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<H1><A NAME="SECTION001220000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="4434"></A>
<A NAME="4435"></A>
Steps to Take for Porting


<LI>The first step is to ensure that you have version 2.13 or later  of the
   <B>autoconf</B> tools loaded. You can skip this step, but  making changes to
   the configuration program will be difficult or  impossible. 
<LI>The run a <B>./configure</B> command in the main source directory  and
   examine the output. It should look something like the  following:  

Configuration on Mon Oct 28 11:42:27 CET 2002:
  Host:                        i686-pc-linux-gnu -- redhat 7.3
  Bacula version:              1.27 (26 October 2002)
  Source code location:        .
  Install binaries:            /sbin
  Install config files:        /etc/bacula
  C Compiler:                  gcc
  C++ Compiler:                c++
  Compiler flags:              -g -O2
  Linker flags:
  Libraries:                   -lpthread
  Statically Linked Tools:     no
  Database found:              no
  Database type:               Internal
  Database lib:
  Job Output Email:            root@localhost
  Traceback Email:             root@localhost
  SMTP Host Address:           localhost
  Director Port                9101
  File daemon Port             9102
  Storage daemon Port          9103
  Working directory            /etc/bacula/working
  SQL binaries Directory
  Large file support:          yes
  readline support:            yes
  cweb support:                yes /home/kern/bacula/depkgs/cweb
  TCP Wrappers support:        no
  ZLIB support:                yes
  enable-smartalloc:           yes
  enable-gnome:                no
  gmp support:                 yes
The details depend on your system. The first thing to check is that  it
properly identified your host on the <B>Host:</B> line. The  first part (added
in version 1.27) is the GNU four part identification  of your system. The part
after the - is your system and the system version.  Generally, if your system
is not yet supported, you must correct these. 
<LI>If the <B>./configure</B> does not function properly, you must  determine
   the cause and fix it. Generally, it will be because some  required system
   routine is not available on your machine. 
<LI>To correct problems with detection of your system type or with routines 
   and libraries, you must edit the file <B>   bacula-src/autoconf/</B>.  This is the ``source'' from
which <B>configure</B> is built.  In general, most of the changes for your
system will be made in  <B>autoconf/aclocal.m4</B> in the routine <B>BA_CHECK_OPSYS</B> or  in the routine <B>BA_CHECK_OPSYS_DISTNAME</B>. I have
already added the  necessary code for most systems, but if yours shows up as
<B>unknown</B>  you will need to make changes. Then as mentioned above, you
will need  to set a number of system dependent items in <B></B> in
the  <B>case</B> statement at approximately line 1050 (depending on the  Bacula
<LI>The items to in the case statement that corresponds to your system  are
   the following:  


<LI>DISTVER - set to the version of your operating system. Typically  some
   form of <B>uname</B> obtains it. 
<LI>TAPEDRIVE - the default tape drive. Not too important as the user  can
   set it as an option.  
<LI>PSCMD - set to the <B>ps</B> command that will provide the PID  in the
   first field and the program name in the second field. If this  is not set
   properly, the <B>bacula stop</B> script will most likely  not be able to stop
Bacula in all cases.  
<LI>hostname - command to return the base host name (non-qualified)  of
   your system. This is generally the machine name. Not too important  as the
   user can correct this in his configuration file. 
<LI>CFLAGS - set any special compiler flags needed. Many systems need  a
   special flag to make pthreads work. See cygwin for an example.  
<LI>LDFLAGS - set any special loader flags. See cygwin for an example.  
<LI>PTHREAD_LIB - set for any special pthreads flags needed during 
   linking. See freebsd as an example.  
<LI>lld - set so that a ``long long int'' will be properly edited in  a
   printf() call.  
<LI>llu - set so that a ``long long unsigned'' will be properly edited in 
   a printf() call.  
<LI>PFILES - set to add any files that you may define is your platform 
   subdirectory. These files are used for installation of automatic  system
   startup of Bacula daemons.  

<LI>To rebuild a new version of <B>configure</B> from a changed <B>   autoconf/</B>  you enter <B>make configure</B> in the top level Bacula
   source  directory. You must have done a ./configure prior to trying to rebuild
 the configure script or it will get into an infinite loop. 
<LI>If the <B>make configure</B> gets into an infinite loop, ctl-c it, then
   do  <B>./configure</B> (no options are necessary) and retry the  <B>make
   configure</B>, which should now work. 
<LI>To rebuild <B>configure</B> you will need to have <B>autoconf</B> version 
   2.57-3 or higher loaded. Older versions of autoconf will complain about 
   unknown or bad options, and won't work. 
<LI>After you have a working <B>configure</B> script, you may need to  make a
   few system dependent changes to the way Bacula works.  Generally, these are
   done in <B>src/baconfig.h</B>. You can find  a few examples of system dependent
changes toward the end of this  file. For example, on Irix systems, there is
no definition for  <B>socklen_t</B>, so it is made in this file. If your
system has  structure alignment requirements, check the definition of BALIGN
in  this file. Currently, all Bacula allocated memory is aligned on a <B>double</B>  boundary. 
<LI>If you are having problems with Bacula's type definitions, you might 
   look at <B>src/bc_types.h</B> where all the types such as <B>uint32_t</B>, 
   <B>uint64_t</B>, etc. that Bacula uses are defined. 

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