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<title>Ruby FAQ</title>
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<h1 align="center">Ruby FAQ</h1>

<p align="right">September 27, 1999</p>
<h2><a name="toc1">1.</a><a href="rubyfaq-1.html">
General questions
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.1">1.1 
What is Ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.2">1.2 
What does Ruby stand for?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.3">1.3 
Teach me the Ruby history.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.4">1.4 
Where is it available?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.5">1.5 
Where is the Home Page of Ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.6">1.6 
Is there a Ruby mailing list?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.7">1.7 
How can I search past mails of the mailing list?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.8">1.8 
What is the difference between rubyist and Ruby hacker?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.9">1.9 
Which is authentic, Ruby or ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.10">1.10 
Is there a Ruby book?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-1.html#ss1.11">1.11 
I cannot understand Ruby even after reading the manual.

<h2><a name="toc2">2.</a><a href="rubyfaq-2.html">
Variables, constants and arguments
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.1">2.1 
Does assignment to a variable or a constant generate a new copy of an object?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.2">2.2 
What is the definition of the scope of a local variable?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.3">2.3 
When does a local variable become accessible?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.4">2.4 
What is the definition of the scope of a constant?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.5">2.5 
How is the actual argument passed to the formal argument?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.6">2.6 
Does assignment to the formal argument influence the actual argument?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.7">2.7 
What happens if I send a message to the object pointed by the formal argument
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.8">2.8 
What is the <code>*</code> prepended to an argument?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.9">2.9 
What is the <code>&amp;</code> prepended to an argument?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.10">2.10 
Can I define a default value for a formal argument?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.11">2.11 
How to pass arguments to a block.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.12">2.12 
An unexpected change happens to the content of variables or constants.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-2.html#ss2.13">2.13 
Does the value of a constant ever change?

<h2><a name="toc3">3.</a><a href="rubyfaq-3.html">
<li><a href="rubyfaq-3.html#ss3.1">3.1 
What is an iterator?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-3.html#ss3.2">3.2 
How can I pass a block to an iterator?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-3.html#ss3.3">3.3 
How is a block used in an iterator?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-3.html#ss3.4">3.4 
What does <code></code> without a block do?

<h2><a name="toc4">4.</a><a href="rubyfaq-4.html">
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.1">4.1 
What does <code>:exit</code> mean?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.2">4.2 
How can I access the value of a symbol?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.3">4.3 
Is <code>loop</code> a control structure?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.4">4.4 
<code>a +b</code> gives an error.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.5">4.5 
<code>s = &quot;x&quot;; puts s *10</code> gives an error.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.6">4.6 
Nothing appears with <code>p {}</code>.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.7">4.7 
After <code>def pos= (val) print @pos,&quot;\n&quot;; @pos = val end</code>,
I cannot use the method <code>pos = 1</code>.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.8">4.8 
What is the difference between <code>'\1'</code> and <code>'\\1'</code>?

<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.9">4.9 
<code>p true or true and false</code> prints <code>true</code>, while
<code>a=true if true or true and false</code> does not assign <code>true</code>
to <code>a</code>.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-4.html#ss4.10">4.10 
<code>p(nil || &quot;&quot;)</code> returns &quot;&quot;, while <code>p(nil or &quot;&quot;)</code>
gives parse error.

<h2><a name="toc5">5.</a><a href="rubyfaq-5.html">
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.1">5.1 
How is the method searched when a messeage is sent to an object?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.2">5.2 
Are <code>+</code> and <code>-</code> operators?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.3">5.3 
Are there any functions?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.4">5.4 
Can I access an object instance variable?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.5">5.5 
I cannot figure out the difference between <code>private</code> and
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.6">5.6 
I want to make an instance variable public.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.7">5.7 
How can I change the visibility of a method?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.8">5.8 
Can I use an idenfier beginning with a capital letter for
a method name?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.9">5.9 
<code>super</code> yields an <code>ArgumentError</code>.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.10">5.10 
How can I call the same name method of two levels upper?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.11">5.11 
How can I invoke the original built-in method after redfining it?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.12">5.12 
What is a destructive method?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.13">5.13 
When does an adverse effect occur using a method?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-5.html#ss5.14">5.14 
Can I return multiple values from a method?

<h2><a name="toc6">6.</a><a href="rubyfaq-6.html">
Classes and modules
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.1">6.1 
Can a class definition be repeated?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.2">6.2 
Is there a class variable?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.3">6.3 
What is a class instance variable?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.4">6.4 
What is a singleton method?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.5">6.5 
Is there a class method?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.6">6.6 
What is a singleton class?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.7">6.7 
What is a module function?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.8">6.8 
What is the difference between a class and a module?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.9">6.9 
Does a module generate a subclass?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.10">6.10 

What is the difference between defining a class method in the class definition and directly at the toplevel?

<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.11">6.11 
What is the difference between <code>load</code> and <code>require</code>?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.12">6.12 
What is the difference between <code>include</code> and <code>extend</code>?

<li><a href="rubyfaq-6.html#ss6.13">6.13 
What does <code>self</code> mean?

<h2><a name="toc7">7.</a><a href="rubyfaq-7.html">
Builtin libraries
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.1">7.1 
What is the return value of <code>instance_methods(nil)</code>?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.2">7.2 
Why does <code>rand</code> generate the same random number sequence?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.3">7.3 
How can I choose 5 different numbers between 0 and 51 randomly?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.4">7.4 
As <code>Fixnum</code>, <code>true</code>, <code>nil</code>, and <code>false</code>
are implemented as immediate values, what is the difference between
an immediate value and a reference?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.5">7.5 
What is the difference between <code>nil</code> and <code>false</code>?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.6">7.6 
I read a file and changed the content, but the file does not change.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.7">7.7 
How can I read a file and replace it with new one?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.8">7.8 
I wrote a file and copied the file, but the tail of the copied file is truncated.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.9">7.9 
How can I use <code>less</code> to display strings?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.10">7.10 
What occurs to a <code>File</code> object which has no reference?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.11">7.11 
I feel uneasy if I don't close a file.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.12">7.12 
How can I sort files by their modified time?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.13">7.13 
How can I count word frequency in a file?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.14">7.14 
Null string (&quot;&quot;) returns <code>true</code> in a condition expression.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.15">7.15 
How can I sort strings in alphabetical order?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.16">7.16 
What does <code>&quot;abcd&quot;[0]</code> return?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.17">7.17 
How can I expand tabs to spaces?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.18">7.18 
How can I escape a backslash?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.19">7.19 
What is the difference between <code>sub</code> and <code>sub!</code>?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.20">7.20 
Where does \Z match?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.21">7.21 

What is the difference between Range constructors <code>..</code> and <code>...</code>?

<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.22">7.22 
Is there a function pointer?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.23">7.23 
What is the difference between <code>thread</code> and <code>fork</code>?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.24">7.24 
How can I use Marshal?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.25">7.25 
Is there an exception handling?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-7.html#ss7.26">7.26 
How can I use <code>trap</code>?

<h2><a name="toc8">8.</a><a href="rubyfaq-8.html">
Extension library
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.1">8.1 
How can I use Ruby interactively?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.2">8.2 
Is there a debugger for Ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.3">8.3 
How can I use a library written in C from Ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.4">8.4 
Can I use Tcl/Tk interface in Ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.5">8.5 
Tk won't work.
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.6">8.6 
Can I use <code>gtk+</code> or <code>xforms</code> interface in Ruby?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-8.html#ss8.7">8.7 
How can I calculate dates?

<h2><a name="toc9">9.</a><a href="rubyfaq-9.html">
Undocumented Features
<li><a href="rubyfaq-9.html#ss9.1">9.1 
What does <code>a ? b : c</code> mean?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-9.html#ss9.2">9.2 
How can I count the number of lines in a file?
<li><a href="rubyfaq-9.html#ss9.3">9.3 
What do <code>begin</code> and <code>end</code> of MatchingData return? 


Originally written by Shugo Maeda
<code><a href="">
Transformed to SGML by Ozawa Sakuro
<code><a href=""></a></code>
Translated into English by gotoken
<code><a href=""></a></code>
Revised by Akira Endo
<code><a href=""></a></code>
since June 7, 1999 (original Sep 18, 1997)
Transformed to private XML on June 28, 1999, parsed with xmlparser by
Yoshida Masato<code><a href=""></a></code>, <code><a href=""></a></code>.
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