strong>: The command string
<strong>starts</strong> with `<samp>|</samp>', not ends with
If the command name described above is <code>"-"</code>, Ruby forks,
and create pipe-line to the child process.

When <code>open</code> is called with the block, it opens the file and
evaluates the block, then after the evaluation, the file is closed for
sure.  That is:

open(path, mode) do |f|

# mostly same as above

f = open(path, mode)

<DT><A NAME="p"><CODE>p(<var>obj</var>)</CODE></A>
Prints human-readable representation of the <var>obj</var> to the
stdout.  It works just like:
print obj.inspect, "\n"

<DT><A NAME="print"><CODE>print(<VAR>arg</VAR>1...)</CODE></A>
Prints arguments.  If no argument given, the value of the variable
<code>$_</code> will be printed.  If an argument is not a string, it
is converted into string using
<code><a href="Kernel.html#to_s">Kernel#to_s</a></code>.

If the value of <code>$;</code> is non-nil, its value printed between
each argument.  If the value of <code>$\</code> is non-nil, its value
printed at the end.

<DT><A NAME="printf"><CODE>printf([<VAR>port</VAR>, ]<VAR>format</VAR>, <VAR>arg</VAR>...)</CODE></A>

Prints arguments formatted according to the <var>format</var> like
<code><a href="#sprintf">sprintf</a></code>.  If the first argument
is the instance of the <a href="IO.html">IO</a> or its subclass, print 
redirected to that object.  the default is the value of

<DT><A NAME="proc"><CODE>proc</CODE></A>
<DT><A NAME="lambda"><CODE>lambda</CODE></A>
Returns newly created procedure object from the block. The procedure
object is the instance of the class <a href="Proc.html">Proc</a>.

<A NAME="putc"><CODE>putc(<VAR>c</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Writes the character <VAR>c</VAR> to the default output ($&gt;).

<A NAME="puts"><CODE>putc(<VAR>obj</VAR>..)</CODE></A>
Writes an <var>obj</var> to the default output ($&gt;),
then newline for each arguments.

<dt> <a name="raise"><code>raise([<var>error_type</var>,][<var>message</var>][,<var>traceback</var>])</code></a>
<a name="fail"><code>fail([<var>error_type</var>,][<var>message</var>][,<var>traceback</var>])</code></a>
Raises an exception.  In no argument given, re-raises last exception.
With one arguments, raises the exception if the argument is the
exception.  If the argument is the string, <code>raise</code> creates
a new <code>RuntimeError</code> exception, and raises it.  If two
arguments supplied, <code>raise</code> creates a new exception of type
<var>error_type</var>, and raises it.
If the optional third argument <var>traceback</var> is specified, it
must be the traceback infomation for the raising exception in the
format given by variable <a href="variable.html#at"><var>$@</var></a> or
<a href="#caller"><code>caller</code></a> function.
The exception is assigned to the variable <CODE>$!</CODE>, and
the position in the source file is assigned to the <CODE>$@</CODE>.
If the first argument is not an exception class or object, the
exception actually raised is determined by calling it's
<code>exception</code> method (baring the case when the argument is a
string in the second form).  The <code>exception</code> method of that
class or object must return it's representation as an exception.
The <code>fail</code> is an alias of the <code>raise</code>.
<DT><A NAME="rand"><CODE>rand(<VAR>max</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Returns a random integer number greater than or equal to 0 and less
than the value of <var>max</var>.  (<var>max</var> should be
Automatically calls <code><a href="#srand">srand</a></code> unless
<code>srand()</code> has already been called.
If <var>max</var> is 0, <code>rand</code> returns a random float
number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.

<DT><A NAME="readlines">
Reads entire lines from the virtual concatenation of each file listed
on the command line or standard input (in case no files specified),
and returns an array containing the lines read.
Lines are separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.

<DT><A NAME="require"><CODE>require(<VAR>feature</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Demands a library file specified by the <var>feature</var>.  The
<var>feature</var> is a string to specify the module to load.  If the
extension in the <var>feature</var> is <samp>".so"</samp>, then Ruby
interpreter tries to load dynamic-load file. If the extension is
<samp>".rb"</samp>, then Ruby script will be loaded.  If no extension
present, the interpreter searches for dynamic-load modules first, then
tries to Ruby script.  On some system actual dynamic-load modules have
extension name <samp>".o"</samp>, <samp>".dll"</samp> or something,
though <code>require</code> always uses the extension
<samp>".so"</samp> as a dynamic-load modules.
<code>require</code> returns true if modules actually loaded.
Loaded module names are appended in <code>$"</code>.

<DT><A NAME="select"><CODE>select(<VAR>reads</VAR>[, <VAR>writes</VAR>[, <VAR>excepts</VAR>[, <VAR>timeout</VAR>]]])</CODE></A>
Calls <SAMP>select(2)</SAMP> system call.  <var>Reads</var>,
<var>writes</var>, <var>excepts</var> are specified arrays containing
instances of the IO class (or its subclass), or <code>nil</code>.
The <var>timeout</var> must be either an integer,
<code><a href="Float.html">Float</a></code>,
<code><a href="Time.html">Time</a></code>, or <code>nil</code>.
If the <var>timeout</var> is <code>nil</code>,
<code>select</code> would not time out.
<code>select</code> returns <code>nil</code> in case of timeout,
otherwise returns an array of 3 elements, which are subset of argument 
<DT><A NAME="sleep"><CODE>sleep([<VAR>sec</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Causes the script to sleep for <var>sec</var> seconds, or forever if
no argument given.  May be interrupted by sending the process a
<samp>SIGALRM</samp> or <code>run</code> from other threads (if
thread available).  Returns the number of seconds actually slept.
<var>sec</var> may be a floating-point number.

<dt> <a name="split"><CODE>split([<VAR>sep</VAR>[, <VAR>limit</VAR>]])</CODE></a>
Return an array containing the fields of the string, using the string
<var>sep</var> as a separator.  The maximum number of the fields can
be specified by <var>limit</var>.

<A NAME="format"><CODE>format(<VAR>format</VAR>...)</CODE></A>
<DT><A NAME="sprintf"><CODE>sprintf(<VAR>format</VAR>...)</CODE></A>
Returns a string formatted according to a <var>format</var> like usual
printf conventions of the C language.  See <samp>sprintf(3)</samp> or
<samp>printf(3)</samp>.  In addition, <samp>sprintf</samp> accepts
<samp>%b</samp> for binary.  Ruby does not have unsigned integers, so
unsigned specifier, such as %b, %o, or %x, converts negative integers
into 2's complement form like %<code>..f</code>.  supplying sign
(<code>+</code>, <code>-</code>) or space option for the unsigned
specifier changes its behavior to convert them in absolute value
following <code>-</code> sign.

<DT><A NAME="srand"><CODE>srand([<VAR>seed</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Sets the random number seed for the <code><a href="#rand">rand</a></code>.  
If <var>seed</var> is omitted, uses the current time etc. as a seed.

<A NAME="sub"><CODE>sub(<VAR>pattern</VAR>[, <VAR>replace</VAR>])</CODE></A>
<A NAME="sub_bang"><CODE>sub!(<VAR>pattern</VAR>[, <VAR>replace</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Searches a string held in the variable <code>$_</code> for a
<var>pattern</var>, and if found, replaces the first occurrence of the
pattern with the <var>replace</var> and returns the replaced string.
<code>sub!</code> modifies the original string in place,
<code>sub</code> makes copy, and keeps the original unchanged.
See also <a href="String.html#sub">String#sub</a>.

<DT><A NAME="syscall"><CODE>syscall(<VAR>num</VAR>, <VAR>arg</VAR>...)</CODE></A>
Calls the system call specified as the first arguments, passing
remaining as arguments to the system call.  The arguments must be
either a string or an integer.

<DT><A NAME="system"><CODE>system(<VAR>command</VAR>...)</CODE></A>
Perform <var>command</var> in the sub-process, wait for the
sub-process to terminate, then return true if it successfully exits,
otherwise false.  Actual exit status of the sub-process can be found
in <code>$?</code>.
If multiple arguments are given, <code>system</code> invokes command
directly, so that whitespaces and shell's meta-characters are not
processed by the shell.
See <a href="#exec"><code>exec</code></a> for the execution detail.

<DT><A NAME="test"><CODE>test(<VAR>cmd</VAR>, <VAR>file</VAR> [, <VAR>file</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Does a file test. the <var>cmd</var> would be one of following:
<li> commands which takes one operand:
<dl compact>
  <dt> <code>?r</code>
  <dd> File is readable by effective uid/gid.
  <dt> <code>?w</code>
  <dd> File is writable by effective uid/gid.
  <dt> <code>?x</code>
  <dd> File is executable by effective uid/gid.
  <dt> <code>?o</code>
  <dd> File is owned by effective uid.
  <dt> <code>?R</code>
  <dd> File is readable by real uid/gid.
  <dt> <code>?W</code>
  <dd> File is writable by real uid/gid.
  <dt> <code>?X</code>
  <dd> File is executable by real uid/gid.
  <dt> <code>?O</code>
  <dd> File is owned by real uid.
  <dt> <code>?e</code>
  <dd> File exists.
  <dt> <code>?z</code>
  <dd> File has zero size.
  <dt> <code>?s</code>
  <dd> File has non-zero size (returns size).
  <dt> <code>?f</code>
  <dd> File is a plain file.
  <dt> <code>?d</code>
  <dd> File is a directory.
  <dt> <code>?l</code>
  <dd> File is a symbolic link.
  <dt> <code>?p</code>
  <dd> File is a named pipe (FIFO).
  <dt> <code>?S</code>
  <dd> File is a socket.
  <dt> <code>?b</code>
  <dd> File is a block special file.
  <dt> <code>?c</code>
  <dd> File is a character special file.
  <dt> <code>?u</code>
  <dd> File has setuid bit set.
  <dt> <code>?g</code>
  <dd> File has setgid bit set.
  <dt> <code>?k</code>
  <dd> File has sticky bit set.
  <dt> <code>?M</code>
  <dd> File last modify time.
  <dt> <code>?A</code>
  <dd> File last access time
  <dt> <code>?C</code>
  <dd> File last status change time.
<li> commands which takes two operands:
<dl compact>
  <dt> <code>?=</code>
  <dd> Both files have same modify time.
  <dt> <code>?&#62;</code>
  <dd> File1 is newer than file2.
  <dt> <code>?&#60;</code>
  <dd> File1 is older than file2.
  <dt> <code>?-</code>
  <dd> File1 is a hard link to file2

<DT><A NAME="throw"><CODE>throw(<VAR>tag</VAR>[, <VAR>value</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Casts an non-local exit to the enclosing <a href="#catch"><code>catch</code></a>
waiting for <var>tag</var>, or terminates the program if no such
<code>catch</code> waiting.  The <var>tag</var> must be the name of the
non-local exit, which is either a symbol or a string.  <code>catch</code> may
not appear in the same method body.  the <var>value</var> will be the return
value of the <code>catch</code>.  The default value is the <code>nil</code>.
<DT><A NAME="trace_var"><CODE>trace_var(<VAR>variable</VAR>, <VAR>command</VAR>)</CODE></A>
<DT><CODE>trace_var(<VAR>variable</VAR>) {...}</CODE>
Sets the hook to the <var>variable</var>, which is called when the
value of the variable changed.  the <var>variable</var> must be
specified by the symbol.  the <var>command</var> is either a string or 
a procedure object.  To remove hooks, specify <code>nil</code> as a
<var>command</var> or use
<code><a href="#untrace_var">untrace_var</a></code>. 

<DT><CODE>trap(<VAR>signal</VAR>, <VAR>command</VAR>)</CODE>
<DT><A NAME="trap"><CODE>trap(<VAR>signal</VAR>) {...}</CODE></A>
Specifies the signal handler for the <var>signal</var>.  The handler
<var>command</var> must be either a string or a procedure object.  If
the <var>command</var> is a string <samp>"SIG_IGN"</samp> or
<samp>"IGNORE"</samp>, then specified signal will be ignored (if
possible).  If the <var>command</var> is a string
<samp>"SIG_DFL"</samp> or <samp>"DEFAULT"</samp>, then system's
default action will be took for the signal.

The special signal 0 or <samp>"EXIT"</samp> is for the termination of
the script.  The signal handler for <code>EXIT</code> will be called
just before the interpreter terminates.

<DT><A NAME="untrace_var"><CODE>untrace_var(<VAR>variable</VAR>[, <VAR>command</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Deletes the hook associated with the <var>variable</var>.  If the
second argument omitted, all the hooks will be removed.
<code>trace_var</code> returns an array containing removed hooks.

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