

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 30a817b1a5cbc3b9a11942bda9a91aed > files > 1200


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
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\layout Title

\series bold 
\layout Section

List of users
\layout Standard

The administrator can create, modify or access the account informations
 when clicking on the 
\series bold 
\color blue
\series default 
\color default
 button in the 
\series bold 
\series default 
 menu on the left.
\family sans 
\color black
 Users Administration
\family default 
\color default
 page is displayed, she is divided on three columns.
 Each time an user is created it will appear in the first column sorted
 by department.
\layout Standard

The two first columns contains icons which are shortcuts to the settings
 of each user and the actions you can execute on them.
\layout Standard

Those icons ( 
\begin_inset Graphics
	filename images/list_back.png


\begin_inset Graphics
	filename images/list_root.png


\begin_inset Graphics
	filename images/list_home.png


 ) are used to modify the display according to the department, the icons
 predominate other selections of display.
\layout Standard

It's from the Users Administration page that the system administrator will
 get a global view of all the users in his system.
\layout Standard

\color black
In the right part of the page you will find a table called Filters 
\begin_inset Graphics
	filename images/rocket.png


\layout Itemize

\color black
This table purpose is to change the display of the users :
\layout Standard

\color black
- Click on a letter to show all the users starting with this letter;
\layout Standard

\color black
- Click on the asterisk and the list of users will be ordoned alphabetically
\layout Itemize

You can also :
\layout Standard

- Check one or more options to get a restricted selection;
\layout Standard

- Insert a letter or a number followed by an asterisk or a user name in
 the filed preceded by a this icon 
\begin_inset Graphics
	filename images/search.png


 Click on the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 button to get the result of your selection.
\layout Standard

To create an account click on 
\begin_inset Graphics
	filename images/list_new_user.png


 If the account is already created click on the account himself.
\layout Standard

You will see tabs, each of them is a part of the user account configuration.
 Each of those tabs is an extension that GOsa can manage.
\layout Standard
\added_space_bottom medskip 
To finish the creation of the user, click on the finish button on the right
 bottom of the page.
 To cancel your change click on the cancel button.

\layout Standard

All the fields followed by an red asterisk must be filled.
\layout Standard

In the upper right corner you have the full dn of the user currently edited.
\layout Subsection
\layout Subsubsection

Personal information
\layout Standard
\added_space_bottom medskip 

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="15" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the last name
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
First name
\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the first name
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the login name
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Personnal title
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the personnal (Mister, Miss, Madam)
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Academic title
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the academic title
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Date of birth
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Click on the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 button to make a scroll list appear
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make your choice on the scroll list
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Preferred Language
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make your choice on the scroll list
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Choice of the deparment.
 (the creation of the department is made with the 
\series bold 
\color blue
\series default 
\color default
 button on the left menu in the administration part.).
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the personnal address of the user
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Private phone
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the private number in the national or international way.
 (keep in mind to make the same for all users)
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the url of the user homepage
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Password storage
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make your choice on the scroll list
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
Click on the button 
\emph on 
Edits certificates
\emph default 
 GOsa will let you import three type of certificates.
 To save click on 
\emph on 
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
Click on the button 
\emph on 
Edit properties
\emph default 


\layout Standard

You can if you wisch add a picture of the user by clicking on the button
\shape italic 
changer la photo
\shape default 
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Organizational information
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="13" columns="2">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the organization's name 
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the departement's name that the user is attached 
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Departement's number
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the departement's number
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Employee's number
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the employee's number
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Employee's type
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert his range in the organization
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Room's number
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the room's number of the employee
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the phone number of the user
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the mobile's number of the employee
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the page number of the employee
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the fax number of the employee
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the localisation of employee's office
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the name of the state where the organization is located
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the address of the organization


\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

To activate an Unix account for one user, you have to click on the button
\shape italic 
add a posix account.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="5" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Home directory
\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the path to the home directory of the user
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make the choice on the scroll list of the kind of shell used
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Primary group
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the primary group wich one the user is attached.
 (For the creation of a group, go to the 
\series bold 
\series default 
\color black
and click on the button
\series bold 
\color blue
\series default 
\color default
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention if the account is activated or not
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Check if you want to force UID/GID of the user to a certain value


\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Group membership
\layout Standard

Use the buttons 
\emph on 
\emph default 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to insert or to remove groups in the empty area.
 The button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 give the group list created by the administrator.
 The user could be attached at one or many groups.
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
\layout Standard

It's about the management of the user's password.
 Many proposals could be checked but the administrator should avoid conflicting
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
System trust
\layout Standard

The trust system is used to control access by the user at differents systems,
 devices, ...
\layout Standard

The trust system can :
\layout Itemize

be deactivated, 
\layout Itemize

allow full access,
\layout Itemize

allow the access to hosts : 
\layout Standard

- Use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to select the hosts, 
\layout Standard

- Use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to remove hosts.
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

Click on the button 
\shape italic 
add an environment extension 
\emph on 
\shape default 
\emph default 
 activate the configuration space.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Kiosk profile
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Logon scripts
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Attach share
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Hotplug devices
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

The mail account is linked to the mail server.
 To activate the mail account click on the button 
\shape italic 
Create mail account
\shape default 
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="4" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
Primary address
\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the mail address of the user 
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Choose the server where the mail account of the user is stored
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Quota usage
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention if you apply a quota to the mail account of the user
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Quota size
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention in KB the quota size


\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Alternative addresses
\layout Standard

The user can own one or many aliases.
 Those aliases must be inserted in the alternatives addresses area.
\layout Standard

Use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to insert the aliases.
 The alias must be inserted in the empty area followed by the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to remove aliases.
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Mail options
\layout Standard

Management of the mail options of the user :
\layout Itemize

No delivery to own mailbox : send all mail for this address to a mail address
 mentionned in the area 
\emph on 
Forward messages to.
\layout Itemize

Activate vacation message : send the message wroten in the area 
\shape italic 
\color black
Vacation message
\shape default 
\color default
 to the sender.
\layout Itemize

Move mails tagged with spam level greater than (a) to folder (b) : send
 mails that spam level is higher than (a) in the folder (b).
\layout Itemize

Reject mails bigger than (c) MB : reject mails higher than (c) MB.
\layout Itemize

Use the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
\emph on 
Add local
\emph default 
\color black
 buttons to manage addresses : 
\layout Standard

\color black
- The 
\emph on 
Add local
\emph default 
 button is used to choose among the local list addresses.
\layout Standard

\color black
- The 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 button allow external addresses.
\layout Standard

\color black
- Use the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 button to remove the mails addresses.
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Advanced mail options
\layout Itemize

User is only allowed to send and receive local mails : the administrator
 can force sending and receiving local mails only.
\layout Itemize

Use custom sieve script : The administrator can write sieve script to establish
 rules for managing mail box.
\emph on 
Attention ! 
\shape italic 
\emph default 
This will disable all mail options
\shape default 
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

To create a samba account for an user click on the button 
\shape italic 
Create a samba
\shape default 
\shape italic 
\shape default 
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="4" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Home directory
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the path of the user's home directory in UNC notation ex: 

 Choose on the scroll list the letter associated to the user's home directory.
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Select the domain where the user's desktop exists
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Script path
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the user's logon script 
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Profile path
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the path to the user profile


\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Terminal Server
\layout Itemize

Allow login on the terminal server
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="2" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Home directory
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the path of the user's home directory in notation UNC ex: 

 Choose on the scroll list the letter associated to the user's home directory.
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Profile path
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the path to the user profile


\layout Itemize

Inherit client config
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="2" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Initial program
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the path to the default application
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Working directory
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Mention the working directory of the initial program


\layout Itemize

Timeout settings (in minutes) :
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="3" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Put the maximum time waiting for a login
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Put the maximum time waiting to disconnect
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Put the maximum time waiting for a query


\layout Itemize

Client devices :
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="3" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Connect client drives at logon 
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Check to connect client drives at logon
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Connect client printers at logon
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Check to connect client printers at logon
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Default to main client printer
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Check to define the client default printer at logon


\layout Itemize

Miscellaneous :
\layout Standard

- Shadowing : 
\color red
\layout Standard

- On broken or timed out : choose if you want disconect or reset the client.
\layout Standard

- Reconnect if disconnected : choose if the reconnection must be done from
 the same client, or if it can be done from an other client.
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Access options
\layout Itemize

It's about the management of the user's password.
 Once or many proposal can be checked in but the administrator must take
 care to avoid conflicts.
\layout Itemize

The area on the right must be filled by the names of clients on which the
 user can logon.
 The administrator must use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to insert the clients names.
 The button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 give the clients list.
 Use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to remove clients.
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

The administrator can choose more services where the user could be connected.
\layout Subparagraph*

Proxy account
\layout Standard

If you activated the Proxy option for a user you can filter the content,
 limit access hours and restrict download/upload.
\layout Subparagraph
\added_space_top smallskip 
FTP account
\layout Standard

If you activated the FTP option, you can fix the upload and downlaod bandwidth,
 the data ratio and the quota allowed.
 You can also deactivate the FTP account.
\layout Subparagraph
\added_space_top smallskip 
WebDAV account
\layout Standard

If you activated the WebDAV option, the user will be granted access to the
 WebDAV server.
\layout Subparagraph
\added_space_top smallskip 
PHPGroupware account
\layout Standard

If you activated the PHPGroupware option, the user will be granted access
 to the PHPGroupware software.
\layout Subparagraph
\added_space_top smallskip 
Intranet account
\layout Standard
\added_space_bottom smallskip 
If you activated the Intranet option, the user will access Intranet server.
\layout Standard

\series bold 
PPTP account
\layout Standard
\added_space_bottom smallskip 
If you activated the PPTP option, the user will access server PPTP.
\layout Standard

\series bold 
PHPScheduleit account
\layout Standard
\added_space_bottom smallskip 
If you activated the PHPScheduleit option, the user will access PHPScheduleIt
\layout Standard

\series bold 
GLPI account
\layout Standard

If you activated the GLPI option, the user will access GLPI software.
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

To create a fax account for an user click on the button
\shape italic 
 Create a Fax account.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="3" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Insert the fax number of the user
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make your choice on the scroll list
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Delivery format 
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make your choice on the scroll list


\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Delivery methods
\layout Itemize

Temporary disable fax usage : forbid the use of the fax for an user.
\layout Itemize

Deliver fax as mail to : send fax on mail distribution format to the user's
\layout Itemize

Deliver fax to printer : send fax to a printer.
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Alternate fax numbers
\layout Standard

The administrator can complete the fax configuration with more than one
 fax number.
 Use the buttons 
\shape italic 
\shape default 
\shape italic 
Add local
\shape default 
 to fill the area.
\layout Itemize

\emph on 
Add local
\emph default 
 button is used to choose among the local fax.
\layout Itemize

\emph on 
\emph default 
 button allow external fax numbers.
\layout Standard

Use the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 to remove fax numbers.
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
\layout Standard

The fax is today frequently use to deliver advertising messages.
 Many of them are spams.
 To avoid those messages, the administrator can create a blocklist for incoming
 and outgoing fax.
\layout Standard

When clicking on the button 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 at the left side appear the blocked numbers/lists linked to the user and
 at the right side the predefined blocklist.
\layout Standard

Select one or many lists at the right side and click on 
\shape italic 
Add the list to the blocklists
\shape default 
 use at vous désirez utiliser dans la liste de droite et cliquer sur 
\emph on 
Ajouter à la liste rouge
\emph default 
 pour l'activer.
\color red
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

To activate the phone account for an user click on the button 
\shape italic 
Create a phone account
\shape default 
\layout Subsubsection

Phone numbers
\layout Standard

Insert one or many phone numbers for the user by clicking on the button
\emph on 
\shape italic 
\emph default 
\shape default 
\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Telephone hardware
\layout Standard

\begin_inset  Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="3" columns="2">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" width="5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" width="10cm">
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Make your choice on the scroll list
<row topline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
Insert the PIN code of the user to reach his voicemail
<row topline="true" bottomline="true">
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

Phone PIN
\color red
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text

\layout Standard

\color black
Insert the PIN code of the user to unlock his phone


\layout Subsubsection
\added_space_top medskip 
Phone macro
\layout Standard

Selection of phone macro for the user's telephone.
\layout Subsection
\added_space_top bigskip 
\layout Standard

The references present the user's properties.
 It gives the administrator a short summary of the user's properties.