

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > daec0b993afce4aa60d8eae107b4134b > files > 1


    <IfModule !mod_musicindex.c>
	LoadModule musicindex_module	extramodules/

<IfModule mod_musicindex.c>

Alias /musicindex /usr/share/mod_musicindex
<Directory /usr/share/mod_musicindex>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

#    MusicIndex - can be : On/Off +/-Stream +/-Download +/-Search +/-Rss
#    MusicSortOrder - can be : title album artist track disc length bitrate filetype genre filename date uri
#    MusicFields - can be : title album artist track disc length bitrate filetype genre filename date
#    MusicIndexCache - Set the cache configuration string
#    MusicPageTitle - Set the root title of the page.
#    MusicIceServer - Set the icecast server address : []:8000
#    MusicDefaultCss - Set the default CSS file
#    MusicCookieLife - Set the lifetime (in seconds) of the cookie sent for custom playlists
#    MusicDefaultDisplay - Set the default display returned by the module (HTML or RSS)
#    MusicDirPerLine - Set the number of directories per line in the directory listing

#<Directory /var/www/MP3/>
#    Options		Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks
#    AllowOverride	Indexes
## Can be overriden in .htaccess
#    MusicIndex		On +Stream +Download +Search -Rss -Tarball
#    MusicSortOrder      album disc track artist title length bitrate freq filetype filename uri
#    MusicFields		title artist album length bitrate
#    MusicPageTitle	Myname
#    MusicDefaultCss	musicindex.css
## Can only be set in apache configuration
#    MusicDefaultDisplay	HTML
#    MusicIndexCache	file://tmp/musicindex
#    MusicIceServer	[]:8000
#    MusicCookieLife	300
#    MusicDirPerLine	3
