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  <title>Headers Inclusion</title>

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  <h1>Headers Inclusion</h1>

  <p>The easiest way to access to the library is by including the main
#include &lt;boost/numeric/interval.hpp&gt;

  <p>This header will include almost all the other headers (except the ones
  listed as extensions). However, you may not want to access all the
  functionalities of the library. So this page stands as a reminder for the
  whole structure of the library.
  <code>&lt;boost/numeric/interval.hpp&gt;</code> is the only header to be
  located directly under <code>boost/numeric</code>; all the other headers
  are located in the subdirectory <code>boost/numeric/interval</code>. And
  each time this documentation will refer to
  <code>interval/something.hpp</code>, it is

  <p>Please also note that all the following headers are independent and can
  easily be pre-compiled if necessary (for compilers which support
  pre-compiled headers of course).</p>

  <h2>Function definitions</h2>

  <p>The following headers contain the definition of the
  <code>interval</code> class and all the friendly functions and


  <p>This header contains the definition and the declaration of the
  <code>interval</code> class. However, this class is templated and the
  default template parameters are not available by this header. In
  particular, this header does not provide the default specialization of the
  <code>interval</code> class for the floating-point types
  (<code>interval&lt;float&gt;</code>, <code>interval&lt;double&gt;</code>
  and <code>interval&lt;long double&gt;</code>). So, unless you use your own
  policies, this header is not really useful on its own.</p>


  <p>In this header are all the functions that do not expect any arithmetic
  property from the base number type. It only expects the bounds to be
  ordered; but it should not surprise you since it is a requirement of the
  whole library. You will find in this header the definitions of access and
  related functions: <code>lower</code>, <code>upper</code>,
  <code>checked_lower</code>, <code>checked_upper</code>,
  <code>median</code>, <code>width</code>, <code>widen</code>. There are also
  the set-like functions: <code>in,</code> <code>zero_in</code>,
  <code>empty</code>, <code>subset</code>, <code>proper_subset</code>,
  <code>overlap</code>, <code>singleton</code>, <code>equal</code>,
  <code>intersect</code>, <code>hull</code>, <code>bisect</code>. Finally,
  <code>abs</code>, <code>min</code>, and <code>max</code> are defined.</p>


  <p>Here are the binary operators <code>+</code>, <code>-</code>,
  <code>*</code>, <code>/</code> and the unary operator <code>-</code>.</p>


  <p>This header defines <code>fmod</code>, <code>square</code>,
  <code>sqrt</code>, <code>pow</code>, and <code>root</code>.</p>


  <p>The third arithmetic header: it provides the functions <code>add</code>,
  <code>sub</code>, <code>mul</code>, and <code>div</code>. The type of their
  arguments is the base number type.</p>


  <p>It is the last of the headers with mathematical functions; it provides
  the following functions: <code>cos</code>, <code>sin</code>,
  <code>tan</code>, <code>acos</code>, <code>asin</code>, <code>atan</code>,
  <code>cosh</code>, <code>sinh</code>, <code>tanh</code>,
  <code>acosh</code>, <code>asinh</code>, <code>atanh</code>,
  <code>exp</code>, and <code>log</code>.</p>


  <p>The following headers define some policies. They may be needed if you
  use the default policies.</p>


  <p>This header defines the three provided rounding policies for the
  arithmetic functions: <code>rounded_arith_std</code>,
  <code>rounded_arith_opp</code>, <code>rounded_arith_exact</code>.</p>


  <p>This header defines the three provided rounding policies for the
  transcendental functions: <code>rounded_transc_std</code>,
  <code>rounded_transc_opp</code>, <code>rounded_transc_exact</code>. It is
  separated from <code>rounded_arith.hpp</code> since the transcendental part
  of the rounding policy is probably less useful than the arithmetic


  <p>Here are full rounding policies for the basic floating-point types. The
  policies are processor-dependent; and to allow the user code to be
  portable, they only define the common subset of the hardware available
  functions, which are the arithmetic functions of the rounding policy.</p>


  <p>This header provides the predefined checking policies:
  <code>checking_base</code>, <code>checking_no_empty</code>,
  <code>checking_no_nan</code>, <code>checking_catch_nan</code>,


  <p>Here are defined the helpers for manipulating policies. It contains
  <code>policies</code> (and so is needed for using default policies),
  <code>change_rounding</code>, <code>change_checking</code>,
  <code>unprotect</code>, etc.</p>



  <p>This header includes all the following headers. They provide some
  predefined comparison namespaces.</p>


  <p>Here is <code>compare::certain</code>.</p>


  <p>And here is its friend <code>compare::possible</code>.</p>


  <p>The explicit comparison functions <code>cerlt</code>,
  <code>posge</code>, etc are defined in this header.</p>


  <p>This header provides <code>compare::lexicographic</code>.</p>


  <p>This header provides <code>compare::set</code>.</p>


  <p>The following headers are not included by <code>interval.hpp</code> and
  will usually provide not always desirable capabilities.</p>


  <p>Here are defined basic stream operators <code>&lt;&lt;</code> and
  <code>&gt;&gt;</code>. They should only be used as a first approach and
  later be replaced by a customized version.</p>


  <p>A specialization of <code>std::numeric_limits</code> adapted to the
  interval type.</p>


  <p>This header provides a comparison namespace
  <code>compare::tribool</code> especially adapted to a tristate boolean.</p>


  <p>This header provides mixed operations between intervals and integers. It
  is done by converting the integer to the base number type. Because this
  comparison is not always correct (for a big <code>int</code> may not be
  exactly convertible to <code>float</code>), this header is not
  automatically included and the user should ensure that this behavior is
  compatible with what she wants to do (if it is only to multiply some
  intervals by 2, it probably is a good thing to include this header).</p>


  <p>This header defines a new rounding policy allowing to workaround the
  precision problem of the x86 processors (and so speeding up the
  computations). However, it only is a partial solution and it shouldn't be
  used when there is a possibility of underflow or overflow.</p>

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  <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" s-type="EDITED" s-format="%Y-%m-%d" startspan -->2006-12-24<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="12172" --></p>

  <p><i>Copyright &copy; 2002 Guillaume Melquiond, Sylvain Pion, Herv&eacute;
  Br&ouml;nnimann, Polytechnic University<br>
  Copyright &copy; 2003-2006 Guillaume Melquiond, ENS Lyon</i></p>

  <p><i>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  accompanying file <a href="../../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>
  or copy at <a href=