

distrib > CentOS > 5 > i386 > by-pkgid > 997aa69681deec4bb0277ebde59dd3dc > files > 81


                      SMALL-FOOTPRINT CIM BROKER (sfcb)

1. What is sfcb
sfcb is a lightweight CIM daemon (aka CIMOM) that responds to CIM client
requests for system management data and/or performs system management 
tasks. sfcb supports most of the standard CIM XML over http/https protocol.
It is highly modular, allowing functionality to be easily added, removed
or customized for different management applications. sfcb is specifically
targeted for small embedded system that do not have the available CPU,
memory or disk resources to support a full-blown enterprise-level CIMOM.
That said, sfcb runs very well on a regular Linux/Unix system and supports
most of the functions required by CIM clients to manage such the system. 
Supported CIM operations include:

	InvokeMethod (MethodCall)

CIM process and lifecycle indications (aka 'events') are also supported. 

sfcb supports HTTP 'chunking' for enumeration output. This allows large
volumes of data to be send back to the CIM client in 'chunks' as they
are generated, rather than waiting until all the results are available and
then sending back as one huge HTTP response. This feature obviously requires
chunking support by the CIM client.

To minimize runtime resource consumption, sfcb allows providers for multiple
CIM classes to be grouped and run under a single process, as well as the
automatic loading and unloading of idle providers according to 
user-configurable parameters.

sfcb includes a default static instance repository provider that
allows the reading and writing of raw instance data for classes without
their own explicit CIM provider. This code is not yet extensively tested.

sfcb is part of the Standards Based Linux Instrumentation for Manageability
(SBLIM) Project hosted by SourceForge. The project home page can be found at:

Please go the the SBLIM Project home page for more information about sfcb
and/or SBLIM, including design and architecture documents, sample providers,
test files, CIM client programs, etc.

What isn't sfcb
Currently sfcb does not support some of the CIM class operations, 
specifically adding and removing new CIM classes dynamically. Instead,
classes are added/removed/modified offline and require restarting the sfcb
daemon for the changes to take effect. However, there is nothing inherent
in the design of sfcb preventing more sophisticated class module from being
implemented, although probably at the expense of a larger footprint.

sfcb only supports the Open Group standard CMPI provider interface. Several 
CMPI providers covering commonly needed system management resources are 
available from the SBLIM Project.

sfcb does not implement any sophisticated client authorization
support at this time. Instead, this functionality can be added
via writing specical purpose external SBLIM providers. There is a sample
authorization SBLIM provider available from the SBLIM Project home page. 

sfcb does include support for basic authentication (which requires writing
a custom authentication library) and authentication based on client 
certificates which can be combined with basic authentication. See 
21. for details.

2. Pre-requisites
sfcb can either be built from a tarball downloaded from the SBLIM download area
or by extracting the sources from the CVS repository.

When building sfcb from a tarball, the only requisite is that curl-devel is installed 
(see below).
In fact even this can be avoided if the package is configured with indication disabled.

Building sfcb from sources extracted from CVS  requires that the following packages 
are already installed on your Linux/Unix system:

	automake >= 1.8
	autoconf >= 2.5.8
	libtool >= 1.5.8
	bison >= 1.85
	curl >= 7.11.1-1
	curl-devel >= 7.11.1-1

If you want to enable SSL support, the following packages are needed as well:

	openssl > 0.9.7
	openssl-devel > 0.9.7

To check if a package is installed and to determine its version type

	rpm -q <packagename>
If you want to enable SLP support, the following package is needed as well:
	openslp (available from

Make sure all the required packages are installed prior to attempting
to build sfcb or any of the supporting packages. You may need to
install a more recent version than what is on your system.  Missing or
outdated packages will result in a variety of build problems.

3. Quick Install Instructions
Note: the quick install supports you in setting up an environment including
providers and additional support programs. If you are interested only in 
sfcb refer to the instructions in section 5.

The sfcb package includes an install script to download (via CVS), build and
install sfcb and all its supporting packages. To download the sfcb package
and run the install script:

	cvs -z3 co -P sfcb
	cd sfcb

You will be prompted for various install options, as well as the root password
when it is needed for system operations that require root access. Most of the
time the default options should work. By default sfcb will download its source
files and supporting packages to $PWD/sfcb/ in the current working directory
and install itself under /usr/local/

4. Change History

See NEWS file of the sfcb package

5. Downloading sfcb and mofc Source

Option 1:

You can download and extract the tarball containing both sfcb and mofc
ready to build:

and click on the sblim-sfcb package to download.  Then unpack: 

	tar jxf sblim-sfcb-x.y.z.tar.bz2

You are now ready to build sfcb and mofc (see Section 6 below).

Option 2:

To download the latest (unsupported) version of sfcb from CVS source:

	cvs -z3 co -P sfcb

You must also download the required mofc (MOF compiler) package INTO
the sfcb source directory:

	cd sfcb
	cvs -z3 co -P mofc

Then run autoconfiscate to setup the autoconf files.  From the sfcb directory:


You are now ready to build sfcb and mofc (see Section 6 below).

6. Building sfcb and mofc
sfcb and its supporting packages have been 'autoconfiscated' to simplify
building and installing them on different Linux/Unix systems. In most cases
the autoconf scripts will determine the correct build/compile options for
your system.

After downloading the sfcb and mofc, either from CVS or tarball, build the
packages by:


And as root:

        make install
        make postinstall

NOTE: By default, sfcb is installed with a prefix of /usr/local, which is
acceptable for local installation. If sfcb is installed via RPM, the
files will be in the "standard" locations, so that any occurence of a file
name starting with /usr/local must be replaced according to the rules below:

/usr/local/etc/* -> /etc/*
/usr/local/var/* -> /var/*
/usr/local/* -> /usr/*

7. Trimming sfcb and mofc binary
If you wish to reduce the footprint of sfcb and it supporting libraries to
a bare minimum then run the following commands after building and installing
sfcb and mofc

	strip /usr/local/sbin/sfcbd
	strip /usr/local/lib/libsfc*.so.0.*
	strip /usr/local/bin/sfcbmof

It is recommended that you do this after you have confirmed that sfcb is
installed and working correctly because stripping the binaries will remove
useful debugging information should problems arise. However, stripping the
binaries and libs will significantly reduce their size.

You can use the footprinting utility to evaluate the resource usage of sfcb.

First you must download the utility from
Place that script anywhere in your path, or in the sfcb CVS directory, and ensure that it is

Then build and start sfcb as described in sections 6 and 10 

Lastly, run the footprint utility as root:

		make footprint

The resulting report will describe the resource usage. You may then try different build
options and rerun the utility to evaluate their affect. The README.sfcb-shrink file 
gives some guidance and tips for further reducing the footprint.
8. Build Options
There are several build options you can set to customize building sfcb,
such as what optional support to include or remove for a smaller footprint.
These options are set on the ./configure command line; e.g.

	./configure --enable-ssl

		Disable debug/trace message logging. Default=no
		Enable HTTPS (ie HTTP+SSL) support. Default=no

		Enable server-side JDBC support (experimental). Default=no

		Disable indication support. Default=no (ie enable indications)
		Enable slp support. Default=no
		Disable support for qualifier operations (Get-,Set-,Delete-,
		EnumerateQualifiers). Default=no

                Disable generation of default instance properties for SFCB.

                Enable enumeration call optimization for polymorphic 
		invocations. This option can result in less provider invocations
		but may break providers expecting to be called for leaf classes
		only (and then multiple times). Default=no

                Enable building a basic authentication module based on PAM.

                Enable IPv6 address support.  This does not disable connections
		on IPv4 addresses.

                SFCB will only support local connection. Http server will not 
                be built. Default=no

                Enables the test suite with the listed tests. If no tests are
                listed, all tests are enabled.
                Valid tests are "commands,unit,xml,wbemcli,gcov,slp,providers"

                Enables UDS authentication for the http server.
                This option may require the GNU_SOURCE compiler flag if
                building under glibc 2.8+. (CFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE ./configure)

9. Downloading the CIM Schema
When building sfcb and mofc, running the 'make postinstall' step will
download and install the standardized DMTF CIM Schema from
The CIM Schema contains all the class definitions for the CIM object
hierarchy used by sfcb. Without the base CIM Schema sfcb will be unable to
register providers and their implemented classes.

The CIM Schema can be re-installed at any time by running 

        su -c 'make install-cimschema'

or equivalently

        /usr/local/share/sfcb/ -f

This script uses curl to download the schema. Should this script fail for
any reason please go to '' and manually
download the latest CIM Schema tarball and extract the schema fileset to

Again, there are a few possibilities to influence the way the schema is
installed. The following variables can be passed to the configure command:

CIMSCHEMA_SOURCE	URL or path name of CIM Schema Zipfile
CIMSCHEMA_MOF		File name of the top level MOF file
CIMSCHEMA_SUBDIRS	If specified, the ZIP file subdirectory structure
			is preserved.
If CIMSCHEMA_SOURCE points to a local file, curl is not required.
Alternatevily, these environment variables may be set before invoking

10. Starting and Stopping sfcb
sfcb installs an init.d style script under /usr/local/etc/init.d/ to allow
you to start, stop and restart the sfcb daemon. 

To start up sfcb you must first become root and then type

	/usr/local/etc/init.d/sfcb start

To stop sfcb you must first become root and then type

        /usr/local/etc/init.d/sfcb stop

Alternatively you can manually start the sfcd daemon as root by


to run it in the foreground. After starting sfcbd in this way you should see
something like

# /usr/local/sbin/sfcbd
--- sfcbd V0.9.0 started - 31805
--- Using /usr/local/etc/sfcb/sfcb.cfg
--- SSL not configured
--- User authentication disabled
--- Max provider procs: 32
--- initSocketPairs: 80
--- Max Http procs: 8
--- sfcbd HTTP  Daemon V0.9.0 started - 31806 - port 5988
--- Keep-alive timeout disabled
--- ClassProvider for /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/registration/repository/root/cimv2 (no-version) using 481237 bytes
--- ClassProvider for /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/registration/repository/root/interop (no-version) using 49507 bytes

with three running processes associated with sfcb. e.g.

	# ps -ef
	root     31805 31392  0 20:54 pts/3    00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/sfcbd
	root     31806 31805  0 20:54 pts/3    00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/sfcbd
	root     31807 31805  0 20:54 pts/3    00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/sfcbd

which correspond to the main  sfcbd process itself (pid 31805), the HTTP codec
(pid 31806) and the class provider (pid 31807). Hit CTRL-C at any time to stop 
sfcb and all its associated processes. In rare cases sfcb might hang and/or not 
shutdown cleanly. Please report this as a bug and include how to reproduce the 
problem. Should this ever happen you can 'kill' sfcbd and all associated 
processes by

	killall -9 sfcbd

This should be done as a last resort - always try a clean shutdown first. 
To stop and restart sfcbd type

	/usr/local/etc/init.d/sfcb restart

11. Command Line Options
sfcb has a few commandline options that enable/disable particular runtime
features. They are

	sfcbd [-t N|?] [-d] [-v] [-h] [-k] [-s] [-c FILE] [-l LOGLEVEL] 

	-t, --trace-components<N|?>
		Activate component-level tracing messages, where N is a
		OR-ed bitmask integer defining which component to trace.
		Specifying "-t ?" which list all the components and their
		associated integer bitmask. They are

		providerMgr		     1 (0x00001)
		providerDrv		     2 (0x00002)
		cimxmlProc		     4 (0x00004)
		httpDaemon		     8 (0x00008)
		upCalls			    16 (0x00010)
		encCalls		    32 (0x00020)
		ProviderInstMgr		    64 (0x00040)
		providerAssocMgr	   128 (0x00080)
		providers		   256 (0x00100)
		indProvider		   512 (0x00200)
		internalProvider	  1024 (0x00400)
		objectImpl		  2048 (0x00800)
		xmlIn			  4096 (0x01000)
		xmlOut			  8192 (0x02000)
		sockets			 16384 (0x04000)
		memoryMgr		 32768 (0x08000)
		msgQueue		 65536 (0x10000)
		xmlParsing		131072 (0x20000)
		responseTiming		262144 (0x40000)

		A useful one to try that reveals the internal workings of
		sfcbd when processing a CIM request (but also does not
		generate too many messages) is "-tm 2019".

	-d, --daemon	
		Run sfcbd (and child processes) in the background.  

	-v, --version	
		Prints version information and exits.

	-h, --help
		Displays usage infomration and exits.

	-k, --color-trace
		Prints trace output in a different color per process for easier
		debugging.  Not recommended when redirecting output to a file.

	-s, --collect-stats	
		Turn on runtime statistics collecting. If enabled then
		various sfcbd runtime statistics will be written to ./sfcbStat
		Default is no statistics are collected.

	-c, --config-file=<FILE>
		Specify an alternative configuration file (see Section 12).

    -l, --syslog-level=<LOGLEVEL>
         specify the level for syslog. LOGLEVEL can be LOG_INFO, 
         LOG_DEBUG, or LOG_ERR. LOG_ERR is the default


12. Runtime Configuration Options
After starting up, sfcb will read runtime configuration options from the
file /usr/local/etc/sfcb/sfcb.cfg. For example:

	httpPort:       5988
	enableHttp:     true
	httpProcs:      8
	httpsPort:      5989
	enableHttps:    false
	httpsProcs:     8
	provProcs:      32
    maxMsgLen:      10000000
	doBasicAuth:    false
	basicAuthLib:   sfcBasicAuthentication
	useChunking:    true
	keepaliveTimeout: 0
	keepaliveMaxRequest: 10
	sslKeyFilePath: /usr/local/etc/sfcb/file.pem
	sslCertificateFilePath: /usr/local/etc/sfcb/server.pem
	registrationDir: /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/registration
	providerDirs: /usr/local/lib/sfcb /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/cmpi

Config Option Descriptions
	Local port that sfcbd should listen to receive HTTP (i.e. insecure)
	requests from CIM clients. Default=5988

	sfcb should/not accept HTTP client connections. Default=true.

	Maximum number of simultaneous HTTP client connections before
	blocking new incoming HTTP requests. Default=8

	Local port that sfcbd should listen to receive HTTPS (i.e. secure)
	requests from CIM clients. Default=5989

	sfcb should/not accept HTTPS client connections. Default=false.

	sfcb should only allow HTTP connections from local interface
        ( or ::1).  Default=false
	Maximum number of simultaneous HTTPS client connections before
	blocking new incoming HTTPS requests. Default=8

	Maximum number of simultaneous provider processes. After this
	point if a new incoming request requires loading a new provider,
	then one of the existing providers will first be automatically
        unloaded. Default=32 

    Maximum size in bytes of received messages. Messages larger than
    this size will be rejected.

	Perform basic authentication on the client userid (obtained from the
	HTTP/HTTPS header) before allowing the request. Default=false
	(i.e. no client authentication performed).

	Name of the local library to call to authenticate the client userid.

	Tell sfcbd to use HTTP/HTTPS 'chunking' to return large volumes of
	response data to the client in 'chunks', rather than buffering the 
	data and sending it back all at once.
        sfcb should/not advertise wbem services with the DA

	timeinterval in seconds in which the slp process refreshes information

        Specify the maximum time in seconds an sfcb HTTP process will wait
        between two requests on one connection before terminating. Setting 
        it to 0 will disable HTTP keep-alive. Default=15
	Specify the maximum number of consecutive request on one connection.
	Setting it to 0 will effectively disable HTTP keep-alive. Default=10

	Specify the name of the file containing the private key for the
	server's certificate. The file must be in PEM format and may not
	be passphrase-protected. This file is only required if enableHttps is
	set to true. Default=/usr/local/etc/sfcb/file.pem
	Specify the name of the file containing the server's certificate. 
	The file must be in PEM format. This file is only required if 
	enableHttps is set to true. Default=/usr/local/etc/sfcb/server.pem

	Specify the registration directory, which contains the provider
	registration data, the staging area and the static repository.

	A space separated list of directories where sfcb is looking for provider
	libraries. Default=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/cmpi

	The interval in seconds at which the provider manager is checking for
        idle providers. Default: 30

	The interval in seconds before an idle provider gets unloaded by the
	provider manager. Default: 60

	If set to true, all providers residing in the same shared library will
	be executed in the same process unless another group has been specified
  	in the provider registration file. Default: true

    Specify the name of the library to use to determine the SLP hostname. This
    will override the default method. You must implement this library based 
    on the sample provided, sfcSlpHostname.c. You must also specify the 
    --enable-slp-hostname-lib configure option to enable this support.

	Specify the way sfcb handles client certificate based authentication. If set to
	ignore it will not request a certificate from the client. If set to
	accept it will request a certificate from the client but not fail if
	the client doesn't present one. If set to require it will refuse the
	client connection if the client doesn't present a certificate. Default=ignore

	Name of the local library to call for client-certificate based 
	user authentication. Called only if sslClientCertificate is not set 
	to ignore. Default=sfcCertificateAuthentication

	Specify the trace level for sfcb. Can be overriden by setting environment
	variable SFCB_TRACE_LEVEL. Default: 0.

	Specify the trace mask for sfcb. Overrides the command line option
	--trace-components. Default: 0.

	Specify the trace file for sfcb. Can be overriden by setting environment
	variable SFCB_TRACE_FILE. Default: stderr.

After making any changes to sfcb.cfg you must restart sfcb or get it to reload
the config file by typing 

        /usr/local/etc/init.d/sfcb reload

or equivalently

	killall sfcbd -HUP

13. Environment Variables
In addition to the sfcbd command line options and configuration file, several
environment variables can also be set which directly or indirectly affect the
runtime behavior of sfcb. Environment variables affecting sfcb and/or its 
SBLIM providers include:

	Path to the sfcbd daemon and utilities.

	Path to the sfcb runtime libraries. Note: the path to the SBLIM
	provider libraries is specified in the sfcb configuration file and 
	therefore does not need to be on the global LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 
	However, some of the utilities re-use sfcbd libraries, hence this
	needs to be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the utilities to work.
	Alternatively, you can add this path to the system-wide dynamic
	linker/loader config file /etc/

	Specifies the name of the SBLIM provider to pause after first
	being loaded to facilitate attaching a runtime debugger to the
	provider's process for debugging purposes.
	See Section 23 below for more details on debugging providers.
	Specifies the name of the sfcb codec (currently only "http") to pause
	after first being started to facilitate attaching a runtime debugger
	to the process.
        See Section 16 below for more details on debugging sfcb.

	(duplicate of SFCB_PAUSE_CODEC=http? remove?)

        Specifies the level of trace/debug messages for sfcb.
        Valid values are 0 (no trace messages), or 1 (key trace messages only)
	to 4 (all messages). If not set, a default trace level of 1 will be
	assumed for tracing.
	Note: SFCB_TRACE level is used in conjunction
	with sfcb's component-level tracing (see Section 11) to control the
	level of detail of trace messages to display within each component. 

        By default sfcb trace messages are written to STDERR.
        Setting this envorinment variable causes the trace messages to be
        written to a file instead.

	If set this environment variable enables trap interrupts on x86
	platforms to be generated by sfcb in special situations.
	[Note: not currently ever used]
	Specifies the level of trace/debug messages for SBLIM providers.
	Valid values are 0 (no trace messages), or 1 (key trace messages only)
	to 4 (all messages).
	Note: this only applies to SBLIM providers written with explicit trace
	messages in their source code.

14. Installing CMPI Providers
As mentioned, sfcb supports CMPI providers. In order to install a CMPI provider
for sfcb, it is necessary to make sure that the provider shared library
is copied into one of the directories specified by the providerDirs config option
and that the provider is properly registered using the sfcbstage and sfcbrepos
commands as described in 17. and 18.
Ideally the provider package is enabled for sfcb, so that a make install and/or
make postinstall will care for the proper registration. For instance most
of the SBLIM providers are prepared for sfcb. See 22. below.

15. Testing sfcb with wbemcat and xmltest
sfcb includes two utility programs (actually scripts) that are useful for 
running tests against sfcb and its providers, called wbemcat and 

wbemcat is a utility that will send raw CIM-XML data via the http protocol
to the sfcb CIMOM (or any CIMOM for that matter) listening on the well-known
port 5988 on the specified host (by default localhost), and display the
returned results. The sfcb package include a ./test
subdirectory contain some simple CIM client commands written in CIM-XML.
These CIM requests can be sent to sfcb using the wbemcat utility to display
the results. eg

#  ls -1 test/*.xml

The first test file above contains the CIM-XML representation of the standard
EnumerateClasses CIM client request.

# cat test/enumerateclasses.ALL.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <IMETHODCALL NAME="EnumerateClasses">
          <NAMESPACE NAME="root"/>
          <NAMESPACE NAME="cimv2"/>
        <IPARAMVALUE NAME="ClassName">
          <CLASSNAME NAME=""/>
        <IPARAMVALUE NAME="DeepInheritance">
        <IPARAMVALUE NAME="LocalOnly">
        <IPARAMVALUE NAME="IncludeQualifiers">
        <IPARAMVALUE NAME="IncludeClassOrigin">

Sending this request to the sfcb CIMOM will return the list of all supported
classes for which there is a registered provider

[bestorga@bestorga sfcb]$ wbemcat test/enumerateclasses.ALL.xml | more
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: 54862
Cache-Control: no-cache
CIMOperation: MethodResponse
Connection: close
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CLASS NAME="CIM_Directory" SUPERCLASS="CIM_LogicalFile">
<PROPERTY NAME="InUseCount" TYPE="uint64">
<PROPERTY NAME="EncryptionMethod" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="CompressionMethod" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="Executable" TYPE="boolean">
<PROPERTY NAME="Writeable" TYPE="boolean">
<PROPERTY NAME="Readable" TYPE="boolean">
<PROPERTY NAME="LastAccessed" TYPE="datetime">
<PROPERTY NAME="LastModified" TYPE="datetime">
<PROPERTY NAME="CreationDate" TYPE="datetime">
<PROPERTY NAME="FileSize" TYPE="uint64">
<PROPERTY NAME="Name" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="CreationClassName" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="FSName" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="FSCreationClassName" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="CSName" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="CSCreationClassName" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="Status" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY.ARRAY NAME="StatusDescriptions" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY.ARRAY NAME="OperationalStatus" TYPE="uint16">
<PROPERTY NAME="InstallDate" TYPE="datetime">
<PROPERTY NAME="Caption" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="Description" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="ElementName" TYPE="string">

The classes listed above will vary depending on what providers are
installed on your system.

For testing against a host with an IPv6 address, substitute the wbemcat6
utility for wbemcat.

The second utility program called xmltest is another script that is also
used to send a raw CIM-XML test file to the sfcb CIMOM (using wbemcat) and
then compares the returned CIM-XML results against a previously determined
'OK' result file to check whether the returned results match the expected
results. If there does not yet exist an 'OK' corresponding to the XML file
then xmltest will save the returned results as the new OK file for later
use. eg

# xmltest test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml
Running test test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml ... OK
        Saving response as test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.OK

# xmltest test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml
Running test test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml ... Passed

The xmltest script is used extensively for testing sfcb (or other CIMOMs)
using simple CIm-XML test data files, and thereby avoiding any potential
errors introduced by a more sophisticated CIM client.

In addition to wbemcat and xmltest - which can be considered very
rudimentary CIM clients, the SBLIM project includes a more fully-fledged
command-line CIM client called wbemcli. wbemcli is installed as part of the
automated sfcb install process when using, otherwise you will
have to downlaod and install the wbemcli package from the SBLIM website.
See Section 24 below for more information about wbemcli.

Also there are providers included under test/TestProviders along with the 
relevant test cases to test SFCB functionality. The configuration option 
--enable-tests has an option 'providers' to enable the providers and its 
testcases. The same xmltest script is used for execution of the test cases.

16. Debugging sfcb
If you suspect an error is occuring in the sfcb the first step is probably
to enable the built-in trace messages to see in detail what is happening
inside the CIMOM. First you must make sure that sfcb has been compiled with
debug enabled (see Section 8) and then restart the sfcbd daemon with
the appropriate component trace bit-mask (see Section 11) and trace level
(see Section 13) to isolate where things are going wrong.

If this is insufficient, then you may wish to attach a runtime debugger to
the sfcbd and/or child processes. The pid of the main sfcb broker process,
http codec process, and class provider process is displayed on stdout when
you start sfcbd from the command line (see Section 10). If you need to 
attach a debugger to the http codec process immediately that it is started by
the main sfcb broker, then sent the environment variable 

	export SFCB_PAUSE_CODEC=http

before starting sfcbd. It will then display the http codec pid when the child
process is spawned and enter an pause loop to allow you to attach to the 
process from the debugger. One attached, do the following to exit this pause
loop and so be able to debug the normal execution of this process:

	1. set a breakpoint at the sleep(5) statement 2006 in providerDrv.c
	2. set the next instruction to the first statement after the
	   sleep loop (2009).
	3. set any other breakpoint that you desire for debugging and continue

The following is the relevant code from providerDrv.c

2932          if (once && debugMode && parms->req->operation != OPS_LoadProvider) for (;;) {
2933             fprintf(stdout,"-#- Pausing for provider: %s -pid: %d\n",name,currentProc);
2934             once=0;
2935             sleep(5);
2936          }
2938          if (parms->req->operation == OPS_LoadProvider || debugMode) {
2939             processProviderInvocationRequestsThread(parms);
2940          }
2941          else {
2942             pthread_create(&t, &tattr, (void *(*)(void *))
2943                 processProviderInvocationRequestsThread, (void *) parms);
2944          }
[How pause class provider to attach debugger?]

If the error(s) are determined to be in the SBLIM provider library, not the
sfcb itself, then you should enabled provider debug messages using the
SBLIM_TRACE environment variable and/or try attaching a runtime debugger to
the provider's process and set appropriate breakpoints. See Section 23 below
for more information about debugging providers.   

17. Class Repository
sfcb stores information about the CIM classes implemented by all its
installed providers in the class repository. This consists of the
directory tree comprised of the CIM namespace components. Typically the
CIM namespaces known to a CIMOM are "root/cimv2" and "root/interop", which
respectively translate to the class repository directory paths


Note: CIM namespaces are automatically converted to lowercase letters 
when looking for the corresponding directory tree under

Each namespace leaf directory contains a single file called "classSchemas"
that contains a compiled binary representation of *all* the CIM classes
registered under that namespace (aside: this file is generated by sfcbmof
from the class definition files in the staging area when sfcbrepos is run).
In addition to the actual CIM classes defined in the providers mofs, 
the classSchemas file also contain necessary information about any of their
CIM superclasses (hence the need to install the DMTF CIM Schema!).

In addition each namespace leaf directory may contain a file called
"qualifiers", containing all qualifiers for the namespace.

When sfcbd first starts up the internal class provider will scan the
directory /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/registration/repository/ and all its subdirs
to determine the registered namespaces, and then for each namespace decode the
classSchema's to build the class hierarchy. 

18. Adding New Classes
As described earlier, sfcb does not support CIM class operations for
dynamically adding, removing or modifying CIM classes. Instead, classes must
be added, modified or removed in an offline fashion and then the sfcb
restarted to register the changes. 

sfcb uses a 'staging area' to store providers class and registration
information, specifically /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage. Adding a new
provider and its implemented classes consists of copying the provider class
definition(s) files - called 'mofs' - to the staging area's ./mof
subdirectory, and copying a registration file containing the name of the
class(es), type of provider (instance, association, etc) and
the name of the executable library file to the ./regs subdirectory.
Note that subdirectories under the staging area's ./mofs designate namespaces
in the same way described in the preceding section about the class repository.
There are two default mof files in the staging directory, indication.mof
(if indication support is enabled) and interop.mof as can be seen below.
MOF files residing in the root stage mof directory (e.g.
/usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/mofs) will be compiled into each namespace
when invoking sfcbrepos. This is useful if you want to have a set of default
classes in each namespace (as it happens with the indication classes).
The interop.mof is located in the interop namespace directory and will
only be compiled into the interop namespace.
The layout may look like the following example:

# ls /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage
default.reg  mofs  regs

# ls /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/mofs
indication.mof  root

# ls /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/mofs/root
cimv2 interop

# ls /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/mofs/root/cimv2
CWS_Authorization.mof     Linux_Base.mof              TST_MethodProperties.mof
CWS_FAD.mof               TST_InstanceDefaults.mof    TST_ProcessIndication.mof
CWS_Instance.mof          TST_InstanceKeys.mof        TST_Reef.mof
CWS_Process.mof           TST_InstanceProperties.mof
Linux_BaseIndication.mof  TST_LifeCycleInstance.mof

# ls /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/mofs/root/interop

# ls /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/regs
CWS_Authorization.reg  Linux_BaseIndication.reg     TST_ProcessIndication.reg
CWS_FAD.reg            TST_InstanceTest.reg         TST_Reef.reg
CWS_Instance.reg       TST_LifeCycleIndication.reg
CWS_Process.reg        TST_MethodTest.reg

# cat /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/stage/regs/CWS_FAD.reg
   provider: CWS_DirectoryProvider
   location: CWS_Directory
   type: instance
   namespace: root/cimv2
   provider: CWS_PlainFileProvider
   location: CWS_PlainFile
   type: instance method
   namespace: root/cimv2
   provider: CWS_DirectoryContainsFileProvider
   location: CWS_DirectoryContainsFile
   type: association
   namespace: root/cimv2

The mof files copied into the staging area are identical to DMTF class
definition mofs - merely copy the mof file(s) that should always be included
with a provider to the ./mof subdirectory structure.

sfcb uses a custom provider registration file for each provider that must
typically be created by hand for new providers (Note: all SBLIM providers
in the SBLIM website already include an generic registration file that is 
used to auto-generate the necessary .reg file for sfcb).

The format of the sfcb registration file is

   provider: <provide-name>
   location: <library-name>
   type: [instance] [association] [method] [indication]
   group: <group-name>
   unload: never
   namespace: <namespace-for-class> ...
   user: <username>


	The CIM class name (required)

	The CMPI provider name (required)

	The name of the provider library (required)

	The type of the provider (required). This can be any combination of:
	instance, association, method or indication.

	This enables multiple providers to be grouped together and run under
	a single process to futher minimize runtime footprint. All providers
	registered under the same <group-name> will execute in the same
	provider process. This is optional - by default each provider will be
	run as a separate process.

	This defines the unload policy for this provider. Currently the
	only supported option is "never", which specifies that the provider
	will not be subjected to idle time monitoring and never unloaded.
	This is optional - by default each provider will be unloaded when its
	idle times exceeds that specified in the config file (see Section 12).

	List of namespaces for which this provider can execute.	This is
	required, although for most providers this will be "root/cimv2".

    The username to run the provider process under. This is optional.
    If specified, the provider will have its uid set to match the given 
    username. If not specified, the default user will be used based on the 
    settings within the sfcb.cfg file. All providers within a provider group
    must use the same username. 

Once all the class defintions and provider registration files are stored in
the staging aread, running the command

	/usr/local/bin/sfcbrepos -f

will rebuild the sfcb class repository from all the files. In this manner
classes can be added, removed or modified. After rebuilding
the class repository restart sfcb to get it to register the changes, by

        /usr/local/etc/init.d/sfcb restart
        killall -1 sfcbd

Alternatively, the sfcb package contains a utility script that can be used
to copy a provider's class mofs and registration file to the correct locations
in the staging area.

	/usr/local/bin/sfcbstage -r [provider.reg] [class1.mof] [class2.mof] ...

after which you must still rebuild the class repository and restart sfcb as

19. Indications
Indications are enabled via the configure script. They are enabled by default.
For indication providers, it is possible and necessary  to register the same
classname for different providers. A sample providerRegister file could look
like this:

   provider: SAM_DeviceProvider
   location: SAM_Device
   type: indication
   namespace: root/cimv2
   provider: OSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   location: cmpiOSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   type: indication
   namespace: root/cimv2

   provider: OSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   location: cmpiOSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   type: instance
   namespace: root/cimv2

Now you would create a handler, a filter and a subscription instance. Sample
xml files for this can be found in the SBLIM cmpi-base package in the directory
For the example above a query property of the filter could look like this:
"SELECT * FROM CIM_InstModification WHERE SourceInstance ISA
Now all providers registered for CIM_InstModification and located in the
namespace as specified by the SourceNamespace property of the filter are
You do not have to separate the indication and instance provider. An
implementation like the following is perfectly ok:

   provider: OSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   location: cmpiOSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   type: indication instance
   namespace: root/cimv2

   provider: OSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   location: cmpiOSBase_OperatingSystemProvider
   type: indication instance
   namespace: root/cimv2

20. Alternative Class Providers
As the class repository is implemented via a provider, it can easily be
replaced by registerening an alternative provider in providerRegister.
sfcb comes with three different class providers:

The default class provider: it loads all the classSchema file from the
repository tree in memory. It's fast but can consume a lot of memory with
larger schemas. At present it's the only class provider allowing to add,
modify and delete classes while sfcb is running.

The compressing and caching class provider: it only holds a last recently
used classes in a cache and will reload classes from the filesystem repository
as needed. It is also capable to handle classSchema files compressed via
gzip. It requires libgz to operate. This provider doesn't support add,
modify and delete.

This is a special purpose provider which allows to compile the schema into
the provider. In consequence, no repository is needed on the file system.
In order to use it in a meaningful way it is necessary to produce C source
files containing the schema information, add those to the set of sources
for the class provider and rebuild it. The default implementation of 
sfcClassProviderMem comes with a prebuilt root/interop namespace.
This provider doesn't support add, modify and delete.

Instructions for adding namespaces to sfcClassProviderMem

Build and install sfcb as usual. Then build and install the providers, 
including the post-install steps required to build the repository.
Next, create a C source file from the class schema files in all the
namespaces you want to include into the class provider.
For this purpose, there's a program called classSchema2c, which you should
invoke like this (for a namespace "xyz"):

classSchema2c /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/registration/repository/root/xyz xyz \
  > xyz_classSchema.c

This produces a file xyz_classSchema.c (by default, sfcb is shipped with
a interop_classSchema.c) which needs to be compiled and linked with 
the class provider library. In order to do this, spot the line in
starting with sfcClassProviderMem_la_SOURCES and append this file's name to 
list of source files. I.e., change 

libsfcClassProviderMem_la_SOURCES = \
   classProviderMem.c classSchemaMem.c interop_classSchema.c


libsfcClassProviderMem_la_SOURCES = \
   classProviderMem.c classSchemaMem.c interop_classSchema.c xyz_classSchema.c

There's one step left to do: you must edit the file classSchemaMem.c and add
a reference to the data structures in xyz_classSchemas.c to it. I.e., add

extern ClassSchema xyz_classes;

after the other extern ClassSchema statements, and add the line

  { "xyz", &xyz_classes },

before the line containing 

  { NULL, NULL }

That may sound complicated, just have a look at the file and you'll understand
what to do.

HINT: Before using sfcClassProviderMem you should verify that providers and
schema work with the default class provider.

Cross-Build Support for sfcClassProviderMem

When cross-compiling sfcb for another platform the endianness, alignment
and padding of the structures in the generated source file might not be
correct. The option -X can be used to specify the cross-compilation target.
Currently it is possible to produde compilable class schema files for
big-endian 32-bit platforms on an i386 based host, by invoking classSchema.c
like this:

classSchema2c -X P32 /usr/local/var/lib/sfcb/registration/repository/root/xyz xyz \
  > xyz_classSchema.c

This has been tested for the following platforms:
s390 (31-bit)
ppc (32-bit)

21. Authentication Support
sfcb can be configured to support HTTP basic authentication and authentication
based on client certificates (for HTTP over SSL connections).

Basic authentication is enabled by specifying doBasicAuth=true in the
sfcb configuration file. With basic authentication enabled, the HTTP adapter
will load the shared library specifed via the basicAuthLib configuration
property and call the function _sfcBasicAuthenticate with user id and password
from the HTTP header in order to authenticate the client request.
The default implementation in is always failing
the authentication request. Users of sfcb are encouraged to write their
own basic authentication support.

For systems supporting the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) approach
there's a basic authentication library called
This library will be built when the configure script is invoked with

Client certificate based authentication is available if SSL support for sfcb
is enabled (via ./configure --enable-ssl). If the clientCertificate 
configuration property is set to "accept" or "require" the sfcb HTTP adapter 
will request a certificate from clients connecting via HTTP over SSL (HTTPS).
If "require" was specified, the client MUST present a valid certificate
according to the client trust store specified via sslClientTrustStore.
If the client fails to do so, the connection will be rejected.

The case clientCertificate=accept is perhaps less obvious but useful 
in the case where both basic and client certificate authentication are 
configured. If the client is able to present a trusted certificate, the
HTTP adapter will load the shared library specifed via the 
certificateAuthLib configuration property and call the function
_sfcCertificateAuthenticate with the certificate. The function can now
check this certificate and map it to a principal (=user id), in which
case the basic authentication procedure will not be executed.
If this function cannot determine the certificate to principal mapping, the
HTTP basic authentication will take place.

The default implementation of in libsfcCertificateAuthentication is fairly
useful already, as it maintains a list of certificate/principal pairs in
shared memory. This list is automatically updated if a client can both
supply a trusted certificate AND succesfully authenticate via HTTP basic
authentication. In the case of special requirements, it is necessary to
implement a custom certificate authentication library.

22. Installing Existing SBLIM Providers
The cmpi-base SBLIM provider package - which is installed by default when you
install sfcbd from CVS using the script - implements the
following commonly used system management CIM classes:


All SBLIM providers are autoconf'ed and therefore it is just a matter of
downloading the provider source tarball (or obtaining the provider source
files from CVS) and then running

	su -c 'make install'
	su -c 'make postinstall'

Other SBLIM providers are installed in the same manner, however please check
their README file for any special installation instructions.

When you install the cmpi-base package it will detect that you are running
the sfcb and automatically copy the necessary files for the sfcb staging area,
rebuild the repository, and if necessary restart the sfcb. You can then start
issuing client requests against the newly added CIM classes.

Please go to the SBLIM Project home page at
for a full list of available SBLIM providers, including a number of test 

23. Debugging SBLIM Providers
Many of the existing SBLIM providers include extensive degub/trace messages
to aid in debugging errors that may occur when running the providers. To
enable debug messages set the environment variable

	export SBLIM_TRACE=[1..4]

See Section 13 for a more detailed description of this variable. If you wish
to save the resulting debug messages to a file, instead of having them printed
to STDERR, then set the environment variable

	export SBLIM_TRACE_FILE=/path/to/file.

After setting either variable you must get all the SBLIM providers to be
reloaded, which is most easily accomplished by restarting sfcb. Unlike the 
similar trace/debug messages found in sfcb itself, SBLIM providers do not 
typically have component-level tracing, hence there is no equivalent 
bit-mask that you can set to restrict debug messages to individual providers.
Enabling SBLIM_TRACE will turn on debugging for all SBLIM providers with
SBLIM_TRACE support.

If the debug messages do not provide adequate information by which to isolate
the problem, it is possible to attach a runtime debugger to the provider
processes and set breakpoints. Along the same lines as attaching a runtime
debugger to the sfcb processes (described in Section 15) to attach
a debugger to a provider process immediately after it is started by
the main sfcb broker, set the environment variable
        export SFCB_PAUSE_PROVIDER=<providername>
before starting sfcbd. sfcb will then display the provider pid when the child
process is spawned and enter a pause loop to allow you to attach to the
process from the debugger. Once attached, do the following to exit the pause
loop and so be able to debug the normal execution of the provider process:

	1. set a breakpoint at the sleep(5) statement at line 2459 in
	   providerDrv.c.and continue.
	2. set the value of the variable debug_break to 1 so that the pause
	   loop will be broken out of when line 2456 is executed.
	3. set any breakpoints you desire in the provider code and continue.

	NOTE: Due to optimization, setting debug_break might not work. In
	      this case sfcb will need to be built without optimizations by
	      adding "CFLAGS=-g" when configuring sfcb.
The following is the relevant code from providerDrv.c

2455          if (once && debugMode && parms->req->operation != OPS_LoadProvider) for (;;) {
2456            if (debug_break) break;
2457             fprintf(stdout,"-#- Pausing for provider: %s -pid: %d\n",name,currentProc);
2458             once=0;      
2459             sleep(5);
2460          }
2462          if (parms->req->operation == OPS_LoadProvider || debugMode) {
2463             processProviderInvocationRequestsThread(parms);
2464          }
2465          else {
2466             pthread_create(&t, &tattr, (void *(*)(void *))
2467                 processProviderInvocationRequestsThread, (void *) parms);
2468          }

24. wbemcli, sfcc and other CIM Clients
The SBLIM Project includes an Open Source command-line CIM client 'wbemcli'
that can be used to send CIM requests to the sfcb and display returned
results. wbemcli is installed by default if you build & install sfcb with the 
included install script. However, if you build & install sfcb by other means
then you will need to download wbemcli separately from the SBLIM Project
home page.

For example, to list all the classes implemented by the various SBLIM
providers registed to sfcb you can use wbemcli to send the "EnumerateClasses"
(ec) CIM client request to sfcb, which then display the returned results. e.g.

	wbemcli -dx ec http://localhost/root/cimv2
You should see an output similar to:

To server: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
From server: Content-Type: application/xml; charset="utf-8"
From server: Content-Length: 54862
From server: Cache-Control: no-cache
From server: CIMOperation: MethodResponse
From server: Connection: close
From server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CLASS NAME="CIM_Directory" SUPERCLASS="CIM_LogicalFile">
<PROPERTY NAME="InUseCount" TYPE="uint64">
<PROPERTY NAME="EncryptionMethod" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="CompressionMethod" TYPE="string">
<PROPERTY NAME="Executable" TYPE="boolean">
<CLASS NAME="CIM_Processor" SUPERCLASS="CIM_LogicalDevice">
<PROPERTY NAME="MaxQuiesceTime" TYPE="uint64">
<PROPERTY.ARRAY NAME="AdditionalAvailability" TYPE="uint16">

The -dx option enables you to see both the actual XML send to sfcb from the
wbemcli clients, as well as all the actual XML received. In the example
above, the first (of many!) classes returned as "CIM_Directory", followed by
"Linux_OSProcess". Similar entries will appear for the other registered
CIM classes.

Ommiting the -dx option causes wbemcli to display only a compact 
representation of the returned data. eg

# wbemcli ec http://localhost/root/cimv2
localhost:5988/root/cimv2:CIM_Directory InUseCount,EncryptionMethod,CompressionMethod,Executable,Writeable,Readable,LastAccessed,LastModified,CreationDate,FileSize,Name,CreationClassName,FSName,FSCreationClassName,CSName,CSCreationClassName,Status,StatusDescriptions,OperationalStatus,InstallDate,Caption,Description,ElementName
localhost:5988/root/cimv2:TST_LifeCycleInstance ElementName,Description,Caption,id
localhost:5988/root/cimv2:Linux_OSProcess GroupComponent,PartComponent

The SBLIM project also include a prototype Small-Footprint CIM Client (sfcc)
that provides a C-based API for client applications to send/receive CIM
client commands to a CIMOM (e.g. sfcb, although any CIMOM compatible with
CIMXML-over-http will also work). Please got the the SBLIM Website for more
information about sfcc.

Other CIM clients, such as CLI from the OpenPegasus project and the
graphical cimbrowser from the SNIA cimom projcet, can also be used to send
and receive CIM client commands to sfcb and browse the hierarchy of CIM
classes supported by its registered providers. Please see the 
approriate home page for these clients for more information. In general,
*any* CIM client that adheres to the CIMXML-over-http standard should work
with sfcbd (except for the unsupported CIM operations mentioned in Section 1). 

The library is loaded by sfcc as the backend 
component for the LOCAL connection. SfcbLocal library uses the Sfcb trace 
logging for debugging. To enable debug logging for this library, applications 
using sfcc will need to define SFCB_TRACE, SFCB_TRACE_MASK and 
SFCB_TRACE_FILE environment variables. See help on traceMask for information

25. SLP Support
Prerequisites for slp support are the openslp library available from and the sfcc library available from our
SBLIM project at

It is possible to build sfcb with support for slp advertisements. Slp advertisements
will be done by the profile provider, if compiled with --enable-slp[=yes]

When configured with --enable-slp[=yes], profile provider will spawn a thread
when it gets loaded. This thread will be responsible for registering and
refreshing the slp advertisement. The following parameters specified in the config file
apply to the slp process as well: enableHttp, enableHttps, httpPort and httpsPort. The
lifetime is configured via the config file as well, see parameter slpRefreshInterval in
section 12. 

One note on the lifetime parameter: An slp registration lasts only a certain amount
of time. This can be configured with the "-l" option (a postive int value, seconds).
How cimslp works is that it registers the CIM service with the specified amount of
time, sleeps for a little less, checks if anything changed and reregisters the
service. If the option is not specified, SLP_LIFETIME_DEFAULT will be used
(see <slp.h>).

For the syntax of the advertised attributes see the WBEM SLP Template available
from the dmtf website at:

If you have a provider registered for a CIM_RegisteredProfile class and you 
would like it to be advertised via slp, ensure that the AdvertiseTypes property
is set to {3}.  Any other state will prevent the profile name from being 
included in the slp advertisement.

26. Files
	Small-footprint CIM broker daemon.

	MOF compiler for sfcb. Generates binary class data from plaintest
	MOF class defintion.

	Copy provider mof and registration files to sfcb staging area.
	Used to add classes to sfcb offline.

	Remove provider mof and registration files from sfcb staging area.
        Used to remove classes to sfcb offline.

	Rebuild sfcb class repository from staging files.

	Contains registration data for all installed providers.

	Contains registration data for all installed providers from
	previous time sfcbrepos was run. This can be used to restore an
	earlier class repository in case sfcbrepos generates a corrupt one.

	Contain class repository directory for all supported CIM namespaces.

        Contain class repository directory for all supported CIM namespaces
	from the previous time sfcbrepos was run. This can be used to restore an
        earlier class repository in case sfcbrepos generates a corrupt one.

	Registration data for the default built-in sfcb internal providers. 

	Dummy classes used to added CIM indication support to the
	default interop namespace.

	Class definitions for all installed providers.

	Registration info for all installed providers.

	Binaries for sfcb runtime libraries.

	Binaries for providers.

	Control script to start/stop/restart sfcbd daemon.

	Default sfcb configuration file.

	Script to generate SSL certificates for https (if enabled).
	SSL server certificate for sfcb

	SSL private key file for sfcb

	Script to download and install CIM schema.

	Class definitions for DMTF CIM schema.

/usr/local/bin/wbemcli (if installed)
	Command-line CIM client.

	Shortcuts for wbemcli operations. e.g.
		wbemgi ...
	is the same as
		wbemcli gi ... [gi=GetInstance]

	CMPI API headers (used to build providers)

27. Support and Reporting Bugs
The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all
questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers.
To subscribe to this mailing list visit

The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at:

Here you will find a list of all known bugs for SFCB (set the Category
field to "sfcb").  You can also report new bugs and request features.
When reporting a bug, please provide a good description and attach any
useful files, such as patches or the XML used to generate the error.

28. Troubleshooting

Problem:  Receive "error while loading shared libraries" on sfcbd startup
Cause:    The location of the sfcb .so files are not in your library path
Solution: Add the location of the sfcb .so files to /etc/ and run 
          ldconfig. By default, they are installed in /usr/local/lib 

Problem:  Can't register providers: sfcbmof not found
Cause:    You are building from CVS and forgot to get mofc
Solution: See Sec. 6 "Building sfcb and mofc" above

Problem:  Can't register new providers; sfcbrepos/sfcbmof fails after upgrading 
          from 1.2.x to 1.3.x
Cause:    Most likely you forgot to get the new version of mofc and an old, 
          incompatible version of sfcbmof was left behind from a previous install.
Solution: Build the latest mofc with sfcb as described in Sec. 6.  If using the
          same install path as before, this will overwrite the old sfcbmof. Make
	  sure to run sfcbrepos or rerun the entire sfcb build process again to 
	  create a new copy of the repository

Problem:  "unsupported object implementation format" error on startup
Cause:    The repository is old or corrupt
Solution: Run sfcbrepos to rebuild the repository

Problem:  "operation on non-socket" error on startup
Cause:    The repository is out-of-date
Solution: Run sfcbrepos to rebuild the repository

Problem:  sfcbrepos does not exist
Cause:    You are building sfcb from CVS and do not have the mof compiler
Solution: Build the latest mofc with sfcb as described in Sec. 6.  Note: you 
          should NOT run configure in the mofc subdirectory; the sfcb configure
	  script will take care of this

Problem:  "Inconsistent provider registration for [provider] (2)" error when
          issuing a CIM request
Cause:    sfcb is expecting the provider to be a type that it is not
Solution: Most likely problem is that "type" is set incorrectly in the
          providerRegister file for the requested provider.