

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > fa8a996384674b1c3e3c864f6f4bf270 > files > 432


=head1 NAME

Protocol Handlers

=head1 Description

This chapter explains how to implement Protocol (Connection) Handlers
in mod_perl.

=head1 Connection Cycle Phases

As we saw earlier, each child server (be it a thread or a process) is
engaged in processing connections. Each connection may be served by
different connection protocols, e.g., HTTP, POP3, SMTP, etc. Each
connection may include more than one request, e.g., several HTTP
requests can be served over a single connection, when several images
are requested for the same webpage.

The following diagram depicts the connection life cycle and highlights
which handlers are available to mod_perl 2.0:

=for html
<img src="connection_cycle.gif" width="598" height="498" 
 align="middle" alt="connection cycle"><br><br>

When a connection is issued by a client, it's first run through
C<PerlPreConnectionHandler> and then passed to the
C<PerlProcessConnectionHandler>, which generates the response. When
C<PerlProcessConnectionHandler> is reading data from the client, it
can be filtered by connection input filters. The generated response
can be also filtered though connection output filters. Filters are
usually used for modifying the data flowing though them, but can be
used for other purposes as well (e.g., logging interesting
information). For example the following diagram shows the connection
cycle mapped to the time scale:

=for html
<img src="connection_cycle_time.gif" width="599" height="300"
 align="middle" alt="connection cycle timing"><br><br>

The arrows show the program control. In addition, the black-headed
arrows also show the data flow. This diagram matches an interactive
protocol, where a client send something to the server, the server
filters the input, processes it and send it out through output
filters. This cycle is repeated till the client or the server don't
tell each other to go away or abort the connection. Before the cycle
starts any registered pre_connection handlers are run.

Now let's discuss each of the C<PerlPreConnectionHandler> and
C<PerlProcessConnectionHandler> handlers in detail.

=head2 PerlPreConnectionHandler

The I<pre_connection> phase happens just after the server accepts the
connection, but before it is handed off to a protocol module to be
served.  It gives modules an opportunity to modify the connection as
soon as possible and insert filters if needed. The core server uses
this phase to setup the connection record based on the type of
connection that is being used.  mod_perl itself uses this phase to
register the connection input and output filters.

In mod_perl 1.0 during code development C<Apache::Reload> was used to
automatically reload modified since the last request Perl modules. It
was invoked during C<post_read_request>, the first HTTP request's
phase. In mod_perl 2.0 I<pre_connection> is the earliest phase, so if
we want to make sure that all modified Perl modules are reloaded for
any protocols and its phases, it's the best to set the scope of the
Perl interpreter to the lifetime of the connection via:

  PerlInterpScope connection

and invoke the C<Apache2::Reload> handler during the I<pre_connection>
phase. However this development-time advantage can become a
disadvantage in production--for example if a connection, handled by
HTTP protocol, is configured as C<KeepAlive> and there are several
requests coming on the same connection and only one handled by
mod_perl and the others by the default images handler, the Perl
interpreter won't be available to other threads while the images are
being served.

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is
C<L<SRV|docs::2.0::user::config::config/item_SRV>>, because it's not
known yet which resource the request will be mapped to.

A I<pre_connection> handler accepts a connection record at its argument:

  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      # ...
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

[META: There is another argument passed (the actual client socket), but
it currently an undef]

Here is a useful I<pre_connection> phase example: provide a facility
to block remote clients by their IP, before too many resources were
consumed. This is almost as good as a firewall blocking, as it's
executed before Apache has started to do any work at all.

C<MyApache2::BlockIP2> retrieves client's remote IP and looks it up in
the black list (which should certainly live outside the code, e.g. dbm
file, but a hardcoded list is good enough for our example).

  package MyApache2::BlockIP2;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Apache2::Connection ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(FORBIDDEN OK);
  my %bad_ips = map {$_ => 1} qw(;
  sub handler {
      my Apache2::Connection $c = shift;
      my $ip = $c->remote_ip;
      if (exists $bad_ips{$ip}) {
          warn "IP $ip is blocked\n";
          return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

This all happens during the I<pre_connection> phase:

  PerlPreConnectionHandler MyApache2::BlockIP2

If a client connects from a blacklisted IP, Apache will simply abort
the connection without sending any reply to the client, and move on to
serving the next request.

=head2 PerlProcessConnectionHandler

The I<process_connection> phase is used to process incoming
connections.  Only protocol modules should assign handlers for this
phase, as it gives them an opportunity to replace the standard HTTP
processing with processing for some other protocols (e.g., POP3, FTP,

This phase is of type

The handler's configuration scope is
C<L<SRV|docs::2.0::user::config::config/item_SRV>>. Therefore the only
way to run protocol servers different than the core HTTP is inside
dedicated virtual hosts.

A I<process_connection> handler accepts a connection record object as
its only argument, a socket object can be retrieved from the
connection record object. Here is a simplified handler skeleton:

  sub handler {
      my ($c) = @_;
      my $sock = $c->client_socket;
      $sock->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK, 0);
      # ...
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

Most likely you'll need to set the socket to perform blocking IO. On
some platforms (e.g. Linux) Apache gives us a socket which is set for
blocking, on other platforms (.e.g. Solaris) it doesn't. Unless you
know which platforms your application will be running on, always
explicitly set it to the blocking IO mode as in the example
above. Alternatively, you could query whether the socket is already
set to a blocking IO mode with help of C<L<the opt_get()

Now let's look at the following two examples of connection
handlers. The first using the connection socket to read and write the
data and the second using L<bucket
brigades|docs::2.0::user::handlers::intro/Bucket_Brigades> to
accomplish the same and allow for connection filters to do their work.

=head3 Socket-based Protocol Module

To demonstrate the workings of a protocol module, we'll take a look at
the C<MyApache2::EchoSocket> module, which simply echoes the data read
back to the client. In this module we will use the implementation that
works directly with the connection socket and therefore bypasses
connection filters if any.

A protocol handler is configured using the
C<PerlProcessConnectionHandler> directive and we will use the
C<Listen> and C<E<lt>VirtualHostE<gt>> directives to bind to the
non-standard port B<8010>:

  Listen 8010
  <VirtualHost _default_:8010>
      PerlModule                   MyApache2::EchoSocket
      PerlProcessConnectionHandler MyApache2::EchoSocket

C<MyApache2::EchoSocket> is then enabled when starting Apache:

  panic% httpd

And we give it a whirl:

  panic% telnet localhost 8010
  Connected to localhost (
  Escape character is '^]'.
  fOo BaR
  fOo BaR

  Connection closed by foreign host.

Here is the code:

  package MyApache2::EchoSocket;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use Apache2::Connection ();
  use APR::Socket ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
  use APR::Const     -compile => 'SO_NONBLOCK';
  use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;
  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      my $sock = $c->client_socket;
      # set the socket to the blocking mode
      $sock->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0);
      while ($sock->recv(my $buff, BUFF_LEN)) {
          last if $buff =~ /^[\r\n]+$/;

The example handler starts with the standard I<package> declaration
and of course, C<use strict;>.  As with all C<Perl*Handler>s, the
subroutine name defaults to I<handler>.  However, in the case of a
protocol handler, the first argument is not a C<request_rec>, but a
C<conn_rec> blessed into the C<Apache2::Connection> class.  We have
direct access to the client socket via C<Apache2::Connection>'s
I<client_socket> method.  This returns an object, blessed into the
C<APR::Socket> class. Before using the socket, we make sure that it's
set to perform blocking IO, by using the C<APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK>
constant, compiled earlier.

Inside the recv/send loop, the handler attempts to read C<BUFF_LEN>
bytes from the client socket into the C<$buff> buffer. The handler
breaks the loop if nothing was read (EOF) or if the buffer contains
nothing but new line character(s), which is how we know to abort the
connection in the interactive mode.

If the handler receives some data, it sends it unmodified back to the
client with the C<APR::Socket::send()> method. When the loop is
finished the handler returns C<Apache2::Const::OK>, telling Apache to
terminate the connection. As mentioned earlier since this handler is
working directly with the connection socket, no filters can be

=head3 Bucket Brigades-based Protocol Module

Now let's look at the same module, but this time implemented by
manipulating bucket brigades, and which runs its output through a
connection output filter that turns all uppercase characters into
their lowercase equivalents.

The following configuration defines a virtual host listening on port
8011 and which enables the C<MyApache2::EchoBB> connection handler,
which will run its output through
C<MyApache2::EchoBB::lowercase_filter> filter:

  Listen 8011
  <VirtualHost _default_:8011>
      PerlModule                   MyApache2::EchoBB
      PerlProcessConnectionHandler MyApache2::EchoBB
      PerlOutputFilterHandler      MyApache2::EchoBB::lowercase_filter

As before we start the httpd server:

  panic% httpd

And try the new connection handler in action:

  panic% telnet localhost 8011
  Connected to localhost (
  Escape character is '^]'.
  fOo BaR
  foo bar

  Connection closed by foreign host.

As you can see the response part this time was all in lower case,
because of the output filter.

And here is the implementation of the connection and the filter

  package MyApache2::EchoBB;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use Apache2::Connection ();
  use APR::Socket ();
  use APR::Bucket ();
  use APR::Brigade ();
  use APR::Error ();
  use APR::Status ();
  use APR::Const     -compile => qw(SUCCESS SO_NONBLOCK);
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK MODE_GETLINE);
  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      $c->client_socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0);
      my $bb_in  = APR::Brigade->new($c->pool, $c->bucket_alloc);
      my $bb_out = APR::Brigade->new($c->pool, $c->bucket_alloc);
      my $last = 0;
      while (1) {
          my $rc = $c->input_filters->get_brigade($bb_in,
          last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
          die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
          while (!$bb_in->is_empty) {
              my $b = $bb_in->first;
              if ($b->is_eos) {
              if ($b->read(my $data)) {
                  $last++ if $data =~ /^[\r\n]+$/;
                  # could do some transformation on data here
                  $b = APR::Bucket->new($bb_out->bucket_alloc, $data);
          my $fb = APR::Bucket::flush_create($c->bucket_alloc);
          last if $last;
  use base qw(Apache2::Filter);
  use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;
  sub lowercase_filter : FilterConnectionHandler {
      my $filter = shift;
      while ($filter->read(my $buffer, BUFF_LEN)) {
          $filter->print(lc $buffer);
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

For the purpose of explaining how this connection handler works, we
are going to simplify the handler. The whole handler can be
represented by the following pseudo-code:

  while ($bb_in = get_brigade()) {
      while ($b_in = $bb_in->get_bucket()) {
          $b_in->read(my $data);
          # do something with data
          $b_out = new_bucket($data);

The handler receives the incoming data via bucket bridges, one at a
time in a loop. It then process each bridge, by retrieving the
buckets contained in it, reading the data in, then creating new
buckets using the received data, and attaching them to the outgoing
brigade. When all the buckets from the incoming bucket brigade were
transformed and attached to the outgoing bucket brigade, a flush
bucket is created and added as the last bucket, so when the outgoing
bucket brigade is passed out to the outgoing connection filters, it
won't be buffered but sent to the client right away.

It's possible to make the flushing code simpler, by using a dedicated
method C<L<fflush()|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Filter/C_fflush_>> that
does just that -- flushing of the bucket brigade. It replaces 3 lines
of code:

          my $fb = APR::Bucket::flush_create($c->bucket_alloc);

with just one line:


If you look at the complete handler, the loop is terminated when one
of the following conditions occurs: an error happens, the end of
stream status code (C<EOF>) has been received (no more input at the
connection) or when the received data contains nothing but new line
characters which we used to to tell the server to terminate the

Now that you've learned how to move buckets from one brigade to
another, let's see how the presented handler can be reimplemented
using a single bucket brigade. Here is the modified code:

  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      $c->client_socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK, 0);
      my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($c->pool, $c->bucket_alloc);
      while (1) {
          my $rc = $c->input_filters->get_brigade($bb,
          last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
          die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
          for (my $b = $bb->first; $b; $b = $bb->next($b)) {
              last if $b->is_eos;
              if ($b->read(my $data)) {
                  last if $data =~ /^[\r\n]+$/;
                  my $nb = APR::Bucket->new($bb->bucket_alloc, $data);
                  # head->...->$nb->$b ->...->tail

This code is shorter and simpler. Since it sends out the same bucket
brigade it got from the incoming filters, it only needs to replace
buckets that get modified, which is probably the only tricky part
here. The code:

                  # head->...->$nb->$b ->...->tail

inserts a new bucket in front of the currently processed bucket, so
that when the latter removed the former takes place of the latter.

Notice that this handler could be much simpler, since we don't modify
the data. We could simply pass the whole brigade unmodified without
even looking at the buckets. But from this example you can see how to
write a connection handler where you actually want to read and/or
modify the data. To accomplish that modification simply add a code
that transforms the data which has been read from the bucket before
it's inserted to the outgoing brigade.

We will skip the filter discussion here, since we are going to talk in
depth about filters in L<the dedicated to filters
tutorial|docs::2.0::user::handlers::filters>. But all you need to know
at this stage is that the data sent from the connection handler is
filtered by the outgoing filter and which transforms it to be all

And here is the simplified version of this handler, which doesn't
attempt to do any transformation, but simply passes the data though:

  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      $c->client_socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0);
      my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($c->pool, $c->bucket_alloc);
      while (1) {
          my $rc = $c->input_filters->get_brigade($bb,
          last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
          die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS;

Since the simplified handler no longer has the condition:

  $last++ if $data =~ /^[\r\n]+$/;

which was used to know when to break from the external C<while(1)>
loop, it will not work in the interactive mode, because when telnet is
used we always end the line with C</[\r\n]/>, which will always send
data back to the protocol handler and the condition:

  last if $bb->is_empty;

will never be true. However, this latter version works fine when the
client is a script and when it stops sending data, our shorter handler
breaks out of the loop.

So let's do one more tweak and make the last version work in the
interactive telnet mode without manipulating each bucket separately.
This time we will use
C<L<flatten()|docs::2.0::api::APR::Brigade/C_flatten_>> to slurp all
the data from all the buckets, which saves us the explicit loop over
the buckets in the brigade. The handler now becomes:

  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      $c->client_socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0);
      my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($c->pool, $c->bucket_alloc);
      while (1) {
          my $rc = $c->input_filters->get_brigade($bb,
          last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
          die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
          next unless $bb->flatten(my $data);
          last if $data =~ /^[\r\n]+$/;
          # could transform data here
          my $b = APR::Bucket->new($bb->bucket_alloc, $data);

Notice, that once we slurped the data in the buckets, we had to strip
the brigade of its buckets, since we re-used the same brigade to send
the data out. We used
C<L<cleanup()|docs::2.0::api::APR::Brigade/C_cleanup_>> to get rid of
the buckets.

=head1 Examples

Following are some practical examples.

META: If you have written an interesting, but not too complicated
module, which others can learn from, please submit a pod to the
L<mailing list|maillist::modperl> so we can include it here.

=head2 Command Server

The C<MyApache2::CommandServer> example is based on the example in the
"TCP Servers with IO::Socket" section of the I<perlipc> manpage.  Of
course, we don't need C<IO::Socket> since Apache takes care of those
details for us.  The rest of that example can still be used to
illustrate implementing a simple text protocol.  In this case, one
where a command is sent by the client to be executed on the server
side, with results sent back to the client.

The C<MyApache2::CommandServer> handler will support four commands:
C<motd>, C<date>, C<who> and C<quit>.  These are probably not commands
which can be exploited, but should we add such commands, we'll want to
limit access based on ip address/hostname, authentication and
authorization.  Protocol handlers need to take care of these tasks
themselves, since we bypass the HTTP protocol handler.

Here is the whole module:

  package MyApache2::CommandServer;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use Apache2::Connection ();
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::HookRun ();
  use Apache2::Access ();
  use APR::Socket ();
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DONE DECLINED);
  my @cmds = qw(motd date who quit);
  my %commands = map { $_, \&{$_} } @cmds;
  sub handler {
      my $c = shift;
      my $socket = $c->client_socket;
      if ((my $rc = login($c)) != Apache2::Const::OK) {
          $socket->send("Access Denied\n");
          return $rc;
      $socket->send("Welcome to " . __PACKAGE__ .
                    "\nAvailable commands: @cmds\n");
      while (1) {
          my $cmd;
          next unless $cmd = getline($socket);
          if (my $sub = $commands{$cmd}) {
              last unless $sub->($socket) == Apache2::Const::OK;
          else {
              $socket->send("Commands: @cmds\n");
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub login {
      my $c = shift;
      my $r = Apache2::RequestRec->new($c);
      for my $method (qw(run_access_checker run_check_user_id
                         run_auth_checker)) {
          my $rc = $r->$method();
          if ($rc != Apache2::Const::OK and $rc != Apache2::Const::DECLINED) {
              return $rc;
          last unless $r->some_auth_required;
          unless ($r->user) {
              my $socket = $c->client_socket;
              my $username = prompt($socket, "Login");
              my $password = prompt($socket, "Password");
              $r->set_basic_credentials($username, $password);
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub getline {
      my $socket = shift;
      my $line;
      $socket->recv($line, 1024);
      return unless $line;
      $line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
      return $line;
  sub prompt {
      my ($socket, $msg) = @_;
      $socket->send("$msg: ");
  sub motd {
      my $socket = shift;
      open my $fh, '/etc/motd' or return;
      local $/;
      $socket->send(scalar <$fh>);
      close $fh;
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub date {
      my $socket = shift;
      $socket->send(scalar(localtime) . "\n");
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub who {
      my $socket = shift;
      # make -T happy
      local $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
      $socket->send(scalar `who`);
      return Apache2::Const::OK;
  sub quit { Apache2::Const::DONE }

Next, let's explain what this module does in details.

As with all C<PerlProcessConnectionHandlers>, we are passed an
C<Apache2::Connection> object as the first argument.  Again, we will be
directly accessing the client socket via the I<client_socket> method.
The I<login> subroutine is called to check if access by this client
should be allowed.  This routine makes up for what we lost with the
core HTTP protocol handler bypassed.

First we call the C<Apache2::RequestRec> C<new()> method, which returns
a I<request_rec> object, just like that, which is passed at request
time to L<HTTP protocol|docs::2.0::user::handlers::http>
C<Perl*Handlers> and returned by the subrequest API methods,
I<lookup_uri> and I<lookup_file>.  However, this "fake request" does
not run handlers for any of the phases, it simply returns an object
which we can use to do that ourselves.

The C<location_merge()> method is passed the C<location> for this
request, it will look up the C<E<lt>LocationE<gt>> section that
matches the given name and merge it with the default server
configuration.  For example, should we only wish to allow access to
this server from certain locations:

  <Location MyApache2::CommandServer>
      Order Deny,Allow
      Deny from all
      Allow from 10.*

The C<location_merge()> method only looks up and merges the
configuration, we still need to apply it.  This is done in I<for>
loop, iterating over three methods: C<run_access_checker()>,
C<run_check_user_id()> and C<run_auth_checker()>.  These methods will
call directly into the Apache functions that invoke module handlers
for these phases and will return an integer status code, such as
C<Apache2::Const::OK>, C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED> or
C<Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN>.  If I<run_access_check> returns
something other than C<Apache2::Const::OK> or
C<Apache2::Const::DECLINED>, that status will be propagated up to the
handler routine and then back up to Apache.  Otherwise, the access
check passed and the loop will break unless C<some_auth_required()>
returns true.  This would be false given the previous configuration
example, but would be true in the presence of a C<require> directive,
such as:

  <Location MyApache2::CommandServer>
      Order Deny,Allow
      Deny from all
      Allow from 10.*
      Require user dougm

Given this configuration, C<some_auth_required()> will return true.
The C<user()> method is then called, which will return false if we
have not yet authenticated.  A C<prompt()> utility is called to read
the username and password, which are then injected into the
C<headers_in()> table using the C<set_basic_credentials()> method.
The I<Authenticate> field in this table is set to a I<base64> encoded
value of the username:password pair, exactly the same format a browser
would send for I<Basic authentication>.  Next time through the loop
I<run_check_user_id> is called, which will in turn invoke any
authentication handlers, such as I<mod_auth>.  When I<mod_auth> calls
the C<ap_get_basic_auth_pw()> API function (as all C<Basic> auth
modules do), it will get back the username and password we injected.
If we fail authentication a C<401> status code is returned which we
propagate up.  Otherwise, authorization handlers are run via
C<run_auth_checker()>.  Authorization handlers normally need the
I<user> field of the C<request_rec> for its checks and that field was
filled in when I<mod_auth> called C<ap_get_basic_auth_pw()>.

Provided login is a success, a welcome message is printed and main
request loop entered.  Inside the loop the C<getline()> function
returns just one line of data, with newline characters stripped.  If
the string sent by the client is in our command table, the command is
then invoked, otherwise a usage message is sent.  If the command does
not return C<Apache2::Const::OK>, we break out of the loop.

Let's use this configuration:

  Listen 8085
  <VirtualHost _default_:8085>
      PerlProcessConnectionHandler MyApache2::CommandServer
      <Location MyApache2::CommandServer>
          Order Deny,Allow
          Allow from
          Require user dougm
          Satisfy any
          AuthUserFile /tmp/basic-auth

Since we are using C<mod_auth> directives here, you need to make sure
that it's available and loaded for this example to work as explained.

The auth file can be created with the help of C<htpasswd> utility
coming bundled with the Apache server. For example to create a file
F</tmp/basic-auth> and add a password entry for user I<dougm> with
password I<foobar> we do:

  % htpasswd -bc /tmp/basic-auth dougm foobar

Now we are ready to try the command server:

  % telnet localhost 8085
  Connected to localhost (
  Escape character is '^]'.
  Login: dougm
  Password: foobar
  Welcome to MyApache2::CommandServer
  Available commands: motd date who quit
  Have a lot of fun...
  Mon Mar 12 19:20:10 PST 2001
  dougm    tty1     Mar 12 00:49
  dougm    pts/0    Mar 12 11:23
  dougm    pts/1    Mar 12 14:08
  dougm    pts/2    Mar 12 17:09
  Connection closed by foreign host.

=head1 CPAN Modules

Some of the CPAN modules that implement mod_perl 2.0 protocols:


=item C<Apache::SMTP> - An SMTP server


=head1 Maintainers

Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates,
corrections and patches.


=item *

Stas Bekman []


=head1 Authors


=item *


Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the
Changes file.
