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     Copyright (c) The Trustees of Indiana University
     Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
     License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
      Authors: Douglas Gregor
               Andrew Lumsdaine
  <Title>Boost Graph Library: Power Law Out Degree (PLOD) Generator</Title>
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template&lt;typename RandomGenerator, typename Graph&gt;
class plod_iterator
  typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef std::pair&lt;vertices_size_type, vertices_size_type&gt; value_type;
  typedef const value_type&amp; reference;
  typedef const value_type* pointer;
  typedef void difference_type;

  plod_iterator(RandomGenerator&amp; gen, vertices_size_type n,
                double alpha, double beta, bool allow_self_loops = false);
  // Iterator operations
  reference operator*() const;
  pointer operator-&gt;() const;
  plod_iterator&amp; operator++();
  plod_iterator operator++(int);
  bool operator==(const plod_iterator&amp; other) const;
  bool operator!=(const plod_iterator&amp; other) const;

<p> This class template implements a generator for scale-free graphs
using the Power Law Out Degree (PLOD) algorithm
  [<a href="bibliography.html#palmer2000">63</a>], suitable for 
initializing an <a
href="adjacency_list.html"><tt>adjacency_list</tt></a> or other graph
structure with iterator-based initialization. A scale-free graph
typically has a very skewed degree distribution, where few vertices
have a very high degree and a large number of vertices have a very
small degree. Many naturally evolving networks, such as the World
Wide Web, are scale-free graphs, making these graphs a good model for
certain networking problems.</p>

<p>The Power Law Out Degree (PLOD) algorithm generates a scale-free
graph from three parameters, <em>n</em>, <em>alpha</em>, and
<em>beta</em>, by allocating a certain number of degree "credits" to
each vertex, drawn from a power-law distribution. It then creates
edges between vertices, deducting a credit from each involved vertex
(in the undirected case) or the source vertex (in the directed
case). The number of credits assigned to a vertex is:
<em>beta*x<sup>-alpha</sup></em>, where <em>x</em> is a random value
between 0 and <em>n-1</em>. The value of <em>beta</em> controls the
y-intercept of the curve, so that increasing <em>beta</em> increases
the average degree of vertices. The value of <em>alpha</em> controls
how steeply the curve drops off, with larger values indicating a
steeper curve. The web graph, for instance, has <em>alpha ~

<h3>Where Defined</h3>

<a href="../../../boost/graph/plod_generator.hpp"><tt>boost/graph/plod_generator.hpp</tt></a>


<a name="default-constructor"/>
Constructs a past-the-end iterator.

plod_iterator(RandomGenerator&amp; gen, vertices_size_type n,
              double alpha, double beta, bool allow_self_loops = false);
Constructs a PLOD generator iterator that creates a
graph with <tt>n</tt> vertices. Probabilities are drawn from the
random number generator <tt>gen</tt>. Self-loops are permitted only
when <tt>allow_self_loops</tt> is <tt>true</tt>.


#include &lt;boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/graph/plod_generator.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp&gt;

typedef boost::adjacency_list&lt;&gt; Graph;
typedef boost::plod_iterator&lt;boost::minstd_rand, Graph&gt; SFGen;

int main()
  boost::minstd_rand gen;
  // Create graph with 100 nodes 
  Graph g(SFGen(gen, 100, 2.5, 1000), SFGen(), 100);
  return 0;

<TR valign=top>
<TD nowrap>Copyright &copy; 2005</TD><TD>
<A HREF="">Doug Gregor</A>, Indiana University (<script language="Javascript">address("", "dgregor")</script>)<br>
  <A HREF="">Andrew Lumsdaine</A>,
Indiana University (<script language="Javascript">address("", "lums")</script>)