

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > media > contrib-backports > by-pkgid > ae0a4f27f26602dc31c3bf35e18b5b19 > files > 429


This demo shows how Chaco and Traits can be used to easily build a data
acquisition and visualization system.

Two frames are opened: one has the plot and allows configuration of
various plot properties, and one which simulates controls for the hardware
device from which the data is being acquired; in this case, it is a mockup
random number generator whose mean and standard deviation can be controlled
by the user.

# Major library imports
import random
import wx
from numpy import arange, array, hstack, random

# Enthought imports
from enthought.traits.api import Array, Bool, Callable, Enum, Float, HasTraits, \
                                 Instance, Int, Trait
from enthought.traits.ui.api import Group, HGroup, Item, View, spring, Handler
from enthought.pyface.timer.api import Timer

# Chaco imports
from enthought.chaco.chaco_plot_editor import ChacoPlotItem

class Viewer(HasTraits):
    """ This class just contains the two data arrays that will be updated
    by the Controller.  The visualization/editor for this class is a 
    Chaco plot.
    index = Array
    data = Array

    plot_type = Enum("line", "scatter")
    # This "view" attribute defines how an instance of this class will
    # be displayed when .edit_traits() is called on it.  (See MyApp.OnInit()
    # below.)
    view = View(ChacoPlotItem("index", "data",
                HGroup(spring, Item("plot_type", style='custom'), spring),
                resizable = True,
                buttons = ["OK"],
                width=800, height=500)

class Controller(HasTraits):
    # A reference to the plot viewer object
    viewer = Instance(Viewer)
    # Some parameters controller the random signal that will be generated
    distribution_type = Enum("normal", "lognormal")
    mean = Float(0.0)
    stddev = Float(1.0)
    # The max number of data points to accumulate and show in the plot
    max_num_points = Int(100)
    # The number of data points we have received; we need to keep track of
    # this in order to generate the correct x axis data series.
    num_ticks = Int(0)
    # private reference to the random number generator.  this syntax
    # just means that self._generator should be initialized to
    # random.normal, which is a random number function, and in the future
    # it can be set to any callable object.
    _generator = Trait(random.normal, Callable)
    view = View(Group('distribution_type', 
                      buttons=["OK", "Cancel"])
    def timer_tick(self, *args):
        """ Callback function that should get called based on a wx timer
        tick.  This will generate a new random datapoint and set it on
        the .data array of our viewer object.
        # Generate a new number and increment the tick count
        new_val = self._generator(self.mean, self.stddev)
        self.num_ticks += 1
        # grab the existing data, truncate it, and append the new point.
        # This isn't the most efficient thing in the world but it works.
        cur_data =
        new_data = hstack((cur_data[-self.max_num_points+1:], [new_val]))
        new_index = arange(self.num_ticks - len(new_data) + 1, self.num_ticks+0.01)
        self.viewer.index = new_index = new_data

    def _distribution_type_changed(self):
        # This listens for a change in the type of distribution to use.
        if self.distribution_type == "normal":
            self._generator = random.normal
            self._generator = random.lognormal
# # Demo class that is used by the application.
# NOTE: The Demo class is being created for the purpose of running this
# example using a TraitsDemo-like app (see examples/demo/ in Traits3). 
# The file looks for a 'demo' or 'popup' or 'modal popup' keyword
# when it executes this file, and displays a view for it.
class DemoHandler(Handler):
    def closed(self, info, is_ok):
        """ Handles a dialog-based user interface being closed by the user.
        Overridden here to stop the timer once the window is destroyed.
class Demo(HasTraits):
    controller = Instance(Controller)
    viewer = Instance(Viewer, ())
    timer = Instance(Timer)
    view = View(Item('controller', style='custom', show_label=False), 
                Item('viewer', style='custom', show_label=False), 
                handler = DemoHandler,
    def edit_traits(self, *args, **kws):        
        # Start up the timer! We should do this only when the demo actually
        # starts and not when the demo object is created.
        self.timer=Timer(100, self.controller.timer_tick)
        return super(Demo, self).edit_traits(*args, **kws)
    def configure_traits(self, *args, **kws):        
        # Start up the timer! We should do this only when the demo actually
        # starts and not when the demo object is created.
        self.timer=Timer(100, self.controller.timer_tick)
        return super(Demo, self).configure_traits(*args, **kws)
    def _controller_default(self):
        return Controller(viewer=self.viewer)

# wxApp used when this file is run from the command line.

class MyApp(wx.PySimpleApp):
    def OnInit(self, *args, **kw):
        viewer = Viewer()
        controller = Controller(viewer = viewer)
        # Pop up the windows for the two objects
        # Set up the timer and start it up
        return True

    def setup_timer(self, controller):
        # Create a new WX timer
        timerId = wx.NewId()
        self.timer = wx.Timer(self, timerId)
        # Register a callback with the timer event
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, controller.timer_tick, id=timerId)
        # Start up the timer!  We have to tell it how many milliseconds
        # to wait between timer events.  For now we will hardcode it
        # to be 100 ms, so we get 10 points per second.
        self.timer.Start(100.0, wx.TIMER_CONTINUOUS)

# This is called when this example is to be run in a standalone mode.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = MyApp()