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<h1>XHTMLDoctype.h</h1><a href="XHTMLDoctype_8h.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="comment">/* -*-mode:c++; c-file-style: "gnu";-*- */</span>
<a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="comment">/*</span>
<a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="comment"> *  $Id: XHTMLDoctype.h,v 1.1 2008/01/19 15:43:57 sebdiaz Exp $</span>
<a name="l00004"></a>00004 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="comment"> *  Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Stephen F. Booth &lt;;</span>
<a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="comment"> *                       2007 David Roberts</span>
<a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="comment">                     2007 Sebastien DIAZ &lt;;</span>
<a name="l00008"></a>00008 <span class="comment"> *  Part of the GNU cgicc library,</span>
<a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00010"></a>00010 <span class="comment"> *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or</span>
<a name="l00011"></a>00011 <span class="comment"> *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public</span>
<a name="l00012"></a>00012 <span class="comment"> *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either</span>
<a name="l00013"></a>00013 <span class="comment"> *  version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</span>
<a name="l00014"></a>00014 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00015"></a>00015 <span class="comment"> *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,</span>
<a name="l00016"></a>00016 <span class="comment"> *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of</span>
<a name="l00017"></a>00017 <span class="comment"> *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU</span>
<a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="comment"> *  Lesser General Public License for more details.</span>
<a name="l00019"></a>00019 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00020"></a>00020 <span class="comment"> *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public</span>
<a name="l00021"></a>00021 <span class="comment"> *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software</span>
<a name="l00022"></a>00022 <span class="comment"> *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA </span>
<a name="l00023"></a>00023 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00024"></a>00024 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef XXHTMLDoctype_H</span>
<a name="l00025"></a>00025 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define XXHTMLDoctype_H</span>
<a name="l00026"></a>00026 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00033"></a>00033 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;string&gt;</span>
<a name="l00034"></a>00034 
<a name="l00035"></a>00035 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;<a class="code" href="MStreamable_8h.html" title="Abstract base class for all streamable objects.">cgicc/MStreamable.h</a>&gt;</span>
<a name="l00036"></a>00036 
<a name="l00037"></a>00037 <span class="keyword">namespace </span>cgicc {
<a name="l00038"></a>00038 
<a name="l00044"></a><a class="code" href="classcgicc_1_1XHTMLDoctype.html">00044</a> <span class="keyword">class </span>CGICC_API <a class="code" href="classcgicc_1_1XHTMLDoctype.html" title="Class that abstracts a XHTML Doc Type.">XHTMLDoctype</a> : <span class="keyword">public</span> <a class="code" href="classcgicc_1_1MStreamable.html" title="Mix-in streamable interface.">MStreamable</a> {
<a name="l00045"></a>00045         <span class="keyword">public</span>:
<a name="l00046"></a>00046         <span class="keyword">enum</span> EDocumentType {
<a name="l00047"></a>00047                 eStrict,
<a name="l00048"></a>00048                 eTransitional,
<a name="l00049"></a>00049                 eFrames
<a name="l00050"></a>00050         };
<a name="l00051"></a>00051         <span class="comment">// ============================================================</span>
<a name="l00052"></a>00052     
<a name="l00055"></a>00055     
<a name="l00062"></a>00062         <a class="code" href="classcgicc_1_1XHTMLDoctype.html" title="Class that abstracts a XHTML Doc Type.">XHTMLDoctype</a>(EDocumentType type = eStrict);
<a name="l00068"></a>00068         <span class="keyword">virtual</span> ~<a class="code" href="classcgicc_1_1XHTMLDoctype.html" title="Class that abstracts a XHTML Doc Type.">XHTMLDoctype</a>();
<a name="l00069"></a>00069         
<a name="l00071"></a>00071         
<a name="l00072"></a>00072         <span class="keyword">virtual</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> render(std::ostream&amp; out) <span class="keyword">const</span>;
<a name="l00073"></a>00073         
<a name="l00074"></a>00074         <span class="keyword">private</span>:
<a name="l00075"></a>00075         EDocumentType fType;
<a name="l00076"></a>00076 };
<a name="l00077"></a>00077 }<span class="comment">// namespace cgicc</span>
<a name="l00078"></a>00078 
<a name="l00080"></a><a class="code" href="XHTMLDoctype_8h.html#7206c9819180d2344073d510adf5987c">00080</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define xmlnsXHTML() set("xmlns", "")</span>
<a name="l00081"></a>00081 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00082"></a>00082 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
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<a href="">GNU cgicc</a> - A C++ class library for
writing CGI applications<br />
Copyright &copy; 1996 - 2004 
<a href="mailto:sboothATgnuDOTorg">Stephen F. Booth</a><br />
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
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