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<dt> <H1>Object</H1>
The super class of all the Ruby class hierarchy.
<dt> <h2>SuperClass:</h2>
<dt> <A HREF="Kernel.html"><code>Kernel</code></A>
<dt> <h2>Methods:</h2>

<A NAME="eq">
<CODE>self == <VAR>other</VAR></CODE></A>
Checks if two objects are <strong>equal</strong>.  The default
definition in the <code>Kernel</code> class checks by object ID.  It
should be redefined in subclasses according to the characteristic of
the class.

<A NAME="clone"><CODE>clone</CODE></A>
<DT><A NAME="dup"><CODE>dup</CODE></A>
Returns the copy of the object.  For cloned object, 

obj == obj.clone

is always true, though 


is false most of the time.
the <code>dup</code> method is defined as:

def dup

<code>clone</code> and <code>dup</code> copy the receiver, but they do
not copy the objects pointed by the receiver (i.e shallow copy).

<A NAME="display"><CODE>display([<VAR>port</VAR>])</CODE></A>
Prints <code>self</code> to the <var>port</var>.  The <var>port</var>'s
default value is <code>$&gt;</code>.
def display(out=$&gt;)
  out.print self
public :display

<A NAME="eql_p">
Checks if two objects are <strong>equal</strong>.  This method is used
by <a href="Hash.html"><code>Hash</code></a> to compare whether two
keys are same.  When this method is redefined, the <code>hash</code>
method should be updated.
The default definition of the method <code>eql?</code> is
like blow:
def eql?(other)
  self == other

<A NAME="equal_p">
Checks if two objects have same object ID.  This method
should not be redefined in the subclass.

<A NAME="match"><CODE>self =~ <VAR>other</VAR></CODE></A>
Method for old style match like <code>obj =~ /RE/</code>.
The default definitions is `<code><a href="#equal">==</a></code>'.

<A NAME="eqq">
<CODE>self === <VAR>other</VAR></CODE></A>
This method is used to compare in <code><a href="syntax.html#case">case</a></code>. 
The default definitions is `<code><a href="#equal">==</a></code>'.

<A NAME="extend">
Extends <code>self</code> by adding methods defined in
<var>module</var>s as singleton-methods.

<A NAME="hash">
Returns the integer hash value of the object.  It is used in the
<code><a href="Hash.html">Hash</a></code> class to calculate the
holding place of an object.  The hash value of two objects must be
equal, where these two objects are equal by using <code>eql?</code>
operator.  So, whenever you redefine the definition of the
<code>eql?</code> operator in any class, don't forget to redefine
<code>hash</code> method according to the definition.

<A NAME="id">
Returns the unique integer value for each object.

<A NAME="inspect">
Returns the human-readable string representation of the receiver.

<A NAME="initialize">
The initialize method for the user-defined classes.  This method will
be called from <code><a href="Class.html#new">Class#new</a></code> to
initialize the newly created object.
The default behavior is to do nothing.  It is assumed that this method
will be redefined in the subclasses.  The argument to
<code><a href="Class.html#new">Class#new</a></code> will be passed to
the <code>initialize</code>

the method named <code>initialize</code> automatically falls under
private visibility.

<A NAME="instance_eval"><CODE>instance_eval(<VAR>expr</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Evaluates the <var>expr</var> string in the object context.  If block
supplied for the method, the block is evaluated under the receiver's
context.  This allows to avoid compiling the string everytime.
In <var>instance_eval</var>'s context, <code>self</code> is bound to
the object, so that instance variables and methods of the receiver are

<A NAME="instance_of_p">
Returns true, if <code>self</code> is an instance of the specified
<var>class</var>.  It is always true, when
<CODE><a href="#kind_of_p">obj.kind_of?(c)</a></CODE> is true.

<A NAME="instance_variables"><CODE>instance_variables()</CODE></A>
Returns the array of <code>self</code>'s instance variable names.

<A NAME="kind_of_p">
<A NAME="is_a_p">
Returns true, if <code>self</code> is an instance of the specified
<var>class</var>, or its subclass.

<A NAME="method_missing">
<CODE>method_missing(<var>msg_id</var>, ...)</CODE></A>

Will be called when the specified method is not defined for the
receiver.  The first argument, <var>msg_id</var> is the method name as
a symbol.  The second and later arguments are the arguments given to
the undefined method, if any.

<dt> <a name="methods"><code>methods</code></a>
Returns the array of the public method names which defined in the receiver.

<A NAME="nil_p">

Checks whether the receiver is <code>nil</code> or not.

<dt> <a name="private_methods"><code>private_methods</code></a>
Returns the array of the private method names which defined in the

<dt> <a name="remove_instance_variable"><code>remove_instance_variable(<var>name</var>)</code></a>
Removes specified instance variable from the object.  It does not
raise any exception even if the object does not have named instance

<dt> <a name="respond_to_p">
Returns true if the receiver has the public method named
<var>mesg</var>.  <var>Mesg</var> must be the symbol fixnum or the
string.  It returns true for private methods, if the optional argument
<var>priv</var> given, and its value is true,

<DT><A NAME="send">
<CODE>send(<VAR>symbol</VAR>[, <VAR>args</VAR>...])</CODE></A>

calls the method specified by the <var>symbol</var>, with

<DT><A NAME="singleton_method_added"><CODE>singleton_method_added(<var>id</var>)</CODE></A>
Will be called when the singleton method defined for the receiver.

<dt> <a name="singleton_methods"><code>singleton_methods</code></a>
Returns the array of the singleton method names which defined in the receiver.

<DT><A NAME="taint"><CODE>taint</CODE></A>
Turns on `taint mark' of the object.

<DT><A NAME="tainted_p"><CODE>tainted?</CODE></A>
Returns true if the string is `tainted'.

<A NAME="to_s">
Returns the string representation of the <code>self</code>.
This method is used internally by
<code><a href="function.html#print">print</a></code> and
<code><a href="function.html#sprintf">sprintf</a></code>.

<A NAME="to_a">
Converts the <code>self</code> into an array.  Returns an array of 1
element contains <code>self</code> for classes would not be converted
into an array naturally.

<DT><A NAME="type">
Returns the receiver's class.

<DT><A NAME="untaint"><CODE>untaint</CODE></A>
Turns off `taint mark' of the object.  Programmers should be responsible
for the security issue caused by removing the taint mark.  The mark
can't be removed if the security level ($SAFE) is greater than or equals
to level 3.


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