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  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>SD Connections and Sessions</TITLE>
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<LI><A NAME="tex2html970"
  HREF="SD_Connections_Sessions.html#SECTION00931000000000000000">SD Append Requests</A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html971"
  HREF="SD_Connections_Sessions.html#SECTION00932000000000000000">SD Read Requests</A>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00930000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="2118"></A>
<A NAME="2119"></A>
SD Connections and Sessions

A client connects to a storage server by initiating a conventional TCP
connection. The storage server accepts the connection unless its maximum
number of connections has been reached or the specified host is not granted
access to the storage server. Once a connection has been opened, the client
may make any number of Query requests, and/or initiate (if permitted), one or
more Append sessions (which transmit data to be stored by the storage daemon)
and/or Read sessions (which retrieve data from the storage daemon). 

Most requests and replies sent across the connection are simple ASCII strings,
with status replies prefixed by a four digit status code for easier parsing.
Binary data appear in blocks stored and retrieved from the storage. Any
request may result in a single-line status reply of ``<TT>3201 Notification pending</TT>'', which indicates the client must send a ``Query notification''
request to retrieve one or more notifications posted to it. Once the
notifications have been returned, the client may then resubmit the request
which resulted in the 3201 status. 

The following descriptions omit common error codes, yet to be defined, which
can occur from most or many requests due to events like media errors,
restarting of the storage daemon, etc. These details will be filled in, along
with a comprehensive list of status codes along with which requests can
produce them in an update to this document. 


<H2><A NAME="SECTION00931000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="2125"></A>
<A NAME="2126"></A>
SD Append Requests

<DT><STRONG>append open session = JobId [  Password ]  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2135"></A>
   A data append session is opened with the Job ID given by  <I>JobId</I> with
client password (if required) given by <I>Password</I>.  If the session is
successfully opened, a status of <TT>3000 OK</TT> is  returned with a ``<TT>ticket = </TT><I>number</I>'' reply used to  identify subsequent messages in the
session. If too many sessions are open, or  a conflicting session (for
example, a read in progress when simultaneous read  and append sessions are
not permitted), a status of  ``<TT>3502 Volume busy</TT>'' is returned. If no
volume is mounted, or  the volume mounted cannot be appended to, a status of 
``<TT>3503 Volume not mounted</TT>'' is returned.  

<DT><STRONG>append data = ticket-number  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2145"></A>
   If the append data is accepted, a  status of <TT>3000 OK data address =
IPaddress port = port</TT> is returned,  where the <TT>IPaddress</TT> and <TT>port</TT> specify the IP address and  port number of the data
channel. Error status codes are  <TT>3504 Invalid ticket number</TT> and  <TT>3505 Session aborted</TT>, the latter of which indicates the  entire append
session has failed due to a daemon or media error.  

Once the File daemon has established the connection to the data channel 
opened by the Storage daemon, it will transfer a header packet followed  by
any number of data packets. The header packet is of the form:  

<TT>file-index stream-id info</TT>  

The details are specified in the 
Daemon Protocol_ChapterStart2  section of this

<DT><STRONG>*append abort session = ticket-number  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2164"></A>
   The open append session with ticket <I>ticket-number</I> is aborted; any blocks
not yet written to permanent media are discarded. Subsequent attempts to 
append data to the session will receive an error status of  <TT>3505 Session aborted</TT>.  

<DT><STRONG>append end session = ticket-number  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2169"></A>
   The open append session with ticket <I>ticket-number</I> is marked complete; no
further blocks may be appended. The storage daemon will give priority to
saving  any buffered blocks from this session to permanent media as soon as

<DT><STRONG>append close session = ticket-number  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2173"></A>
   The append session with ticket <I>ticket</I> is closed. This message  does not
receive an <TT>3000 OK</TT> reply until all of the content of the  session are
stored on permanent media, at which time said reply is given,  followed by a
list of volumes, from first to last, which contain blocks from  the session,
along with the first and last file and block on each containing  session data
and the volume session key identifying data from that session in  lines with
the following format:  

<TT><TT>Volume = </TT>Volume-id start-file
start-block  end-file end-block
volume-session-id</TT>where <I>Volume-id</I> is the volume label,  <I>start-file</I> and <I>start-block</I> are the file and block containing the  first
data from that session on the volume, <I>end-file</I> and  <I>end-block</I> are
the file and block with the last data from the session on  the volume and <I>volume-session-id</I> is the volume session ID for blocks from the  session
stored on that volume. 


<H2><A NAME="SECTION00932000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="2197"></A>
<A NAME="2198"></A>
SD Read Requests

<DT><STRONG>Read open session = JobId Volume-id
   start-file start-block  end-file
   end-block volume-session-id password  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2219"></A>
where <I>Volume-id</I> is the volume label,  <I>start-file</I> and <I>start-block</I> are the file and block containing the  first data from that
session on the volume, <I>end-file</I> and  <I>end-block</I> are the file and
block with the last data from the session on  the volume and <I>volume-session-id</I> is the volume session ID for blocks from the  session
stored on that volume.  

If the session is successfully opened, a status of  

<TT><TT>3100 OK Ticket = </TT><I>number</I>``</TT>  

is returned with a reply used to identify  subsequent messages in the session.
If too many sessions are open, or a  conflicting session (for example, an
append in progress when simultaneous read  and append sessions are not
permitted), a status of  ''<TT>3502 Volume busy</TT>`` is returned. If no
volume is mounted, or  the volume mounted cannot be appended to, a status of 
''<TT>3503 Volume not mounted</TT>`` is returned. If no block with  the given
volume session ID and the correct client ID number appears in the  given first
file and block for the volume, a status of  ''<TT>3505 Session not found</TT>`` is returned.  

<DT><STRONG>Read data = Ticket  Block  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2236"></A>
   The specified Block of data from open read session with the specified Ticket
number  is returned, with a status of <TT>3000 OK</TT> followed  by a ''<TT>Length = </TT><I>size</I>`` line giving the length in  bytes of the block data
which immediately follows. Blocks must be retrieved in  ascending order, but
blocks may be skipped. If a block number greater than the  largest stored on
the volume is requested, a status of  ''<TT>3201 End of volume</TT>`` is
returned. If a block number  greater than the largest in the file is
requested, a status of  ''<TT>3401 End of file</TT>`` is returned.  

<DT><STRONG>Read close session = Ticket  </STRONG></DT>
<DD><A NAME="2244"></A>
   The read session with Ticket number is closed. A read session  may be closed
at any time; you needn't read all its blocks before closing it.  

John Walker
January 30th, MM </I> 

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