

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 308327550f7fca8664acc98f7ac7e1cf > files > 2


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $Horde: chora/config/conf.xml,v 2008/10/09 17:40:03 jan Exp $ -->

 <configtab name="paths" desc="Paths and Locations">
  <configsection name="paths">
   <configheader>Paths and Locations</configheader>
   <configdescription>Location of RCS and other binaries you must have
   installed as part of CVS</configdescription>
   <configstring name="ci" desc="ci">/usr/bin/ci</configstring>
   <configstring name="co" desc="co">/usr/bin/co</configstring>
   <configstring name="rcs" desc="rcs">/usr/bin/rcs</configstring>
   <configstring name="rcsdiff" desc="rcsdiff">/usr/bin/rcsdiff</configstring>
   <configstring name="rlog" desc="rlog">/usr/bin/rlog</configstring>
   <configstring name="cvs" desc="cvs">/usr/bin/cvs</configstring>

   <configstring name="diff" desc="diff">/usr/bin/diff</configstring>
   <configstring name="svn" desc="svn">/usr/bin/svn</configstring>

   <configstring name="svn_home" required="false" desc="Home directory for
   execution of svn binary (specified via --config-dir to svn). This directory
   must at least be readable to the webserver, otherwise svn will not work.
   If you leave this empty, the system's temporary directory will be used.">

   <configstring name="cvsps" required="false" desc="If you have cvsps
   installed, we can generate patchset information. You need at least version
   2.0b6 of cvsps. Path to the cvsps executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/cvsps"/>
   <configstring name="cvsps_home" desc="Directory where the .cvsps cache
   files can be created - it must be writeable by the

   <configstring name="cvsgraph" required="false" desc="If you have CvsGraph
   installed, we can generate repository graphs. Path to the cvsgraph
   executable, e.g. /usr/bin/cvsgraph"/>
   <configphp name="cvsgraph_conf" desc="CvsGraph configuration
   file">dirname(__FILE__) . '/cvsgraph.conf'</configphp>

 <configtab name="tickets" desc="Interaction with other systems">
  <configsection name="tickets">
   <configheader>Interaction with other systems</configheader>
   <configstring name="regexp" required="false" desc="You can define a regular
   expression, or an array of regexps, which if matched, will link a string to
   a ticket-tracking/bug-tracking system. The replacement is the second
   argument to preg_replace(), so you can backreference anything you match in
   the matching regexp. Example: &lt;code class=&quot;nowrap&quot;&gt;'|bug:?
   <configstring name="replacement" required="false" desc="Replacement
   string. Example: &lt;code class=&quot;nowrap&quot;&gt;'&amp;lt;a

 <configtab name="options" desc="Look And Feel Configuration">
  <configsection name="options">
   <configheader>Look And Feel Configuration</configheader>
   <configstring name="adminName" desc="The name displayed in the page footer.
   This is generally the name of the repository
   <configstring name="adminEmail" desc="The email address displayed in the
   page footer."></configstring>
   <configinteger name="shortLogLength" desc="In the directory view, a short
   summary of the last logentry is shown.  The value here determines how many
   characters of this to show before truncating it, and appending '...' to
   indicate there is more to show.">75</configinteger>
   <configenum name="defaultsort" desc="In the directory view, set a default
   sort order.">VC_SORT_NAME
     <value desc="no sort">VC_SORT_NONE</value>
     <value desc="sort by age">VC_SORT_AGE</value>
     <value desc="sort by filename">VC_SORT_NAME</value>
     <value desc="sort by revision number">VC_SORT_REV</value>
     <value desc="sort by author name">VC_SORT_AUTHOR</value>
   <configenum name="urls" desc="Does your web server support
   mod_rewrite?  If so, we can generate &quot;pretty&quot; URLs. If
   not, pathnames will be propagated using a GET variable instead.">get
     <value desc="GET (will always work)">get</value>
     <value desc="mod_rewrite (pretty, shorter URLs)">rewrite</value>

  <configlist name="restrictions" required="false" desc="If you wish to protect
  a file pattern on a global basis (i.e. across all sourceroots defined in
  sourceroots.php) list the perl-style regex file patterns in this array. For
  example: &lt;code class=&quot;nowrap&quot;&gt;'^/?CVSROOT'&lt;/code&gt;"/>

  <configboolean name="hide_restricted" desc="If you wish to hide restricted
  files from listings as well as protect their contents, check this option, and
  restricted files will not be displayed in directory

  <configenum name="filename_linkto" desc="When clicking on a file name in the browse view, should we show the revision log, or display the most recent revision? The opposite action will be available when clicking on the revision number.">revlog
    <value desc="Revision Log">revlog</value>
    <value desc="Most recent version">checkout</value>

 <configtab name="menu" desc="Menu Settings">
  <configsection name="menu">
   <configheader>Menu Settings</configheader>
   <configmultienum name="apps" desc="Select any applications that should be
   linked in Chora's menu">
     <configspecial name="list-horde-apps" />