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<dt> <H1>IO</H1>
The <code>IO</code> class provides the basic IO feature.
<dt> <h2>SuperClass:</h2>
<dt> <A HREF="Object.html"><code>Object</code></A> <p>
<dt> <h2>Included Modules:</h2>
<dt> <A HREF="Enum.html"><code>Enumerable</code></A>
<dt> <h2>Class Methods:</h2>
<A NAME="IO.foreach">
<CODE>foreach(<VAR>path</VAR>[, <var>rs</var>])</CODE></A>
Iterates over each line from the IO port specified by
<code>path</code>.  It works like:

port = open(<var>path</var>)
  port.each_line {
Lines are separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.

<A NAME=""><CODE>new(<VAR>fd</VAR>[,<var>mode</var>])</CODE></A>
Creates a stream associated with the file descriptor <var>fd</var>.

<A NAME="IO.popen">
<CODE>popen(<VAR>command</VAR> [, <var>mode</var>])</CODE></A>
Performs the <var>command</var> as a sub-process, and
associates pipes to the standard input/output of the
sub-process.  The <var>mode</var> argument specifies the
mode for the opened IO port, which is either <code>"r"</code>,
<code>"r+"</code>, <code>"w"</code>, <code>"w+"</code>,
<code>"a"</code>, <code>"a+"</code>.  If <var>mode</var>
omitted, the default is <code>"r"</code>

If the command name is <code>"-"</code>, Ruby forks, and
create pipe-line to the child process.

<A NAME="IO.pipe">
Opens a pair of connected pipes like the corresponding system call, and
returns them in the array of two elements (read-side first, write-side

<A NAME="IO.readlines">
<CODE>readlines(<VAR>path</VAR>[, <var>rs</var>])</CODE></A>
Reads entire lines from the IO port specified by
<code>path</code> and returns an array containing the lines
read.  It works like:

port = open(<var>path</var>)
  port.each_line {
Lines are separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.

<DT><A NAME="">
<CODE>select(<VAR>reads</VAR>[, <VAR>writes</VAR>[, <VAR>excepts</VAR>[, <VAR>timeout</VAR>]]])</CODE></A>
Calls <SAMP>select(2)</SAMP> system call.  <var>Reads</var>,
<var>writes</var>, <var>excepts</var> are specified arrays containing
instances of the IO class (or its subclass), or <code>nil</code>.
The <var>timeout</var> must be either an integer, Float,
<code><a href="Time.html">Time</a></code>, or <code>nil</code>.
If the <var>timeout</var> is <code>nil</code>,
<code>select</code> would not time out.
<code>select</code> returns <code>nil</code> in case of timeout,
otherwise returns an array of 3 elements, which are subset of argument 

<dt> <h2>Methods:</h2>
<A NAME="lshift">
<CODE>self &#60;&#60; <VAR>object</VAR></CODE></A>
Output <var>object</var> to the IO port.  If <var>object</var> is not
a string, it will be converted into the string using <code>to_s</code>.
This method returns self, so that the code below works:

$stdout &#60;&#60; 1 &#60;&#60; " is a " &#60;&#60; Fixnum &#60;&#60; "\n"


<A NAME="binmode"><CODE>binmode</CODE></A>
Changes the stream into binary mode.  This is useful only under MSDOS.
There's no way to reset to ascii mode except re-opening the stream.

<A NAME="close">
Closes the IO port.  All operations on the closed IO port
will raise an exception.  IO ports are automatically closed
when they are garbage-collected. 

<A NAME="closed_p">
Returns true if the IO port closed.

<A NAME="each">
<CODE>each([<var>rs</var>]) {|<VAR>line</VAR>|...}</CODE></A>
<A NAME="each_line">
<DT><CODE>each_line([<var>rs</var>]) {|<VAR>line</VAR>|...}</CODE></A>
Iterates over each line from the IO port.  The IO port must be opened
in read-mode. (See <a href="function.html#open"><code>open</code></a>)
Lines are separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.

<A NAME="each_byte">
<CODE>each_byte {|<VAR>ch</VAR>|...}</CODE></A>
Reads byte by byte from the IO port.  The IO port must be opened
in read-mode. (See <a href="function.html#open"><code>open</code></a>)

<A NAME="eof"><CODE>eof</CODE></A>
<A NAME="eof_p"><CODE>eof?</CODE></A>
Returns true it the stream reaches end of file.

<A NAME="fcntl">
<CODE>fcntl(<var>cmd</var>, <var>arg</var>)</CODE></A>
Performs system call <code>fcntl</code> on the IO object.  See
<samp>fcntl(2)</samp> for detail.
If the <var>arg</var> is a number, the numeric value is passed to
the system call.  If the <code>arg</code> is a string, it is treated
as the packed structure.  The default <var>arg</var> value is 0.

<A NAME="fileno"><CODE>fileno</CODE></A>
<DT><A NAME="to_i"><CODE>to_i</CODE></A>
Returns the file descriptor number of the IO port.

<A NAME="flush">
Flushes the internal buffer of the IO port.

<A NAME="getc">
Reads the next character from the IO port, and returns an fixnum
corresponding that character.  Returns <code>nil</code> at the
end of file.

<A NAME="gets">
Reads a line from the IO port, or <code>nil</code> on end of
file. Works mostly same as <a href="#each"><code>each</code></a>, but
<code>gets</code> does not iterate.
Lines are separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.
The line read is set to the variable 
<a href="variable.html#uscore"><code>$_</code></a>.

<A NAME="ioctl">
<CODE>ioctl(<var>cmd</var>, <var>arg</var>)</CODE></A>
Performs system call <code>ioctl</code> on the IO object.  See
<samp>ioctl(2)</samp> for detail.
If the <var>arg</var> is a number, the numeric value is passed to
the system call.  If the <code>arg</code> is a string, it is treated
as the packed structure.  The default <var>arg</var> value is 0.

<A NAME="isatty"><CODE>isatty</CODE></A>
<DT><A NAME="tty_p"><CODE>tty?</CODE></A>
Returns true if the IO port connected to the tty.

<DT><A NAME="lineno"><CODE>lineno</CODE></A>
Returns the current line number of the IO.

<A NAME="lineno_eq"><CODE>lineno= <VAR>number</VAR></CODE></A>
Sets the line number of the IO.

<A NAME="pos"><CODE>pos</CODE></A>
Returns the current position of the file pointer.

<A NAME="pos_eq"><CODE>pos= <var>pos</var></CODE></A>
Moves the file pointer to the <var>pos</var>.

<A NAME="print"><CODE>print <VAR>arg</VAR>...</CODE></A>
Outputs arguments to the IO port.

<A NAME="printf"><CODE>printf(<VAR>format</VAR>, <VAR>arg</VAR>...)</CODE></A>
Output arguments to the IO port with formatting like <code>printf</code>
in C language.

<A NAME="putc"><CODE>putc(<VAR>c</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Writes the character <VAR>c</VAR> to the stream.

<A NAME="puts">
Outputs an <var>obj</var> to the IO port, then newline for each

<A NAME="read">
<CODE>read [<VAR>length</VAR>]</CODE></A>
Attempts to read <var>length</var> bytes of data from the IO port.  If 
no <var>length</var> given, reads all data until <code>EOF</code>.
returns <var>nil</var> at <code>EOF</code>.

<A NAME="readchar">
Reads a character from the IO port, just like
<code><a href="#getc">getc</a></code>, but raises an
<code>EOFError</code> exception at the end of file.

<A NAME="readline">
Reads a line from the IO port, just like
<code><a href="#gets">gets</a></code>, but raises an
<code>EOFError</code> exception at the end of file.
Each lines is separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.
The line read is set to the variable <code>$_</code> just like

<A NAME="readlines">
Reads entire lines from the IO port and returns an array containing
the lines read.
Lines are separated by the value of the optional argument
<var>rs</var>, which default value is defined by the variable
<a href="variable.html#slash"><code>$/</code></a>.

<DT><A NAME="reopen"><CODE>reopen(<var>io</var>)</CODE></A>
Reconnect <code>self</code> to <var>io</var>.  It also changes the
class of the stream.

<A NAME="rewind">
Resets the position of the file pointer to the beginning of the file.

<A NAME="seek">
<CODE>seek(<VAR>offset</VAR>, <VAR>whence</VAR>)</CODE></A>
Moves the file pointer to the <var>offset</var>.  The value for <var>whence</var> 
are 0 th set the file pointer to <var>offset</var>, 1 to set it to
current plus <var>offset</var>, 2 to set it to EOF plus offset.

<A NAME="stat">
Returns the status info of the file in the <code>Stat</code>
<a href="Struct.html">structure</a>, which has attributes as follows:
dev	 	# device number of file-system
ino		# i-node number
mode		# file mode
nlink		# number of hard links
uid		# user ID of owner
gid		# group ID of owner
rdev		# device type (special files only)
size		# total size, in bytes
blksize		# preferred blocksize for file-system I/O
blocks		# number of blocks allocated
atime		# time of last access
mtime		# time of last modification
ctime		# time of last i-node change
For more detail, see <samp>stat(2)</samp>.  Some fields are filled
with 0, if that field is not supported on your system.

<A NAME="sync">
Returns the `sync' mode of the IO port.  When the `sync' mode is true, 
the internal buffer will be flushed, everytime something written to
the output port.

<A NAME="sync_eq">
<CODE>sync= <VAR>newstate</VAR></CODE></A>
Sets the `sync' mode of the IO port.

<A NAME="sysread">
Attempts to read <var>length</var> bytes of data from the IO port,
using the system call read(2).  It bypasses stdio, so mixing this with
other kinds of reads/eof checks may cause confusion.

<A NAME="syswrite">
Attempts to write data from the <var>string</var> to the IO port,
using the write(2) system call.  It bypasses stdio, so mixing this
with prints may cause confusion.

<A NAME="tell">

Returns the current position of the file pointer.

<A NAME="write">
Outputs the string to the IO port.  Returns the number of bytes written.

<a name="ungetc"></a>
Pushes <code>c</code> back to the stream.  Only one push-back is

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