

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > f9f56bc255d8b460e9a2c33d9c00f624 > files > 6


2.0.0 (20/05/2006):
		- Added an entry to disable the decoder

1.8.8 (05/08/2004):
		- Corrected a bug in the incoming signal buffering that would
		  overwrite buffered events when frames would come too fast
		  during the fade-out period, just after a buffer underrun.

1.8.7 (25/07/2004):
		- Added a section in the README to explain how to use CWirc
		  with the aRts daemon.

		- The DTR line is now explicitely set so that CWirc can read
		  back the state of the Morse key contact(s), even if another
		  program left the serial port in a bad state.

1.8.6 (19/07/2004):
		- Made the plugin stub filter out CWirc frames even when the
		  plugin is disabled, so it's now possible to close the CWirc
		  panel and keep chatting normally on a Morse channel.

		- Made the plugin stub correctly handle channel locks on
		  different IRC servers, and made it warn the user when a lock
		  is stale.

1.8.5 (08/07/2004):
		- Corrected the README and added a French translation of it.

		- Added the -fPIC flag to build the plugin's object files.

		- Changed the Debian package maintainer and merged his changes.

1.8.4 (20/06/2004):
		- Corrected a bug that would leave the I/O process running
		  alone if the GUI quit without stopping it properly.

		- Made the extension API's shared memory key really random.

		- CWirc now tries to renice itself if the frontend binary is
		  installed suid root, in order to get better I/O performances
		  and cure the scratchy sound problem with low-end sound
		  devices and loaded systems.

1.8.3 (18/06/2004):
		- Made the sound fragment writing routine less fragile.

		- Doubled the automatic decoder's speed indicator as a decoder
		  reset button.

		- Fixed a bug where the CWirc front-end would stop if X-Chat
		  was started from an xterm and the terminal was resized.

1.8.2 (13/06/2004):
		- Reduced the memory and disk footprint.

		- General code cleanup.

		- Made the keyer settings tab become inactive when the selected
		  key type is "straight".

		- Changed all references to "QRM" into the correct "QRN".

		- Fixed a GTK error message when starting the GUI.

		- Fixed a bug that could prevent an extension to be run again
		  if it failed to run once.

1.8.1 (13/04/2004):
		- Now the plugin doesn't report incoming morse from any source
		  but the current IRC channel, on the current CWirc channel.

		- Fixed a bug that would make CWirc occasionally send malformed
		  frames containing null events when running with the CW output
		  set to "sounder".

1.8.0 (01/04/2004):
		- Re-implemented the keyer, with a full set of options.

		- The frontend now checks its version number against the
		  plugin's, to avoid using an incompatible shared memory

1.7.7 (26/03/2004):
		- Added "About" tab to give general information about CWirc

		- Made the cwirc window non-resizable.

		- Added two new keyer modes besides mode-A and mode-B : a dit
                  memory mode and a dit+dah memory mode.

1.7.6 (23/03/2004):
		- An undecoded character is now indicated by an underscore in
		  the morse decoder line, and not a question mark, so it's
		  more readable and less confusing.

		- Corrected the '8' sign in the DOT code table and removed the
		  E-circumflex sign from the French morse code table because it
		  conflicted with the slash sign.

1.7.5 (20/02/2004):
		- Added a sidetone mode, to key Morse code locally without
		  actually sending anything. This is good to adjust keys and
		  generally play without bothering anyone else, exactly like
		  the equivalent function found on most real transceivers.

		- Now the Morse decoder also decodes the local key.

		- Implemented the new ITU "commat" Morse sign ('@' sign, as in
		  emails) and corrected the 'VA' prosign in the Morse code

1.7.4 (27/01/2004):
		- Corrected a bug that spawned an infinity of error popups if
		  writing to the sound device generated an error despite the
		  sound device having been opened and set up successfully.

1.7.3 (14/01/2004):
		- Added rules to create a binary and source RPMs.

1.7.2 (06/01/2004):
		- Added DOT code support in the automatic decoder.

		- Made replying to CTCP queries and returning the current
		  channel number the default behaviour.

1.7.1 (10/11/2003):
		- The accuracy of sent and received timing events has been
		  improved dramatically.

		- A bad data corruption bug in the frame sending routine has
		  been corrected.

1.7.0 (09/11/2003):
		- Added a CWirc extension interface.
		- Made the ipc routines more generic.
		- Corrected the sound mixing to implement volume and squelch
		- Implemented an extension to the existing frame format to
		  allow high-speed Morse to pass through IRC within the flood
		  limits imposed by IRC servers.

1.6.1 (28/10/2003):
		- The channel lock is now reset when the plugin is re-enabled.

		- Modified the Makefile to build CWirc on NetBSD.

1.6.0 (18/10/2003):
		- Added French Morse code in the automatic Morse decoder.
		- Added IRC channel locking and unlocking commands (/CWLOCK
		  and /CWUNLOCK).
		- Reorganized the main panel so the presentation of the preset
		  channels is more logical.

1.5.0 (15/10/2003):
		- Added 5 preset CW channels, instead of just one adjustment.

		- Added the X-Chat "xchat-plugin.h" include file in the CWirc
		  distribution, so it's not necessary to download the entire
		  X-Chat source tree if the file isn't provided by the

		- Modified the Makefile and #ifdef'ed bits of the source code
		  to build CWirc for FreeBSD cleanly and without patch.

1.4.2 (02/10/2003):
		- Changed key_t types to int, removed Linux-only and Intel-only
		  signals, added missing #include in plugin.c, changed
		  #include <linux/soundcard> to #include <sys/soundcard.h> in
		  io.c and modified the Makefile to facilitate the port of
		  CWirc to FreeBSD.

		- Added a patch and instructions to build CWirc on FreeBSD.

1.4.1 (01/10/2003):
		- Corrected a minor bug in the morse frame validity testing.

1.4.0 (26/09/2003):
		- Added Russian and Japanese morse in the automatic CW decoder.

		- Corrected a bug in the decoder's buffer scrolling.

		- Made the front-end wait a bit before quitting on an error to
		  allow the plugin portion to catch the error message.

1.3.1 (09/09/2003):
		- Made the QRM louder and corrected its implementation.

		- Corrected the QRM mixing.

		- Corrected a bug in the GUI where the callsign text entry would
		  always be disabled at startup.

		- Made the squelch more sensitive

1.3.0 (06/09/2003):
		- Added adjustable QRM simulation.

		- Added signal strength and sporadic-E propagation simulation,
		  based on the physical distance between operators, calculated
		  from advertised grid square locations of the operators.

		- Extended the CW frame protocol to pass grid square locations.
		  Added optional grid square location in the GUI.

		- Added optional grid square reporting in the CTCP CWIRC query.

		- Added a squelch in the main panel.

		- Corrected the sound mixing to match that of a real ham radio.
		  Added soft incoming signal fadeout.
		- Moved the creation of outgoing CW frames back to cwframe.c
		  where it belongs.

		- Many minor corrections.

1.2.3 (30/08/2003):
		- Improved the accuracy of the Morse decoder.

1.2.2 (28/08/2003):
		- Made the plugin answer channel-wide CTCP CWIRC queries.

		- CW frames sent as notices are now decoded and played.

1.2.1 (24/08/2003):
		- Reordered the functions in plugin.c to follow the order in the
		  list of prototypes.
		- Made the decoder line frame stick to the decoder line.
		- Improved the sound quality when mixing several CW sound
		- Simplified the S-meter and morse key icon drawing routines,
		  and modified the CW beep generator, to be more CPU-friendly
		  on slower machines.
		- Fixed the dependency against X-Chat in the debian binary
		- Added "CWirc" button in the userlist buttons.

1.2.0 (16/08/2003):
		- Added the ability to play morse code as sounder clicks.

		- Regular morse beeps are now smoother.

		- Changed the "FINE" setting into "RX pitch", and added "TX
		  pitch" and "Volume" controls in the main panel.

                - Made the mouse keying zone show either a straight key or an
                  iambic key according to the keying mode it is emulating.

                - Added a received morse speed indicator in the automatic
                  decoder line.

                - Slightly corrected the automatic keyer WPM timing.

                - Made the automatic decoder more resilient to temporary
                  variations of the received morse speed.

1.1.0 (09/08/2003):
		- Extended the frame format to include an explicit callsign.

		- Added optional custom CTCP query, to report the CWirc version,
		  user's callsign and current CW channel.

		- Added a page in the GUI to change the callsign and control
		  whether it's sent in the morse frames or not, and control how
		  CTCP queries are replied to.

		- Reviewed all the strcpy() and strncpy() calls in the code to
		  make sure they can't overflow.
		- The semaphore ID and shared memory ID are now random, so two
		  instances of CWirc running on the same box don't conflict.

1.0.1 (07/08/2003):
		- Made the main GUI window tabbed.
		- Made various parts of the GUI go gray when they become
		  irrelevant, such as the iambic keyer settings when the key is
		  set to "straight".

1.0.0 (06/08/2003):
		- Split CWirc into a X-Chat plugin stub and a executable
		  front-end called by the plugin.

		- Replaced the X11 user interface with a full-featured GTK+ gui.

		- Added automatic configuration file creation and saving.

		- Made the receive buffering adjustable.

		- Made opening the sound device non-blocking.

		- Added uninstall target in the Makefile.

		- Fixed many small bugs.

0.9.2 (01/08/2003):
		- Corrected the automatic morse decoder and extended it to
		  include prosigns.
		- Added a schematic to build a CW oscillator driven by the
		  serial port, and a schematic to connect a morse key to a
		  serial port.

0.9.1 (28/07/2003):
		- Fixed an incorrect Linux real-time clock include file that
		  broke the build in RedHat 9

		- Modified the process termination code to be more graceful

                - The I/O process now makes sure the external sounder is
                  de-activated before stopping

                - Brought the memory usage under control

0.9.0 (27/07/2003):
		- Added support for morse output on an external sounder
		  connected to a serial port.

		- Rationalized the format of the configuration file.

		- Corrected the Makefile to avoid error messages on non-Debian

		- Redone all the documentation

0.8.2 (23/07/2003):
		- Added a rule to create a Debian binary package

0.8.1 (19/07/2003):
		- Added an explanation of iambic timings.

		- Corrected the man page.

0.8.0 (15/07/2003):
		- Made the morse frame format more compact, so CWirc wastes less
		  of the IRC server's bandwidth, and the user can key faster
		  without being throttled or kicked for flooding. The new format
		  isn't compatible with previous formats, and the maximum cw
		  channel goes from 9999 to 3999 as a result.

		- Made the plugin less verbose when sending or receiving morse.

		- Changed the maximum WPM to 60.

		- Bias the received morse sound pitch according to the entire
		  nick of the sender, not just the first letter, so "joe" and
		  "jane" don't sound the same.
		- Corrected 2 sound init error messages.

0.7.0 (13/07/2003):
		- Modified the sound I/O module to output sound at 44.1KHz,
		  stereo, 16 bits in order to use larger sound fragments to
		  avoid problems with some sound devices, and modified the
		  code sections dependent on timing accordingly.

		- Removed the audio chopping problems.

		- Improved the automatic morse decoder.

		- Modified the Makefile to dump a help message by default
		  inviting users to set the paths to the X-Chat plugin include
		  file and base installation directory.

0.6.0 (11/07/2003):
		- Added an automatic morse decoder in the form of a scrolling
		  line of decoded morse characters at the bottom of the control

		- Added explicit font names in the X user interface module.

		- Corrected minor bugs.

0.5.1 (11/07/2003):
		- Added support for sending morse frames through DCC CHAT.

0.5.0 (09/07/2003):
		- Modularized and cleaned up the source code

		- Added a fake S-meter

		- Made CWirc ignore morse frames received on channels other
		  than the channel currently in focus

		- Better error reporting

0.4.2 (08/07/2003):
		- Made CWirc decode morse frames sent as private messages.

0.4.1 (07/07/2003):
		- Added a 1 second delay before starting to emit morse code
		  received from IRC, so our buffer doesn't underrun as easily
		  when the IRC connection lags.

0.4.0 (06/07/2003):
		- Added the possibility of keying morse in straight or iambic
		  mode using the mouse buttons, by clicking in special zones on
		  the control panel. Clicking in these zones also serve to
		  change the keying mode for the serial morse key.

		- CWirc can now be used without a real key, using only the
		  mouse as input device.

0.3.0 (05/07/2003):
		- Turned the I/O and user interface threads into old-fashioned
		  processes with IPC communication because X-Chat isn't

		- Made the morse frame format more compact so the IRC server is
		  less likely to detect flooding and kick the IRC client.

		- Added filters to hide sent or received raw morse frames.

		- Added a title for the control panel.

		- Made closing the control panel disable the plugin.

		- Changed the "/CWENABLE" command into "/CW".

0.2.1 (04/07/2003):
		- Removed bugs in the resource cleanup code when the plugin is
		  disabled or uninstalled that caused it and X-Chat to segfault.

0.2.0 (03/07/2003):
		- Recoded the entire program into an X-Chat plugin instead of a
		  (bad) standalone IRC client. It works just like before, but
		  allows the user to use all the features of X-Chat at the same
		  time. It also features a simple graphical panel that is
		  functionally the same as the old command line.

		- Corrected and simplified the iambic implementation

		- Added a man page

0.1.0 (01/07/2003):
		- Added support for iambic keyers, in mode A or B.

0.0.2 (20/06/2003):
		- Corrected cwirc to use different serial ports and alternate
		  configuration files

0.0.1 (18/06/2003):
		- First release