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* with significant contributions from:
  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>Overall Storage Format</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0011120000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="3983"></A>
<A NAME="3984"></A>
Overall Storage Format

               Current Bacula Tape Format
                     6 June 2001
           Version BB02 added 28 September 2002
           Version BB01 is the old deprecated format.
   A Bacula tape is composed of tape Blocks.  Each block
     has a Block header followed by the block data. Block
     Data consists of Records. Records consist of Record
     Headers followed by Record Data.
   |                                                       |
   |                 Block Header (24 bytes)               |
   |                                                       |
   |                                                       |
   |              Record Header (12 bytes)                 |
   |                                                       |
   |                                                       |
   |                  Record Data                          |
   |                                                       |
   |                                                       |
   |              Record Header (12 bytes)                 |
   |                                                       |
   |                                                       |
   |                       ...                             |
   Block Header: the first item in each block. The format is
     shown below.
   Partial Data block: occurs if the data from a previous
     block spills over to this block (the normal case except
     for the first block on a tape). However, this partial
         data block is always preceded by a record header.
   Record Header: identifies the Volume Session, the Stream
     and the following Record Data size. See below for format.
   Record data: arbitrary binary data.
                    Block Header Format BB02
   |              CheckSum         (uint32_t)              |
   |              BlockSize        (uint32_t)              |
   |              BlockNumber      (uint32_t)              |
   |              "BB02"           (char [4])              |
   |              VolSessionId     (uint32_t)              |
   |              VolSessionTime   (uint32_t)              |
   BBO2: Serves to identify the block as a
     Bacula block and also servers as a block format identifier
     should we ever need to change the format.
   BlockSize: is the size in bytes of the block. When reading
     back a block, if the BlockSize does not agree with the
     actual size read, Bacula discards the block.
   CheckSum: a checksum for the Block.
   BlockNumber: is the sequential block number on the tape.
   VolSessionId: a unique sequential number that is assigned
                 by the Storage Daemon to a particular Job.
                 This number is sequential since the start
                 of execution of the daemon.
   VolSessionTime: the time/date that the current execution
                 of the Storage Daemon started.  It assures
                 that the combination of VolSessionId and
                 VolSessionTime is unique for all jobs
                 written to the tape, even if there was a
                 machine crash between two writes.
                  Record Header Format BB02
   |              FileIndex        (int32_t)               |
   |              Stream           (int32_t)               |
   |              DataSize         (uint32_t)              |
   FileIndex: a sequential file number within a job.  The
                 Storage daemon enforces this index to be
                 greater than zero and sequential.  Note,
                 however, that the File daemon may send
                 multiple Streams for the same FileIndex.
                 The Storage Daemon uses negative FileIndices
                 to identify Session Start and End labels
                 as well as the End of Volume labels.
   Stream: defined by the File daemon and is intended to be
                 used to identify separate parts of the data
                 saved for each file (attributes, file data,
                 ...).  The Storage Daemon has no idea of
                 what a Stream is or what it contains.
   DataSize: the size in bytes of the binary data record
                 that follows the Session Record header.
                 The Storage Daemon has no idea of the
                 actual contents of the binary data record.
                 For standard Unix files, the data record
                 typically contains the file attributes or
                 the file data.  For a sparse file
                 the first 64 bits of the data contains
                 the storage address for the data block.
                       Volume Label
   |              Id               (32 bytes)              |
   |              VerNum           (uint32_t)              |
   |              label_date       (float64_t)             |
   |              label_btime      (btime_t VerNum 11      |
   |              label_time       (float64_t)             |
   |              write_btime      (btime_t VerNum 11      |
   |              write_date       (float64_t)             |
   |                  0            (float64_t) VerNum 11   |
   |              write_time       (float64_t)             |
   |                  0            (float64_t) VerNum 11   |
   |              VolName          (128 bytes)             |
   |              PrevVolName      (128 bytes)             |
   |              PoolName         (128 bytes)             |
   |              PoolType         (128 bytes)             |
   |              MediaType        (128 bytes)             |
   |              HostName         (128 bytes)             |
   |              LabelProg        (32 bytes)              |
   |              ProgVersion      (32 bytes)              |
   |              ProgDate         (32 bytes)              |
   Id: 32 byte Bacula identifier "Bacula 1.0 immortal\n"
   (old version also recognized:)
   Id: 32 byte Bacula identifier "Bacula 0.9 mortal\n"
   LabelType (Saved in the FileIndex of the Header record).
       PRE_LABEL -1    Volume label on unwritten tape
       VOL_LABEL -2    Volume label after tape written
       EOM_LABEL -3    Label at EOM (not currently implemented)
       SOS_LABEL -4    Start of Session label (format given below)
       EOS_LABEL -5    End of Session label (format given below)
   VerNum: 11
   label_date: Julian day tape labeled
   label_time: Julian time tape labeled
   write_date: Julian date tape first used (data written)
   write_time: Julian time tape first used (data written)
   VolName: "Physical" Volume name
   PrevVolName: The VolName of the previous tape (if this tape is
                a continuation of the previous one).
   PoolName: Pool Name
   PoolType: Pool Type
   MediaType: Media Type
   HostName: Name of host that is first writing the tape
   LabelProg: Name of the program that labeled the tape
   ProgVersion: Version of the label program
   ProgDate: Date Label program built
                       Session Label
   |              Id               (32 bytes)              |
   |              VerNum           (uint32_t)              |
   |              JobId            (uint32_t)              |
   |              write_btime      (btime_t)   VerNum 11   |
   |                 0             (float64_t) VerNum 11   |
   |              PoolName         (128 bytes)             |
   |              PoolType         (128 bytes)             |
   |              JobName          (128 bytes)             |
   |              ClientName       (128 bytes)             |
   |              Job              (128 bytes)             |
   |              FileSetName      (128 bytes)             |
   |              JobType          (uint32_t)              |
   |              JobLevel         (uint32_t)              |
   |              FileSetMD5       (50 bytes)   VerNum 11  |
           Additional fields in End Of Session Label
   |              JobFiles         (uint32_t)              |
   |              JobBytes         (uint32_t)              |
   |              start_block      (uint32_t)              |
   |              end_block        (uint32_t)              |
   |              start_file       (uint32_t)              |
   |              end_file         (uint32_t)              |
   |              JobErrors        (uint32_t)              |
   |              JobStatus        (uint32_t) VerNum 11    |
   * =&gt; fields deprecated
   Id: 32 byte Bacula Identifier "Bacula 1.0 immortal\n"
   LabelType (in FileIndex field of Header):
       EOM_LABEL -3     Label at EOM
       SOS_LABEL -4     Start of Session label
       EOS_LABEL -5     End of Session label
   VerNum: 11
   JobId: JobId
   write_btime: Bacula time/date this tape record written
   write_date: Julian date tape this record written - deprecated
   write_time: Julian time tape this record written - deprecated.
   PoolName: Pool Name
   PoolType: Pool Type
   MediaType: Media Type
   ClientName: Name of File daemon or Client writing this session
               Not used for EOM_LABEL.
