

distrib > CentOS > 5 > i386 > by-pkgid > 997aa69681deec4bb0277ebde59dd3dc > files > 3


# $Id:,v 1.24 2010/11/10 20:30:32 buccella Exp $
## Sample Configuration for Small Footprint CIM Broker
## Format is:
## option: value
## Value may be boolean, numeric, or a string
## Some options take multiple values; each value should be delimited by a space
## Options without explicitly set values will use the default
## Use '#' at the start of a line to comment

##------------------------------------- HTTP ----------------------------------
## Enable HTTP. 
## Default is true. If HTTPS is configured, default is false.
enableHttp:     false

## The HTTP port that SFCB should listen on. 
## Default is 5988
httpPort:       5988

## These settings control what user http is forked under. If
## httpUserSFCB is "true" (the default), http will run under 
## the same user as the SFCB main process. If it is "false" the username 
## specified for httpUser will be used. This setting is used for
## both http and https servers
## httpUser MUST be specified if httpUserSFCB is false.

## Max number of HTTP processes.  
## Default is 8
httpProcs:      8

## Do not allow HTTP request from anywhere except localhost.
## Default is false
#httpLocalOnly: false

## Enable HTTP chunking. This will reduce memory usage of HTTP process.
## Default is true
useChunking:    true

## Size of chunks in bytes. This has an affect even if useChunking is not 
## enabled. Also, sfcb may internally adjust this value if needed.
## Default is 50000
#chunkSize: 50000

## Maximum ContentLength of an HTTP request allowed.
## Default is 100000000
#httpMaxContentLength: 100000000

## Enable basic authentication for HTTP and HTTPS connections
## Default is false
doBasicAuth:    true

## Name of of the authenticaion library. Leave off the ".so"
## Default is: sfcBasicAuthentication
basicAuthLib:   sfcBasicPAMAuthentication

## Maximum time in seconds an sfcb HTTP process will wait between two requests
## on one connection before terminating. 0 will disable HTTP keep-alive.
## Default is 15
#keepaliveTimeout: 15

## Maximum number of consecutive request on one connection. 0 will disable HTTP
## keep-alive. 
## Default is 10
#keepaliveMaxRequest: 10

## The location of the HTTP named socket. This should be someplace writable
## by the user that sfcb runs under.
## Default is /tmp/sfcbHttpSocket
#httpSocketPath: /tmp/sfcbHttpSocket

## The location of the named socket used for LocalConnect requests. This 
## should be someplace writable by the user that sfcbd runs under.
## Default is /tmp/sfcbLocalSocket
#localSocketPath: /tmp/sfcbLocalSocket

## The group name to use to set permission for the named socket. This is
## useful for daemon clients where worker threads are running with permission
## different than the permission for the named socket. For example, sfcb may
## be running as root while a web server using sfcb may be running as daemon.
## Default is NULL which means no change to the default permission.
#socketPathGroupPerm: daemon

##---------------------------- Provider-Related -------------------------------

## Max number of provider processes.  
## Default is 32.
provProcs:      32

## Max message length, in bytes. This is a limit on the size of messages
## written across sockets, for instance, between providers and SFCB.
## Default is 10000000
maxMsgLen:      10000000

## Location of the registration directory, where providerRegister can be found
## Default is /var/lib/sfcb/registration
registrationDir: /var/lib/sfcb/registration

## Locations to look for provider libraries. Delimit paths with a space.
## Default should be /usr/lib/sfcb /usr/lib /usr/lib/cmpi or
## /usr/lib64/sfcb /usr/lib64 /usr/lib64/cmpi (depends on architecture)
#providerDirs: /usr/lib/sfcb /usr/lib /usr/lib/cmpi
#providerDirs: /usr/lib64/sfcb /usr/lib64 /usr/lib64/cmpi

## Enable the root/interop namespace (affects indications)
## Default: true
enableInterOp:  true

## How often a provider is checked for idleness, in seconds.
## Default is 30
#providerSampleInterval: 30

## How long before an idle provider is unloaded. This is the /shortest/ amount
## of time before unload; there is some dependency on providerSampleInterval
## Default is 60
#providerTimeoutInterval: 60

## Group together all providers residing in the same shared library to be in 
## the same process, unless explicitly grouped differently in providerRegister
## Default is true
#providerAutoGroup: true

## For an invokeMethod request, validate method parameter types against what
## is specified in the mof, and return an error on a mismatch. Many providers 
## will do this on their own. Note that if one param type is not set, SFCB will
## do validation and set the correct type, even if this option is disabled.
## Default is false.
#validateMethodParamTypes:  false

## These settings control what user providers are forked under. If
## providerDefaultUserSFCB is "true" (the default), providers will run under 
## the same user as the SFCB main process. If it is "false" the username 
## specified for providerDefaultUser will be used. 
## providerDefaultUser MUST be specified if providerDefaultUserSFCB is false.
## In either case, a user name specified in the providerRegister will override
## these settings.

##--------------------------------- HTTPS -------------------------------------
## These options only apply if configured with --enable-ssl

## Enable HTTPS. 
## Default is false. If HTTPS is configured, default is true.
enableHttps:    true

## The HTTP port that SFCB should listen on for secure connections. 
## Default is 5989
httpsPort:      5989

## Filename containing the private key for the server's certificate. The file 
## must be in PEM format and may not be passphrase-protected. 
## Default is /etc/sfcb/file.pem
sslKeyFilePath: /etc/sfcb/file.pem

## Filename containing the server's certificate. Must be in PEM format.
## Default is /etc/sfcb/server.pem
sslCertificateFilePath: /etc/sfcb/server.pem

## How SFCB handles client certificate based authentication. 
## ignore - do not request a certificate from the client
## accept - request a certificate from the client; do not fail if not presented
## require - refuse the client connection if the client doesn't present a 
##           certificate 
## Default is ignore
sslClientCertificate: ignore

## Location of the trust store. If sslClientCertificate is set to "require", 
## certificate presented must present valid according to the trust store.
## Default: /etc/sfcb/client.pem
sslClientTrustStore: /etc/sfcb/client.pem

## Name of the local library to call for client-certificate based user 
## authentication. 
## Applicable only if sslClientCertificate is not set to "accept" or "require".
## Default is sfcCertificateAuthentication
certificateAuthLib:   sfcCertificateAuthentication

##---------------------------------- UDS --------------------------------------
## These options only apply if configured with --enable-uds

## Enable connections via Unix domain sockets. 
## Default is false
#enableUds:      false

## Enable authentication for Unix domain sockets connections
## Default is true
#doUdsAuth:      true

##------------------------------------- JDBC ----------------------------------
## These options only apply if configured with --enable-jdbc

#dbpPort: 5980
#enableDbp: true
#dbpProcs: 8
#dbpsPort: 5981
#enableDbps: true
#dbpsProcs: 8

##-------------------------------------- SLP -----------------------------------
## These options only apply if configured with --enable-slp

## Enable registration of service:wbem with slp
#enableSlp: true

## Time interval in seconds in which the slp process refreshes information.
## Default is 600
#slpRefreshInterval: 600

## Name of the library that will return the hostname to use in the SLP 
## useful if current system hostname is not valid for advertisment. 
## You probably don't need this. See example, sfcSlpHostname.c.
## Only applies if configured with --enable-slp-hostname-lib.
## Default is sfcSlpHostname
#slpHostnameLib: sfcSlpHostname

##------------------------------------ Trace ----------------------------------

## Location of the trace file.
## Can be overriden by setting environment variable SFCB_TRACE_FILE
## Default is stderr
#traceFile: stderr

## Trace mask as an ORed bitmask. 
## Can be overriden by the command line option -t.  Use "-t ?" for details.
## Default is 0
#traceMask: 0

## Trace level. 
## Can be overriden by setting environment variable SFCB_TRACE_LEVEL. 
## Default is 0. If trace mask is set (by any method) the default is 1.
#traceLevel: 0