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<h1><a name="L003405" id="L003405">net/imap.rb</a></h1>
<p>Copyright (C) 2000  Shugo Maeda &lt;;</p>
<p>This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
You can freely distribute/modify this library.</p>
<h2><a name="L003406" id="L003406">Net::IMAP</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP implements Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) clients.
(The protocol is described in <a href="#L003529">[IMAP]</a>.)</p>
<p>Net::IMAP supports multiple commands. For example,</p>
<pre>imap =;;, &quot;imap2&quot;)
imap.authenticate(&quot;cram-md5&quot;, &quot;bar&quot;, &quot;password&quot;);inbox&quot;)
fetch_thread = Thread.start { imap.fetch(1..-1, &quot;UID&quot;) }
search_result =[&quot;BODY&quot;, &quot;hello&quot;])
fetch_result = fetch_thread.value
<p>This script invokes the FETCH command and the SEARCH command concurrently.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003408" id="L003408">Class Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003409" id="L003409">new(host, port = 143, usessl = false, certs = nil, verify = false)</a></dt>
<p>Creates a new Net::IMAP object and connects it to the specified
port on the named host.  If usessl is true, then an attempt will
be made to use SSL (now TLS) to connect to the server.  For this
to work OpenSSL<a href="#L003536">[OSSL]</a> and the Ruby OpenSSL<a href="#L003537">[RSSL]</a>
extension need to be installed.  The certs parameter indicates
the path or file containing the CA cert of the server, and the
verify parameter is for the OpenSSL verification callback.</p>
<dt><a name="L003410" id="L003410">debug</a></dt>
<p>Returns the debug mode.</p>
<dt><a name="L003411" id="L003411">debug = val</a></dt>
<p>Sets the debug mode.</p>
<dt><a name="L003412" id="L003412">add_authenticator(auth_type, authenticator)</a></dt>
<p>Adds an authenticator for Net::IMAP#authenticate.</p>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003414" id="L003414">greeting</a></dt>
<p>Returns an initial greeting response from the server.</p>
<dt><a name="L003415" id="L003415">responses</a></dt>
<p>Returns recorded untagged responses.</p>
p imap.responses[&quot;EXISTS&quot;][-1]
#=&gt; 2
p imap.responses[&quot;UIDVALIDITY&quot;][-1]
#=&gt; 968263756</pre>
<dt><a name="L003416" id="L003416">disconnect</a></dt>
<p>Disconnects from the server.</p>
<dt><a name="L003417" id="L003417">capability</a></dt>
<p>Sends a CAPABILITY command, and returns a listing of
capabilities that the server supports.</p>
<dt><a name="L003418" id="L003418">noop</a></dt>
<p>Sends a NOOP command to the server. It does nothing.</p>
<dt><a name="L003419" id="L003419">logout</a></dt>
<p>Sends a LOGOUT command to inform the server that the client is
done with the connection.</p>
<dt><a name="L003420" id="L003420">authenticate(auth_type, arg...)</a></dt>
<p>Sends an AUTEHNTICATE command to authenticate the client.
The auth_type parameter is a string that represents
the authentication mechanism to be used. Currently Net::IMAP
supports &quot;LOGIN&quot; and &quot;CRAM-MD5&quot; for the auth_type.</p>
<pre>imap.authenticate('LOGIN', user, password)</pre>
<dt><a name="L003421" id="L003421">login(user, password)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a LOGIN command to identify the client and carries
the plaintext password authenticating this user.</p>
<dt><a name="L003422" id="L003422">select(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a SELECT command to select a mailbox so that messages
in the mailbox can be accessed.</p>
<dt><a name="L003423" id="L003423">examine(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a EXAMINE command to select a mailbox so that messages
in the mailbox can be accessed. However, the selected mailbox
is identified as read-only.</p>
<dt><a name="L003424" id="L003424">create(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a CREATE command to create a new mailbox.</p>
<dt><a name="L003425" id="L003425">delete(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a DELETE command to remove the mailbox.</p>
<dt><a name="L003426" id="L003426">rename(mailbox, newname)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a RENAME command to change the name of the mailbox to
the newname.</p>
<dt><a name="L003427" id="L003427">subscribe(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a SUBSCRIBE command to add the specified mailbox name to
the server's set of &quot;active&quot; or &quot;subscribed&quot; mailboxes.</p>
<dt><a name="L003428" id="L003428">unsubscribe(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a UNSUBSCRIBE command to remove the specified mailbox name
from the server's set of &quot;active&quot; or &quot;subscribed&quot; mailboxes.</p>
<dt><a name="L003429" id="L003429">list(refname, mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a LIST command, and returns a subset of names from
the complete set of all names available to the client.
The return value is an array of <a href="#L003466">Net::IMAP::MailboxList</a>.</p>
p imap.list(&quot;&quot;, &quot;foo/%&quot;)
#=&gt; [#&lt;Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noselect], delim=&quot;/&quot;, name=&quot;foo/&quot;&gt;, #&lt;Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors, :Marked], delim=&quot;/&quot;, name=&quot;foo/bar&quot;&gt;, #&lt;Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors], delim=&quot;/&quot;, name=&quot;foo/baz&quot;&gt;]</pre>
<dt><a name="L003430" id="L003430">lsub(refname, mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a LSUB command, and returns a subset of names from the set
of names that the user has declared as being &quot;active&quot; or
The return value is an array of <a href="#L003466">Net::IMAP::MailboxList</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003431" id="L003431">status(mailbox, attr)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a STATUS command, and returns the status of the indicated
The return value is a hash of attributes.</p>
<pre>p imap.status(&quot;inbox&quot;, [&quot;MESSAGES&quot;, &quot;RECENT&quot;])
#=&gt; {&quot;RECENT&quot;=&gt;0, &quot;MESSAGES&quot;=&gt;44}</pre>
<dt><a name="L003432" id="L003432">append(mailbox, message, flags = nil, date_time = nil)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a APPEND command to append the message to the end of
the mailbox.</p>
<pre>imap.append(&quot;inbox&quot;, &lt;&lt;EOF.gsub(/\n/, &quot;\r\n&quot;), [:Seen],
Subject: hello

hello world
<dt><a name="L003433" id="L003433">check</a></dt>
<p>Sends a CHECK command to request a checkpoint of the currently
selected mailbox.</p>
<dt><a name="L003434" id="L003434">close</a></dt>
<p>Sends a CLOSE command to close the currently selected mailbox.
The CLOSE command permanently removes from the mailbox all
messages that have the \Deleted flag set.</p>
<dt><a name="L003435" id="L003435">expunge</a></dt>
<p>Sends a EXPUNGE command to permanently remove from the currently
selected mailbox all messages that have the \Deleted flag set.</p>
<dt><a name="L003436" id="L003436">search(keys, charset = nil)</a></dt>
<dt><a name="L003437" id="L003437">uid_search(keys, charset = nil)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a SEARCH command to search the mailbox for messages that
match the given searching criteria, and returns message sequence
numbers (search) or unique identifiers (uid_search).</p>
<pre>p[&quot;SUBJECT&quot;, &quot;hello&quot;])
#=&gt; [1, 6, 7, 8]
p'SUBJECT &quot;hello&quot;')
#=&gt; [1, 6, 7, 8]</pre>
<dt><a name="L003438" id="L003438">fetch(set, attr)</a></dt>
<dt><a name="L003439" id="L003439">uid_fetch(set, attr)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a FETCH command to retrieve data associated with a message
in the mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of
numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence
number (fetch) or a unique identifier (uid_fetch).
The return value is an array of <a href="#L003479">Net::IMAP::FetchData</a>.</p>
<pre>p imap.fetch(6..8, &quot;UID&quot;)
#=&gt; [#&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={&quot;UID&quot;=&gt;98}&gt;, #&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=7, attr={&quot;UID&quot;=&gt;99}&gt;, #&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=8, attr={&quot;UID&quot;=&gt;100}&gt;]
p imap.fetch(6, &quot;BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)]&quot;)
#=&gt; [#&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={&quot;BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)]&quot;=&gt;&quot;Subject: test\r\n\r\n&quot;}&gt;]
data = imap.uid_fetch(98, [&quot;RFC822.SIZE&quot;, &quot;INTERNALDATE&quot;])[0]
p data.seqno
#=&gt; 6
p data.attr[&quot;RFC822.SIZE&quot;]
#=&gt; 611
p data.attr[&quot;INTERNALDATE&quot;]
#=&gt; &quot;12-Oct-2000 22:40:59 +0900&quot;
p data.attr[&quot;UID&quot;]
#=&gt; 98</pre>
<dt><a name="L003440" id="L003440">store(set, attr, flags)</a></dt>
<dt><a name="L003441" id="L003441">uid_store(set, attr, flags)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a STORE command to alter data associated with a message
in the mailbox. the set parameter is a number or an array of
numbers or a Range object. the number is a message sequence
number (store) or a unique identifier (uid_store).
The return value is an array of <a href="#L003479">Net::IMAP::FetchData</a>.</p>
<pre>p, &quot;+FLAGS&quot;, [:Deleted])
#=&gt; [#&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={&quot;FLAGS&quot;=&gt;[:Seen, :Deleted]}&gt;, #&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=7, attr={&quot;FLAGS&quot;=&gt;[:Seen, :Deleted]}&gt;, #&lt;Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=8, attr={&quot;FLAGS&quot;=&gt;[:Seen, :Deleted]}&gt;]</pre>
<dt><a name="L003442" id="L003442">copy(set, mailbox)</a></dt>
<dt><a name="L003443" id="L003443">uid_copy(set, mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a COPY command to copy the specified message(s) to the end
of the specified destination mailbox. the set parameter is
a number or an array of numbers or a Range object. the number is
a message sequence number (copy) or a unique identifier (uid_copy).</p>
<dt><a name="L003444" id="L003444">sort(sort_keys, search_keys, charset)</a></dt>
<dt><a name="L003445" id="L003445">uid_sort(sort_keys, search_keys, charset)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a SORT command to sort messages in the mailbox.</p>
<pre>p imap.sort([&quot;FROM&quot;], [&quot;ALL&quot;], &quot;US-ASCII&quot;)
#=&gt; [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 9]
p imap.sort([&quot;DATE&quot;], [&quot;SUBJECT&quot;, &quot;hello&quot;], &quot;US-ASCII&quot;)
#=&gt; [6, 7, 8, 1]</pre>
<dt><a name="L003446" id="L003446">setquota(mailbox, quota)</a></dt>
<p>Sends a SETQUOTA command along with the specified mailbox and
quota.  If quota is nil, then quota will be unset for that
mailbox.  Typically one needs to be logged in as server admin
for this to work.  The IMAP quota commands are described in
<a href="#L003534">[RFC-2087]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003447" id="L003447">getquota(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends the GETQUOTA command along with specified mailbox.
If this mailbox exists, then an array containing a
<a href="#L003469">Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota</a> object is returned.  This
command generally is only available to server admin.</p>
<dt><a name="L003448" id="L003448">getquotaroot(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Sends the GETQUOTAROOT command along with specified mailbox.
This command is generally available to both admin and user.
If mailbox exists, returns an array containing objects of
<a href="#L003473">Net::IMAP::MailboxQuotaRoot</a> and <a href="#L003469">Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003449" id="L003449">setacl(mailbox, user, rights)</a></dt>
<p>Sends the SETACL command along with mailbox, user and the
rights that user is to have on that mailbox.  If rights is nil,
then that user will be stripped of any rights to that mailbox.
The IMAP ACL commands are described in <a href="#L003535">[RFC-2086]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003450" id="L003450">getacl(mailbox)</a></dt>
<p>Send the GETACL command along with specified mailbox.
If this mailbox exists, an array containing objects of
<a href="#L003475">Net::IMAP::MailboxACLItem</a> will be returned.</p>
<dt><a name="L003451" id="L003451">add_response_handler(handler =</a></dt>
<p>Adds a response handler.</p>
<pre>imap.add_response_handler do |resp|
  p resp
<dt><a name="L003452" id="L003452">remove_response_handler(handler)</a></dt>
<p>Removes the response handler.</p>
<dt><a name="L003453" id="L003453">response_handlers</a></dt>
<p>Returns all response handlers.</p>
<h2><a name="L003454" id="L003454">Net::IMAP::ContinuationRequest</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::ContinuationRequest represents command continuation requests.</p>
<p>The command continuation request response is indicated by a &quot;+&quot; token
instead of a tag.  This form of response indicates that the server is
ready to accept the continuation of a command from the client.  The
remainder of this response is a line of text.</p>
<pre>continue_req    ::= &quot;+&quot; SPACE (resp_text / base64)</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003455" id="L003455">data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the data (Net::IMAP::ResponseText).</p>
<dt><a name="L003456" id="L003456">raw_data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the raw data string.</p>
<h2><a name="L003457" id="L003457">Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse represents untagged responses.</p>
<p>Data transmitted by the server to the client and status responses
that do not indicate command completion are prefixed with the token
&quot;*&quot;, and are called untagged responses.</p>
<pre>response_data   ::= &quot;*&quot; SPACE (resp_cond_state / resp_cond_bye /
                    mailbox_data / message_data / capability_data)</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003458" id="L003458">name</a></dt>
<p>Returns the name such as &quot;FLAGS&quot;, &quot;LIST&quot;, &quot;FETCH&quot;....</p>
<dt><a name="L003455" id="L003455">data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the data such as an array of flag symbols,
a <a href="#L003466">Net::IMAP::MailboxList</a> object....</p>
<dt><a name="L003456" id="L003456">raw_data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the raw data string.</p>
<h2><a name="L003459" id="L003459">Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse represents tagged responses.</p>
<p>The server completion result response indicates the success or
failure of the operation.  It is tagged with the same tag as the
client command which began the operation.</p>
<pre>response_tagged ::= tag SPACE resp_cond_state CRLF

tag             ::= 1*&lt;any ATOM_CHAR except &quot;+&quot;&gt;

resp_cond_state ::= (&quot;OK&quot; / &quot;NO&quot; / &quot;BAD&quot;) SPACE resp_text</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003460" id="L003460">tag</a></dt>
<p>Returns the tag.</p>
<dt><a name="L003458" id="L003458">name</a></dt>
<p>Returns the name. the name is one of &quot;OK&quot;, &quot;NO&quot;, &quot;BAD&quot;.</p>
<dt><a name="L003455" id="L003455">data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the data. See <a href="#L003461">Net::IMAP::ResponseText</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003456" id="L003456">raw_data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the raw data string.</p>
<h2><a name="L003461" id="L003461">Net::IMAP::ResponseText</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::ResponseText represents texts of responses.
The text may be prefixed by the response code.</p>
<pre>resp_text       ::= [&quot;[&quot; resp_text_code &quot;]&quot; SPACE] (text_mime2 / text)
                    ;; text SHOULD NOT begin with &quot;[&quot; or &quot;=&quot;</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003462" id="L003462">code</a></dt>
<p>Returns the response code. See <a href="#L003464">Net::IMAP::ResponseCode</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003463" id="L003463">text</a></dt>
<p>Returns the text.</p>
<h2><a name="L003464" id="L003464">Net::IMAP::ResponseCode</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::ResponseCode represents response codes.</p>
<pre>resp_text_code  ::= &quot;ALERT&quot; / &quot;PARSE&quot; /
                    &quot;PERMANENTFLAGS&quot; SPACE &quot;(&quot; #(flag / &quot;\*&quot;) &quot;)&quot; /
                    &quot;READ-ONLY&quot; / &quot;READ-WRITE&quot; / &quot;TRYCREATE&quot; /
                    &quot;UIDVALIDITY&quot; SPACE nz_number /
                    &quot;UNSEEN&quot; SPACE nz_number /
                    atom [SPACE 1*&lt;any TEXT_CHAR except &quot;]&quot;&gt;]</pre>
<h3><a name="L003465" id="L003465">SuperClass</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003458" id="L003458">name</a></dt>
<p>Returns the name such as &quot;ALERT&quot;, &quot;PERMANENTFLAGS&quot;, &quot;UIDVALIDITY&quot;....</p>
<dt><a name="L003455" id="L003455">data</a></dt>
<p>Returns the data if it exists.</p>
<h2><a name="L003466" id="L003466">Net::IMAP::MailboxList</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::MailboxList represents contents of the LIST response.</p>
<pre>mailbox_list    ::= &quot;(&quot; #(&quot;\Marked&quot; / &quot;\Noinferiors&quot; /
                    &quot;\Noselect&quot; / &quot;\Unmarked&quot; / flag_extension) &quot;)&quot;
                    SPACE (&lt;&quot;&gt; QUOTED_CHAR &lt;&quot;&gt; / nil) SPACE mailbox</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003467" id="L003467">attr</a></dt>
<p>Returns the name attributes. Each name attribute is a symbol
capitalized by String#capitalize, such as :Noselect (not :NoSelect).</p>
<dt><a name="L003468" id="L003468">delim</a></dt>
<p>Returns the hierarchy delimiter</p>
<dt><a name="L003458" id="L003458">name</a></dt>
<p>Returns the mailbox name.</p>
<h2><a name="L003469" id="L003469">Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota represents contents of GETQUOTA response.
This object can also be a response to GETQUOTAROOT.  In the syntax
specification below, the delimiter used with the &quot;#&quot; construct is a
single space (SPACE).</p>
<pre>quota_list      ::= &quot;(&quot; #quota_resource &quot;)&quot;

quota_resource  ::= atom SPACE number SPACE number

quota_response  ::= &quot;QUOTA&quot; SPACE astring SPACE quota_list</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003470" id="L003470">mailbox</a></dt>
<p>The mailbox with the associated quota.</p>
<dt><a name="L003471" id="L003471">usage</a></dt>
<p>Current storage usage of mailbox.</p>
<dt><a name="L003472" id="L003472">quota</a></dt>
<p>Quota limit imposed on mailbox.</p>
<h2><a name="L003473" id="L003473">Net::IMAP::MailboxQuotaRoot</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::MailboxQuotaRoot represents part of the GETQUOTAROOT
response. (GETQUOTAROOT can also return Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota.)</p>
                ::= &quot;QUOTAROOT&quot; SPACE astring *(SPACE astring)</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003470" id="L003470">mailbox</a></dt>
<p>The mailbox with the associated quota.</p>
<dt><a name="L003474" id="L003474">quotaroots</a></dt>
<p>Zero or more quotaroots that effect the quota on the
specified mailbox.</p>
<h2><a name="L003475" id="L003475">Net::IMAP::MailboxACLItem</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::MailboxACLItem represents response from GETACL.</p>
<pre>acl_data        ::= &quot;ACL&quot; SPACE mailbox *(SPACE identifier SPACE

identifier      ::= astring

rights          ::= astring</pre>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003476" id="L003476">user</a></dt>
<p>Login name that has certain rights to the mailbox
that was specified with the getacl command.</p>
<dt><a name="L003477" id="L003477">rights</a></dt>
<p>The access rights the indicated user has to the
<h2><a name="L003478" id="L003478">Net::IMAP::StatusData</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::StatusData represents contents of the STATUS response.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003470" id="L003470">mailbox</a></dt>
<p>Returns the mailbox name.</p>
<dt><a name="L003467" id="L003467">attr</a></dt>
<p>Returns a hash. Each key is one of &quot;MESSAGES&quot;, &quot;RECENT&quot;, &quot;UIDNEXT&quot;,
&quot;UIDVALIDITY&quot;, &quot;UNSEEN&quot;. Each value is a number.</p>
<h2><a name="L003479" id="L003479">Net::IMAP::FetchData</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::FetchData represents contents of the FETCH response.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003480" id="L003480">seqno</a></dt>
<p>Returns the message sequence number.
(Note: not the unique identifier, even for the UID command response.)</p>
<dt><a name="L003467" id="L003467">attr</a></dt>
<p>Returns a hash. Each key is a data item name, and each value is
its value.</p>
<p>The current data items are:</p>
<dt><a name="L003481" id="L003481">BODY</a></dt>
<p>A form of BODYSTRUCTURE without extension data.</p>
<dt><a name="L003482" id="L003482">BODY[&lt;section&gt;]&lt;&lt;origin_octet&gt;&gt;</a></dt>
<p>A string expressing the body contents of the specified section.</p>
<dt><a name="L003483" id="L003483">BODYSTRUCTURE</a></dt>
<p>An object that describes the <a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a> body structure of a message.
See <a href="#L003509">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic</a>, <a href="#L003521">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText</a>,
<a href="#L003523">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage</a>, <a href="#L003526">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMultipart</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003484" id="L003484">ENVELOPE</a></dt>
<p>A <a href="#L003492">Net::IMAP::Envelope</a> object that describes the envelope
structure of a message.</p>
<dt><a name="L003485" id="L003485">FLAGS</a></dt>
<p>A array of flag symbols that are set for this message. flag symbols
are capitalized by String#capitalize.</p>
<dt><a name="L003486" id="L003486">INTERNALDATE</a></dt>
<p>A string representing the internal date of the message.</p>
<dt><a name="L003487" id="L003487">RFC822</a></dt>
<p>Equivalent to BODY[].</p>
<dt><a name="L003488" id="L003488">RFC822.HEADER</a></dt>
<p>Equivalent to BODY.PEEK[HEADER].</p>
<dt><a name="L003489" id="L003489">RFC822.SIZE</a></dt>
<p>A number expressing the <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> size of the message.</p>
<dt><a name="L003490" id="L003490">RFC822.TEXT</a></dt>
<p>Equivalent to BODY[TEXT].</p>
<dt><a name="L003491" id="L003491">UID</a></dt>
<p>A number expressing the unique identifier of the message.</p>
<h2><a name="L003492" id="L003492">Net::IMAP::Envelope</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::Envelope represents envelope structures of messages.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003493" id="L003493">date</a></dt>
<p>Retunns a string that represents the date.</p>
<dt><a name="L003494" id="L003494">subject</a></dt>
<p>Retunns a string that represents the subject.</p>
<dt><a name="L003495" id="L003495">from</a></dt>
<p>Retunns an array of <a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> that represents the from.</p>
<dt><a name="L003496" id="L003496">sender</a></dt>
<p>Retunns an array of <a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> that represents the sender.</p>
<dt><a name="L003497" id="L003497">reply_to</a></dt>
<p>Retunns an array of <a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> that represents the reply-to.</p>
<dt><a name="L003498" id="L003498">to</a></dt>
<p>Retunns an array of <a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> that represents the to.</p>
<dt><a name="L003499" id="L003499">cc</a></dt>
<p>Retunns an array of <a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> that represents the cc.</p>
<dt><a name="L003500" id="L003500">bcc</a></dt>
<p>Retunns an array of <a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> that represents the bcc.</p>
<dt><a name="L003501" id="L003501">in_reply_to</a></dt>
<p>Retunns a string that represents the in-reply-to.</p>
<dt><a name="L003502" id="L003502">message_id</a></dt>
<p>Retunns a string that represents the message-id.</p>
<h2><a name="L003503" id="L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a></h2>
<p><a href="#L003503">Net::IMAP::Address</a> represents electronic mail addresses.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003458" id="L003458">name</a></dt>
<p>Returns the phrase from <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> mailbox.</p>
<dt><a name="L003504" id="L003504">route</a></dt>
<p>Returns the route from <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> route-addr.</p>
<dt><a name="L003470" id="L003470">mailbox</a></dt>
<p>nil indicates end of <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> group.
If non-nil and host is nil, returns <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> group name.
Otherwise, returns <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> local-part</p>
<dt><a name="L003505" id="L003505">host</a></dt>
<p>nil indicates <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> group syntax.
Otherwise, returns <a href="#L003533">[RFC-822]</a> domain name.</p>
<h2><a name="L003506" id="L003506">Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition represents Content-Disposition fields.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003507" id="L003507">dsp_type</a></dt>
<p>Returns the disposition type.</p>
<dt><a name="L003508" id="L003508">param</a></dt>
<p>Returns a hash that represents parameters of the Content-Disposition
<h2><a name="L003509" id="L003509">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic represents basic body structures of messages.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003510" id="L003510">media_type</a></dt>
<p>Returns the content media type name as defined in <a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003511" id="L003511">subtype</a></dt>
<p>Returns the content subtype name as defined in <a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003508" id="L003508">param</a></dt>
<p>Returns a hash that represents parameters as defined in
<a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003512" id="L003512">content_id</a></dt>
<p>Returns a string giving the content id as defined in <a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003513" id="L003513">description</a></dt>
<p>Returns a string giving the content description as defined in
<a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003514" id="L003514">encoding</a></dt>
<p>Returns a string giving the content transfer encoding as defined in
<a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003515" id="L003515">size</a></dt>
<p>Returns a number giving the size of the body in octets.</p>
<dt><a name="L003516" id="L003516">md5</a></dt>
<p>Returns a string giving the body MD5 value as defined in <a href="#L003531">[MD5]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003517" id="L003517">disposition</a></dt>
<p>Returns a <a href="#L003506">Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition</a> object giving
the content disposition.</p>
<dt><a name="L003518" id="L003518">language</a></dt>
<p>Returns a string or an array of strings giving the body
language value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].</p>
<dt><a name="L003519" id="L003519">extension</a></dt>
<p>Returns extension data.</p>
<dt><a name="L003520" id="L003520">multipart?</a></dt>
<p>Returns false.</p>
<h2><a name="L003521" id="L003521">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText represents TEXT body structures of messages.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003522" id="L003522">lines</a></dt>
<p>Returns the size of the body in text lines.</p>
<p>And Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText has all methods of <a href="#L003509">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic</a>.</p>
<h2><a name="L003523" id="L003523">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage</a></h2>
<p>Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage represents MESSAGE/RFC822 body structures of messages.</p>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003524" id="L003524">envelope</a></dt>
<p>Returns a <a href="#L003492">Net::IMAP::Envelope</a> giving the envelope structure.</p>
<dt><a name="L003525" id="L003525">body</a></dt>
<p>Returns an object giving the body structure.</p>
<p>And Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage has all methods of <a href="#L003521">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText</a>.</p>
<h2><a name="L003526" id="L003526">Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMultipart</a></h2>
<h3><a name="L003407" id="L003407">Super Class</a></h3>
<h3><a name="L003413" id="L003413">Methods</a></h3>
<dt><a name="L003510" id="L003510">media_type</a></dt>
<p>Returns the content media type name as defined in <a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003511" id="L003511">subtype</a></dt>
<p>Returns the content subtype name as defined in <a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003527" id="L003527">parts</a></dt>
<p>Returns multiple parts.</p>
<dt><a name="L003508" id="L003508">param</a></dt>
<p>Returns a hash that represents parameters as defined in
<a href="#L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a>.</p>
<dt><a name="L003517" id="L003517">disposition</a></dt>
<p>Returns a <a href="#L003506">Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition</a> object giving
the content disposition.</p>
<dt><a name="L003518" id="L003518">language</a></dt>
<p>Returns a string or an array of strings giving the body
language value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].</p>
<dt><a name="L003519" id="L003519">extension</a></dt>
<p>Returns extension data.</p>
<dt><a name="L003520" id="L003520">multipart?</a></dt>
<p>Returns true.</p>
<h2><a name="L003528" id="L003528">References</a></h2>
<dt><a name="L003529" id="L003529">[IMAP]</a></dt>
<p>M. Crispin, &quot;INTERNET MESSAGE ACCESS PROTOCOL - VERSION 4rev1&quot;,
RFC 2060, December 1996.</p>
<dt><a name="L003530" id="L003530">[LANGUAGE-TAGS]</a></dt>
<p>Alvestrand, H., &quot;Tags for the Identification of
Languages&quot;, RFC 1766, March 1995.</p>
<dt><a name="L003531" id="L003531">[MD5]</a></dt>
<p>Myers, J., and M. Rose, &quot;The Content-MD5 Header Field&quot;, RFC
1864, October 1995.</p>
<dt><a name="L003532" id="L003532">[MIME-IMB]</a></dt>
<p>Freed, N., and N. Borenstein, &quot;MIME (Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies&quot;, RFC
2045, November 1996.</p>
<dt><a name="L003533" id="L003533">[RFC-822]</a></dt>
<p>Crocker, D., &quot;Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
Messages&quot;, STD 11, RFC 822, University of Delaware, August 1982.</p>
<dt><a name="L003534" id="L003534">[RFC-2087]</a></dt>
<p>Myers, J., &quot;IMAP4 QUOTA extension&quot;, RFC 2087, January 1997.</p>
<dt><a name="L003535" id="L003535">[RFC-2086]</a></dt>
<p>Myers, J., &quot;IMAP4 ACL extension&quot;, RFC 2086, January 1997.</p>
<dt><a name="L003536" id="L003536">[OSSL]</a></dt>
<dt><a name="L003537" id="L003537">[RSSL]</a></dt>

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