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 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 * This script, when included in a html file, builds a neat breadcrumb trail
 * based on its url. That is, if it doesn't contains bugs (I'm relatively
 * sure it does).
 * Typical usage:
 * <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="breadcrumbs.js"></script>
 *@author     <a href="">Leo Simons</a> (main author)
 *@author     <a href="">Nicola Ken Barozzi</a> (integration in skin)
 *@created    July 12, 2002
 *@version    1.0

 * IE 5 on Mac doesn't know Array.push.
 * Implement it - courtesy to fritz.
var abc	= new Array();
if (!abc.push) {
  Array.prototype.push	= function(what){this[this.length]=what}

/* ========================================================================
   ======================================================================== */

 * Two-dimensional array containing extra crumbs to place at the front of
 * the trail. Specify first the name of the crumb, then the URI that belongs
 * to it. You'll need to modify this for every domain or subdomain where
 * you use this script (you can leave it as an empty array if you wish)
var PREPREND_CRUMBS = new Array();
     PREPREND_CRUMBS.push( new Array( "apache", "" ) );
     PREPREND_CRUMBS.push( new Array( "ant.apache", "" ) );
     PREPREND_CRUMBS.push( new Array( "", "" ) );

 * String to include between crumbs:
var DISPLAY_SEPARATOR = " &gt; ";
 * String to include at the beginning of the trail
 * String to include at the end of the trail

 * CSS Class to use for a single crumb:
var CSS_CLASS_CRUMB = "breadcrumb";

 * CSS Class to use for the complete trail:
var CSS_CLASS_TRAIL = "breadcrumbTrail";

 * CSS Class to use for crumb separator:
var CSS_CLASS_SEPARATOR = "crumbSeparator";

 * Array of strings containing common file extensions. We use this to
 * determine what part of the url to ignore (if it contains one of the
 * string specified here, we ignore it).
var FILE_EXTENSIONS = new Array( ".html", ".htm", ".jsp", ".php", ".php3", ".php4" );

 * String that separates parts of the breadcrumb trail from each other.
 * When this is no longer a slash, I'm sure I'll be old and grey.

/* ========================================================================
   ======================================================================== */
 * Capitalize first letter of the provided string and return the modified
 * string.
function sentenceCase( string )
	var lower = string.toLowerCase();
	return lower.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + lower.substr(1);

 * Returns an array containing the names of all the directories in the
 * current document URL
function getDirectoriesInURL()
	var trail = document.location.pathname.split( PATH_SEPARATOR );

	// check whether last section is a file or a directory
	var lastcrumb = trail[trail.length-1];
	for( var i = 0; i < FILE_EXTENSIONS.length; i++ )
		if( lastcrumb.indexOf( FILE_EXTENSIONS[i] ) )
			// it is, remove it and send results
			return trail.slice( 1, trail.length-1 );

	// it's not; send the trail unmodified
	return trail.slice( 1, trail.length );

/* ========================================================================
   ======================================================================== */
 * Return a two-dimensional array describing the breadcrumbs based on the
 * array of directories passed in.
function getBreadcrumbs( dirs )
	var prefix = "/";
	var postfix = "/";

	// the array we will return
	var crumbs = new Array();

	if( dirs != null )
		for( var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++ )
			prefix += dirs[i] + postfix;
			crumbs.push( new Array( dirs[i], prefix ) );

	// preprend the PREPREND_CRUMBS
	if(PREPREND_CRUMBS.length > 0 )
		return PREPREND_CRUMBS.concat( crumbs );

	return crumbs;

 * Return a string containing a simple text breadcrumb trail based on the
 * two-dimensional array passed in.
function getCrumbTrail( crumbs )
	var xhtml = DISPLAY_PREPREND;

	for( var i = 0; i < crumbs.length; i++ )
		xhtml += '<a href="' + crumbs[i][1] + '" >';
		xhtml += sentenceCase( crumbs[i][0] ) + '</a>';
		if( i != (crumbs.length-1) )


	return xhtml;

 * Return a string containing an XHTML breadcrumb trail based on the
 * two-dimensional array passed in.
function getCrumbTrailXHTML( crumbs )
	var xhtml = '<span class="' + CSS_CLASS_TRAIL  + '">';

	for( var i = 0; i < crumbs.length; i++ )
		xhtml += '<a href="' + crumbs[i][1] + '" class="' + CSS_CLASS_CRUMB + '">';
		xhtml += sentenceCase( crumbs[i][0] ) + '</a>';
		if( i != (crumbs.length-1) )
			xhtml += '<span class="' + CSS_CLASS_SEPARATOR + '">' + DISPLAY_SEPARATOR + '</span>';

	xhtml += '</span>';

	return xhtml;

/* ========================================================================
   ======================================================================== */

// check if we're local; if so, only print the PREPREND_CRUMBS
if( document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf( "http://" ) == -1 )
	document.write( getCrumbTrail( getBreadcrumbs() ) );
	document.write( getCrumbTrail( getBreadcrumbs( getDirectoriesInURL() ) ) );